
(34 KB, 496x466, imgonline-com-ua-dexifqyDL09rgnyLr.jpg)
Not gonna name sources but figured someone might find this trivia a bit intriguing at least a anonymous source (who I won't name to keep they're privacy, if they wish to make it known public its up to them.) A particular popular inflation model in the community was chatting randomly on a certain internet board. (Mostly random chatter) but one of the things brought up at random was that some while back (but pretty recently Rolfe kanefsky (creator of the original mood boobs.) Was feeling a bit nostalgic and talks were brought up of him wanting to do a sequel to his cult classic. As far as it was mentioned he got to about the stage where he was shopping around and asking particular models in the community if they'd want to be a part of it? (this source being one of them.) No real info has come to my attention that things ever got past possible cast window shopping but it's just a interesting tid bit I figured I'd drop on all of you that mood boobs 2 was almost a possibility. Who knows if Rolfe will ever pick up the pen on the idea ever again but I figured this was a good excuse to throw this rumored info out there. As well as maybe bring up conversation on both the cult classic of inflation media and what you'd wish to see from a sequel?
>>74467 (OP)
I would like Shaina Fewell to return to it lol. Oh man if they made a sequel hope they would use practical effects that are better than the first film. Also, does anyone have a high quality version of Mood Boobs? Like hardly any compression and no ai upscaling? The bluray of the movie it came with is out so I was wondering if it is in higher quality.
>>74467 (OP)
Im sure if enough people show their interest like emailing or something, it'll totally happen
I'm only interested in an inflatey 50 Shades of degenerate Greys.
if theres one thing in this world that ive never understood its peoples obsession with mood boobs, that shit is mid as hell and always has been
I mean, it is now, but back in the day pretty much the only other thing that was really engaging in BE on its own merits was Bambi Blaze. Ya take what you can get, sometimes.
shit man when did that film come out?
remember seeing clips of it when i was like 6 searching up inflation porn. wild that it and bambi blaze beyond some 3d animated stuff was really the only thing you could get off to at the time.
DSreDUX got the rights to make a mood boobs comic which is currently ongoing (it's basically the first movie) and I'm pretty sure they mentioned talking with Rolfe about a possible sequel as well, tweet must like a year old but I'm pretty positive DS mentioned the sequel...
So what's the status on this comic too now? News to me but I just hope for more mood boobs content in future. Heck maybe a mood booty or mood balloons with like belly or full inflation suit gag shenanigans!
Comic is being published in their Patron, idk how much of it is publicly available and last I checked it still being made.
Well at least drop us a cover panel or something once it does release giving us the heads up
Do you have the full comic ?
The part that cracks me up the most about Mood Boobs is that prior to its release, Kanefsky had a reputation as a horror short director who semi-regularly used breast expansion as a body horror plot device. Enough people praised his prior work that he made a silly comedy short about it, and now it's the only work of his that people ever talk about. I'm sure if people look for his earlier work they're going to find some lost gems nobody has seen in a decade.
I've been trying chat gpt and gotta say it gives some decent results, although it has a lot caviots, mainly the same as AI.chat where there can't be any sexual language and absolute no bad ends nor bad outcomes. Tried to get a character end up corrupted and addicted to inflate themselves but the bot can't write thing that could promote self destructive attitudes.
Lmao ignore that got distracted and posted this on the wrong thread
Could you re up please?
(946 KB, 1000x749, Mega_Butt.png) (1.4 MB, 480x360, Mega Butt.mp4)
This would be a waste of a thread if I made one about this topic, so does anyone have a hd rip or not so compressed version of the Mega Butt inflation character intro from "all that" season 10?

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