
(139 KB, 460x460, 12B583FA-E832-46A6-8F70-BF645A6FB01E.png)
Am not saying this to full on erp with a group I want the inflation to be just one of the characters abilities. My best idea was the living weapon monk subclass and reflavoring blocking projectiles as inflating like a pufferfish to deflect bludgeoning blows and bullets and just reflavor it as general rubber person abilities. Any other ideas.
I know what you’re saying, but you gotta actually take the leap of faith and jump like I am or else we will go nowhere.
You can’t do what you’re suggesting in this platform/format
Communication has to be migrated to another platform and full scale yet anon otherwise we will go nowhere
Until then things will be obvious and people will mess with that as we can see from the photos a few threads down
At least now I realize all this weirdness is actually you guys and not Glasses as was portrayed
Maybe let’s try to move along that development before I think about this too hard and realize the implications for what that meant for you two
I genuinely like you two as people.
Can we please genuinely for the love of God try to come to actual peaceful irl resolution?
I’ll delete this once I realize you’ve read this somehow
But yeah let me be upfront for this moment just to try and get understandable comms going before we lose something awesome yet fragile we’re all trying to handle delicately
I understand this may be a retarded idea but jumping in the water is probably the best option for a character like this and the inflation block will probably only be used once because first time round it’s a creative use of the rubber powers 34th time round it’s just obvious. Your probably right it is not worth risking a group over my own degeneracy. Am just insanely desperate at this point to play this characterf
Someone texted me about wine
use that same energy you have my number
Next time it happens I’ll make sure to get a burner and respond with that
I understand what you mean you’re saying it’s just the novelty with once
I’m okay with that.
I’m sorry things were so confusing
For my own sake I had to assume any shenanigans here were by the kicked out one since that’s the safest bet in that scenario since I was assuming you two are friendly which you seemingly are
I’m sorry for any potential miscommunication belligerence over the last week.
It’s a joyous day. You deserve to have one
As a final aside for now
To the elder
I’m very serious about my feelings but it seems that you both are deferring to their want of exclusivity to a point
I get that completely. Just know my heart always meant what it meant.
Also they don’t go on here much at all anymore so don’t worry about them on here too much
As for Bendy
Joyous Day
Remember that futa audio thing I mentioned once? Yeah I’m serious
I’m totes down to do that for you today and post it here in some capacity
Consider a goodwill gift lol
But seriously I want to do that for you (both essentially) so like unless I get some really good indicator otherwise I’m really looking forward to letting you listen to some nice uh, sounds, from start to finish haha
Currently in school for the moment
Later tonight I’ll drop the good audio
Might do multiple because I’m feeling it ✨
The best answer is DON'T.
If someone puts two and two together, they will have a story they'll post online, or worse, tell people you know. Plus, this is a fetish, not a standard thing, so you will probably make everyone deeply uncomfortable if they figure it out.

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