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I think dennadoll has done some great videos of her blowing up while moaning, even cumming in a recent video.
Anyone seen any videos where the inflatee is genuinely enjoying blowing up? Other than what I mentioned, I've never seen anyone else come while inflating.
I mean, before she went full nikocado mode, a lot of reiinas earlier stuff had that.
LivPat, too, by an aquarium pump.
QueenBelly's legit.
Which video of LivPat's was this?
I've heard weird rumors that QBs stuff is faked though I have no idea how that could be. Looks pretty real to me.
I've heard qb stuff is fake too. Hard to tell by the previews but she "deflates" in just a few seconds, pressing down on her belly.

I've been inflating for years and that's impossible. I also had a very thin gf who could push out her stomach to look 9 months pregnant with twins.

I could be wrong and would be nice o be proven wrong but her prices are waaay too high.
Deflating in seconds is done with the hose still up the butt.

Yea qb stuff is "fake" in a sense she only pushes her belly out. No cgi or anything tho
Unless you post her videos I think they're legit.
>>72256 (OP)
I haven't watched DD since she got kicked off of the "normal" porn sites, is her stuff good?

yeah qb is fake, she's just pushing her belly out
anyone who does IRL inflation can tell the difference
plus she jacked up her OF price after she got popular, sorry but it's not worth $30/$40
She got into saline inflation and has some good content up. Such as breast and butt inflation.

But she only does saline, and for whatever reason avoids N2O for inflations. And has not bothered to do any belly infusions with the stuff either. She then moved from OF to her own website, uploaded like 3 worthwhile videos of Dextrose breast and butt inflations, and then disappeared off the face of the earth.
Denna Doll's okay, one of the very few inflation actresses that actually does infusions, but her moving to her own site is a real dealbreaker, so I stopped caring.
I don't think she realises that there's literally no increase risk using N20 compared to saline.
It's because people think gas and bubbles in an artery etc. Just like people think alcohol is a depressant, means it makes you sad, not depression your respiratory system.
I've seen a bunch of people use N20 and it's all safe. Also DD takes care with hygiene. She'd love it too If she actually tried it.
Well I’m at a little impasse as to what to do atm
Whatever makes you happy. Inflate it and they will come.
N20 Actual bbreast or ass inflation, No-one wouldn't want to see that.
Yes please.
How would you convince her (your gf/wife/crush) ?
Imagine a woman has really thought for a second that she wanted to burst.
InflatableSai always seems to enjoy blowing up, and there's at least one paid video of her masturbating while inflating.

Have done a lot of saline, N2O and air inflations. Risk aside, gases can be a lot more uncomfortable for a period of days. Get a sort of popcorn effect in the immediate tissue, soreness from inflating faster and the gas can migrate into uncomfortable spots. Saline’s a lot easier to deal with. I find N2O hotter in the moment but often regret it after.

So isn’t just a risk thing, but comfort as well.
Id love to see DD do a belly n2o. So far Ive only seen males do it and people really get gigantic.
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>when you find erotic real life recounts of women fucking while inflated
>they aren't in English
All the way through.

Has it been done?
>there's at least one paid video of her masturbating while inflating.
Any video clips?
where? language barrier may not be a problem for long, but I gotta know where to look.

You've seen a bunch of people... them being men or women? Men do it, I've never seen women do n2o though.

I'd watch the everloving fuck out of it...

Are you male or female? I've done n2o too and it's way better than air. + it dissipates way faster than air. Never tried saline though, never cared...

Male - air sucks. I'm done with N2O until I find a safer way to regulate the flow...there's some guys on Newart that have good set ups.

I did an N2O inflation last week while my wife was riding me (first time we've tried that, and it was fantastic), but the dispenser somehow stuck open...which I've never had happen before.

I had her get off of me and it was a slow flow for about 5-6 seconds, and I told myself i'd just pull the tube out when I was ready to be done. But it kicked from a slow flow to full open for about 3 seconds before I yanked the IV out.

Scared the shit out of me. Was a rapid inflation that I could see and feel. Horny brain was O_O about it afterward, but it's easily the sketchiest thing that's happened to me.

Saline's much slower and safer. Don't want to give N2O up because I like it 1000x more, but I'm done 'til I build a new setup.

I don't have a very specific setup either. I just use a stainless steel whipped cream dispenser with n2o canisters, a hose and a simple syringe needle. Mine can never really stuck open, but if it would suddenly do, the amount of pressure would shoot the hoe off the needle or the dispenser itself. It does the job quite fine.

However inflating while being ridden?! holy shit, where do I sign up?!
doing N2o with creamchargers is really tricky, my first Cream charger was, but after it broke I got a replacement from amazon which was much worse, the nozzle would sometimes not open even if fully pressed, it would lock up at random and sometimes just wouldn't let me open it for cleaning.

Ultimately I threw the charger away and promised my self to find a better device even if selfmade if I want to give n2o another try.

Saline and especially glucose give much better results, and are much safer to do. just less convenient in terms of setting up
>grills will never share experiences
>>72256 (OP)
>Arousal with inflation?
Ah, anon here understands the important stuff.

This is one of my biggest complaints about TMC's videos, they always forget the idea that the girl's supposed to enjoy the damn thing.

Her stuff's not as good as it used to be, and harder to get hold of, but a few of her old videos are true 'chef's kiss' stuff where she inflates to a decent enough size, shows off her breasts, and then follows through by actually masturbating. Those sounds she makes are just peak.

I'd say it's my fetish to actually see/hear the girl enjoying it, but I would have hoped that was kind of obvious. If they aren't enjoying it, what's the point in having 'real' people anyway?

>not depression your respiratory system.
Technically it's actually depression to the central nervous system. Any knock-on effects to respiration are a side effect.


Incidentally I wouldn't touch nitrous oxide because of its neurotoxicity and the fact it can act as an anaesthetic. If it numbs you in any way you could end up doing notable damage to your body and not actually feeling the damage until it's too late. If anyone else wants to take that risk, that's up to them.
>hands free orgasm from inflating alone
I have seen this only twice so far.
Real life stories?
>Which video of LivPat's was this?
Popping buttons, I think. Please upload.
I wonder if her ex is around.
shes not legit at all.
she recently uploaded video showing how far she can push out her belly. looks exactly the same as when she "inflates"
she just puts the hose up her ass (maybe) then slowly pushes her belly out while moaning. I think its good if you're into role play but as for people like to see real inflation? shes a fraud. in my opinion
Good threads need to stay and flush out spam threads.
Has she decided to release her videos yet?
Have you tried inviting new blood to this website? I have. Now I want this place to change to make it more accomodating.
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It's surprising to hear that a girl enjoys a little bit of pain.
You'll likely find such girl in BDSM, I knew one who loved to overstuff her stomach because it's painful.
It's even easier to find a girl who eats a lot and does not think tons of food and sex don't mix.
I eat big phat booties on grown women for fun. Welcome to my realm.
Her mattress pump vid is definitely legit.
I use to fuck the shit out of her in that bed. Balls sweat everywhere lol
She uses a fucking hair dryer in one video. That's impossible, not powerful enough. Plus it would burn her ass. I can't believe people think she inflates for real.
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I found this while i was pirateing a slop manga, its from chp 38 of nurse hitomis monster infirmary

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