
(221 KB, 1920x1080, rising_to_the_ionosphere__5_5__by_windchildwhimsy_dfm1qtm-fullview.jpg) (709 KB, 1920x1080, rising_to_the_ionosphere__4_5__by_windchildwhimsy_dfm1qu0-fullview.png) (764 KB, 1920x1080, rising_to_the_ionosphere__3_5__by_windchildwhimsy_dfm1quc-fullview.png) (741 KB, 1920x1080, rising_to_the_ionosphere__2_5__by_windchildwhimsy_dfm1quk-fullview.png) (756 KB, 1920x1080, rising_to_the_ionosphere__1_5__by_windchildwhimsy_dfm1qut-fullview.png)
Any good Lillie art? Preferably blueberry?
Donyayore on Twitter.
Has anybody saved the old thread?
Lmfao imagine becoming a fat lard blob thousands in dollars in debt with mommy because you’re an utter failure and worthless as the head of anything let alone a legacy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🎻🎻🎻😂😂😂🙏
Does you have that second Cynthia pic in higher quality?
Can anyone link the old one?
(758 KB, 1896x3919, Fp-0MuHXoAImtnP.jpg)
New pokégirl dropped. Only a matter of time

>Only a matter of time
Like pokemon hasn't been complete garbage literally since pichu the 152 baby pikachu pokemon gimme a break
Dude what's your problem? All I did was share a new character

A character that I would've rather you not have posted because I am not a fan. Sorry if my opinion disturbed your peace as it was not my intent and had I known that you woul've reacted in such an immature manner I would've refrained from posting initially. What can I do to make it up to you? Here I'n showing you that I am a better person than any of your friends, and I'm not even trying.

What were you bothered about, again?
Some people just angry about everything.

>Some people
Yeah... Right...... Keep pretending. We'll see how far it gets you, won't we?
Im angry about penises such useless machines designed only to spit pineapple flavored fluids everywhere

Why can't it be red and taste like cherry Kool aid?

Poor girl. Don't worry. I hear Science will save you. Find a cure 1 day.
I swear these types of sites have some of the most autistic, mentally defective bitches in existence. Worse than the fucking sjws Mah gawd.
Yall jerk off to pokemon.

Only when the have titties. If you photoshop titties on a cow I'll probably jerk off for a few seconds.
K but not all of us have a hair trigger that flips when someone posts a picture of a new character.
Have anyone save the old thread?
Anyone got the animation where Nessa get fill up with water
considering theres braxian up above and no one has gone crazy because its “not human” i dont think it matters
People probably haven’t gone crazy and complained about furry being in here because they realize this is a furry thread and it would be stupid to complain about furry content in a furry thread
Does this dumb ass nigga not know where navels go?
(321 KB, 2877x1585, EmijmlKVcAgdrfg.jpg)
Drifloons are Drifblims are the best.

Prove me wrong.
(17 KB, 1232x563, sabrina_sprite_sequence_by_navsaka_dftprc5-fullview.png) (16 KB, 1232x584, erika_sprite_sequence_by_navsaka_dftpr1e-fullview.png) (68 KB, 1280x815, bwoomish__sabrina_and_erika_by_kurofusen_dftrthd-fullview.jpg) (119 KB, 1280x1098, erika_and_sabrina_inflation_by_sergi0cipactli_dft4mn8-fullview.jpg) (169 KB, 1280x1707, bodyinflation_erika_sabrina_by_kudann2506_dfty7vv-fullview.jpg) (410 KB, 1100x500, intense_incense_by_leo_nisael_dfsj9mr-fullview.png)
Bless the dude who´s been commissioning all those Erika & Sabrina inflations.

On a side note, does anyone have Blaxinkek´s Kahili and Beauty (Masters EX) blimps? Those are the only 2 missing from his Patreon on the Kemono page. It´s lost media at the moment since he shutdown his Patreon, though he did say he was going to start uploading the former images for free, or move them to another pay site, though there´s been no update on that.
Bro this is a furry thread

Be a clown somewhere else 🤡
(4.0 MB, 1999x1453, Genevieve's Golden Ticket Bikini (resize).jpg)
>>83762 You know you're making it in the fetish circles when someone else posts your art in one of the chan forums.

I was commissioned to draw a follow-up, which I posted to my public accounts just a little after a week after this was uploaded here. I already posted it in the general blueberry thread, but I might as well post the sequel, along with the abridged short story here.


You smile and inhale a deep breath of the ocean air. The soft crashes of each gentle wave wash your worries out to the sea. You're already glad you let Genevieve talk you into this.

Your hand goes to Genevieve's ball first, and in a moment, she's at your side, towering over you.

Once your shy, quiet Gardevoir, Genevieve has now and forever been transformed into a giant blueberry, eight feet in diameter, with boobs bigger than a pair of Gravelers. She smiles and laughs in delight as her vestigial hands and feet flapped and kicked from within the divots of her body.

"It's beautiful!" Genevieve exclaimed.

"Sure is," you reply, somewhat absent-minded as your hand gently strokes her side.

She coos and awes as her rosy eyes scanned the scene. She turned her head, doing her best to look at you over the horizon of her own relatively new blueberry body.

"Thank you for taking us here, Master."

"Thank you for convincing me to come here, Genevieve. I can already tell today is going to be a good day, for all of us."

"Yeah..." Genevieve says, looking a little bashful. "Master, could you, um... put me back in my PokeBall, for just a moment?"

To tilt your head in confusion. "Why?"

"I have a surprise for you," she says, excitement working its way into her voice.

You just look at her for a moment, uncertain. "Okay, sure," you slowly answer, and recall your permaberry Gardevoir.

("I'll be quick, I promise!") Genevieve telepathically says from inside her PokeBall, than withdraws just as quickly from your mind.

You stare at her capsule in confusion for a moment, then make an uncertain "Hmmm..." before seeing to letting out the rest of your Pokemon. A few minutes pass before she contacts you again.

("Okay master, I'm ready!")

With one last moment to brace yourself, you let Genevieve back out of her PokeBall, and your eyes nearly pop out of your skull at the sight of her.

"Do you like it?" She asked, an eagerness in her voice.

"Whoa..." you mutter, staring in awe at her succulent blue skin, canyon of cleavage, and enormous blueberry breasts, threatening to pop out of her bikini top.


You're startled out of your staring, realizing you still haven't answered her question.

"Genevieve... you look... golden."

Genevieve's eyes widened, lighting up like Moonblasts. She looked away from you, bashful, even as a smile as wide as her facial muscles could push creased her cheeks. Her hands flapped and her feet kicked in excitement.

"You like it that much?" she asks, stammered.

"I am beyond impressed, Genevieve."

Genevieve's smile grew even wider.

"I-I'm glad you love it so much, master."

"I do. So, now that your in your swimsuit, how does me rolling you to the water for a swim suit you?"

She smiles. "I would love to go swimming with you, master. Although, be careful when you're rolling me. We wouldn't want anything to... pop out... would we?"
From what I've seen, inflation is isolated above all else. Don't like it, don't look.
Man That-One-Ace-Guy is such a great artist^^
nobody likes a mini-janny
You ain't part of us the way you act.
There haven't been anymore because they deleted their patreon page shortly after that last picture
(2.8 MB, 3505x2545, The Happiest Blueberry in Galar (resize).jpg)
Milo’s eyelids drooped, and his lips pulled tight in a big, dopey smile that only a man head-over-heels in love with a woman could make.

“Who’s my big, beautiful, blueberry bride?” Milo asked.

“I am!” Nessa squealed in coquettish delight, emphatically flapping her dainty, vestigial hands.

Milo chuckled, each chortle becoming deeper. His smile twisted with rapacious masculine hunger, and he leaned in closer to Nessa, penetrating her eyes with a lustful leer that she found as hard and irresistible as his cock.

“Who’s my permaberry… princess… p r o p e r t y?”

“I… UUNGH… I-I AAAH… I AAAAAAM!!!” Nessa howled and wailed in ecstasy, ecstatic bursts shooting from her twitching nipples and pulsating, plump pussy as her blueberry body shuddered and trembled in pleasure from the bewitching words of its true master. “OH!… I… OOOH!… MILO, I… OOOOOOH!! I LOVE YOOOOOOOOOU-MPH!!!”

Nessa’s shrieking cries were cut silent by Milo pressing his face into hers for another deep, passionate kiss that descended into a sloppy make-out session, lips and noses and cheeks rubbing and grinding into each other with no discernment but to touch another. Milo broke their face-sucking to whisper, their noses still nestled into each other.

“I love you too, Nessa.” Milo moved to the side of her head, cradling her cheek on the opposite side of her face to him, and whispered into her ear in a way that sent electric tingles all throughout her body and raised bumps across her skin. If she still had a neck, the hairs on the back of it would be standing up.

“And I’m going to keep showing you, just how much I love you… every… single… day…"

Then Milo kissed her on the cheek, powerful but gentle, and burning with barely restrained manly passion, just like when he had lifted her veil and kissed her on their wedding day.

Nessa’s eyelids squinted in heavenly contentment as her eyes nearly rolled all the way back into her head from the overwhelming pleasure and love she was feeling. Her cute, cherubic, chubby cheeks were creased by the widest smile she could make as a line of juice dribbled from her plump lips, the happiest blueberry in Galar.


Alternate title: "The Fruit of a Farmer's Labor of Love."

Commission for anonymous.
(1.0 MB, 4000x3299, Iono (1).png)
I think Blax said that he´ll open some new place to do his Poke project, though there has been no update in months. Sadly his Kahili and Beauty (Masters EX) drawings are still lost media. Those were the last 2 he made before shutting his patreon down.
Does someone have the patch for the fat Kris hack of Pokemon crystal
(1.0 MB, 1913x2475, FlkqORRWQAE63Dn.jpg)
I like how nipple tapes imply the boobs are ballooned.
Who's the artist?
Who made these?
NepuOfInflation on DA
surprising lack of misty in this thread
(562 KB, 1280x417, IMG_4783.png)
Olympia needs more inflation art.
(4.0 MB, 1900x1428, Genevieve Having a Ball Being a Ball (resize).png) (4.1 MB, 1600x1198, Genevieve's First Halloween (resize).png)
Can't believe I forgot to share my two latest pictures here of Genevieve, the permaberry Gardevoir.

First is Genevieve Having a Ball Being a Ball, which is a direct follow-up to >>85329. Being rolled is one of Genevieve's absolute favorite things about being a giant blueberry, as Zapper (the Pikachu) and Floofy (the Eevee) discover to their delight.

Second is Genevieve's First Halloween as a Blueberry. The theme for all [your] Pokemon was to be dressed up as other Pokemon. Zapper and Floofy are just as exhilarated to see themselves dressed up as each other as they are to see their rolly-polly blueberry friend as a rolly-polly Pokemon via Genevieve and her giant, juicy jugs stuffed into a Snorlax kigurumi. Genevieve however, does not share their enthusiasm.

Short stories that provide additional context can be found for these pictures on my galleries on Deviant Art, Fur Affinity, Pivix, New Grounds, and Itaku.
I feel like some of these are inflation but others aren’t. I wonder why many people like this artist since his style isn’t the best around?
(132 KB, 410x419, gardepuff__colored__by_bo_the_sno_dd4zz24.gif)
Thank you!

I'll be sure to post more Genevieve as I draw her, sorry in advance if I forget for a while to post new pieces of her here right when I post her to my personal galleries.
(189 KB, 1280x1707, 0FD40988-75F2-41E7-857F-9D1521CDAD6F.jpeg) (179 KB, 1280x1707, D1AA84CA-64E0-432A-B906-7A8EA399B123.jpeg) (186 KB, 1280x1707, 2B115FC0-2DC0-443E-9E5B-01E44C79D888.jpeg) (185 KB, 1280x1707, 3953D941-FC14-492C-B3C5-7B928182C7DB.jpeg) (146 KB, 1280x960, 5C2CB655-B7CF-44B6-91C4-8176AAB6448B.jpeg) (176 KB, 1280x1707, 8B61A757-F86B-407D-95F8-F6C74E69C948.jpeg)
The next six also step aside summer Hilda the real cotton candy showed up.
(10.4 MB, 2600x1975, Nice Blue Balls, Bro (resize) by The Hungry Lurker.png)
Another commission, fresh into the juicing room, for theeyeoftheseen, who wanted an eager to please Tinkaton dressed as a 1971 Oompa Loompa turning herself into a giant blueberry with tits bigger than her hammer to impress her trainer boyfriend.

The full story with the picture is available on my Deviant Art, Fur Affinity, and New Grounds accounts, with abridged versions on Pivix and Itaku.


(November is over, after all...)
Drake had a colored version on his DA.
Have you looked on his Kemono? I saw a lot of his poke stuff on there.
(2.0 MB, 2160x1620, Festive_Blimps_in_Pasio.png)
I know his Kemono has most of his stuff, I mean that he made the Kahili, Masters Beauty, and probably the XY painter as well after he announced he was shutting down his patreon, so those pics were never reuploaded their

Anyways, Happy Holidays everyone
(10.2 MB, 2619x2000, Carmine, the Indigo Blueberry (resize).png)
Carmine felt like she was floating with only her head above the water in a pool of pure sexual stimulation, except she was the pool. It would have been everything she had hoped for and so, so much more, if her capacity to think consciously hadn't been almost completely impounded by how inhumanly turned on she was. Her clothes were so tight they felt like one prodded stitch would make them explode off her, and that was all it might take to set the rest of her off, too.

Carmine clenched the muscles furthest from her head for the closest thing to a kegel flex this giant, juicy new body of hers could muster, and held it until the pressure of the juice still building up within her proved too much, and that pocket of succulent, sexual nectar forced itself out of her quaking pussy with an orgasmic moan.

"Florian," Carmine moaned with animalistic fervor without even consciously thinking about it, as if the ocean of juice within her that was drowning out her ego had just allowed the sexual leviathan of her id to swim to the surface.

"Yes, baby? Florian stammered.

Carmine's half lidded eyes steeled with intent and the next words so spoke were said with more fervor than any she had ever spoken in her life.



I held a poll for my watchers on what to draw for Christmas. Another PokeGirl won the first round, then Carmine from the Pokemon Scarlet/Violet DLCs won with more than twice as many votes as the runner up, so I drew this.

Full story is on my DA, FA, & NG accounts. Also available on Pivix and Itaku.

Enjoy, and Merry (belated) Christmas!
I didn't care about Carmine but now I do.
Veil of J...guy refuses to improve his art and is prone to having mental breakdowns.

Kinda a shame really.
(1.1 MB, 1900x2400, 5be4721387bdf95e281f198f2c5ec9c714e9d6187dd9c18714c883863616cddd.png) (1.9 MB, 5120x3328, a9a54791d5492c73832a51fe175bb3fe4715ca09983a3f2dc35cba2b78184b71.png) (1.7 MB, 3048x3153, c36f8b818e2af5427141bd4564494db57d8d6fa865475bcc5d749b1bcd7bd058.png) (1.6 MB, 2027x2143, 2dd9a05e12915f8b1692a96a1cd9fafae1a8ce6f1ef689724b58652a7223ec42.png) (1.3 MB, 2000x2000, 588f86b0636022693a2ba4d1d0d599186aa64613c76bb872cf069ceff833f111.png) (1.0 MB, 1760x1654, 374d9cb2fb0838110cfabd771b824fc5d582cf87c1397fc5a22b506da8976c9a.png)
(10.2 MB, 2500x1900, Lily & Amber's Swell Tour (resize).png)
And then the one inflation artist willing to Asperger's enough to put this much effort into making all their drawings in colored pencils made his first furry inflation commission...

Commission for Dragonmaster3417 on Fur Affinity and Deviant Art of his Lopunny OCs, tomboy athlete Lily and her former pro wrestler mom Amber.
(1.2 MB, 5000x3000, Balloon May by ZeroGhostRei.png)
Uploading this one here. Whoever likes this pic, better save it, cuz apparently the original got removed from Deviantart.
Bless but fuck off that guy too god it's a little annoying to see all the pics being the exact same thing over and over again with the same faces, poses and even Erika's underwear.
Soo many chances to try seomthing new but all are basically the same in other style and that's it
It stop being enjoyable like 8 pics of these two ago
There's got to be a romhack.
I can't tell if it's the suit or her body that's puffed up
Any water or other liquid inflation?
(810 KB, 547x800, 3def2f.png)
https://mega(.)nz /folder/ZaFwRTYQ#-aBxlSnF73_GTMdPTQLFmw/folder/cW1wWDIS

https://postimg(.)cc /gallery/Y4NGBYG

Here are some of the galleries you can find in the archived /vp/ ai threads.
>>110935 Both links don’t work
You need to remove the () and the space between the domain and the slash.
(4.1 MB, 1350x1768, PokeBerry Producer; Haxorus (bite sized).png) (4.0 MB, 1350x1766, Pokeberry Producer; Valerie (bite size).png)
It's me again
It's me aaaagain

Dual flat color commissions for opaquesheep that I drew to be able to be combined into a double spread.

Valerie seems pretty rare to see as a blueberry, and I've heard tell that this is the first time Haxorus has been drawn as a blueberry. Can anyone else confirm?

Three-part story connecting all three images is available on by Deviant Art, Fur Affinity, and New Grounds accounts. Also available on Pivix and Itaku, sans story.
Haxorus is not the kind of thing I like, but I do have to say that Valerie is pretty rare to see, amazing job!
Anyone got the Jeet ones? Specifically the pokeball ones
Did anyone save the Hisui Dawn that Metal forever did? It's one of my favorites.
The first is too hot, and the second is too cute.
We need more water inflation
I can't tell if I like Rosa, Hilda, or Cynthia the most.
>be me
>associate every poké woman with a type of inflation
May: bike pump and water
Dawn: helium or Drifloon/Drifblim
Hilda and Rosa: tire inflator
Cynthia: air pump or Drifloon/Drifblim
any liquid or water inflation?
(10.2 MB, 3582x2670, Needy Nemona.jpg)
Nemona be like:
>Most bloodthirsty (and thirsty) rival in the Pokemon franchise
>Actually likes it when you beat her (in battle)
>Often likens your growing skills as a trainer to ripening fruit
>Catchphrase is: "Let's have a FRUITFUL battle!"

She's telling you what she's into without telling you what she's into.

That, or my berry brain-rot has gone terminal.

Drawn as a (very late) birthday present for Nisael-Arts, based off a conversation we had over a year ago, citing the above traits of Nemona's character and speculating that this is her actually trying to signal that she wants you to fold her like a pretzel, stuff her into a mattress, and then force her to chew the gum like you force her to swallow, and that she's the kind of girl who'd call her lover "Daddy" in bed.
Got tired of your little passive aggressive pissing contest with the brap thread on /aco/ so you had to come subject all of us here to your abysmal art here too, Lurker?
What a fruitful rival battle.
(114 KB, 938x528, spongeboblaughingmeme.jpg)
>MFW I learn that years later, the fart huffers are STILL in-fighting and falsely accusing each other of being me:

Unless it's to check it out upon hearing about another instance of the fart fuckers throwing my name around like a gaggle of pot-smoking, retarded Salem villagers playing Among Us, I don't go to brap threads. I don't interact with brapers, and I sure as Hell don't post on their threads. The one, and ONLY one exception was last May, when there was another flame war, and I stated I wished people wouldn't post berries in the brap threads, because it was in poor form (with a berry pic that has a fart alt, because the troll opportunity was too good to pass up).

Furthermore, it's extra hilarious that morons blame that whole war starting on me, since it started long before I even began lurking 4Chan in spring of 2021, and the first time I ever posted a comment on the entire website was a reply to a picture mocking both berryfags and fart fuckers, which, for the record, was a link to a clip of Count Dankula cracking up at a troll pic of him and Sargon, saying: "I'm trying to fake being angry, but that's fuckin' funny!"

Do you know how insignificant and meaningless those people are to me? Someone has posted two fartcloud berry alts to the current aco thread -- which, for the record, I started -- but no one, not even me, has so much as replied with even just the original version, because even someone as socially retarded as I am is still savvy enough to know: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThJcHjCI9j4&t=2s

Though since we're on the appropriate thread now, perhaps you have a meaningful, good faith critique of my work, or advice on how to improve?

Or you you can keep seething from the shadows, hating on the one guy at the Eyes Wide Shut party who isn't hiding behind a mask.

Rode hard, put away wet, sticky, and moaning. >:3
I would say I'm surprised at your boldfaced dishonesty, but I'm not, as it's in your nature to be a disingenuous rat. It's beyond clear to everyone you, like every berryfucker top down from your lord and master FW to Fruitfrakker to Undertaker that this constant antagonism gives you a rush of superiority, something the lot of you are wholly devoid of in real life. It's a byproduct of narcissism and sociopathy inherent among your kind. You bit off more than you could chew on /d/ though when the mods banished your malignant asses to /aco/, and surprising nobody, instead of reflecting on your obvious deranged actions you quadruple down and blame everyone but yourselves. This isn't going away, Lurker, because you don't want it to. You can stick your nose up in the air and keep up this desperate and pathetic superiority act but the truth of the matter is 'these people' you hate so desperately give your miserable existence some level of meaning.
>your lord and master [sic] FW to Fruitfrakker to Undertaker

Ooooooh... you're THAT chauvinistic cunt from the old /d/ threads.

For the record, I have stated since the very beginning on the first chapter of my first story that was the first thing I ever posted was inspired by my immeasurable disappointment that Undertaker33 had a legitimately unique and novel idea of a blind girl turning into a blueberry, only to utterly waste it on a waifu-of-the-week, "I can't believe it's another fucking factory tour" fan-fiction. Freakin Weirdo, I have always stayed far from personally, because his exploding illustrations strike me as the work of a low-key sociopath/would-be serial killer. And Fruit Frakker is a malignant sadist and repugnant parasite, and one thing I've never seen ANYONE give him ANY flak for is the objective fact that he's an open and ardent supporter of drag queen story hour, which to me is a tacit admission that he's a pedophile/child predator, or at the very least a pedo/predator sympathizer/supporter, and if I ever caught him in that act, I would make Paul Kersey proud.

I have never so much as messaged, let alone spoken to the above people, and for FF, I use that word loosely... but you wouldn't know any of that, because you don't know shit about me.

You wrote all that diatribe in vain; I didn't bother reading anything past the green text, since that made it immutably clear how headachingly retarded you are. I'm only even writing back for posterity's sake; I know you're almost certainly not going to read, much less accept anything I have to say in return, because you've already cast me as your next windmill to project all your festering aggression, insecurity, and guilt onto, and thus antagonize me in your quixotic crusade to virtue-signal your solipsistic moral superiority (on fucking threads about pornography of women turning into blueberries) in a vain attempt to give worth to your empty, unfulfilled, meaningless life.

I will not read, let alone reply to anything you have to say in return, because you're not worth squandering a single second more on.

Now go fuck yourself, because no one else will fuck you.

This conversation is over.
Does anyone have the deleted booberries works?
They're on Pixiv now, reuploading all lost works haha

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