
>>75105 (OP)
this is like the third thread for him, showed up on the first one chill dude
they haven't posted anything worth leaking
didnt cleverfoxman made older inflation videos that got wiped off of youtube?
So anyone got the new 3d animation pack?
Anyone got any of his comics
i have the explosive marketing comic if anyone wants me to post it
anyone have all his comics full??
I want to see his old videos... on youtube but shame on youtube for reporting him if only you can ask him where his old videos are...
I shall share the 4 comics I have in hope of someone else sharing more.
This includes:
Does anyone have Burstality?
anyone got any of the catgirl inflation packs?
Can you post them again
Sadly I don't have his Underbelly comic even tho I donwloaded it some time ago :P
Anyone have killer goo from space???
>>77641 dang, missed it. Could we get a re-up
I've also missed that initially, but it appears that the wonderful person who's posted the mega in >>77372 is continuing to update it with stuff posted here (and we am very grateful for that)
>>75105 (OP)
Does he have a Twitter, objectively the worse alternative to Tumblr which has earned the title "Worst art hosting website ever"
any words on this still. still trying to find if anyone has this
Heyo anybody have anything non public that haven't been sent before? I'd be very appreciative if anyone could give me anything, new or old anything at all works.
Anyone got underbelly?
Anyone got anything in general?
Preferably non-public stuff?
Oh thank you! I like that very much!! Your amazing!
That one was fun to make. Glad you like it.
If anyone is interested, I do have commissions open currently. Might also make another animation like this soon.
(686 KB, 3300x2352, bender097.png)
Gonna post this later today. This was one of the many commissions coming soon!
(686 KB, 3300x2352, bender097.png)
had to fix some dead pixels.
Why thank you very much cleverfox man for all these nice things! As much as I would absolutely love to commission you I'm sadly broke af, but I'm surely fine with these things you've sent anyways! And idk if you care or not but I'm the same guy that thanked you for the puc and animation you sent recently, 81919
I miss his old yt videos
(I'm gonna start naming myself Michael)>>81996
Yeah his old yt videos were so freaking good dude!
(220 KB, 1142x1500, FoOtID0XwAgNipd.jpg)
I'm not a furry but his style is pretty great.
Post his humans.
Furrys, humans, aliens, robots, literally everything cleverfoxman makes NEVER disappoints me! It's all amazing!
Oh yeah! Can't forget about your voodoo inflations!! Those are really amazing too!!
What happens if in a last ditch effort she pulls the doll into her lips? Or consumes it? Would voreing the doll cause a chain reaction where all the air in girl As body flood into girl Bs?

This are the questions that keep me up at night
Like mutually assured destruction. If you stick a pin in me I'm gonna fill you with everything I have left to make sure we both blow into pieces
Also you should make a spf shooter game doom style like this someday i keep thinking how hot that would be!
Heeeey cleverfoxmaaaaaan Canaan you send some moooore stuuuufff that isn't public anywhere pleeeaasssee? :333
Does he take commissions?
I think he said rather he wwlas or was going to I'm not sure he'd have to answer for us
Well it appears to me that he definitely does! And anybody who gets them is obviously smart cause getting commissions from the best drawer ever is pretty smart.
Ooooooohhhhhh~!! Very good!!
Heyo cleverfoxman! You gots some new things youd be's happy to share here? Would be very happi boi if you did :3
what!? I just looked at that, and I freaking LOVED that! How could anything cleberfoxman make be disappointing anyways!?
>>85639 everyone has there own opinion ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Yes I can understand that and I'm not saying he is wrong for his opinion, he can believe whatever he/she wants. It just kinda took me by surprise how someone could Haye cleverfoxmans art, it IS like, superbly good to me and that's my own opinion, and I'm trying not to be like against anybody that hated cleverfoxman, and I mean I like the dude more anyways cause he sent the new comic! Thank you for sending that!
does anyone have the pussy pump video
I agree with this person above I would also like to see this

And now it's gone. Anyone else managed to snap a copy?
Does everyone have blueberry scam?
I generally surprised that no one has posted stuff related to this yet, like every single time someone asked where they can find this no one answers.
Yeah I know I mean people probably aren't really here all that often but I come back every day just to see if anybody actually did share something new
Someone please repost debu comics
And what about Blueberry Scam Comic?
Let's all be honest I don't think cleverfoxman is gonna just come here and send everything he makes for free were just beggars and yes this is what it's for but, I mean, he does need to make money off of it somehow and him showing us things isn't really helping out economic wise..
First of all, no shit he is ever going to post his art here. Second people are either doing this for archival purposes or just to wack off, and third, it's jut one guy, how is posting stuff locked behind a pay from one guy going to hurt the damn economy.
No shit people do it ro whack off if nobody was here to do that nobody would be here at all, nobody clearly gives 2 shits about this place as barely anybody actually ablodge to people's requests and send exactly what they want.

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