
Like watching inflation media while tripping, or wearing an inflatable suit and such?
Inflated once after hitting a THC vape pen.
It was interesting I guess? Sensations were stronger, but straight THC fucks me up after the initial high so I never tried it again. I'm going to see about getting some regular pre-rolls and giving it another shot.
I haven’t been on here in nearly a day I have to imagine some continued tantrums par for the course. Can’t wait to finally just ignore this idiot lol
Reeinapop said on her Tumblr while she was still thin and heavily into inflating herself.
Oh I think I know what uou guys are talking abouy either pure DMT, or salvia herb or the "Spice" herb which was a synthetic opioid and it was barely effective not even as strong as salvia. Actually those purple puffers that were sold for a while at gas stations got you higher.
Glasses, I was wrong and I admit it. I’ll goes as far as to believe you’ve been framed multiple times which I did suspect but not enough.
Your ex is an abusive piece of shit and Big Mom really is the source of the problem.
You have every right to hate me
Since they purposefully waited until you seemingly would hate me enough to not want me to do this
Because it’s all about her.
You were right
If I hadn’t fucked it up with I would ask for a second chance
I completely understand if you hate my guts completely
But if you want to meet up to talk more about things and figure out how we can help each other in our unique positions to get though this shit I’m all for it.
But please for the love of God don’t get back with her you deserve way better and I’m glad you’re with someone (last I heard) and safe from that shit.
I know what it's like to be hated by everybody. You get used to it. At least if you are superior to the ones that hate you.. you get used to it.
If you were superior you wouldn’t be hated by everyone
And yes, I know this isn’t them

>If you were superior you wouldn’t be hated by everyone

Oh my sweet summer child. One day I will build for you a perfect world were you may play freely amongst the orchids in the prarie with your friends without any ugly obstacles in your way, but you must give me time.
nah I figured it all out
The future is set and I’m at peace
21 River Run
>not questioning their sexuality
I hated Taylor Swift but Lavender Haze is making me change that opinion real quick
The motifs of the video are very berry I’m definitely not complaining
jerked off to inflation porn while on 1 tab of acid(also smoked dabs) and it felt like the most pleasurable experience of my life. was jackhammering my dick like you would not believe cause my nerves were feeling numb but my entire body felt like I was orgasming.
>>78633 Why didn't you do what normies do and took pills?
No drugs are for fwomphs
>>74896 (OP)
If you mean inflating yourself, no, don't do that. You should always keep a relatively clear mind while inflating, since you need to be in control of your body and have the sense of mind to do it without popping yourself.

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