
Hoping and praying that Hpump 5 is some quality full body material.
Someone upload november bonuses?
I know that their YuriAlpha, Minamoto no Raikou, and Neon Katt
Because they're retarded and don't know how to check the board's thread catalog.
Typical lol
Nov bonuses?
What is.. bumlock?
i think that means full
Bumlock basically means that it gets removed
Link to the CG from last thread
(139 KB, 800x450, 1CDD4DA8-513F-4178-8A57-CF8BAD8DBC49.jpeg)
Your comms game has been cracked for weeks. You comm here through code so that your normal channels have no trail. Wasn’t hard to figure out.
You also post belligerent shit attacking each other on purpose to trick the others into thinking it’s me being belligerent so you can have a fake casus belli to keep the others invested and not convinced that this is all a creepy waste of time.
Get in touch with your desperation and obsession because you two specifically have fucking lost it and the other two are smart enough to realize it by now.
>2 breast inflations and the 3rd is belly and breast with more focus on belly.
7 of the last 9 monthly bonuses have been breast inflation. What the fuck?
Someone upload december bonuses?
You're a couple weeks early asking for that.
Anyone got links to the edits of adding the bursting endings into the full videos?
On a related note, I would like to see a clothes-intact version of the Elastigirl vid.
If memory serves right, Povi Pumpgal could split into two people, right? Would make it interesting since I have no idea how this is going to go.

At any rate, only 3 days left before the big event happens.
This H-Pump 5 better be worth the wait. . . For everyone
In before it drops at 11:59 PM.

Although Jan 1st is good too.
i wonder if hpump5 is going to start where it left off at the end of hpump4
imbapovi “try to make at least one (1) deadline” challenge (impossible)
2022 bonuses please
Art is never perfected. Merely.. abandoned!
Mate the year just started
why I dropped the patreon several months ago
even $1 isn't worth him not putting the effort in anymore
same. been giving money to creators that share WIPs and actually give updates. Povi drops off the face of the earth and then gets mad when people ask where the content is. He said on Christmas that the video was almost done, 90%, those were his exact words. And he usually drops 1 vid at the end of the month, and I know January is free for patrons but dang dude dropped NOTHING in December. It's almost Wednesday and not a peep about it. I know art and animation takes a lot of time but you have got to properly communicate when you're getting paid for doing so you know?
2022 was the year of delays, so I can't say this surprises me.

At this point the only deadline he would make is like, before the Grim Reaper comes knocking (if even that).
i'd prefer it if he actually just dropped off the face of the earth
at least then he wouldn't lead us on with "ALMOST THERE!" for weeks only to release the video a month later
At this point it doesn't seem to be 90% complete.
it is incredible that imbapovi disappears without saying anything during all these days.
it already seems like an excuse lol
Eh I would wait until he uploads some videos on how he makes model and animates so that way other people can do it, maybe his models and mmd projects too so people can use them or even import the motions into games or something
The thing is, he seems like the kind of person who wouldn't do that with the fear of someone else being better than him
You guys are mad because somebody doesn't want to tutor you step by step how they make love to their wife at night and their thought processes behind it? Why don't you guys like.... you know..... practice to acquire skills over time?

Hello. Goodbye.
this guy gets it, Imbapovi is the biggest gatekeeper I've ever seen and a total narcissist. he knows he can drain cash out of dumb fucks every month and would never risk it. he sits on his laurels

some of us have fuckwad, it is not as easy as it looks
Pathetic.... Even for humans. I am more dissapointed than I have been previously. Such is my fate. So long, suckers.
>Even for humans
kek, thanks for proving my point dipshit
2 weeks waiting ResidentSleeper
I'm really beginning to consider unsubbing after he releases h-pump 5 and the bonus videos. It's a shame because he makes great stuff but he's as transparent as a blindfold. It also really doesn't help that 90% of his subscribers are yes men that constantly dickride him and drown out the 10% that have legitimate points. Imba will vent to his subscribers about how twitter users are giving him shit for not releasing a video on time and being silent about it (y'know, a valid thing to complain about) and all his subs just suck him off and give him the reassurance he's asking for. Imba's lack of commitment is a big part of the issue but his subs enabling this behavior are part of the problem too.
Dudes getting paid to stay at home making porn videos and now starts complaining that people are mad about him staying quiet upon saying that a video is almost finished and as consumers ofcourse are suppost to just take it, at this point be thankful that your getting paid for a job you can enjoy it instead of treating the consumers like trash asshole
The way imbapovi acts reminds me a lot of yanderedev.
100% agreed, i've been subscribed to him on patreon for 2 years. The ONLY person I sub to on Patreon just because I like hos content that much. But i've grown so tired of the constant apologies, sure if it happened a few times but it happens nearly everytime he promises to deliver a video at a certain date. Always fails to deliver on his promises. And gets paid that much money on top of it. At least if he could interact with fans more and show us WIPs or talk about the projects at least a little more it might be fine but going radio silent nearly everytime is just not it.
OK he's not *that* bad. At the very least imba still follows through eventually even if takes a long time, and the quality of the animations are still good. People don't follow yanderedev because they actually like his content, they follow him because he's a lolcow.
Yeah I think it's easy to bad-mouth someone when you are frustrated or irritated with the unpredictability of releases lol but he did warn us that he struggles with writers block, that he was taking a break this month, & I am almost certain that money is not an incentive in the arts! If anything, it just adds pressure!

He produces very good content. And if people wish to enjoy it, we will have to lower our expectations & just take new releases as they come. 3D Darlings was worse than this! Ha ha! Maybe it was AI all along!! XD
the 2022 december bonuses or all the bonuses of imbapovi bonuses
on the off chance you actually are imba:
$9,769 PER MONTH

come on man
im late to this but i wanna put in my piece too
it absolutely boggles my mind how we have people like tail-blazer who make high quality videos, but they also post images, snippets, WIP screenshots, livestreams, etc.
then we have imba who reveals a project, then posts a delay, then (finally) posts the actual thing. like post an unrendered screenshot, post a snippet, post literally anything. communicate!
at the end of teh day its high quality stuff, but this lack of communication and inability to make deadlines is WHY people like us just pirate his shit. no point in paying for a product that probably wont even come out on time.
If Imba actually communicated more he'd get way less flak than he does.Literally any kind of update or posting IN PUBLIC, not in his private report my post, would help leaps and bounds. Let people know how things are progressing, if he needs more time, if he's ACTUALLY ALMOST DONE, etc.
Saying "it's 90% done and will be out in a few days" then going radio silent for 2 weeks is abysmal
The animation here reminds me of the Nintendo princess sprite movies, which really isn't a compliment.
>I'm not interested in certain premises, so that makes them bad.
The animation itself is bad compared to most full body inflations he's done.
That's probably the worst animation he's made. That's not a new one is it? That's gotta be an old one. If it is a new one, my God what happened?
IIRC that's actually one of his first, I definitely wouldn't use it as a barometer for recent works

like yeah, dude has major motivation issues, but he has gotten better since he first started
Maybe the real H-Pump 5 was the friends we made along the way?
H-Pump 4 was so good I'm willing to wait. He's been working on his passion project for ages so
(109 KB, 1014x663, Capture.PNG)
imba's cronies found this thread lmfao
Both sides are stupid and petty. One complains about people upset that a smut creator on a monthly pay schedule isn't putting out something at least monthly. On the other hand, almost all of the people here don't pay for shit in the first place and just beg for scraps.

Absolutely pathetic on all fronts, but I'm honestly more astounded by how much whining and circlejerking goes on in here every time I visit more than the empty threats of a "crusade". Coomer brainrot is something else. Just go jerk to something else while you wait for your free shit.
(3.1 MB, 1280x720, r.webm) (2.0 MB, 1280x720, r2.webm)
got bored and made some random webm clips
Yeah, dude's long lost my respect. (Certain someone doesn't know the actual difference between NSFW and SFW and wonders why they get banned from hosting sites 🤔🤔🤔)

A good read, the "excuses" that he posts though.
We'd probably find out he's bought himself nice a BMW and what not.

Besides the animations, I don't really think there's much holding up his castle.
Premises? lol tf you talking about, this is about the shitty Flash-tier movement.
I can’t speak for everyone else but I do in fact support imba on Patreon so I’m complaining about free shit here.
Typo: *not* complaining about free shit
I can’t speak for everyone else but I in fact *do* support imba on patreon so I’m not complaining about not having free shit. Some people here do have legit problems with how this shit is handled.
While I agree on the fact that he is his own individual like the people in report my post states, he does have faults of his own that he does need to work on. One example of this is his lack of communication. Many other MMD artists and animators such as Xtense, Thiridian, Aphrodity, ModnarYug, and others communicate better by putting WIPs, teasers, or plainly communicating directly with others when they have questions. This keeps audience retention high, and it doesn’t cause issues like the division between the ideology here and on report my post. I understand that he is arguably the one of largest fanbase, so he doesn’t have the time to interact with people individually, but putting out WIPs can solve this issue and is as easy as taking a screenshot and uploading it.

Another example of this is his issues with deadlines. While he has the right to choose when he provides his content, the fact that he has placed 3, arguably 4 deadlines on this video alone (September 2021, His Birthday, Christmas, and Arguably by the end of 2022) and he missed each of them, means that whether he needs to focus on his motivation or that he is setting too high of standards of time management or video production. It only hurts the fanbase when they are expecting a video to come out 30 days ago still hasn’t come out yet, and it doesn’t help that this is not the first time this has occurred. I understand art takes patience, but this stuff is commercialized, so he isn’t only doing it for himself but the thousands of people who follow him. He can easily remedied this by just giving warnings in a week in advance like “Hey, this video is taking much longer than I expected. I’m going to need a few more days.” rather than providing apologies days after the deadline as passed. And when I say this, I mean publicly, not just to his Patrons or people on report my post. By adhering to those who don’t support him financially currently, he is paving the way for more people to do so.

Now just because I say this, it doesn’t mean that I hate him or treat him like his only purpose is to make wanking material. I’m still going to support him regardless. I’m not going to throw a tantrum because my material has been delayed; I have a life outside of this. I am subscribed to his Patreon, and even if you guys believe it’s a lost cause, he deserves to be treated humanely. He has a talent, and I’m willing to put down my support for it. I know that previously he had checked this forum, and currently, his report my post does, so I just hope they see this and don’t pass this off as meaningless insults. His content is some of the best in the inflation world, and he should be proud of that, but there’s always room for improvement.
They should crusade right on over to a therapist’s office
I always figured that English isn't his first language, and has a lot of trouble understanding the nuances of it.

That said, if nothing happens by March, he might be dead.
You do understand I’m not legit not Qualtro right?
You do understand I’m not legit not Qualtro right?
>Both sides are stupid and petty.

Story of my life. I once got the last brick of welfare cheese and before I turned around to see who was in the line behind me I said in my mind "Please let there not be a little girl behind me so that I can take this cheese home." There was nothing but old hags in the line.

Tldr; The whole ride home I was singing "Lucky meeeee! I got the last brick of cheeseeeee!"
Thanks for that
And yeah seriously I’m not q do you seriously fucking think I would put me in? ffs use common sense.
My partner and I were prominent and my photo has floated around this community for like half a decade already. It’s been used before and she was pretty popular and known, full id and all
But literally I’m not q you fucking dinguses
>>75083 I don't know who you are but you evidently require a BBC in your mouth really badly and I can't help you with that sorry. If you need info on stalkers and mobs I think you need to read the simp threads. Yes, they are real. No, they OBVIOUSLY are not the FBI, genius. I would guess black or latino. Check the threads.
You literally have nothing to do with this go away
If it's true that you are not thieves then why is everything you make such garbage, and why do you so quick to dismiss allegations of a ripoff, and why do you sound like a stubborn and stupid immigrant who recently learned English?
nah the future is set i’m at peace lol
(264 KB, 364x370, Screenshot_252.png)
Wow, I didn't know imba-kun was in this thread!
fucking spare us
I supported him for two years, first at the top tier then down to $1 before dropping him entirely a couple of months back

like >>74552 said:
>$9,769 PER MONTH

imba can put on the big boy pants when making that much, or at the very least, be WAY more transparent
Hurr durr money profits

Haha Patreon go brrrrr

I feel like he's trying to be a people pleaser, but the kind that only takes the docile donkeys instead of the Chad stallions.
Ah sweet, a schizo thread!
Preasu understandu, Imbapovi is smarr indie creator
It is now January 17th with still no HP5
was there no December bonuses?

Maybe he forgot?
Didn't imba said on patreon that January will be a free month, that why there nothing yet
(773 KB, 1920x1080, Imiku Goreshot)
There won't be anything available for the last two months, except for this. Behold, the latest update for H-Pump 5.
Yes I heard sbout this. I don't know who but he put a green brush handle up his shitty ass.
blood? dismemberment???
what the fuck is h-pump 5 going to be about?
starting to think imba is gonna make a utterly scuffed h-pump 5 solely to spite bbwchan, kind of like what happened in the end of evangelion
Considering he was just here, on this very thread, I wouldn't be surprised.
"Most of the meeting with the twins is done. By the way, 5 minutes of 100% ready animation is done. Hmm, I don’t know yet if there will be 10? I specifically did not count each piece of the project in the total amount.
And today - shocking content (I'm serious)!
This is due to the fact that the script was made a very long time ago, taking into account my other way of thinking. When I created Povi, I added her ability to "burst" for real, and not in a cartoonish way, as ordinary characters do in order not to die.
So, Povi was supposed to burst (like, "die", which kind of gave Imiku a victory over the best creation of H-pumps). We, according to the scenario, already know that Povi is made up of nano-bots that can reassemble. It is Povi's fail (even if she overinflated herself almost voluntary, but in a disassembled state there is no mind) - therefore, instinctively, the nanobots are assembled into an alternative form - twins, when main one got problems.
Okay, now the question is: how to show the explosion of Povi, if she is really being torn to pieces? I certainly could, but it's unlikely to be associated with "good&cute Imbapovi" at the moment - although at the time of writing the script, I really wanted to become more "crazy" with the content.
Therefore, I had to moderate my ardor, and make the explosion off-screen. But I have added some implications for understanding. If I couldn't make a cartoon explosion, then at least the bone is cartoonish? I think I still show what I wanted"

Thats from his report my post, its a direct quote, so make of it what you want. Id say the bloddy stuff is a step towards the wrong direction. atleast its ofscreen. Does anyone here acctually care about a story for his videos ? im talking about the older hpump vids and also then, the "story" was more of a hindrance as it interrupts the part everyone is there for. Also the vid is gonna be a bit long compared to the rest of his stuff, atleast in recent times
Why do I feel like loterally everything you posted was a hastedly fabricated lie?
this was like my first post on this forum at all, dont know what you want, but im subbed to him and just connect my patreon with his report my post, cause i wanted to know where that picture was from. you want me to add a screenshot or what lol ?
this was like my first post on this forum at all, dont know what you want, but im subbed to him and just connect my patreon, cause i wanted to know where that picture was from. you want me to add a screenshot or what lol ?
I’m just curious. When did he send this message? It’s not that I don’t believe you, but it’s getting pretty late for when he usually posts, so I’m just wondering if he’s truly going to post today, or something else came up and he’s doing it another day. (My assumption is the later that he writes that, the more likely he’s going to post it today.)
"After december "incident" I'm not in a hurry anyway, and also the weekend ... There is not much progress today (there is, but not too impressive). But I'm kind of used to releasing videos at the end of the month, so I guess I still fit into my schedule (not to jinx it).
Yesterday's moment caused a discussion, as it should be. Then let today be just something cute.
Since Poko and Vika are like a team, I wanted to give them a "theatrical introduction" in which Imiku takes part as a joke. You will hear how to pronounce the name correctly.
I originally thought of making references to some famous poses from anime or games, but I did not choose anything. Let it be my own."

this post was made like 3 hours ago. The other one was from yesterday. since i dont know how to add samll videos to the thread, you guys have to pass.

in the vid he introduces the 2 grils wich are created when pumpgirl bursts ???
the vid will have voice acting, atleast the clip has
I aint readin allat 😅
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Ya pretty simple, i was just to lazy to lock into it lol. thats what he posted on the server
Oh ok xD, but dam now I'm really exited for hpump5 and now I'm wondering what's going to happen in it
what do you guys think/hope is going to happen in hpump5?
In the meantime, did the December 2022 bonuses release yet?
Does anyone know how to get into imbapovi’s report my post server?
"Looks like I'll finish it tomorrow?
So, the release will be on Friday or Saturday.
Today I will show fragment with "enthusiastic" twins (robot uncovers his secret thing again).
PS: although the video is not serious at all, it is still quite lewd - i need to work out the letter "H" for the last time."

looks like the waitig is almost over.
you need to link your patreon account with dcord ( dont know but cant type it out corectly with out it chanching to report my post . then youre in
Does anyone know or have imbapovi's report my post link(or maybe meiko belly inflation bonus if you dont have the report my post link'
It doesn't matter what this guy says. Words are meaningless. We'll just have to wait & keep our expectations low. Boi.
Shut the fuck up, pussy
That person is a fucking idiot. The support is what allows creators to continue with content. Imba still has to do what was promised, otherwise he should refund everyone.
maybe imba's slowing it to make anyone using kemono give up
You shouldn't give up if you're doing the right thing. Sometimes the right thing is the most difficult to do, but I don't recommend fucking up. Also, someone might call you a pussy, and your dad a bitch and your mom a whore.
Intro was released in his Twitter. Inflation clip is coming next.
It's already out in his iwara site
Well? What do you guys think of it?
I thought it was pretty terrible honestly. And the gore was a bit unexpected, I can tolerate popping and gore but wasn’t expecting it at all.
Well I know it wasn’t really that bad gore wise. But it was a bit of a turn off as it was unexpected if you get what I’m saying.
It had its moments but overall it definitely didn't live up to the hype (and the extreme delay). I was expecting something on the level of h-pump 3.
The blowkiss section was the only part I'd consider rewatching, and it was honestly a great idea. However, the modelling fell short imo - it was yet another example of him not understanding anatomy.

Also, what's with all the story and fucking voice acting? I muted the video because it was a big turn off. He could save a lot of effort if he reverted to his older style where he just cut to the chase and started pumping the bitch up. Story only helps if it's actually a hot situation. I don't know about you, but a neon girl travelling with a sentient air pump isn't exactly my thing.
>>76898 There's a "cartoon popping" version on Kemono.
Bursting and gore are both turn offs to me on their own, and putting them together makes it more repulsive. Horrible change of pace.
I like how this guy just entered into fuck you money status and immediately said fuck you to everyone by taking forever and adding gore.
Horrible precedent really honestly feels like a jump the shark moment
Not that loli anime garbage isn’t overpriced overvalued crap to begin with

Overpriced has been an issue since Cartoon Network started airing Dragon Ball Z. It's a problem of greed. Overvalued? I agree that it stinks and it sucks but compared to the rest of the anime I have seen not much difference, and actually the cute characters and fan service would make it more valuable than the rest of the anime at this point for me anyway. The loli stuff has been fan service oriented so them going all out with fan service is probably a smart business decision and they should've started doing it long before anime became such "crap". But yeah, crap is useful. Sometimes.
Well, its uh. . . its something i guess. I mean, its better than nothing
Are you morons aware that all the irl people you’re fucking with and their close circles are completely aware of what’s going on?
He's fucking full of himself (the irony)

imagine hyping everyone up for the "ultimate video" you're creating only to release this shitshow

it's a shame since the pumpgals are kinda cute, but the execution of the video was so fucking dumb and stupid
WHAT THE FUCK?! If you're going to single out an individual for their ignorance, at least have the courtesy to censor their name and icon.
I do agree that he doesn't know what he's talking about, but that is no excuse for displaying a person's name publicly, especially from a private server.
It was... not that good, sorry to say. Half of the scenes were separated by weird and unnecessary dialogue.
The inflation scenes on their own weren't that good either, imo, and that's going by my standards for videos Imbapovi has done in the past.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that he's doing it on purpose, but his passion is gone. That, or he's a DeviantArt-raised moron who did too good of a job of showing off his autism to the public.
Older videos were much better than the shit he is producing now. With each year there is less and less fappable content. He blocked me on twitter for constructive criticism and I supported him financially since he opened up his Patreon. I am in rage by the audacity and narcissism from his part and I hope that that more and more people open their eyes and stop supporting this moron.

H5 - the dialogues are autistic and time wasting, gore was uncalled for (even though I am gore person), the anatomy of inflation is much worse than it was with Jessica Rabbit or Froppy for example, so in conclusion I would say that his quality is dropping. 3/10 just for couple scenes that were "Ok" and pussy pumping animation.
that was probably one of, if not was, the worst hes done. he really needs to drop this shitty sonic oc tier miku and just use normal characters
Is there more bonuses that didnt reveal from patreon but beed to access to report my post?
The amount of entitlement in this thread, my god.
Agreed. These guys are bitching and whining over stupid shit they didn't even pay for. That's why they're on here and not out in the real world.
I liked it but I didn't. I could seriously do without the voice acting and I don't know what it is about his newer models but I just don't like how they look. They look too fake, too shiny and plastic, it's like he overdid the shaders or something. I honestly liked his older works like "miku pump up" and "miku tries inflation" better. They were simpler and more to the point. I'm not sure where imba sold out but he's basically in it for the money now and that saddens me.
Honestly, it's bad on both sides. Loads of complaining over here, but it's all dick-sucking, on the 'cord.
Personally, I just want to let out some feelings.
I DO pay for the content, you loon. Still, you've got a point; can't say I've got much of a life atm, but that's on me.
What's bad about entitlement? This isn't Tumblr.
Bad on both sides? This isn't Reddit.
It is obvious that most of the people complaining is actually the people who payed Imba for long time. And the amount of people getting banned from his Twitter page and report my post only for negative or constructive criticism comments is absurd. The video is shit and Imba is hurt by those comments and does anything to wall himself away from them, pussy.
>Imba paypiggies refuse to acknowledge the video has serious issues
>And that Imba's handling of the leadup to the video's release was hella sus at best
>This thread refuses to acknowledge the fact that voice acting made an already rough affair even more difficult, and that this has happened in the past too
>Nor the fact there's versions without all the nonsense in his Kemono
>Imba refuses to acknowledge that some of the criticism levied against him might be legitimate
>Or the fact that a paycheck of 9K a month merits behaving with an amount of professionalism that he lacks
It's like everyone is actively trying to be uncharitable
I can understand why people are a bit disappointed. The story doesn't need to have such a dominating role. There's no inflation until after a minute an a half of story set-up. The voice of Imiku is whinny & kinda unsettles me a bit as to how she is trying to sound like a young child. I get that this is the Japanese way often to do this in hentai, but it's a bit jarring when this is clearly pornographic material. Especially since she is clearly moaning in agony at the end, not in pleasure. =( And the 'Batman Returns' sinister themed music does not help matters! The P-gal seems to suffer from the opposite end of the spectrum - and sounds like a 40 year old woman licking the bowl!! (The voice actor who kinda sounds like a boy attempting to sound like a girl) I kinda get why people aren't impressed with the actual inflations.. spreading himself so thin over a larger area means less emphasis on each sequence. There's no starfish pose or leg/arm pinback pose we used to enjoy. It's technically impressive without a doubt. However I am not entirely sure what he was going for on this one. But seeing that this is a personal project of his, I suppose we are lucky to be privy to it. As for blocking on Twitter.. I'm thinking of blocking myself on there ha ha!
he is probably a drug addict and spends that $9k a month on his habit, hence no videos. serious, what other reason could there be?
jesus christ, he makes $10,000 A MONTH from his Patrons!! He could hire a staff to produce his mediocre animations for that much! There is NO EXCUSE

Hello, friend. Why are you so excited? Are you back?
Jesus christ this is the dumbest thread I've seen on this board. You guys spent weeks bitching about the H-Pump delay, and the moment he drops it, you bitch about that too. And it's always when he delays shit too, otherwise you all eat that shit up. Guarantee in a week you fags will go back to basically dick-riding him because as much as you bitch and moan, you can't help yourselves to keep begging and pleading for his animations. You guys are like battered wives, only battered wives actually get hit, you just imagine he does. Sad!
>>77113 I've hit many women and it's somrthing that I am very proud of. Not only that but I never once got put on child support. So, fuck on.
My god this thread is cancer
free speech is a thing you niggers, if we don't like something, we should complain about it
Doesn't mean you're free from the consequences of free speech.
doesnt mean we cant call you a faggot for doing so either
free speech protects you from the government, it doesnt protect you from random people on the internet retard
eat my whole ass
Explain what consequences there will be you mental midget. Shitting on some garbage inflation anime will not have any consequences except for fat keyboard warriors fucks like you defending a Japanese moron who makes more money than all of us making garbage inflation animations.
damn vid was so bad it brought out a tantum in this mfer
Legally, yes, it's a freedom from consequences. Where did you get your viewpoint from? Reddit?
You can't be punished for busting a gang but you can expect retribution by criminals.
>>77175 So criminals are against freedom of speech, and other American rights now?
>>77135 thanks

Does anyone else miss the inflations that were like spheres like the one in "Miku Blowback" and "Luka Beachball"?
Are you under the influence of something? Criminals abuse law and order.
>>77182 Yeah? They're not the only ones. I don't know who to trust so I choose to trust only God. Besides, a corrupt government employee is just another criminal except they probably face harsher punishments. Either way, none of you will ever love me more than I. And I love tits.
Did he release any bonuses?
This whole thread is a circus. jfc.

>>77107 in particular is doing a great job of broadcasting that they're a NEET coomer living off government assistance but the rest of y'all need a goddamn break from anonymous message boards too. Absolutely disjointed from reality.
it's a circus but you took the time to read it?
....imagine hiring someone with a salary of $10,000 a month, and then they came up with excuse after excuse why they couldn't perform - what would you make of that?
Yes. A circus is a form of entertainment.
lmao, if you're paying them and mad about their performance and still paying them anyway that's a you problem. If you're not paying them and you're mad at their performance then that's still a you problem. Wriggle in your self-inflicted torture but don't pretend for even a second that I or anyone else should be required to give a fuck.
how are you able to type this witty responses when you've got imba's dick in your mouth?
I'm glad you're so mentally broken that you immediately assume that I support them in some way or that I even have any stake in this at all. I am merely stating the obvious from the perspective of a normie.

If you don't pay the content creator, you're entitled to nothing. If you pay the content creator, you're entitled to what they are obligated to provide. The content creator in question seems to have no guarantees for anything, so supporters are getting exactly what they pay for. If they continue to pay despite dissatisfaction then that's nobody's problem but theirs. If you're upset because you get to see the amount of money they're being provided before patreon takes their cut and currency conversions/tax take place that's - one more time - a YOU problem. Your envy of someone's income belongs to you. There are people who do even less than what you imagine imbapovi does and make so, so much more.

But let's be honest with ourselves. You're not upset about the income. You're upset that it took an arbitrary amount of time that you determined was too much for a 9 minute video of 3d cartoons inflating into spheres to be rendered so you could whack it. Coomer brain is a fucking disease.
>I'm glad you're so mentally broken that you immediately assume
Do you use Reddit?
>if you're paying them and mad about their performance and still paying them anyway that's a you proble
In principle you may be right but common sense says something else.
this is very good.
big thank.
honestly though;
these two sum up my take on it.
I really loved the beginning with the robot (?) gal inflating herself huge, pretty hot.
the double-ended blow "kiss" is especially awesome but the modelling felt really lopsided, same as when she started puffing up again after the sentient air-pump robot showed up to "save" her at the end.
also yeah, the one girl almost sounding like a toddler made me uncomfy.
otherwise its all based imo, I'd actually wanna Commission that inflation-from-both-ends idea from him in more detail, honestly. or Prevence.
Full honest, I would love to have a debate with you, but I also feel like it would be more productive to ask other questions instead.

That said, why do you bother to reply to these people whom you seem to so vehemently disagree with. After all, if the actions of these people offend you, that is also a "you problem", is it not? Pride and envy are two sides of the same coin.
Anyone have them?
Because they don’t have enough resource to ‘enforce’ their will and acting like a shrieking banshee has probably worked for them this whole time up to a point.
With all due respect, it's an anonymous imageboard. That will ALWAYS be enough for those types of people.
On a more worrying note, your response implies that you find satisfaction in berating and degrading people that clearly lack the foresight and care that you do. Your thoughts and ideas are better used elsewhere.
That's one of the major rules in rant threads: you can't let those who disappoint you drag you down to their level. Speak your peace and move on. There is little more you can do, without self-depreciating yourself.
You're responding to the wrong person. They were just asking for that January bonuses.
IS he even doing bonuses still? Seems like he was only focusing on his own personal project
With all due respect, it's an anonymous imageboard. That will ALWAYS be enough for those types of people.
On a more worrying note, your response implies that you find satisfaction in berating and degrading people that clearly lack the foresight and care that you do. Your thoughts and ideas are better used elsewhere.
That's one of the major rules in rant threads: you can't let those who disappoint you drag you down to their level. Speak your peace and move on. There is little more you can do, without self-depreciating yourself.
Thank you. The mistake has been corrected.
Because they don’t have enough resource to ‘enforce’ their will and acting like a shrieking banshee has probably worked for them this whole time up to a point.
Because they don’t have enough resource to ‘enforce’ their will and acting like a shrieking banshee has probably worked for them this whole time up to a point.
Because they don’t have enough resource to ‘enforce’ their will and acting like a shrieking banshee has probably worked for them this whole time up to a point
Because they don’t have enough resource to ‘enforce’ their will and acting like a shrieking banshee has probably worked for them this whole time up to a point
Because they don’t have enough resource to ‘enforce’ their will and acting like a shrieking banshee has probably worked for them this whole time up to a point
on the topic, here's a question for each of you, what's your favorite animation by him?
mine may be the second Samus water inflation but I haven't seen that many of the newer offerings.
Mine personally would be the High School DxD one
nami, futaba, zelda, yuri, tsuyu, samus, jessica
Would it be nice if Imba give a little more extra time near the end of the animation to see the end result? Some idle sfx and maybe a little bit of slowly orbiting camera.
Luka Beachball, Miku Balloon Blowback, Froppy Sphere, Giant Miku, Slime inflation test, Papi, H-Pump 3 and 4
The Darkness and Bayonetta vids, easily. He also made an Extra featuring Marnie that I really liked.
I love the Suki & Imiku clip and Imiku losing her self-control was the hottest, but she pops immediately and we barely see her new size.
Morrigan fire hydrant water inflation, Pyra fully body inflation, Samus's third water inflation, and the non bursting version of Ochaco water inflation.
Suu, Samus (water 3, blimp and suit), Jessica, Ann n Makoto, Suki blowback, Kashino
2/10 you'll get a real response when you put in effort
TBH the only reason I'm posting despite being quiet the last couple threads is because the sheer amount of stupidity pumping out of a thread what used to provide adequate content is disappointing. It's funnier, though. Either the thread gets back on track or my personal interaction provides personal entertainment. Makes no difference.
god, you wish you had absolutely any idea what you're talking about.
They don’t have enough resource to ‘enforce’ their will and acting like a shrieking banshee has probably worked for them this whole time up to a point
FDG VS Bremerton Inflation Battle, Meiko Shiraki Blueberry and Camilla Breast Expansion

Honestly after Imba stopped doing Polls i was hoping he would do Commissions again but unfortunately he said no to that, so now all he is gonna make is personal videos of either his goofy OC characters or an character a friend of his likes and then he will sometimes make video of a completely random character
>FDG VS Bremerton
that was a good one, my only complaint is their midsections stay perfectly flat.
what's the biggest he's ever gone with a character anyway? Morrigan?
anyone have January bonuses yet?
The Zelda slime inflation one. Either that or the Ruby cookie weight gain bonus or the Jean water inflation bonus
Does anyone have that Sailor Moon video he posted back when his yt was still up?
Adding Blake's cream inflation to this list.
What did he do for January bonuses? I hear there were several.
Do you have that Tifa weight gain one? I can't seem to find it on the kemono page
somebody have last month bonuses?
Could someone please throw out the january bonuses, they've been sent out and no one without them knows what they are
how do you even know they were sent out
I'm in the report my post because I paid for previous months
Thank. One question do you have Jan bonuses videos
Still waiting
I really enjoyed the Passionlip one, not only do I like just straight up BE, but there's barely any content of her,

For me its the Boosette video, which admittedly is pretty odd that'd it be my most favorite cuz i don't even like hg inflation that much

Second favorite being the Wiz video, i have a knack for clumsy oafs being blimps

And the Jessica Rabbit video, though I kinda wished her dress in that full on tore apart
How can I find that Samus video?
Samus full body with Zelda, Bowsette full body that I edited to remove the annoying music, and Froppy.
Main thing might have to be either Meiko Blueberry or the stuff with Milky and Ginny
Favorite Bonus would be the Demia Belly
So, any luck with the december and january extras?
there no december bonuses,
i got november's if somebody want it
That's the best part because Hourglass inflation is based
Mimicry right on schedule
all belly inflation bonuses or vids, that's all
If you wanna hit us up with those November ones have at it
But aren't the November bonuses already on OP's Mega link?
It's everything EXCEPT november
No, it's everything except December. Because there is no December.

I don't think we will doing Dec, jan and feb video bonus anymore

I dare you to say someyhing else
(51 KB, 1300x200, fullofshit.png)
In case anyone still doubts the existence of the January bonuses.
Anyone has the bonuses for this month?
where's gigachad who post bonuses?
Did any of yall realize he put out a new vid 4 days ago???
(27 KB, 640x415, EwT4uGeWEAAFI82.jpg)
Only the Mythra bonus was worthwhile. The Mai one too if it didn't end with popping
Hoping for a bonus with Mei from MHA or any of the Persona 5 girls in the future
god, it's mostly shit, i feel for the people paying for this mediocre crap

really hate how he keeps doing videos with models with super sharp chins too, like that diane video
(58 KB, 500x500, 1645439116124.jpg)
all these vids are cool and good for one reason or another, thanks imba :)
fuck yall nitpickers, u got shit for taste
fuckin criminal mythra got such a shit vid
Thanks man, you're a legend
someone post what they are so i know which one i want
Man... I don't even think Imba's videos are bad. There's no obvious visual flaws like clipping or z-fighting or anything. But there's also just *nothing* behind them for my imagination to grab onto anymore. It gives me the same feeling as AI-generated pics.

Average imba video is like:
- character stands in one spot and <inflation device> is presented. MAYBE you'll get the character walk-cycling up to it if he's feeling particularly spicy.
- Character inflates. Little reaction, if any. Oh, maybe she closes her eyes. Squints a bit.
- Video ends with a closeup of her making some sex face or a very unimpactful "pop". For a little context, Imba has been using the exact same video transition effect to convey "she popped" for something like 2-3 years now.

I'm not expecting bangers from content literally designated as "extra", but you see this in his main videos too. Even just a dialogue line or two (e.g. the Yuri one where she goes "oh is this for me?" or the albedo one where she says "oh can I get [my crush's] attention?"), while still generic, goes a long way. I say this as someone who's currently subbed to a lower tier and *used to be* subbed to his old $30 tier.

On the other hand... I personally might just be biased since fics are my main bread & butter for balloon jerkoff material. Maybe the people giving him $9000/month don't have the same preferences. Who knows.

You have a lot of bread and butters, apparently.
It's more about "fanfiction vs video" as mediums.

You just live voming up with new stupid shit, don't you? I bet everyday you'rd there with your buddies trying so hard to come up with the next stupidest fucking shit. It's like you're so fucking stupid that you have no idea. Nobody ever told you growing up, "oh hey, you're a fucking moron". You don't kniw what you don't know.
Utterly incomprehensible. I hope you get the medication you need, anon 👍
Thank you so much.

For everyone else, the bonus link is updated. Enjoy.
Does anyone have every imbapovi video involving Samus? Pretty please.
Agree completely. Imbapovi videos do nothing for me anymore.
Anyone have the full version of the Yuyuko & Vert video?
Anyone have the full nami nude edit?

tbh i oftentimes wish he'd branch out from the anime girls and work with more plots, if any, cuz ill be honest his videos, formula wise is repetitive
Even better: anime girls AND convincing plot.
really would it kill him to make a fetish vid with some sexiness outside of JUST the inflation?
on average it feels like there's a video of his that's good, but there's little things keeping it from being GREAT, like the position of the arms in his new Murakumo video right as she begins to fully round out
Someone should file a complaint; one filled with constructive criticism.
>implying there hasn't been pages of cc already in the past that imba just ignores
Anyone got his Aqua water inflation?
Wait, there are bonus pictures as well?

Is there more?
maybe there's more, but need higher tier patreon access I think
>make a fetish vid with some sexiness outside of JUST the inflation?
I'm sure his Jessica Rabbit inflation vid counts.
(77 KB, 1679x310, ujtnng.PNG)
Im still so upset that this idea did not win on Imba's March 2022 poll
Sounds very similar to the bismarck bonus he did last year, which also featured an H pump plane in cleavage. I suspect he took inspiration from this for that bonus.
I'm disappointed
by video se Taihou
first I was with the Giantess plot
but I don't win twice
So it was changed to Hourglass Expansion
And there if I win
There were already too many HG expansion videos
but i said ok
at least it's my second favorite plot after Giantess Growth
And I thought maybe it's like the one from Formidable
one of my favorite videos
but the video of Taihou
It's disappointing
To begin with, I was already beginning to use that all reddish skin
in addition to the very saturated colors
A while back on one of the previous threads, someone used an AI to scale up some of Imbapovis vidoes. Anyone happen to have any of them?
Join the club I'm still sad nico Robin getting inflated via climatac didn't win. That would have been beautiful to see her use multiple arms like a spider only for them to pop off one by one
i only have the one of FDG vs Bremerton (no music) and Meiko Blueberry
Can someone compile the popping ending edits on a Mega folder? For keepsaking reasons.
Anyone got the Full Zelda Slime Inflation vid?

There’s been a trend where no one is really doing anything well anymore. Boobs look terrible they stop inflating and they all take the same shape looking just at belly. Denzel Torrington does ass extremely well in the beginning while inflating until it looks retarded. Would like to see the vag inflate as well. Daisy and Rosalina sprites boobs look good but need to be bigger like in the video where the boobs inflate while being in the pipe. Pear shapes with small boobs are bad
So povi released a new video and I’m trying to find out what music he used in the main video. Does anyone here know what track he used?
Here’s a twitter link to it:
new vid is shit lol
I didn't even watch it and even I know it's gonna be mid af

Hate to be THAT guy, but why do you guys keep coming to this thread if you don't even like Imba's content anymore? It's like going to a restaurant and ordering food you're just gonna think tastes like shit all day, every day.

Like, can you really blame Imba at that point?
Did anyone save the 60fps edit of the Tifa video from awhile back? Someone was converting them and I didn't save that one
stupid question
its free and takes 2 seconds to check in
Slime inflation! New video is lit.
Finally a full body inflation after so long!

>It's like going to a restaurant and ordering food you're just gonna think tastes like shit all day, every day.
Not an accurate comparison because we don't get to choose what type of expansion happens. If he does a lot of the same thing without changing it up when he's known for doing a lot of different types of expansion, then of course people are going to be upset.

Thank you!! This is one of if not my favorite videos by him, her huge growing milk cannons look so soft and full 🤤

I have to say I don't really care for his newer works, it looks like he just reuses the same generic breast asset with the same shiny material once they exceed a certain size.

I don't know though, it seems like he has gotten lazier in my opinion. This Tifa video has a unique model that I think just works wonderfully combined with the pacing, sounds, and even her elated moaning... really hits the nail on the head directly for me.
Big agree. No problem
did the march bonus videos come out yet ?
Does anyone have access to all of the bonus CG pictures?
Home home home home home home home

Ass cheese?
2023 Bonuses so far:
>3 Hourglass expansions, with 1 being more about breasts
>3 Full body expansions, with 1 being Blueberry and another being more about the belly
>2 Belly expansions, one of which having slight breast
>1 Breast expansion
does anyone know what happened to that guy that use to add random sfx to imbapovi's videos? they use to be on YT, PH, and reddit but i havent been able to find them anywhere now
Man, we need somebody like imbapovi for male inflation.
no AE WeirdChamp
April bonuses?
I remember on one of the previous Imbapovi threads some magnificent bastard posted some boob models from one of Imba's old videos. Anyone got any belly or even full-body models floating (heh) around that they'd like to share?
Why all recent posts in this thread keep getting deleted?
We have the April bonuses?
This is a very good rule although I don't know why it's called necropost.
Because that's what necroposting means; To post to a long inactive discussion thread or forum. In this case it's being done to keep a thread that's not getting any new content alive, and that's a waste.
What's with the board?
most likely someone deleting our messages because no one posted any content even tho its already been 7 days and most of us are just waiting for the april bonuses to be posted because the link >>83113 posted doesnt show them
Another video got released. Hang on.
What a garbage set of videos to save the thread with. Would've been better to let the thread die.
he really needs to just take his oc out back and put her down. anything shes in is garbage
I mean, I liked it. It had some amount of sexual content beyond just the act of inflating. It kinda feels like y'all are being way too negative in general.
I liked it too, my only problem with it was that it is too similar to the Passionlip one he did for November. It even had the same for the bonus (Belly inflation)
April bonuses someone?
Has she done a video with Wii Fit Trainer yet? Some prime material there.
is there even a april bonus video seeing as how long its taking for someone to post it?
His videos seem to be getting into a rut
In addition to eroticism, his work lacks slapstick elements such as swelling lips like nami and futaba, and transformation into a perfect sphere.
I still think his Papi Body inflation video is his masterpiece, because it perfectly represents that panic stricken "begging to stop" before she can't deny her horni state before moaning & popping! He has not matched that since, & I am confused why he did not build upon these foundations.

I also detest how he always seems very tentative to show too much butt/genitals when it is clear the most erogenous zones of their body are going to be a highlight of such feelings & an event.

This is all Disney's fault!! XD
I love that video too
Hoping there tio or zombia and meroune video is developing
Jessica, Elastigirl, Futaba, Froppy full body, Niffty, and Samus full body with Zelda.

For the non-body inflation stuff, there is the Hatsune Miku vacuum cleaner vid (although it is pretty old at this point).
As of lately, kinda.
All I can think I've seen for a majority of bonus content lately has been nothing but gacha waifus. With the occasional other decent girl put in the middle sometimes.

I can't say I've seen a belly / body inflation video from him in a while that has had me captivated aside from literal bonus videos that hasn't been gacha trash or touhou. Probably the most notable ones I can think of off the top of my head is Ramlethal Valentine with a force stuffing, and an Aqua bonus.
it says I need a decryption key or ask for a link again
Damm, these are them. Good work.
Glad to be of service 🫡
>>86703 Thanks for the print function
what the FUCK is he doing with the nipples????

why are all the tits football shaped>????? this is fucking TRASH. and it gets worse every month!
I've just noticed. Dang, you can fucking hang your coat on one of those
>football shaped
Americentrism ahoy!
you should coach him :-)
(266 KB, 915x1280, 8946bde758eeafbd0785954bdf37c9bc4abc189935c65794e7f6026b810d2144.jpg)
>>87220 (Cross-thread)
Welp, I had a lot more great nude inflation to post, but I kept getting --

"R9K prevented at least one of your files from being posted."

-- so fucking often with no god damn rhyme or reason that I'm not spending anymore of my day trying.

Why TF does R9K exist and why is it not spelled out anywhere what the issue is with certain images, much less an identifier to indicate which images supposedly are violating it.

Toxic bullshit.
>>87231 (Cross-thread)
>>87238 (Cross-thread)
Japan only likes Mobile Suit Gundam, Inuyasha, Dragonball. Bleach is wildly unpopular because Tite Kubo cannot work with his assistants and is infamously petty. Japanese laws doesn't punish mangaka for drawing lewds. They only go tough on crime against creators if they do white collar crime and make them work in prisons. If you're really good, Japan gives pedophiles probation and restrictions. Only hard drugs is punished. Japanese cops love commiting police brutality to get that 99% prosecution rate.
(16 KB, 638x146, randomnewcharacters.png) (8.3 MB, 500x419, ddkk1xq-fe47404a-74f7-4f2f-ad62-93fe63a2d53a.gif)
>>87419 (Cross-thread)
SNL stopped being a sketch comedy show and started doing political humor. All the big name comics don't want to perform out of fear of cancel culture if they make sexual humor. I think some zoomer pointed out that comics are just playing themselves on television. I found out that Rob Schneider was voicing a cartoon character for the Daily Wire. Dave Chappelle just do the same monologues. These boob jokes must pay well given that these comedians are millionaires.
(8.9 MB, 1280x720, juri inflation bonus.webm)
Found this lovely bonus what's more beautiful than juri blow kissing chun li till she pops watching her blowback and get blown up herself!

With street fighter 6 out I figured it's the perfect time to drop this bonus publicly as who doesn't wanna see this foot fetish fighter inflate!
May bonuses someone?
this is already in the mega folder retard
We're talking about the 2023 bonuses
and i didnt reference the post talking about the 2023 bonuses
does anyone have the Miku Latex Suit Inflation where miku has a swimsuit underneath the pink suit?
You're being such a hostile bitch over a repost
May bonuses?
im hoping miia and mythra win and ya maybe the erza one too seens those sound better then the other ones
I'm going put faith in millia, Shalltear Bloodfallen Felicia would be the winners.
Let's change the topic here. If you could suggest a scenario for a new Imbapovi video, what you suggest?
It's halfway through June where the May bonuses at
(Hopefully they don't suck)
where are the may bonuses?
still waiting
Poll's updated
Winners are Marin Kitagawa, Purah and Makima
(577 KB, 498x278, SG.gif)
I swear to god this entire thread
Still nothing?
kill yourself
may bonuses when?
Video's out right now.
where are the may bonuses?
Maybe just fucking give them the May bonuses already if you want them to shut up about it?
pretty standard video from imba
would have been leagues better with true body inflation
Can someone please post the May 2023 bonuses?
Can you MAYbe just shut the fuck up???
It's fucking July, someone post it already
For real. At this point there's 2 months worth of bonuses to drop so if folks want people to stop asking for the May ones maybe, oh I don't know, DROP THE DAMN MAY BONUSES?!?
(69 KB, 1125x1052, IMG_20230602_142714_327.jpg)
yall niggas need to shut the fuck up and be greatful anyone shares anything. youre not giving anything back in return and no one owes you shit. stop fucking begging. either get it yourself or kill yourself
this is the worst thread on this fucking website
Stg no other thread on this website has beggars this annoying. And call me whatever but imbapovi's stuff isn't even really worth this kind of hassle to begin with. His shits all kind of the same
There is no tooth fairy, there is no Santa Claus, and there is no imbapovi bonuses
(59 KB, 377x421, 1314938090932.jpg)
post content or gtfo

that goes for the spam autists too
>>89916 Pulling out the big guns I see. That's some top anime art you're memeing there. Japan #1! These animes are the shit!
How do you have a breast expansion + pop? New to this thread btw.
I mean inflation + pop, not BE + Pop
Do you guys ever wonder how a remake of hpump3 or the older inflation videos would look like? Maybe they end up being better
Here we go again...
What have you done.
it never fucking ends
Maybe the May And june bonuses were the friends we made along the way

Man I love this site
These beggars are literally the one thing I don't miss whenever this site goes down
hey does anyone have the original 2b inflation video? Not the one where she explodes but the one where she just gets really fucking huge?
no she's like fighting robots, it's like full body too. The only one I can find is the one where she explodes but I distinctly remember there being another one.
Oh, you mean the main video. Well sorry to tell you, but there isn't any non exploding ending for that video. In both the safe and the normal one, she explodes.
I guess I just couldn't find the safe version, it's not on his iwara. oh well
This may sound crazy but what if whoever provided the bonuses before was caught?
no they werent they still post it to the server its just you mfers are annoying
does anyone happend to have the videos with the popping edits, I tought they were in this thread but I can't find them
Ok, good news is, I found 2 of the may bonuses. The bad news is, I only found 2 of the may bonuses. The last one remains at large.
strange, link dont work
Please fix this link
It's log-in only.
I'm pretty sure it's a fake link because it's bringing me somewhere else
Yeah it's fake
Is there a meganz file with all the current bonuses
Do you have the may and June bonuses? I'm looking for the May and June bonuses but none of posting them for me
Please keep it up your doing great.
Wish people would say what's in these videos when sharing the link. First one's butt expansion and the second is breast expansion with slight butt.
Wish people wouldn't complain about having to open up a link which takes 2 seconds :o
More like should we bother opening it if it's something we don't care for, cause we're not all here for the same things.
Be grateful for the fact you're getting paid content for free and stop complaining. Is your time that valuable that you have to know what's in a porn folder before you open it. It's two fucking videos.
The 3rd may bonus video and June's bonus videos when?
(74 KB, 735x718, door.jpg)
You'll get your bonus's when you fix this damn door!
You're saying there were only 2 bonuses in May, and none at all in June.
They just haven't been uploaded yet
Imbapovi's running behind then, ok.
No, they exist but no one has uploaded them to the MEGA or bbwchan yet, the bonuses have been sent out ages ago
cause yall are fucking annoying
post some content or shut the fuck up
Bitch, who asked?

I found this video on Youtube a while back, and wondered if it's on higher quality without music ...

Is this video available on Imbapovi's kemono page?
(119 KB, 1280x720, rem_and_ram_pumping_thicc_inflation__release_by_imbapovi_dfyhxa6-fullview.jpg) (2.5 MB, 1920x1080, Ginny08.png)
I know that everyone has likely already seen these, but they haven't been posted yet so I'll just do it now.

This is a small extra video released with the Momoji slime video, featuring Aya. It's nothing notable and kind of reminds me of his old videos, but I thought I would post it anyways:

And these are the videos and their variants that feature Rem and Ram from Re:Zero:

Also, if anyone has access to his bonus CGs then could you please post them? The most that I have is this:

I think someone posted a mab link earlier, but I can't find anything else. I'd be grateful if anyone knows anything.
It's been a while since anyone's begged or bitched, so here's a really nice link.


I can't take credit for the upload, that was done by a kind /d/ anon. They keep it really updated, so if a new video releases, just sort by most recent, and it'll most likely be there!
What does this mean? Mind to help a newbie out?
Wow, an Imbapovi thread actually ending on a good note?
Who woulda thought!
yo, sorry, what site is this link for?
Was wondering why the old one stopped updating. Thanks.
sorry for the bother but how does this link work
Holy based, thanks anon
Where is this supposed to lead to? Mega or something else?
All these noobs still don't know bout base64 smh
Yep... now that entire archive is at risk now that you posted it in plaintext. Well done.
What happened to the link?
Did you maybe think, just for a second. There was a reason the link was encoded perhaps?
Looks like the Purah video is out...kinda disappointed with it, but just not for me, I guess.
You have the source for this image?

Not sure if I've seen this yet.
Follow the link in the post above, its one of the new bonuses
how do i access the link
Where do i use the link?
the code is base64. just paste it into a decoder

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