
Does anyone have the Squish Game, that old game from ebucey about toon torture/tf, including inflation?
Does anyone know why SaburoX still has a $1000/mo Patreon goal for Seeds of Fate? There's been no mention of it in the Discord for years, and I'd sure like to know what the money's going to instead.

Anyways, the demo from a few years ago isn't inflation, but it's kind of hyperpreg expansion.

If you meant that one where you navigate a maze with a bunch of girls in it and you get to use things like a steamroller and/or a bike pump to defeat them, that game is really hard to find. I haven't seen a downloadable copy of that in, like, 8 years.
Last Evil, you can find it on steam, optional cum inflation, its a very good roguelike turn based card game...
Timesplitters Future Perfect has a gun that was made to kill mutants on a level that works on all 150 characters in everything but story mode so you can't make a stage with a weird ass story mission: https://invidio.us/watch?v=yNdg2zWCyb0
There's B.E witches. In addition to having Breast Expansion, the game is really fun. It's in demo right now but there are regular update posts on his Patreon. And there are still a couple hours total to play.
Anyone have a link to a game that was created for inflation day this year? You hit different letters with timing to make a model inflate all while fly me to the moon was playing
honestly suprised no one posted this but whatever
here's some tips to make the playing experience not suck, (these arent how to play tips, the zip has them in the readme, im just giving quality of life tips)
1. The type of inflation that you experience only happens once and is random (you might get breast expansion, full body, just belly,etc.), if you wanna get a different type of inflation, you have to deflate first, and wait for it to happen again
2. if you want to get to max size easier, make sure to get a shit ton of money before going for it, because once you get to those larger sizes, you have damn near zero mobility and makes trying to get to max size an absolute pain in the ass.
3. once you get said money, only get burgers, they are the only things that make you inflate more, lettuce sandwiches do nothing at all
thats it really, i know its just a proof of concept and theres a shitton of things with this that's kinda jank but whatevs
Damn that was fast. Colour me impressed. Cheers!
dont worry bout it homie, its all good
Doesn't work for me, not sure why. It shows a gray screen and nothing else, but I can hear the music and the "oof" sound she makes when you press the wrong button...
on this balloon day game does know what that "auto inflate button " is and "what that steange "upside down "p"
I think it's in the read me too, but the auto inflate button is either 0 or o., i forget which one but yeah
Any chance we can get a vid or screencaps of this? My budget build absolutely refuses to run it and I can't seem to find anything about it elsewhere
What's the secret key to auto-inflate her?
Ah, that worked, thanks!
Is there also a way to make the camera stay put? Constantly spinning around isn't very nice.
There might be something in the debug menu (left ctrl+ backspace) maybe? I don't know. I haven't really toyed around with that.
There's a good foundation there especially when the character inflates to full and has to roll to move, but the whole getting money and eating food mechanic seems super convoluted.
Eh, can't seem to do anything. Hopefully I'll be able to modify it myself once I properly learn this year how to work with Unity.
That was awesome! Who created this?
but to bring this thread back!
sorry i meant bump
Four or five years ago on the Deviantart was FlashDeamon who had been creating a text game about inflation , but he suddenly disappeard and leaved the game unfinished. If someone interested i could uploaded it. Perhaps someone will even finish it.
Hey, any content is good content... usually... what I mean is, sharing would be appreciated.
Does anyone have this?
[expansion Game] Big Scavenger Hunt, its recently new
Does anyone have the lastest build of Tribal Hunter?
I seem to recall there were some MUDs that had inflation, but unfortunately most were mixed in with furry/weightgain/other fetishes.
(568 KB, 3300x3140, MaGMML1-CityWarComic.png)
...did... Did they just take that old Garfield Halloween scavenger hunt Flash game and revamp it into a fetish game? Because it seems REALLY similar in concept, down to the whole "donut collecting in a haunted house" (even that piano minigame is remarkably similar to the one featured in the second game).

Also... Fifteen bucks for what basically amounts to a fetish remake of an old Flash game you could play for free. I apologize, but I really don't think anyone would be so thirsty to burn that much cash on something so cheap-looking. Of course, that's just me; if it looked better and didn't just scream "knock-off" then maybe I'd understand paying that much, but...
Only thing that I can really think of that would justify it is desperation for a game with half-decent art. As shown by this thread, there aren't many games with inflation/expansion. Let alone ones that are good.
A Multi-User Dungeon. The precursor to MMOs.
Took the hit.

Regrets were had.

The true ending amounts to a single picture of the character expanded more than usual. Outside of that you get a small game where you adjust the size using the two donuts per body part (Boob, Butt, Weight, Height). So two expansions per part.

If you like butt and height, almost nothing changes. The model legit moved up for height. They just moved the model up the screen. The butt didn't change beyond the clothes damaging and maybe a few pixels of growth.

If you like spending half an hour doing the mystery game that's played completely straight with no lewd elements and the only thing you get for it is very, very minor expansion content right at the end where nothing exceptional changes then go right for it.

It genuinely felt like they just wanted to make a mystery "find the items" game and then put in the expansion part at the end of it. The voice acting got so grating I had to restart the game to mute it. Especially as it was legit narrating walking around the house over and over and over again.

Outside of being able to take off the clothes during the expansion, there's no change of poses.

tl;dr half an hour long mystery game that amounts to only two expansions actually doing anything plus one bonus pic for doing it all. For $15 it should be avoided at all costs.
someone have the superfatty rpg remake?
can someone drop download for soulstream expansive if possible?
Would if I could, but it's too big for me to upload on my shitty internet. It doesn't have a ton of content right now, but it's not bad for a one-time payment of $3.
Any way I could convince you if it were my birthday tomorrow? Figured it was worth a try, lol.
Long shot, but that game, Tribal Hunter is finally out on Steam. Don't think there's any chances of somebody uploading it here, eh?
yeah its pretty neat, the balance could be a bit better though, because sometimes it feels that when my characters level up, they dont get stronger (i think they dont tbh). other than that, its pretty legit with a bit of world building.
Your characters only get stat gains by defeating the enemies. If you avoid a lot of them then you'll be in trouble.
OOOOOOH, is that what it was? I wasn't really sure. I tried to grind out some enemies and stuff but I'd didn't really notice any changes. I started avoiding enemies around the time you meet Ego in the swamps because those guys were strong as fuck. That might've been it; ok then, i take that part back
Even though Flash is dead and the creator of what I'm talking about quit the inflation business, I remember an old Flash demo featuring Kairi from Kingdom Hearts who would puff up as a reaction. The creator wanted the demo to be similar to Wario Land, but with expansion elements throughout.
That sounds pretty cool, TBH.
seriously, nobody got a fix, it's look like it's 50/50 random
i got the same problem
care to give what the max limit the breast go?
kinda lazy to do it myself and being disapointed
Sorry, mate, it works just fine for me. Update your graphics drivers maybe?
(39 KB, 581x800, Vuu-05.jfif)
Like a picture of one of the characters at max size? Sure, here's the main character at max size. Apparently in the full game (or next demo maybe) There will be one or more sizes larger.
Anybody got something for belly inflation only?
Not a fan of bubble inflation but i do enjoy tbe games proposed here
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>Big boobas
>String still holding strong
Man that some quality shit, i know what i'm playing tonight
Anybody know where the image at the top of the page with the girl tied up is from?
Appreciate it thanks for the link I was trying to find it but had no luck
I actually played that game a long time ago, honestly, remove the porn bits and you got yourself a SOLID game
It's also can be quite hard specially the final boss, i've passed more time thinking about the gameplay than about the BE, hope he makes more content in the future
Well, apparently there's going to be a new larger demo out this year, said maybe around October iirc
anybody got games for belly inflation only?
Yeah, I guess it just doesn't wanna work for me
can't you zip it and throw it on dropbox or any site?
i really don't want to pay for something i don't even know and the web browser just doesn't work
There is inflation an Adventure Time VR game called Adventure Time: Magic Man's Head Games. Its at the beginning where you get turned into a balloon by Magic Man.

Didn't saw it so I wanted to share. He's creating a visual novel and updates it regularly. Ist's mainly about breast expansion but has some butt expansion in it as well.
ive been looking for an inflation based flash game for a while, it had something to do with a girl with slightly tanned skin, and youd inject needles into her boobes and make them bigger / lactate, anyone know how i could find it?
Flash game? couldn't let her get too full or she'd pop?
Emma's experiment maybe?

There's a couple versions out there, one a little less polished and finished than the other. Can still be found, though the original DA page of the creator isn't around anymore.
Just throwing it out there that there is a beta available for those on his patreon (with some extra stuff as well) just in case you guys might want to check it out.

(And also maybe do a kemonoparty or link his patreon posts or something. To be honest I am just excited that there is a game being made for this kind of thing being you know all inflation and whatnot so it's just neat seeing it in progress and seeing how much he is improving his game since his last two which I think are good (Kinda minus the 1.5 one thou that one had some bugs) so I am exited to see what's coming next.)
It does have blueberry stuff in it too but it's more of an easter egg than anything. You turn blue and wake up normal rather than expanding.
Technically you're supposed to go up one belly size while you're under the blueberry effect, but it tends to stick and not update the picture. I don't remember if that's been fixed yet.
Golden oldies.

- Soldier of Fortune 2 on PS2 (or PC) playing MP, using the Microwave Gun (or whatever its called). Was never exactly erotic though cos it ends in a massive explosion & shower of gore, but fucking funny.

-Unreal Tournament 99 on PC. Playing with the "Blimp Rifle" gameplay mutator activated, so when you shoot someone they inflate and float up until, again they explode, so it ain't sexy but it was always a laugh.

-MK2-3 on arcade, MAME & whatever consoles. Obvious mention I guess.

Cant think of any others ATM. Hardly any "proper games" had inflation, but I guess it aint surprising lol.
I forgot, in UT99 there was also a mutator that put a gun into the game where every time you shoot someone they get fatter until they explode on the last hit. Same as Blimp Rifle but not 1-hit, and no floating. Fat people everywhere by the end of each match.
Yeah, it's freaky how good this game is, and I hate most RPG Maker games.
Laughed so hard my eyes started to water once, too.
Can you please name some of these games?
The theme this year is so confusing, I'm not surprised they've had so few entrants.
>>32341 Where is that from?

wow that's awesome
It's from me, I made it.

Thanks! I hope to do a lot more with this tech soon
do you happen to have any place we can follow development of this?

It looks really promissing from animations alone
the world needs more such things in unity, I hope you keep making it!
Holy shit this is amazing
Probably would've been better to pick a picture that shows that all the characters have art now.
Cool game, but I've got two complaints:
1. Even though there's some tiddy, all the girls look WAY underaged.
2. Playing perma-inflated is stupidly overpowered, but fun as shit.
The animation alone looks promising
Yo, I found a Youtube playthrough of Annventure Captivation and it looks really good, but the file isn't available for download on itch.io anymore. Does anybody have a copy of the game?
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Not sure what kind of gameplay/elements this would have yet. I'm still in the prototype phase. I'm trying to figure out the limitations of what can be done and then go from there. I'm leaning toward a small sandbox world where you control the inflated character.

I haven't posted anything about this anywhere else so far. I'll likely make a thread on the weight gaming forums or a dA account at some point. Either way I'll let y'all know when I do.

I’m getting Katamari vibes, could be one of those games where she stuffs herself with everything around the map to a point where she’s rolling around a city?

Great work on the model and animation! I’ve been meaning to look into Blender to make 3D content!
Will definitely look forward to it!
Hoping for popping! Definitely looks like the type of game that could have the player lean towards burst-teasing and pushing over it...
I wonder if its going to be a fullbody inflation, or there's going to be a belly inflation and breast growth.
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Anyone know who made this? It was found on /trash/ on 4chan. Would be interesting to see more of this.
I love this game too. Finally there was somebody who didn't fear to make some delicious loli inflation game. Moar of that.
All I know is that it was made using Dreams so unless you got a PS4 you're probably not going to see it.
Any update on that soulstream expansive game?
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I just found an indie game that features inflation.

It’s a demo, but you play as this dude who falls into some sort of alien underworld and gets the ability to transform into four different monsters, one of them being a blue, stretchy alien which can inflate pretty big. Plus, said inflatable alien’s part of the demo, so… yay.

just got a new update btw
Homer Simpson from the simpsons game… lucky bastard
mega kaiju go brrrrr
UPDATE: The final boss in the first chapter is one you have to inflate with slime until they burst.
would love if you make another characther with just a big plump belly
In case anybody cares, there's a V3 of Ebony Floe out, and it's.. well, it's definitely an improvement. That being said, there's no real way to choose what part you inflate, and there's no debug "trigger inflation" button anymore. Also the camera is jerky.

However, Ebony actually has some animation this time around- which is nice. And it controls decently, too.

Is anyone on his report my post that could maybe post the download link so that we all could play? Please
* His report my post could repost the download *
Im really horny and want to jack off to inflation dirty talk
Definitely interested
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For those who don't know you can achieve some Hyper hourglass body on Falout 4 modded, there is some Radiation inflation mod aswell like Rad morphing Redux,
Huh, i didn't know of such a mod. Thanks very much this will be very fitting for my fallout character.
>>7077 (OP)
Albeit this is a dumb question, has anyone ever tried making a dig dug rom hack?
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I don't know if any of you will be interested, since you seem to be looking for games where there is belly-focused visual inflation. But I have been working in this simple game.

It's a game where you explore a dungeon that plays with your body. That is to say, your character breasts, ass and belly may grow. And if they grow too much, you reach game over.

I made it in rpg maker, so it has a focus on descriptions of the growth, but there is some pictures to represent some of them, specially the game overs.

This is the game, if anyone want to try:

Anyone know who actually made this?
Thanks for this! As an ass expansion enjoyer, which of these games are the best source for that?
i think it's moladeva
Alright, do you know if he would just have a DA page or do you know if he would be on weight gaming or something?
Pretty sure he just misspelled molaveda
Kemono post with this game
kemono.party/ patreon/user/ 19953153/post /35399503
Looks great and very promising. Just be careful not to make the entire game all riddles so there's some variety. Maybe add in challenges, mazes, etc.
>Soulstream dev made a patreon report my post because he don't want to share his shit
giving me less the drive to pay him up
Just put it on Kemono, what gives
the game itself isnt on patreon, it just gives access to a channel on report my post

oh no, a dev doesnt want their paid content given out for free, how horrible
Can anyone put the latest version of smasher and the Will of the thiccs?
re-up? would appreciate greatly
nvm its on kemono and the mega link still works
ånoklnnølkn, æl.,m
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There's this amazing game on the app store it's pretty cute! ( Definitely some should archive in case goggle takes down)

But I gotta say with some menus maybe character skin selection background or arena selector sounds voices this would be an amazing cute little game!

You basically play as a sfw blowup doll on a flappy bird journey to try to not pop or overinflate yourself to score the most points possible

Also my high score

Anyone got any VAM(virt-a-mate) files to share?
>>41040 this ain't bad, I just kinda wish their were human characters. Imagine this but like with that girl from Fit 2 Fat

apologies, wrong thread
Well we're always happy to see more if you ever make them or share them there's also the draw request thread if you ever want to attempt something random
Can't dl rn but what's it called? Dev might have more.
Won't lie, seems pretty suspicious
Gave it a dl and peeked inside while in a VM. This is a "super secret project" that CasualObsessive seems to be working on called "Bloatroidvania" (working title). If y'all would prefer a safer link to the same thing, it's on their kemono.
Casuals behind it! Now I really want to see it! I really hope there's popping endings or settings options and some overinflation stuff. Maybe a puffkiss boss battle. I don't know I just hope it's insane with some amazing animation
(700 KB, 1280x720, vam.png)
Here's one I made for VR: you can feed her donuts or inject her with the syringe. Just don't repost this because it includes paid addons. If folks are interested though, I'm making an alternate riding scene that's still half-baked but only uses only free stuff.

question: how the heck do you load this?
Kinda meh wish she got bigger popping as a possibility too
1. Install a copy of VaM (there's probably links on /aco/ or F95)
2. Place *.var and *.txt files into the /AddonPackages folder
3. Start VaM, load the scene from AddonPackages (if you're new, there are tutorials and YT videos that can explain the basics)
4. Wait a while for it to load

Yeah, fair. It's limited by the engine, plus the physics get wonky once you're up past ~500lbs or so. I'm just dicking around.
Downloaded the game from a diff website, and there is no addon folder. any ideas?
(197 KB, 3840x2160, media_FK93XpdXwAAcTXB.jpg)
Escort game.
You have to evade food and pumps&hoses.
When, not if, the escortee rolls or floats out of your reach, or pops, it's game over.
>>41919 I honestly thought that was fucking amazing. I've always been looking for weight gain stuff on VaM but barely every could find anything. Really well done.
shame you need to be a patreon supporter to be able to use VaM fully
Do you have a link to the game?
Really nice scene, you settled for a pretty solid final size, gotta say.
Out of curiosity, how did you manage to make the weight gain take place in small increments? I've been tinkering away at stuff, but I've never fully figured that much out.

Feel free to poke around in Edit mode - I tried to add useful descriptions everywhere I could. The basic logic works like this:

1. "CollisionTrigger Swallow" is an invisible sphere in the back of her throat.
2. Touching it with the donut triggers a Timeline plugin on the character to play an eating animation.
3. The last frame of the eating animation fires a trigger to a SequenceChoice plugin, which steps through a series of 20 events (in order) each time it's triggered. Each event corresponds to a another Timeline plugin of growth animations.
4. Each growth animation step is 5 seconds long and consists of a start frame and an end frame. All you do is set the starting "geometry" slider values in one and the ending values in the other, and Timeline fills in the middle automatically.

I still need to add a "reset" function somewhere, and maybe some UI buttons to make it easier when playing in desktop mode. I just figured I'd share what I have so far since someone was asking earlier. Good luck!
Looking through the animations that handle gaining in your project I see a ton of morphs that just don't seem to be present. In fact, about the only morph that seems present when I run it is the "Heavy" morph along with the cheeks. Do you know which addon these are from? Or is there something else at work here?
(This is the best thing I've ever seen in VaM btw)

Sorry to doublepost but I somehow forgot to make the above post a reply.
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I thin i've done something wrong on my part but I can't figure out what. This is what happens when I load in, and I dont know why. Help
Casual obsessive game?
What is that game
Still sounds good keep us updated I was just curious if it was this >>41888

Still even if it's not can't wait sounds fun
I got that originally, then it loaded correctly the 2nd time.

Whoops! Those look like missing dependencies. I've never packaged or shared a scene before, so it looks like it missed a bunch of the morphs. I added a second .zip file with more dependencies that you can drop into your VAM folder which should fix most of it.

Also updated the scene to add UI buttons for playing in desktop mode: https://mega.nz/folder/R8ki1JZI#2FjBsMy9VTJ-qAHFCjFgVg
Thanks so much. Works perfectly now. Great Room and character as well.
Someone should totally make some Belly Expansion/Inflation for VaM
Lots of capable people don't want to fuck with it because it's such a total fucking load. I mean, pay monthly so you can pay per item? If they take a portion of the cost of those items they sell, then they are making ridiculous bank taking advantage of the coomer population.
breast expansion
Does anyone have the Patreon links to the game from the report my post since the kemono does not have the download links. But it does have the report my post link.
I found Virt-A-Mate just a weak or so ago and it is fantastic. I made this thread https://bbw-chan.nl/inf/res/42643.html and was sent here. There should definitely more Expansion Art in VAM. To bad I suck at creating scenes.
I tried it out yesterday and this is truly awesome. Was it difficult to create? I have some ideas for some scenes but I don't know if I could do that.

Hey thanks! I'm fairly new to this and it wasn't too bad. I'll switch to your thread in >>42643 (Cross-thread) for questions and updates, to avoid driving this one further off-topic.
Hey, so, I recall this fighting/tournament game and one of the characters was a royal or some high class girl who was kept on a strict diet, but one night snuck out and ate a burger. They started eating and eating and eventually became a plump woman by adulthood. I recall they wore a blue dress of sorts. Anyone know what I’m talking about?
Hi, I'm still not able to load the scene correctly.
Lots of scripts seems to be missing a morphing package.
Also the girl does not morph whatever I do.
Did you put the folder that is in the dependencies.zip in the Virt-A-Mate root folder and the Anonandon.EGirlBodyControl.3.var in AddonPackages?
Yes I dropped everything where it should be, but I think it might be something wrong with my VaM.
After all I'm not able to see my hands at all so I'll try tinkering with it again.
I can't get any of the keys to auto-inflate her. Not 0 and not o either. The text file just says a "Certain Key"

It's 0 (zero). Make sure you just press it once, then wait. She'll slowly inflate on her own.
is the biggest possible size the one thats shown in the video or can you do more? if so, could anyone upload a screenshot or something?
anyone got any inflation sprites, like a spritesheet of a character getting inflated. could turn it into a quick game
"Inflation sprites" on google images brings up a lot. Still hope some artist happens to see this, though.

>>43333 it does, but nothing really good/interesting to use, like in some of the games we’ve seen linked on here. I’m looking for something of that quality
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What kinds of games AREN'T improved by the inclusion of a P balloon?
you guys know of any good games where the main character gets inflated? (other than the tale of ebony floe)
Does anyone have an update to the InflatableAlice Game by Skie-Maree?
That's genuinely incredible.
honestly, given they're saying it'll "keeps true to the original tones" im a bit scared
Does anyone know any games with breasts expansion only with full on voice acting. Thanks.
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Still don't know
he now added yuri's route
(1.1 MB, 1280x720, yuri_clean.png)
Having played both available routes, I can confirm that it does indeed "stick to the original tone", I.E. loss of free will, self-harm, mental illness, and death, not to mention gratuitous Dreamworks Eyebrow.
So if you don't find any of those things particularly arousing, probably best to give it a pass.
Take this blood-free spoiler and go in peace.
Needs actual popping. Would benefit greatly if they all just popped in the end by Monika. Not exactly fond of the fading into dark when they supposedly are about to 'burst'.
That'd be wayy too gorey but considering how brutal DDLC is by itself, it'd be a great addition.
Doesn't even have to be gory. Could be clean. Could be just confetti. Messier is definitely fitting, but still hot. Yuri being obsessed with bursting just deserves an actual pop sprite.
Who's the artist of this?
Oh god yes, I had a boyfriend and a few friends who were into inflation and ran a campaign. One of the girls specifically I was friends with had a tiefling Rouge who in session one almost had popped as I had a trap which was a thin hallway leading to a gold stash which if any was taken would cause them to inflate on the way back, though the wizard casted gaseous form on her, though because she couldn't fit back in to put the coins back she stayed cursed for the rest of the campaign. My boyfriend's character who was a dragonborn fighter with a low int score he played as a bimbo (also playing a gal because of course) drank a random potion when they were breaking into a brewery and got blueberries (had to be juiced for a hour per day to be able to stay mobile.) The wild magic sorcerer human casted flight and got inflated with helium which lasted 7 days (wild magic surge effect of any time they casted a spell that I could twist into a inflation theme thing, it was and it lasted awhile). The yuan ti wizard got their chest n ass inflated by another wizard after some bad remarks about the size of his cock, which happened over several days until their tits looked like beachballs, along with their ass and thighs. The elf cleric did have the slime thing happen to them though sort of, the elf ate a slime on it and the rogue casted create water on her stomach and I allowed it because lol.
I've seen a couple weight gain and inflation rule books floating around on deviant art and weight gaming. I'm interested, but I've barely played any table tops.
my biggest problem with Virtimate was how hard it is to do POV stuff, I've seen some ones that had good ballooning up but they just didn't work well if you tried to use the one POV settings virtimate had, be it the scripts just not working for them or it just crashing instantly.
that sounds more like you've got a bad computer. however, i have noticed that most of the time if you go too big on something, it does tend to bork up
i have none message
Anyobe have the 9.0 version of Feed my Affection?
A message
My PC can handle the game perfectly fine.
I just download the back and dump out all the images. don't need to play the game to enjoy it.
I'd love to see popping endings for each of the girls, and maybe even a ending where Monika inflates and pops them all at once to be alone with the player. And then maybe she pops too if you delete some "gas_regulator.exe" file or something.
exploding into confetti or pixels or something, of course
Which has more/better mods for this sorta stuff? Fall out 4 or skyrim? Or is there an even better option?
Depends on what you're looking for. Both fallout 4 and skyrim have pregnancy and cumflation.

FO4 has radmorphing, where any body part you want will inflate as you receive more radiation. There's also a few mods that allow for certain parts (mainly butt and boobs) to expand permanently each time you have sex. (Assimilation allows for any part to get bigger as long as you have the slider for it. AAF Sexual Harassment has an encounter where your sexual offender injects you with a bimbo serum, causing only tits and ass to expand each sex scene).

Skyrim has egg factory, which allow you to be cursed to have eggs grow inside you and get a bigger belly. Soulgem factory also allows you to put empty soulgems inside you and as they get better, your belly gets bigger. I forget what the mod's called, but as you eat food your belly can also get bigger.

There's other mods for each game that have other options, but these are the popular mods I see for each game. I've only played skyrim for a short while before quitting since my craptop couldn't handle the mods. FO4 is fairly stable as long as you're willing to put in the time to debug and fix your modlist/settings constantly before it works. Even then, there will always be issues and crashes.
He is currently not working on the game. He focusses on improving his art by adding more details.
Thanks for the suggestions fellow annon, though i’m curious to where i’d get some of the mods suggested?
They have practically all 18+ mods there. Just look up the game you want and sort by most popular or downloaded. All the good mods have a list of reauired mods so you know if you need to download something else off of nexusmods.
Thanks so much my good sir/mam’/fellow human being/whatever you identify as
This was pretty good, definitely sticks to the original tone pretty well. Did a pretty good job at being scary
five nights with fatties 2 is out by the way, in case any of y'all wanna check it out. i'm currently stuck on night 4
Not sure
she needs a good filling
While not inflation per say, Hellbrains has just released another (hyper)Pregnancy game on his itch io page.
i don't know what it is about that ebony floe game but despite its rudimentary graphics and simple premise i splooge every time i "play" it. something about being in control of the inflation i guess. either way, bump out of curiosity to see what else is being made out there regarding inflation games?
Wish someone would pirate that game. It costs too much to play considering the dev keeps disappearing for months at a time. I used to be a Patron, but got sick of how often that goober would go off into the void.
They post progress pretty regularly on their subscribestar/report my post
unironically tribal hunter is a legitimately well made game. its nice to see it get more recognition honestly
>game with, like, one female character across the entire thing
>99.999% MxM game
>dev chooses to put the female character front and center on the new storefront
>some people get mad about being tricked, but the game is so wildly successful that their complaints are buried
what difference does the "full game" have compared to the demo? demo seems pretty bare bones to me, even despite its recent 3.1.0 update
3.1.0 IS the current "full game", I think.
Yeah, pretty barebones.
here's the thing, I fuck with the idea of a platformer using inflation elements in a mobility sense, I'm pretty sure puffknight said games like mario 64 and a hat in time were direct inspirations. But I think the problem is, those games were very level based. Ebony Floe is limited to one stage, and its more about delivery and stuff, rather than exploration. And even then, that brings me to another problem abut EF that I have: the map is too generic. I get that it's supposed to take place in a town and shit, but even then, a noticable landmark or two would go a long way. One of my problems with the game is that since everything looks the same, it's easy to get lost, and not in a good way. It's annoying having to try to find the way back to your house when it looks the same as all the other buildings in the game. I seriously hope puffknight adds in a mini-map or at least some more varied architecture, so important places or areas look more distinct. That'll go a long way in helping players find out where to go.
Anyone know of a game that involves girls shrinking (not the playable character).
anyone have the newest hungry girl patreon code by chance ?

Is this game not ready or why can't I choose an ingredient?
It's not a drag and drop thing. You just click on the ingredient's picture, click on another, and click mix. I don't know if it's done or not.

For me its just a bunch of empty green boxes that don't do anything
Had that happen to me too, just had to refresh the page a few times. Sometimes the animations for one of the combos won't work either, just mix something else then try the one that didn't work again
I was able to get every combo, but it constantly flashed between that and the default appearance, at least in the browser version.
try a different browser. I tried playing in Opera GX with nothing, switching to chrome it worked perfectly fine
Things you might test

Snout + Pearl
Snout + Dandalion
Snout + Wisp
Snout + Cinnemon roll
Best combos:
Snout + Dandalion
Cinnamon roll + Devil horns
>>66014 man this game is tough, cant tell if its bad design or the game is bugged.
oh no
*he posted, and yeah, I'm one of his Patreons and played it from the first Steps. Its really quiet good. There is even something like a small quest.

Small hint, try the shower after drinking the potions.
All of that dev's games are awful, just skip the game itself and open the images folder to pick through and find what you like.
At least the dev's finally making some ACTUAL "games" for once, most of their "games" are just long questionnaires where you have 3-4 "correct" combos that result in a slightly different ending.
i wish he would finish commissions instead of doing these side projects
this game is actually amazing, it remembers me a lot of wicked pump
I tried it loads and then crashes
Wasn't that the annventure game dev that died?
I didn’t know that unless this user took that time

When I tried to open the game, it crashes as soon as it opens, am really hoping it’s fixed and the game as last updated 3 days ago

If any has a fix, that would be great
If you have msi afterburner on it can cause it to not launch, I had that happen to me, if it's not that then oh well
do you know if the demo ends after the power outage and getting up, or if there is something else, because i think i am stuck

That was fucking amazing. The graphics and writing is honestly god tier.

Frankly, there's so much effort and potential here it's honestly a little saddening knowing it's gonna be restricted to a fetish community.

If it wasn't for the inflation content, it really could become the next big quirky earthbound inspired indie RPG.

Don't get me wrong, the inflation fetish stuff is great, but I think I'd honestly rather have the fetish stuff not be there and let it be mainstream, y'know?
Just because your front door is locked doesn’t mean we can’t get in.
How did you get this game to run, I'm on windows 10 and it just shows a black box for a few seconds before closing.
I'm feeling like that old "I guide others to a treasure I can't possess" meme from years back. Seeing people enjoy the game that others can't run. Did double check if my pc had msi afterburner which it didn't something else must be causing an issue to prevent it from launching. Maybe someone else will have the fix.
fun fact that is based on the anneventure games made by yoobi who unfortunately passed https://gamejolt.com/@Yoobii

the anneventure games by yoobi are more story focused with a lot less of the fetish stuff (it's still there but mainly stuck to ego)
Virt a mate is an awesome game that lets you experience some really cool stuff including real time expansion

Link to the virt a mate expansion thread:
after i got up i circled back near the start. You can go into a room that was previously blocked off by someone.

After that, circle back to the room where you replaced the thing in the podium and backtrack through there to progress.

Btw, anybody have the code to the door?
and thank you, i got the lights up.
>>7077 (OP)
Everybody should also check out Skie-Maree's 'inflatable Adventure', test demo 1 is public on their deviant art
It just kinda did I guess?
I got it to work and now it suddenly broke. I pressed "full screen mode" while playing accidently and I think that + the format/resolution of the game might be messing that up
How did you get your game to work without crash? Because I am having trouble with that
out of curiosity what door are you talking about when you asked about a password, i'm aware you have it i just wanna see what i missed
There's a library like room near the room with all the inventions and the clone machine. You have to pick up a button from inside the vents(?) area before it and then you can enter a password.

IMO, nothing of note behind it. It just shows you a cutscene with some very vague world lore. No inflation content behind it unless I missed something
It has all the earmarks of being by the person who made (or started and half-finished twice) Wicked Pump, from the art style, to the unlikable protagonist, to the obsession with cheese.

Hm, tried messing with the "Game" configurable settings with changing the fullscreen/windowRatio numbers around yet still no success. If someone who got it working posted what they have there we could try that. Best clue I got to get this thing working.
Got it working. Heres how.
Rpg maker games share the same config in the registry. If you go to your registry editor then go through these folders. HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> Enterbrain -> RGSS3
After right click Right click on LaunchInFullScreen and select Edit (First option), set the value to 0.

You are a lifesaver! Thanks so much!
Thank you so much, I finally got the game to work
anyone got a clue what the door with a red bow and flooring is for in the vents? or if it's even accessible? or does anyone know what the point of the statue down the really long elevator in the corn field is for?
Atm he is adding weather and does Brainstorming with us Patreons on his report my post.

The public version is the version that is available, he is working on the next step.

And, just saying you get excess to the game and his report my post in the 1$ tier at Patreon, so its not that expansive and you can then bring your ideas for the game on the table.
Was thinking exactly that. Her name was Shamefulradio. The secret room that you enter at one point, with the password mentioned somewhere above, tipped me off. Some stylistic choices artistic and game wise as well as sound effects seem to be shared between WP and EE, too. There's almost certainly something fishy going on.

Unless, of course, Nurse is just a big Radio fan and we're crazy.
Yeah my phone made report my out of "report my post Server", sorry

When you beat the game the creator literally brings up shameful radio has helping with the game in a post game talk with the player. So it's not like it's a mystery or anything.
forgot to tell you the statue triggers a boss fight but i think you have to defeat a robot woman in the room i was in
how do you access it?
not exactly sure but i think i picked it up in the vents. I'll try to replay some of the parts
(22 KB, 793x439, image_2022-11-21_121708250.png)
also if you ever wanna fight the 3 bosses which being the mimic, another boss to the left door and the statue thing i highly suggest getting this guy
I like how you couldn’t make a point without needlessly injecting racism into it. Mask off
Can’t even have an unrelated tit for tat without the fact that whites and Asians view people from Africa as inferior being injected into it.
Chan or not why did you feel the need to inject “I hate ni-“ into this?
What, to tilt someone like me?
At the expense of people who might be watching that are Black?
It’s so unrelated and needless I actually seriously can’t comprehend it.
Chan or not it makes you a sad human being.
Nvm the fact that you’re asking for toddlers in a game tutorial?
Op you’re strange
(23 KB, 1267x1080, K4HMot1[1].png)
so am I just softlocked here or what
so the heavy battery you get after beating the statue secret boss, does it go anywhere? Is there a 4th boss or secret room?
In the red house the left door behind the present fight
I'm stuck as well, but even sooner, I got into the weird power room and pressed the button that said "Something opened up somewhere" and from here I'm stuck, could I ask for some help as well?
Nvm, found the machine I'm just a dumdass and miss the interaction hitbox on the right machine :/
Sorry I didn't respond sooner I literally played all installations and the third on day one and have to say
it's very well written and you can feel the feels
but I'm surprised Sayori wasn't the one to get a bike pump.


Skie-Maree is currently developing an Inflation-based RPG. Here you can find the Link to his DeviantArt with an explanation of how to download it right.

Its for free and lives from the Donations he gets on his Patreon, so it would be super nice if you could play the game and if you like it, supporting him is worth it.

Hes developing now since September and made a really good progress when you keep in mind, that he draws all Pictures for Characters speaking, Tutorials and UI by himself.

Check it out, and I hope we see each other on his Patreon-report my post

P.S. I have his permission to promote the Game
When will it be published?!
Absolutely not worth $10. Maybe worth $5. Has 4 characters with 4-5 stages of still images that could've just been a standalone sequence. Stock noises, no music, the writing is ok at best. The best part is the character design. Finished all 4 characters and all their routes in maybe 30 minutes.
Is there a way to view "adult" content on Twitter without an account? I really don't want to sign up for one.
could you maybe screenshot so we won't need to sign up?
Can I at least see some screenshots, particularly of the Fey story?
So, no YouTube video?
>that art style
Barf-o-rama dude.

Good idea, but the dev's a left-wing weenie that has mental breakdowns every week, whines at/about celebrities on Twitter, and stops working on this game to work on side-projects that also go nowhere, and will literally cry whenever anyone complains about a game of his not getting updated.
(If anyone here doesn't have access to Twitter, it's the Momulator dev, Captain Elderly. The WEBMs are all non-playable clips of the main lioness woman character getting her belly and breasts inflated in a very "game dev prototype" kind of way. The game itself will be an almost literal "mom simulator" as per the name, and inflation is just one of several side-kinks the game will have, if it ever actually updates.)
I want to play games
If you made a dollar for each AI piece you’ve uploaded you could actually book a therapy appointment
Someone please share the latest version of soulstream expansive future fate. The creator is taking a break so this is the last update to the main game for a while.
Do you by chance also have access to the new version of the original (Soulstream Expansive 0.1.8)? I would really like to play it, but if you don’t, it’s fine.
I'll be fully honest and say that I'm not sure. I was talking about what was released on Patreon on December 20th, but I think this would be satisfactory also. Thanks a lot mate, and I hope you have a lovely holidays.
Does anyone have a more up to date build tan that one. It crashes so often I can't even get through a little dialog.
does anyone have the 1.8 build of soulstream 2?
That is unfortunately the most recent build I could get from the report my post. I'm not even subscribed to his patreon but I have the lowest rewards tier available so that's the best I can do
Played through Soulstream it has decent gameplay and its design for a small game is alright but its written poorly and exremly sexist to the point where as a dude just wanna turn of the game cause these girls are just Overgrown Bitches, wouldn't recommend or support it

I agree that the writing is easily the weakest part of the game. The protag is a very shameless and weird self-insert from the dev who is clearly lacking social skills.
to be honest i kinda just play soulstream to fill my morbid curiosity of just how bad and blatant luca can get.
So did anyone get a more updated version of soulstream 2?
Apparently a new soulstream 2 update is coming out in a week or two.
i want to make myself blueberry
The new soulstream build is out.
Someone please share the latest build of soulstream 2.

Where to purchase?
Stupid auto correct. I meant "on their report my post".
What the? I said dis-cord.
Can we get sauces or updates on these 2 in thread 2 before they're gone as thread locked>>32939
i think the first one was on that game where mr krabs overdoses on ketamin speedruns take place as for the second one blobygon is the creator of it but i don't think there's been much on it since
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I dunno, seems to me like you're asking for a lot more than you deserve. You're expecting that i work without complaint, at a consistency that inevitably results in burnout, without getting burnt out. You seem to think I also owe you opinions that validate your own and don't conflict with your sense of entitlement.

The game is still in an early state because there's an immense amount of work to do with the systems behind the expansion content. it's all designed to be extremely easy for others to add onto. Some of the work i've shared hasn't been the most focused, but it's important to me that the project is still enjoyable to work on.

I'll work on other projects when i feel the need to, as i have a vested interest in not growing to resent the project. I'm looking at having another demo out within the next couple weeks.

Y'know, as far as i can remember, i've only publicly mentioned a single person who's complained about slow updates, and you're by far the most bitter about that of anyone i've ever seen. Was it you by any chance?
>>75934 not to be rude but it's not fuckin rocket science all you need to do is buy the game, join the report my post, share the link to the download it takes like a minute tops
fuck her up
Ignoring twatwaffles like >>73246, can't wait to see more Momulator, I absolutely love it!
Make an archive before a thread-making newfag bumps this thread out.
And you recommend this be done how? The only service I know of is archive.ph, and it deletes pornographic content.

Shit, you could do it yourself in the time you're taking to complain about it.
i need some help finding a game. i remember getting it from patreon. you played as a student with a new teacher named daisy i think. your character attended school, worked at a restaurant where you could add a potion thing. there were a bunch of interactable characters, like the waitresses at the restaurant and a lady that owned a sweets shop. for some reason i cannot remember the name of the game or the patreon.

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