
(105 KB, 1200x1126, Fdc3EuDXEAEAq-t.jpg)
Honestly this one kinda straddles the line between inflation and weight gain, but i'd say it falls more into the former, so lets see those huge Monobutts!
you've forgotten one rule. NO FURRIES! you have to post this on the furry thread
Mate, The Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss thread has been THRIVING in here and that's like 60% Loona, I don't see you replying to that thread.
Loona don't count as a furry because it's not cannon.
(31 KB, 540x558, FXhwMc8XkAUaw4C.jpg) (52 KB, 614x468, 20220607_225152.jpg)
What are you talking about? she's a literal anthropomorphic wolf/hellhound, sorry but she is. In fact. a furry.

Going back to posting heavy bottoms now to keep this thread on track.
Ok, the pokemon thread is still thriving and yet it’s filled with furry content
... what? Furry is furry, tf u mean cannon?
Get back in the zoo motherfuckers. There’s a containment board for donkey raping shit eating furfags.
>>72640 Wtf is your fucking problem, nut? Is that the gentoo logo?
what i dont get about people complaining is they complain about this but the pokemon and mlp threads are alright? im not picking sides just pointing it out
It’s not but we collectively agreed that furries are fairly irrelevant in general so when someone both siding like you comes around we lump you in with the dumb irrelevant pile and ignore you lot
/bbfurries/ has a monobutt thread already. No need to post furries here.
(309 KB, 1270x700, AddText_12-27-12.53.12.jpg)
Let it go, a good chunk of threads here have furry content, you're not going to be able to stop this one either.
Cry about it, many threads have furry shit and there’s already a thread that is a furry thread (pokemon theead)
(Ever wonder why everybody hates them?)
can we not
(655 KB, 333x250, ksc_mouse.gif)
ever since I first saw King-Size Canary (1947), this has been a favorite shape of mine.
An idea for a special jewel:
It’s a special day
Mañana is always a special day
I know you’re lewd
And you love certain things you could never openly admit
I could stroke futa and give you some free audio let you listen to what thinking of you sounds like all the way to the end ;
Your choice fnf gf

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