
Looks like someone is AI Mania fuel excited
is this sentence supposed to be english?
First page of the PDE semi-sequel dropped today on their patreon. Anyone happen to have it, and is willing to share? Regardless, Katie and PDE was always my favorite part of the whole Whackyverse thing, so I’m excited to get more content w/ her as the focal point.
Bumping in case anyone has the new pages from the latest comic
isn't there only just one? not worth the investment just yet if 0pik is uploading them in incremental bursts.
Yeah that’s fair, but I think it’s worth bringing up anyways to see if someone who currently happens to be subscribed is willing to drop it
question? where are those little gremlins taking them? why do they turn them into fruits? and what are they gonna do to them after the comic ended?
What happened with the boyfriend (I assume)? That must be heartbreaking to lose your girl like that.
What would you do in that situation? Would you envy her? I do when they target all the women
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Bro fucking died in the car crash from the second comic unless in Wacky Candy 3 he comes back in a rickshaw
Are you sure? I mean the car crashed yeah but that does not mean he took a big night night. He could just be unconscious and the statement of “one headache out of the way.” Could just mean the chase.
Oh no they dead
i remember this specific second panel you psoted made me nut instantly the first time i saw it cause it looked like my abusive chubby ex girlfriend. real psychological wonder that was
Go fuck yourself
>>74876 (Cross-thread)
Funny how that works this piece looks like an abusive narcissist I know irl that’s painfully obsessed (and will never get with) someone that looks like your example
Did anyone support Opik-Oort Patreon?
They're cultivating them for the vegan Lovecraftian horror that they worship. Once the holy cornucopia is completed, it'll bring forth the full power of the old one and with it, the complete warping of reality so that Earth is nothing but a cosmic mesh of different infinitely regenerating candies, so that its followers can forever have their fill of the only thing they ever wanted while do their gods bidding of forcing the cattle that is humanity to constantly stuff themselves to bursting until they're large enough to create the juciest and most flavorful fruit for it to dine on.

Trust me, my friends, uncles, cousins, doctors, veteranarians son did Opik's plumbing.
plumbing can be a bitch
Bro, I swear to god Opik's been creating a whole universe at this point
It could ultimately be a lovecraftian thing like >>75244 led on, but I just think that they want to spread their candy empire but to do so they need human test subjects. Every time we see a gremlin girl get afflicted with the expansion bug they usually quickly explode from it.

lmao Jesus that face at the bottom of the first page. Anyways I'm just glad that we're out of the Panspermia doldrums.
>Panspermia doldrums
That whole long ass period combined with the victims ending up in space makes the outcome makes it hard for me to believe the outcome will be anything but having to do with aliens and at the very least will be Willy Wonka and the Killer Klowns from outer space on a grocery run for their planet because even in a universe where Willy Wonka existed, all this shit they've done seems insanely overboard for a better snack.
Agreed panspermia was such a meh comic it felt like it was more an artistic jerk off to sharpen skills more than anything.
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It all leads to all of them being feed to their demon overlords
Indeed, one where I am just as curious how it’ll all play out as I am turned on. More so the former at times.
As an artist myself, God forbid we actually try new things to improve and do something different from the usual.
>>75307 Well, that's a laugh.
Anyone got the working mab link with all of the comics?
I don't think it was him trying to improve; I think it was just a passion project to him which is why there's such a stark difference in themes from all his usual stuff and how it went on for so long.

He really, really, REALLY, loves science fiction.
different is fine, but oort worked on panspermia for what felt like FOREVER
Has a male, I kinda feel cucked. Maybe because they only target women
I know god forbid you do what your audience (who pays a subscription) want to see, you’re right it’s better to just jerk them around on your passion projects … I wonder how well that’s working out for Disney, or HBO?
originally just came for the smut, now I'm just invested in the story
Hi. I guess I’m like the villain. I don’t know what to say. I just hope you think they have good music taste
Not just Panspermia, what was the deal with that bizarre slob comic he did for like a month? No connection to any of his past works, no inflation, not even dialogue, a fucking vore ending? It was such a bizarre departure from his usual and I can only assume probably alienated at least half of his followers.
His series deserves a good comic dub and/or an animation
Just need a good site to host it where it won’t get taken down or need an account to view
man when I saw this chick show up in the wacky candy comic I had imagined a scenario where she had to convince the wonka people to let her work for them while she was getting progressively bigger and swelling to her limit and getting juiced at the last second.
to be fair I dont think those disney movies were so much passion projects as they were obnoxious contrarianism from miserable people.
It doesn't need a dub; use your imagination.
Who are you?
Yeah I think the obnoxious contrarian ones aren’t Disney.
Miserable people love to discredit others because they can’t find it in themselves to love someone enough to create such art.
What voices do you imagine for the characters?
Imagine being so miserable that you hate Disney and its essence. The jealousy must be immense. You should go to Disney World sometime it’s fun
Dude Disney is one of the most controversial companies in American history, it's honestly not hard to hate them if you know anything about it's history and aren't high on pixie dust. (Also, while the parks are nice they're crazy expensive now, and don't think that's going to change even with Bob Chapek is gone)

Bob Chapek. I wonder if he got fired because he loved fat girls.

Or maybe he had plans to break the silence on these spies bought by "China" that are stalking American citizens even when they go into Disney Land. It's called Domestic Terrorism when it's organized, btw.
I just really hate Disney adults. You're right, this has gotten hilariously off topic.
>>78094 Everybody named Bob loves huge boobs, and I have seen these "spies" that are supposedly Chinese with my own eyes (and they were latino and african American, mostly.) A large group network of coordinated stalkers that try to get your attention, scare you, and make details of everything you do when you're out in public.

Because of those rxperiences now I believe the illuminati is real and the government is covering it up. I don't go anywhere without provisions and preparation.
Obfuscating the truth with garbage because that’s what a Chinese spy/asset would do
Everyone is smart enough to not listen to your idiocy and seeing what’s REALLY going on here today
You’re not fooling anyone Russo idiot, times up
>>78102 (Dead) I am an average citizen and lifelong huge breast lover. My passion for beautiful girls existed long before I owned my first playboy magazine. My sense of humor is good enough that I would never think it is funny to lie about something like this. Furthermore, I despise liars. I was the person who saw the group dressed identical to me enter a building after me. That is not all I've seen. I also saw other less notable occurences that I wasn't sure at first what to make of them. I have seen them use imageboards to communicate to me that they saw where I was. They have "mobs" that work in popular stores and keep an eye out for targets. They also have workers in things like Fedex delivery trucks, and they are affiliated with online shopping sites advertisement tracking you. I don't know much other than what I've seen.
>>78114 How am I a villain, and how am I gloating? I'm trying to help as many as I can so that the same thing doesn't happen to them, and no I'm not the least bit a scared because I'm going to tell the truth no matter what happens.
And I am not scared because God knows my desires and my needs, and he sees my heart and my intentions.
Here’s the rub. This post is actually true. Singling our minorities in a racist way is just their way of trying to throw the whole idea out by putting something toxic in.
It’s a propaganda old as time and typical of Chinese/Russo methods
Obfuscation. Mixing absurdity with reality to make it all look dumb.
To the ones that care know that the methods described in the specific post I pointed out are true and happened to me the other night. They’re getting a bit cocky and doing my job for me. Idc about perception or myself here I care about corroborating the info
guys if you want to talk about chinese spy balloons and disneys corruption, take it to the chinese spy balloon inflation thread that (unfortunately) exists
In hindsight I can tell you God is with you.
>>78164 Why should anybody care what you think about something so personal? I can tell that your mom never loved you. How's that?
Don't Be Picky page 6 is available now.
Bump Again
>>78659 holy shit the patreon is like two dollars just buy the page and post it yourself
God I’m so ready for the next page. Those hands are ready for SQUEEZING
Fuck yeah great stuff!
Can someone reup the link to all of the comics?
who got Don't Be Picky page 8
who got Don't Be Picky page 9?
Darn. Was kinda hoping we'd see Katie fully inflated for a little bit longer. Especially since it had been years since we have seen her in the original run of the comic
who got Don't Be Picky page 10?
Awww you beat to posting it ^^ I think you got your wish to keep her big
five minutes de-juiced before swelling back up again
man, even if you're into it you'd get tired after a while
I just remembered; Opik is kinda afraid of nips, isn’t he?
who got Don't Be Picky page 11
he can join the club along with lordaltros
Damn that elf loompa got fat as fuck before that sploshing! I love it! Just wish she got bigger!
Are all the human employees berry-girls too? It looks like she's got some unexplained blue on her face after the crash, almost like some makeup rubbed off
I think its just cause she's supposed to be an alien. I don't think that's makeup she's wearing during Halloween after all, and she has blue skin and antennae there.
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Pretty sure she had to get juiced, though.

This message is brought to you by Schizophrenia. "Schizophrenia: They can't control you if your brain chemicals are out of whack."
Continuity error:
Just realized MC's suit changed colors. Opik needs to fire his wardrobe staff.
who got Don't Be Picky page 12
yo lo tengo lo publico en un rato
chicos una pregunta puedo publicar a qui otro comic de Opik Oort
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(Opik Oort) País de las maravillas loco
(Opik Oort) Crazy Wonderland
Where's Don't Be Picky page 13?
Waiting for you to chill out or cough up the cash yourself.
Anyone got Don't Be Picky Page 14
I don't think he died because suzy said that it ks her and him looking for the missing women.
>It’s a fine line between juicing to reduce size and to encourage increased production
Man, that line has me thinking. I love this whole story, but I would really be curious to see an alternate version where she’s conned into taking a position as a member of the production line, with the “promise” of being part of the management team dangled in front of her. She endures day after day of juicing, watching as her maximum capacity increases, and her “smallest” size gets bigger and bigger. Eventually she has enough and breaks away, waddling all the way up to the main office. She confronts Whitt, saying that she’s done more than enough and that she deserves to be put on the management team. She only chuckles as she looks as the barely-mobile juice barge she’s become and simply says
>”Management? That was only a way to keep you motivated until you got too big to move on your own.”
How many gremlins have exploded I count at least one that got juice spat in there face also they should blow up and pop more gremlins I'd love a mini series of just gremlins expanding and accidentally popping as well as a origin on how they respawn from it or new ones are birthed from it. Maybe there part fruit flower or something and the juice causes a weird fertilizer effect that activates the flower or fruit genes in there body causing them to over inflate from a allergic reaction to it.

Everytime one dies a new one takes it's place
I think a bit of horror or tragedy adds to the story you come for the nut but you return for those tragic moments before bursting that make you weep for the characters you've gained attachment too. We don't really see any character deaths yet or pops hopefully we do something with overinflation maybe?
Page 21?
Oh shit the watermelon incident.

Everytime I eat watermelon I barf. That's the best part.
Hopefully she gets turned back into a big blueberry
I think the story is eluding to that on page 23. Katie says something about her being juiced down more will worsen her “juice index”
could someone just post the images in order for each comic i know it sounds bossy but i cant decipher what belongs to what
you could just view them on her kemono. that or the porn comic sites they've been uploaded to.
This person's art is genuinely great. A rare instance where a nsfw comic makes me want the artist to make a regular story in the style.
>>90479 Right? I'm not even bugged that the actual nsfw stuff is few and far between, its kind of a really fascinating story with really well done art.
It be like:

*deeply into the story and world building, then— *

“Shit! Oh right! I came here to jerk off to berries. Right.”

>>90520 I mean for real, the whole car chase sequence was kind of badass and I'm still sitting here wondering if the one guy survived getting run off the road.
OH! There it is! I knew he was not dead.
Probably thinking, “Oh shit. Now what?”
Welp, moment of truth time. This will be what proves whether or not Katie is still redeemable.
oh man, had a feeling he’s been alive all this time
but this is not going to end well for the couple
What made people think he was dead, I don't remember there being anything that alluded to his demise. In all honesty, she really should have killed him and stuck stretch in a taffy puller; the guy pretty much gave her the best opening anyone ever had by making it a habit of slinking around not telling anyone where he's at.

The irony on the hurried exposition comment when we've had like 20+ pages of no actual expansion occurring.
maybe you guys should stop commenting how much you like the plot.

I wish they would. Way too many expansion artists nowadays are deluded and believe this are these godly story writers. Pisses me off cause they waste months and months on exposition and no action. KageyRagey made a long weight gain comic and had shit happening almost every single page.
I think it was less that he was dead tbh and more like a cliffhanger of like, we know he's coming back but it's when that was exciting.
God forbid we enjoy a little actual entertainment with our weird smut, this is why the writers are on strike dammit
Ha ha no. The writer are on strike because they suck and think that $11,000 a day is not a living wage.
But I do agree that entertainment is necessary in our smut.

If they were actually paid that much there wouldn't even be strikes in the first place
Why the fuck are you white knighting writers that haven't put out an entertaining product since the early 2000s?
Yes because absolutely Nothing good has come out since the early 20's, *Cough Arcane, Game of thrones up until that fucked ending, house of the dragon, last of us, better call saul. You can't honestly say there hasn't been good writing the past 5-6 years
Love how pointing out bullshit is white knighting now
Not enjoying any media for 20 years worth? I think you're depressed
>>94251 Learn to have some fucking class consciousness, and let me cum in peace.
Yeah.. they were paid that much and Disney offered 12,000 a couple weeks ago to end the strike, but the guild rejected it.
Go back to gender studies soy boy
Disney is getting sued cause Chapek mislead investors about streaming numbers
This is hardly the place to discuss the topic, but you would have to be a sheep to enjoy any of those shows.
That said, I'm not sure if we're on the same page as the person you had replied to. It sounds to me like he's referring to very different writers than you are.
I'm a sheep for enjoying shows that actually aim to entertain, what am I meant to like then, every underground hidden gem that costs an additional subscription fee on every other low hanging platform? C'mon, sometimes a girl or guy just wants to watch something awesome that's meant for the masses, no shame in that.
>You can't honestly say there hasn't been good writing the past 5-6 years
You do realize the mountain of shit they throw out every year? There's a reason why a lot of people have been dipping into shit from the 1940s-1990s or going to other countries instead of watching new shows out of Hollywood. Why do you think the corporations have been sleeping as the strike has been going on for months; they're using it to get rid of the trash, too.

Also Game of Thrones and Last of Us are trash. Who the fuck kills all the likable characters you'd want to root for before half the series is over? God help you if you attempt to find something good that isn't an adaption of something.

Good luck getting anything out of Disney; the mouse is near its death or highly likely buyout.
Hate to break it to ya Suzy, but she threatened to turn them into "The ugliest fruit at the county fair".

So, unless the Watermelon story took place after Wacky Candy 2, it seems pretty obvious any doubts she's having here won't stick and she'll go full on villain.
This is so futile because without the company juicing machine she's gonna swell back up and just end up being a hinderance for ~le resistance~

Also gonna agree with anon, she's probably too far gone by now. She enjoys it too much.
Eh being too far gone feels to predictable

The idea of being a corporate spy sounds kinda cool honestly, especially considering the products this corporation produces.
I miss when she was swelling up in the berry farm.
Okay, I double checked, and the comment about the "weird satellite photo" indicates the Watermelon story DOES take place after Wacky Candy 2. Always figured it was before due to how Katie looked at the end of that story, looking more like an awestruck rookie, but the knowledge it was more her being astounded at being back on Earth again makes clear it was a sequel to Wacky Candy 2.

So, Katie's morality in this scenario COULD go either way... but that also brings up the question of what happened to Carrie and Carol. Last we saw them they were in the midst of fleeing after failing to kidnap and extort Katie, and the details immediately proceeding Katie coming to Earth, her restraining Cat and getting juiced, doesn't suggest they're that worried over two of their "products" being on the loose still. MAYBE that redhead wearing the cuffs in the top left of >>85125 is supposed to be Carol, but that still leaves Carrie unaccounted for, and likewise raises the question of how Carol got caught this time.
I get the feeling Carrie may be one of the giant fruits/candies. She was being tested for optimisation, or something, in Whacky Candy 2 and when she asked if she would become one of them Katie replied 'I don't know, Maybe?' Which we can assume was a half-hearted yes. I'd hope this is confirmed before this chapter ends, Or atleast in Opiks next comic about the fat girl in Whacky Candy 1.
I don't think so. For one thing, the two in the top right are being carried from a portal, suggesting they were on Earth and got changed there and only just arrived. As for the two in the center, neither of them have the same kind of bob cut that Carrie had, and hairstyles have been consistent even when transformed, like Carla's hair turning into marshmallow fluff but remaining the same style.

It doesn't help that, according to Katie >>73813, nothing really WORKS on her long term outside of weight gain. Juice just stained her skin temporarly, the same kind of gas used on Suzy and Carol just made her skin more elastic, strawberry syrup briefly made her hungrier, and cream filling just made the cream turn directly into body fat. NOTHING seems to work outside of fattening her up.

You'd think if they found something that finally changed her, 0pik would SHOW what it was and the subsequent transformation rather than leave her to a cameo. If that redhead really IS Carol, my best guess is she let herself be caught again so Carrie could keep hiding in the facility. Either that, or that ISN'T Carol, and both are still on the loose. Maybe looking for a portal to use, or just sabotaging things, since Katie said everything BUT the portal was falling apart >>85125
I never actually read into that with much detail, so thanks for the explanation.

Who knows, Maybe there'll be a twist (On capeshit levels of writing) Where Carrie becomes the next Katie. Regardless of what we can theorise happened to her, I'm sure we'll get some clue or closure before this chapter ends.
From opikoort's recent 'ask the cast' post, it was revealed the story will end at the end of October. Since next week is being skipped, assuming October 30th is the desired final issue date to get it in before Halloween (because evil inflation lady, mwhaha), there's anywhere between 7 to 14 pages left (depending on whether one or two pages are released).

In order for the 'she's beyond redemption' arc to work, it would probably have to take up the rest of the remaining pages or else it would feel like a cheap twist...I'm hoping Katie is redeemed but stuck as a perma-berry, so we finally get more than a panel's worth of inflation, and wouldn't feel as cheap as a sudden deus ex machina cure for all this inflating/transforming.
It seems Katie is probably going in the direction of redemption then. And like I said before, I'm hoping for some closure on the 'missing carrie' situation.

On an unrelated note, I have one issue with this issue (heh), Which is the lack of fetish content. Sure we saw one of opiks few nude-ish illustrations earlier on in that juicing scene, But everything else seems to fall into the story, which isn't a problem but given we were neglected of any of opiks typical content since what a melon, Its a little disappointing. The story makes up for it though.

I'm probably ranting a little too much now but opik has the chance to have a perfect blend of Inflation/expansion and story now that they have this permaberry concept. Unlike OkayOk, who supposedly finished off his most popular comic on a cliffhanger and made the last few issues of WW an absolute bore plot-wise.
Story in a fetish comic is still pointless. At least okay had expansion happen in his comics. How many pages are we in now without any actual expansion? I ain't paying shit for no inflation in an inflation comic. If I want story I'll go watch Netflix or some shit.
Having a story isn't the issue, in fact, a proper story in an inflation comic/novella can yield some good results, but there has to be a reality check. There is no way to make a serious literary piece out of an inflation fetish story, or at least it would be pretty damn hard to. That would be like trying to come up with a story on par with War and Peace for an 80's horror movie. There has to be an awareness of what the audience came for. Regardless of the quality of the story, if people come for inflation, they're going to be upset when they have to wait through a month and half (or more) of exposition just to get it.

As for what Opik's been doing, I can't help but feel as though this piece's purpose is to more or less wrap up any loose ends this story's universe holds, the whole Q&A thing only adding to my suspicions of this. This story line is nearly 10 years old after all (Pick, Don't Eat being first posted in Dec 2015). I can probably only count on one hand how many inflation artists have lasted that long, let alone had a story line going that long. I mean this is the artist who gave us a 138 page homage to Alien after all.
I agree that we're far in with very little fetish content, beyond a few angles of Katie's butt seemingly swelling (albeit slowly), But you should respect that they want to make a universe of their own with this PDE/Whacky Candyverse.

If you want to read fetish comics with little to no fluent story, Good luck finding one that's actually good. The only ones I can think of that don't have a significant story are expansionfan and fetcom, Who are both pretty dime a dozen when it comes to both art and story.
Given how 0pik is making basically a Q&A for the characters, I've always wondered how expandable the Loompettes really are
Still wonder what happens to the boyfriend
New page got released yesterday.
I’m really hoping she goes with them.
no! it all has to go horribly wrong and inflating hijinks must ensue,
I get the feeling that's going to happen anyway, Opik wouldn't blue ball us for this long without atleast ONE page of that kind of stuff.
Man you are so optimistic.
Yeah Opik has done this tease us but this goes 2 ways
1.) she goes with them and inflates int a blueberry again. Bigger than ever, romance builds and they go to that’s down the aliens
2.) she stays with aliens knowing they are the only ones to juice her and they eventually plan a rescue mission save the other girls from candy space prison, final scene she sees the light and escapes.
My money is on choice 2 but I would want 1
There are only 2 pages left…
Page 1 she says no
Page 2 she goes back in the tent
Page 1 she says yes
Page 2 max escape

and then they are probably going back to that shit comic panspermia. A horrible slow burn with no inflation.
Judging by Opik's blurb under 38 (going on about how she's clenching her fist as opposed to page 10, where she was so inflated that her fist was forced open, as if Opik were some sort of literary savant), they could go down the escape route and she's sort of taking in her last moments of mobility (which would be a nice subtext about embracing change versus joining evils to oppose it, though I don't this is THAT thought out. Ironic, I know. It would also Brian a moment as he'd have to learn to accept this changed version of Katie, as opposed to trying to fix her).

As much as Panspermia isn't my cup of tea, it's at least evident that it's more of a passion project for Opik. It's a shame since I missed the standalone/sequence art pieces of the past, Opik had a unique style that was stripped away when it became nothing but comics. Quality over quantity in my eyes.
from what i remember the second one is the original and years later he made a sequence around it.
You are correct that the second one came first but I checked the pages and all 3 were published in 2012.
Proves my point from earlier, less is more with this sort of thing. Three beautifully painted images from 10+ years ago with no long convoluted factory conspiracy story spanning 100+ pages, just three detailed paintings of a woman picking a blueberry from a bush and becoming one, the only hint of any other body being the silhouette of a farmer(?) in the third one.
I wouldn't bet on panspermia coming back. As far as slow burns go, Panspermia Is definitely one of them and so is that vile office feedee comic. From what I've seen, The next comic is going to be about the fat girl (Carla), Pretty sure we've already seen that in the form of Whacky wonderland but whatever opik has in mind will probably suffice, and I'd imagine after that comes this new 'Fantasy Inflation' comic they mentioned in a twitter reply.

On an unrelated note, I understand panspermia was a passion project but it was God awful. Those 2 years of waiting for something inflation-wise to come from opik (And no, What a melon doesn't count because it was pretty mediocre and the best part about it was literally at the very end) was excruciating. Atleast when okayok is making whatever the fuck those cribkeeper comics are you get some kind of relief knowing afterwards He'll make an inflation comic, But with opik it's unpredictable.

I'm hoping the next comic isn't just words, words, and more words with a sprinkling of weight gain and food tf, And while I can appreciate the story, All of these preludes and backstories are getting straight up uninteresting. We know what happens to Carla, she gets taken on a trip to the facility and turned into a marshmallow. As much as I love this series it can only go on for I'd say 1 and a half years, if opik makes these non stop.
absolutely hilarious to think about a fetish artist attempting to make an "MCU-style" comic universe that have multiple comics that thematically connect only for the general consumer-base to rightfully bitch and moan about how there isn't enough fetish action going on. seriously wtf happened to some of these artists
I just think everyone needs to calm down. I’m interested in the lore and worldbuilding. In other comics, the characters are either unlikeable or the story is just made for the purpose of wanking off. I like it when it’s thought out, the situation isn’t creepy or rated mature, and the story is good and unique.

I’m sure if we are all just patient, Opik will give up the goods, so how about we show our gratitude for the amazing story and art he’s been making.
Quiet. Why do people insist we enjoy slop we never asked for? This story shit is getting tired, and if i have to be honest when it comes to fetish comics, it should only be maybe 30 percent story, tops.

if you are happy getting no fetish content for over 20 pages, stick to normal comics.
In fairness, how many of you are actually paying for his content?
Had a feeling she'd be back in a fattened form, pretty sure we saw her on a monitor earlier on.
Fuck yeah true love.
Looks like it was. This page, bottom left. >>85125 Meaning that likely IS Carol right above her.

Which means Carrie and Carol did get caught, and with Katie not on the facility anymore, especially if Whit's pissed off face is anything to go on, then if Carol and Carrie want to escape for real, they're gonna have to try a different option. Carrie is likely too fat to escape now though, so maybe she can bumrush the guys operating a portal long enough for Carol to escape and reunite with Katie's group.
god the last few batches of pages felt like Hercule filler this whole time. they finally starting the Cell Games.
Damn sucks it has to end… who is she again? Is that the wacky candy sales girl?
Had a feeling this would happen.

(Side note: The fuck happened to her face? Looks nothing like Carrie, atleast from that angle.)
I still remember the shift from the original Pick dont Eat image to more detailed unique cartoony face of the comic. It always happens when the artist tries to stop doing anime faces.
Her eye color also changed
0pik colored the glint in her eyes to emphasize her emotion. The Grappler Baki anime does the same thing when trying to display how serious a character is.
Either that or she's getting pumped full of so many chemicals she's starting to mutate like some of the other food girls in the satellite.
(1.7 MB, 1000x1563, 01_cover_txt_web.png)
And that's it for now.
All the other characters shown up before,
so whos the gummi worm?
That’s it? Well - that’s disappointing >.>
Well, we can only hope opik doesn't decide to go on a hiatus from making 'whackyverse' content again.
From what I heard, he's gonna do another Wacky Candy-verse comic
hey, Oopik just started posting the Q&A responses, can anyone post them?
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I know it's just a cover for the series but I hope to God he doesn't start this shit up again

And that this is a one-off and just a one-off. No more Panspermia PLEASE
"I thought, since Ask the Cast is a bit of a break anyway, it would be a good time to finally give Panspermia its final cover."

I wouldn't worry yourself too much. Looks like they've nipped panspermia in the bud, But if we get another year long comic about pregnancy and aliens or whatever the fuck panspermia was about, Then I wouldn't know what to say.

Please don't let this garbage become real :(
That was the cover from the last panspermia
Praying like hell that this is the next comic. Sour gummy worm girl would be interesting
Should we see if we can make chat bots on the wacky candy characters?
So it’s how the loompets (not sure if I am saying that right.) are born?
lmaoooo get fuckin rekt
Class of "Tuesday" is pretty funny. Say what you will but Opik's got a sense of humor and a pretty good sense for detail and I dig it
Reminds me of the same joke in Bee Movie, only it was with time of day. Such as, “Class of 9:15 (am)”.
Looks like we’re gonna have a Gizmo among the Gremlins.
For some reason the background reminds me of pyro land from the meet the pyro video… even though it’s supposed to be like the chocolate river from Willy wonka
How much content is there to fill a thread to bump limit?
Hey guys,
opik oort just dropped a new page
Is that the marshmallow lady?
Even though this comic is good, I still don't understand what the point of it was in terms of having it being Canon to the 'PDE/Whackyverse'.
Bump, new page is out.
Aw, that's genuinely adorable and sweet...wonder how it's all gonna go terribly, depressingly wrong.
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technically weight gain but, I love how they actually show her skinny and petite at the beginning and most would normally miss that detail.
just the concept that she was blown up and her entire life, her BMI, her wardrobe all were changed by this one little shop opening up near her place.
What are the villains end goal? And men, if you were in this world, how would you live with this?

I've done my best to look into what 'lore' these comics pertain and all I can figure out is that it's something about fulfilling the means of production.

There's also that one 'The dangers of working late shift' miniseries of pictures 0pik made where these 2 women turn into berries (being observed by loompettes) and its implied they're going to be eaten by 2 giant demon-things in the end. I'm not sure if 0pik will ever incorporate these people into the comics at all but it'd be interesting to see him make a callback to the loompettes first (?) Appearance.
I wonder why they target only women? It’s the same with The Depravity of Dr. D. Lite. (Well there was only one male inflatee in a flash back in the last issue)
Ex bank tellers get targeted shut up
Found her nudes on reddit & nsfx.xxx husband exposed her dont even know it. Sad lmao
Those look like piping bags. Is this where they transform the women into foodgirls?
Ask tiktok dance videos
yeah I wanna know what's up the main lady running the place. She's also turning into a berry and has to drain herself constantly. I hope someday we get to see her wait too long and her body goes beyond her control.
Yeah, was she brainwashed? I remember she was in Pick, Don’t Eat and they killed off her boyfriend in a later comic.
Are men just disposable?
He's not dead. He came back and convinced her to quit.
Here’s to hoping that she lied and is still a bad guy. She only said yes so she could help the evil space company track the good guys and capture them all so she can get a promotion.
It's made clear that all but her boyfriend were willing to "deal with" her, and she looked to be in the midst of a breakdown already. She ain't faking. Plus, if she was, there'd be no need for a replacement to be found like they're trying to make Carrie be.
Here comes the marshmallow
I was hoping she was gonna fire the marshmallow at the other oompa loompa chick and make her huge
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Does anyone have the full image for this? I can’t seem to find it anywhere. It was a commission they did and it’s supposed to be of a woman with a cinnamon roll butt and muffin stomach essentially.
I don't want none unless you've got big buns hun
Heard his wife getting fat with a large ass that he been trying to keep flat for years He doesnt like it makes him insecure.
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Yeah honestly I want to see more loompas big also can't we see the expansion and aftermath of them getting allergy inflations.

First time was in the blueberry fields and it was practically off screen I particularly would have love to see a full page or two of her little ass growing huge and exploding. And recently we got the muscle inflation where one sucked strawberries out of the muscle woman and she deflated into a pancake.

The loompa was a huge hulk! And was gonna destroy or smash the girl but she broke the 4th wall like Deadpool and shouted hey aren't you allergic to berries? And instead of something like the what if hulk scene where we watch the lutinette (that's what their called, the female loompas) expand all over until inevitably becoming a ball to tight and exploding we get a family guy cut away gag.

I really want to watch the lutinettes swell and pop but I feel like opik is gegeing the crap out us and even if we begged they'd just keep trolling
Forcing her to wear tight clothes lmao her ass is huge
slightly disappointed by how fast it went, wanted to see the tension build up and the rest of her engorge and stuff. Hoping for other loompette to get her comeupance
I hope this leans into the horror aspect and shows how messed up this all is. I’m into female inflation, but I am also into justice being served and reading a good story. I want to see the story have a rescue arc where the black girl raids the space station to save her balloon girlfriend.
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Girls name is Suzy in case you're wondering her girlfriend is Carol here's the rest of the cast names as well and yeah I hope I see more Suzy stuff too I hope she in particular gets mostly air inflation abilities like the origin comic she was in different types of helium and fizzy lifting powers that give her flight abilities maybe so she can help lift blobs out of dangers. Id overall love a character that was more air themed than candy to provide probably the one variety of blimp I feel like is lacking and if you do wanted her a blob use temporary things like sodas in a water inflation story. But while everyone else is semi permanently afflicted by some kind of colored fruit associated with them I prefer if Suzy got air based abilities not of them really permanent in effect outside of maybe explaining how she eats some taffy and becomes a human taffy woman who has near infinite stretch abilities?

The point is I feel like air suits her mom, it feels probably the one niche we really don't see in these comics perfectly, and it gives us at least one character who isn't tied to fruit with some sort of permanent skin alteration.

Also fun fact Carol probably is also air but she's a bubblegum woman so Suzy the fizzy soda woman and Carol the bubble gum woman. Has a ring to it and both are air inflation themed
Why did it say mom 😑
I meant more
>>73503 (OP)
I got another question to ask this entire community. Why no fanart? One would assume at least they would be fanart of the loompettes as their just so poppable maybe other characters like suzy carol cat etc? Not even starla?

Seriously I see no fan art EVER made of opiks characters. why is that?
Does anybody have a link to a collection with all the comic slides?
You know, now you mention it, you're not wrong. That's really bizarre, honestly! If I weren't always so busy with other projects I should do something eventually. Definitely something to add to the files, for sure.
You a thot fuck out my face
Could be it's not well enough known. I mean this is a pretty niche genre to begin with. Not saying I wouldn't love to see somebody try it. The other thing is Opik has such a specific style as well that it could be hard to pull off in any other style.
Does any have Ask the Cast: Katie & Kasia?
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God Carla’s so cute.
I like how big and fat she is but I can never tell how old she is lol, her big cheeks always look like laugh lines to me
Opik trying to get more mature with handling how his characters develop over their transformations and going beyond typical inflation porn. Other people may disagree with me but I’ll always respect an artist attempting to develop their style in a way that makes them stand out in their particular field. Kinda an InCase situation for me.
Not sure if this question has been answered before, but is Oort's Panspermia series connected in any way to Whacky Candy?

I stayed away from it because it look too much like Sci-Fi horror for my liking, but I heard someone say that the Loompetes are connected somehow to it, so I wanted to know for sure.

Thanks in advanced.
i think you should ask Opik Oort about that
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The maid thing instantly gets me thinking about a accident in her house in which her loompettes keep popping themselves on dumb things like bringing in groceries and accidentally eating berries or tripping on a vacuum leading to a suc o lux growth until they pop. It's kind of funny if you hire a maid service to clean and all they keep doing is making a mess of themselves all over you're walls! Kind of makes their services redundant.
I believe there was a crossover image made (or a few) showing the loompettes exposed to whatever the pregnancy shit in panspermia was but other than that I don't believe they are connected. The 'Whackyverse' As it stands has PDE, Whacky Candy, Don't be picky, Day in the life, Whacky Wonderland, What-a-melon and I'm not sure but according to a patreon comment there's comic panel from one of the newer comics featuring the girl from 'The Promotion' so it's possible they're connected, But the difference it would make is little to nothing.
I mentioned a while ago but I genuinely like Opik's attention to detail and story. It doesn't feel like the goal is to just make ip. It feels like they really do want to tell a decent engaging story and I really appreciate it.
Don't Be Picky page 42 is out now
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Thank you for giving me a REAL answer. I appreciate it!
>>120643 I agree, I think that Opik is making the best comics story-wise as far as inflation artists go. That being said, I think the fetish stuff could be turned up, like, 15% or so
New Page?
Not gonna lie there. It does feel like we've gotten a good story for a lot less inflation which does kind of suck but I guess beggars can't be choosers

Nah, it does suck. If I wanted a complex story, I'd go read a book or watch a show. Too many artists divert their attention to the boring story instead of focusing on the fetish. There's never a good balance. Only one I can think of that balances story and expansion properly is Okayokay (read Wendy Wonka 2 for example, you're getting expansion every few panels while the story progresses and the exposition is told)

The trick is to have the expansion going on as you tell the story. Or even every second page or so. Going several pages without content when you release one a week is just a crock of shit pacing wise.
I think you fail to notice that alot of the complexity with opiks comics is fancy wrapping for later sequences, Sure it might be a little annoying if you don't want to see it but I quite enjoy the story that we have going on here. As for what you said about the Wendy Wonka series; I think it's a great inflation comic and all but it doesn't really have a balance of story and expansion, The latter outweighs the former (not a bad thing), and often the story side doesn't really make alot of sense. For example, in the latest issue Wendy is back to her usual un-fruitified skintone in spite of what happened in 2.8, With no explanation as to why, Not to mention the pointless cliffhanger at the end (Again).

No problem. Here's said crossover image.
Ah so it really was just a crossover then. Well that makes me happy since I had NO interest in reading that, lol. Xenomorph style alien pregnancy is not my thing!
Eh at the very least the inflation stuff we do get is pretty good, even if I wish it got more focus compared to other stuff.
Yeah I just wish the actual inflation wasn't so few and far between. Especially when pages are only coming out on a monthly basis. So anything good is stretched out to months long waiting
Personally I am hoping we see something a bit lewd between the berry girl and her boyfriend. Knowing ort we’ll probably get a kiss on the lips and that’s it.
Page 43 is out
Im bored of plot can i have inflation fetish porn please. This has gone on too long
am hoping we get some blueberry shenanigans since whatsherface has no way to drain herself
I wonder if he will show how some of characters were corrupted? Namely the blueberry girl from Pick, Don’t Eat and Wacky Candy
>>121364 I miss Margaret. The one who commented how huge Whitt's tits are. I like her. She has a great personality.
To my knowledge, I don't think that the artist has drawn sex. I'm worried the current story is going to turn into a depression fan fiction.
New Page?
Page 44 is out
I guess I'm really a minority voice here. I liked Panspermia a lot and hope he does more content like that.

Kink and horror mesh well
>>122332 Oooooo this is some "JUICY" plot. HA!!!!!!
Well, time to clock out for a month until something happens ig. Slow burn from here.
Wow I am really glad the male is back.
I wonder where this plot line would go?
Is she not evil anymore? Are they going to show what happened after she was kidnapped?
So many questions
New Page?

Mf go write a book or something.
It does feel like this has become Way less about the fetish and more about the characters and their personal issues. Works for some but I get why others are pissed.
If the villains were to succeed, would that mean the men would eventually outnumber women?
It makes me wonder how many relationships, marriages and families were ruined if all those were kidnapped
Man, I wish men could be victims for once in these
>mf go write a book or somethings
Isn't that what he's doing?

Thank god they aren't.
New page
>>123576 when she gonna get big, if i were opik, i'd be making her noticeably swelling with each page
Seems like we're teetering on the edges of seeing some nudity for once... hopefully.
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While I share your optimism we know this artist barely gets close to anything sexual. Granted we kinda got that berry is dejuicing sex scene and when Kate was in the shower but we never actually saw anything.
Who knows; We had some nude booty from blueberry Katie in Don't be picky, i don't have the highest hopes but maybe after all of these years we'll see something. I don't think it would make much of a difference anyhow, it isn't as if the majority of opiks images are absent of barely clad women.
The impression I've always gotten is that opik is more stimulated by the elaborate set up. This Wonka fetish shit goes so deep for some people that just the idea of a company intentionally making giant fruit women is arousing in it of itself. He did this a lot in don't be picky, there's tantalizing set ups for later.
Hopefully that translates into some fun scenes in this latest comic, hopefully, it's been slow so far I will agree.
My best guess based on his history. She'll be in the shower, the guy will come in, they'll talk for a bit, she'll be worried about how she looks, he puts her at ease, and then fade to black before anything good. Seems kind of textbook for opik at this point
if you're right we're all gonna pay you 10 dollars lol
I only take visa, mastercard and diners club XD
New page has drop
Thank you kindly great anon.
Funny thing: True to form. Nude scene and not even a nip

So glad I didn't pay for this, the artwork is so ugly.
Yall are fucking annoying about dogging on Opik.
Dont like it? Dont read it. Christ.
Plenty of Berry art to jerk it to.
o shit boi we sage'd
This fucking guy has spent literal years writing and illustrating these fetish comics and somehow not once has he shown a bare nipple. You’re out of your goddamn mind if you think that isn’t something to be making fun of at this point.
She isn't going to start crying is she?
To start I would like to say thank you kindly for your addition and sharing. You truly are king.
Like I said before this is the most sexual I sexual comic ever.
Oh no she slipped on the soap lol
My bet is she is going to some how get the faucet of the shower stuck in her behind. At first she will think it feels good but realize she is swelling up.
Thank you kindly for you share.
This comic is oddly the most sexual unsexual comic.
Theory: She falls on the shower faucet>> she gets pleasure>> she expands.

Last thing… that duck LULZ

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