
(362 KB, 1169x1962, 941b90a2a3238df679144b86e242eddc535d97e25a6f7be90228a617b5864c6e.jpg) (234 KB, 1157x2048, 640f66423f8a01d9db23923da540b6f098ffe9a4dbecb273ebfe6152cd185090.jpg) (408 KB, 1536x2048, d70d3c742938a8745054b2b0d7fcdd75357bdaffd80d5942e67ac8f9458b1308.jpg)
I searched for many videos with this category of belly inflation and I found her. I couldn't find her videos.
Whoever has these clips, I am willing to trade with him. I have an impressive collection
Replace x with t
>>69838 (OP)
It says the files are no longer available
Like I bought a couple of her videos and when I try to record them, it doesn't work.
MY STUFF2022.zip is corrupted and can't be opened
Wow, did not expect you guys to try and trade my content. I work hard to put this stuff out for you all. Not only that but my videos are on sale and cheap. So disappointed in you all.
It happens though from time to time even on the cheaper side of things I mean personally I just be thankful it's not newer content how a lot of people kind of go about it in the community is limited time exclusives at a high enough price.

Make bank while ya can then let bygones be bygones on it. To be fair some people may not have credit cards or PayPal accounts with and begging on the internet is there only option to probably see stuff like this

Still it's fucked but it's sorta the accepted thing on the internet I mean we've had plenty of decisions on this over hellresidents content having the same issues.

But what can ya do I guess still sorry this has happened to you you seam like a nice Creator.

That Said speaking of content and hellresidentinfl8 maybe you should hit them up for a commission Collab sometime? that or quadroverse might possibly be looking for a inflation model? No harm in asking at least.

I mean he might be lurking somewhere in bbwchan so worth a shot both fantastic artists worth the dollars with there morph skills as well as many others in this community just fun food for thought to look into i guess is all in saying
>>69838 (OP)
Also props on doing hose in mouth content report my post kitten not too many people do the whole plugs hose in mouth
Puffs out checks
And moans or something like there inflating or something it's a underrated trope not done by many inflation models
I’m with Kitten fuck you anon
>Wow, did not expect you guys to try and trade my content.
Then either didn't do your research, or you're naive enough to still have faith in humanity. You're not the first and you won't be the last, as the rest of this place will attest to.

Were you honestly expecting this side venture to turn a large profit?
Were you hoping to give up your day job in exchange for this hobby?

Or do your motivations lie in vanity or egotism?
Have you become addicted to praise and compliments?

Neither path will bring you happiness.

>Still it's fucked but it's sorta the accepted thing on the internet
It's inevitable. For decades software companies have tried to prevent people copying videos through DRM, but it's a basic law of computing that any data that can be transmitted can be copied and retransmitted.

The only thing stopping it happening is technical competance and people's own morality, and we aren't exactly living in the 19th century anymore - the technology has advanced and the morals have flown the coop.
>>as the rest of this place will attest to
You don’t speak for us anon, you just suck
I don't need to speak for you, the evidence speaks for itself: I was referring to all the other threads where people share paid-for content for free.
Where do I go to purchase this content?
Lol you just told the artist themselves to fuck themselves what a L boozo
>>69946 shut up and be thankful they're only trading and not posting it publicly.
>>69838 (OP)
lol you call that an 'impressive' collection?

i wouldn't worry, these losers can't trade for shit. they're not getting anywhere.

Might as well just try to turn this into a discussion thread.
Do you guys know how I can contact the mods on this? Thank you guys for defending me! I think its so sad. my videos are cheap and fair priced. So are my commissions.
I was tagging the artist’s post to agree that the anon below should fuck off but you’re too stupid to understand how communication on this site works whoops lol
The creator just told you all to fuck off and rightly so there’s nothing to discuss lol
She’s a Disco balloon you should groove with her
I was tagging the artist’s post to agree that the anon below should fuck off but you’re too stupid to understand how communication on this site works whoops lol
The creator just told you all to fuck off and rightly so there’s nothing to discuss lol
She’s a Disco balloon you should groove with her and support her! Big ups to you Disco!
lol this thread's not going away. you might as well make about discussing/promoting her content and giving feedback, asking questions and such, since the creator is here to answer them. instead of just fighting amongst yourselves. no content is being traded here.

you might be able to report the thread on grounds that OP is asking for content without posting any himself (see rules), so hey go nuts.
Well I'm here to answer your questions! I'm much more active on twitter too!

Now I'm gonna buy some of her vids and post them publicly just to be an asshole
yeah just that lotta people arent on twitter especially since its going to hell and all.

not that this place isnt a shitbucket because people have to be assholes
Sorry Kitten, I do appreciate your content.
thanks guys )':
(85 KB, 720x686, 20221128_234406.jpg)
>Well I'm here to answer your questions!
Ok why the fuck are you charging 40 dollars for a 10 min video?
I 100% agree the hose in the mouth+moaning inflation content is so good. Something I wish more creators did
Damn $40 for for belly content? Belly's like $10 to $15 tops! For $40 I'm expecting some full body inflation shit with maybe a inflatable suit and not one of those cheap blimp ones from the costume but the ones inflated bitch (that's legit her name) uses!

Sorry to say love but these prices do be a bit pricey just for a balloon under your shirt even tmc is like $12 a pop full body inflation content same with blowupgirls
(680 KB, 1000x750, ugly Violet shirt good ball.png) (4.1 MB, 2992x2244, beachball.png)
Like legit not trying to be an ass but spring for one of those pricey suits and blow yourself up in it at least that would be worth the $40 price tag.

$40 ruffly 10× to tops 20 video sales would pay for it in full
then take the cash to get a suit off Alibaba

Although please do us all a favor and if you get one with that stupid Violet Wonka over shirt (like in the photo) throw that part out it looks stupid as hell and I don't know why tmc and other content creators use it! That shits buttons don't even pop well sml.

But yeah if your gonna charge $40 at least get creative with it can't promise you people won't pirate it but you seam like a nice gal people probably will pay for it just to pay it forward. If you put in the effort this community will support your endeavors for sure! But that's all it your gonna have to go full body inflation for that price point hun. But believe me the cash flow you'll get it's worth people be thirsty as hell for any girl willing to do horny fun in one of these. It's a slow burn profit but definitely a profit overall!
(2.6 MB, 1920x2552, tmc using squeak latex suit.png) (2.7 MB, 1920x2613, squeak latex store (they got suits made specifically in skin color-tan).png)
You could try and spring for one of those expensive squeak latex suits but good luck getting a hold of his ass he's unreliable as hell in the community lately

But it's the Same ones taylormadeclips used for clothes ripping/bursting which if you ask me is just perfection just buy one of these Inflate and tear though some baggy clothes and people would eat that up as well!

You could even bring in a few model based friends to Collab inflate as well. Tmc and blowupgirls (another inflation based company that does fantastic pops using the old Hollywood bewitched technique) thrives on guest actresses.

Point is there's many ways if you wanna drop some time and effort and more you put in more $ and good will you receive back. That simple
>Do you guys know how I can contact the mods on this?
Chan boards have moderators?
I've been here years and never seen one.

>I think its so sad.
Welcome to the internet.

>So are my commissions.
A bit of advice: comissions are guaranteed profit, the actual videos aren't.
No video site or even Patreon will protect you from clip sharing.
Information wants to be free.

>Now I'm gonna buy some of her vids and post them publicly just to be an asshole
^ The internet in a nutshell. ^

>lotta people arent on twitter
I was never on Twitter in the first place. Twitter is for cucks!
I remember the internet before Twitter came around to ruin it.

>40 dollars for a 10 min video
Glad I'm not the only one who noticed.
$4 for each minute of content is scandalous!

This anon speaks sense. Top quality profit-making advice there.
Also great advice.
This anon and the others are stupid. You’re an active model so unfortunately there’s not much you can do other than see this as a baked in cost of business at the moment for a model like you.
That being said the anons here are being assholes. You don’t need a ball suit that makes no economical sense other than for creators with high volume like Taylor and even then they won’t bother to invest in a truly high quality suit.
Your content is great Kitten so best of luck in your endeavors and screw these anons you do you Disco!
Awe well I’m sorry you all feel this way. My videos are priced accordingly (: hope everyone has a great day! Happy Holidays lol
Well looking into one of those full body ball suits you'll get some of your followers definitely down to drop a few dollars

But good luck on your endeavors! Here's to hoping at least one of use spawned a interesting idea or two.
That's why you do what other LF creators (like Madz) do and at least make your vids half off for your subscribers. Gets you more subs for that guaranteed monthly intake and shows that you appreciate them. People understand you are just starting out and need to recoup the expenses that come with that but coming in with high prices can put people off and have them react the way they do rather than see $40 for a 10 min video as 'priced accordingly'
also guys she obviously doesn't do that type of content so i don't know why you are trying to put her in a blueberry suit. let her do the shit she's passionate about and therefore good at so she can put out quality content and go try to get your blueberry shit elsewhere.
No thank you (: I'll keep doing what i'm doing. If you actually read the description in the $40 dollar video, you would know what it entails. I also give discounts to my subs. I also just had a sale with my videos being 50% off. So the video was $20 for a bit.
>I also give discounts to my subs. I also just had a sale with my videos being 50% off. So the video was $20 for a bit.
20$ for a 10 min video is still too much.
>If you actually read the description in the $40 dollar video, you would know what it entails.
I read the description and watched the trailer it doesn't look like anything that hasn't been done before.
Yo i got the tmc clip you have listed. Trade for "I am getting so fat and I love it"?
>20$ for a 10 min video is still too much.
it is a bit much, but gotta remember she's just starting out. By contrast, Madz charges subs $20 for a 30 min video. what she's not realizing is: By pricing it reasonably you get more sales. Because you also get the customers that can only afford the 20 PLUS the subscription so you actually make more money. Instead of only getting money from the stupid rich people who have $40 lying around to burn in this economy, which there are much less of.

>I read the description and watched the trailer it doesn't look like anything that hasn't been done before.

Yeah there's nothing in there that calls for any kind of high production cost. And if there was you'd make a longer video to justify it. You do have the camera and props, but you are using them for other vids. it looks like you are just trying to recoup costs really fast.
traade for ^bug personal floation device^ and ^bug maid inflation^?
yeah they are not cheap nor is there a sale or any discounts for her subs, like she says.

then is actually surprised when people dont wanna pay $40 for a 10 min vid, that's whats messed up and sad.
Please $40 ain't rich $1,000 on a suit or something is.
$40 is basically a grocery haul nowadays.
That said for a inflation video like you said where Madz is doing $20 for 30 minutes $40 for ten is too short. If you want $40 you have to increase quality if you can't try new things and give bigger quantity

People always want the most for they're bucks
Thank you all so much for the advice! I really appreciate it (: In regards to the sale, you missed it. For almost a week, my videos were half off for my subs. Some videos are still discounted if you are a sub. Not all my videos are in the $40 price range. It depends on the work that goes into each video. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
>For almost a week, my videos were half off for my subs. Some videos are still discounted if you are a sub.
The videos are still over-priced even at half off.
If there's anyone in this thread that has any of her paid content post it and maybe she'll start charging more reasonable prices.
can confirm no videos currently are discounted for subs

at 50% off, they're at least reasonable and more akin to what creators usually give their subs, at least for someone just starting out.
lol that's not exactly helping your case "sorry i blew our weekly grocery budget on a 10 min vid" XD
The kuck is convinced that if this doesn’t work and certain things don’t pan out/are still in the picture she’ll drop him. She’s obsessed because she has mixed legitimate hate with legitimate sexual obsession.
The other two just want to fuck each other and everyone around and be happy and honestly that’s admirable.
The fact that this specific thread even exists and an irl sex worker got pirated and wrapped up into this shit is damaging and pathetic.
I fully expect you dolts to continue your desperate game but just know you’re an open book at this point.
sir this is a Wendy's
He isn't wrong though... I really appreciate the support. Thank you!
>>71499 it doesn't look like anyone is going to leak your overpriced content you can fuck off now
Whoever you are you need to fuck off
You’re amazing Disco, that person is a buffoon
Whoever you are you need to fuck off
You’re welcome Disco, that person is a buffoon
Whoever you are you need to fuck off; you’re a buffoon.
You’re very welcome Disco best wishes to you!

Put the dick down
Instead of bumps let's just say "simp" for now on in threads to forever immortalize how thirsty fuck is! >>71506
Bump it
Pump it
Bump bump or Pump it.....:)) :))
But no one contributes. Especially when the owner of the clips is here on bbwchan.
I'm right Disco Kitten?
>>77212 yes, we don’t want to contribute them cause it’s not really a contribution, those clips are scams
>When you're a gigantic fucking lying opportunist
why are yall acting like you should just be given porn? especially in a niche fetish, shit takes work to make how is it unreasonable to seek compensation for it? sounds like yall just cheap and desperately horny
>sounds like yall just cheap and desperately horny
Damn bro you're a genius. How'd you figure that one out?
finaly, man of culture
I know Kitty looks over this thread, but if you can get more of this content onto this thread you will be praised. Similar way would be most beneficial
The user known as “Teorvm” has been reported to ManyVids and WeTransfer. Anyone who downloaded from that WeTransfer link is getting reported to their ISP. As a reminder this is my main form of income, so this is just hurting me and other content creators. This only discourages us from making content for your pleasure. Support your creators, don’t sabotage them. Thank you 💖 DK
(31 KB, 623x454, 20230205_135243.jpg)
>Anyone who downloaded from that WeTransfer link is getting reported to their ISP
Don't tell me you actually think they're gonna do anything about it

This. They won't do shit. Maybe to the host at best but never the people who downloaded it. The hundreds of people who downloaded the vid won't have anything done to them.
You clearly don’t know how things work.

Over the years I've learned not to trust previews when it comes to purchasing videos. I refuse to purchase any creator's videos until I have seen a real sample. So at least in my case, there was no chance of lost income to you. Now that I have seen some of your work, I am considering adding to my collection.

Also, since most of us use VPN's, empty threats are just a waste of your time.

this isn't Hunter's Laptop. ISP wont care. Sorry.
link still work
I mean I don't get why she doesn't stop lurking and make exclusive freebie bbwchan content;)

I mean drop a Kofi or something and you might get more customers vs. piracy as long as the shits dope enough?
Honestly yeah. I wouldn't want to buy her stuff now if she gonna threaten people too. Only content creator I've seen who is threatening with the ISP reporting. Waste of time too cause they would only go after the uploader at best.

Take a page from Reiinapop. She doesn't freak out if people download her stuff.
>>79535 imo cfm hasn't posted anything good since they found out about their threaf
Lots of desperate people on here demanding content. Feel bad for all of you. Entitled for sure. Sad. You guys yap and yell at this girl and then you go masturbate to her. Super weird.
>You guys yap and yell at this girl
We're not yelling we're typing dumbass.
>Lots of desperate people on here demanding content.
You must be new here.
here's the stuff I have aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXphUDd4OG9qSmE=
LOL wow so much wit
looks like she deleted it.
Its working for me!
It doesn't work for me.
All it says that the page you are looking for can't be found.
They're probably trolling

So anyone get their ISP letter in the mail yet courtesy of Discokitten lol.
>>79644 I did actually but unfortunately I ran out of toilet paper and I had to use it to wipe my ass
I reuploaded it aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXphUDd4OG9qSmE=
Your link does not work⬆️⬆️⬆️😟😟, try Mega or MyAirBridge
Maybe Disco Kitten blocked or report
I would really be curious to see those 3 clips presented at the beginning of this category. They look super hot
try this one aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9naDl4QWh4NCN0NzEyajRySTRnaDhSR3FhR050dDRx
maybe then create a group in the report my post or in the telegram where you can normally upload the video?
Why is the belly prop with stretch marks so much hotter than normal belly props.
Expired, unless i didnt so something right
that's so fast, try myairbridge
>>80711aw man it says it don’t exist

I told you that shit wasn't real. Now, come on and let's go make fun of those skinny white girls, or pick on some homeless people.
Whoever has them, we can exchange them for other clips, but not clips from her, but other clips from the same category with body swelling. You can write to me here or by e-mail Chastitym520@REPORT MY POST
Something is not working
I tried to send you an email but I don't know why it doesn't work. I wrote Chastitym520@g. m.a.i.l.com but it doesn't work
Chastitym520@REPORT MY POST
Replace r my post with dis c c o r ddddd

As some mods though it would be funny to add that every time you mention the messaging site. I get it but still like hell if I'm giving out my private info,PayPal, any personal info whatsoever to a fucking anon message board no offense. Which is why I think di c o r d is needed

Unless mods can provide alternative for business transactions?
For fuck sakes it's G ma il too now!

Damn mods really don't want you off platform?
Again I just don't get the hate boner is all it's weird?
report my post.com
(59 KB, 740x326, mad-marine.jpg)
>Unless mods can provide alternative for business transactions?
No we can't, not one that would guarantee anyone's safety anyway. And look, I get it's annoying, but you weren't here for the 'cord trade group spam plague I guess. When every thread devolves into "let's go talk about this elsewhere", it just isn't worth our time to police. If you like the idea of trading / buying / selling in an aftermarket grey-market, you're free to do so, but not blatantly advertise it here, where it's not allowed.

We've always operated on the ethos of if you've got content, post it. Don't hold it for ransom. That does no one any good. Don't make this site like real life where everything has a price and you must make deals and shady transactions just to see something. It's just like saying 'I've got something this site would LOVE to see, but, you know, I gotta get my cut' fuck off with that shit is what we've always said.
I saw the images in the forum and wants to know who has the clips. If someone has them and wants to exchange other clips but not from her. I have an impressive collection with the body inflation category and I want to exchange.
If you want, you can write me on email
Just delete / and you have e-mail
Fair enough at the very least can you ignore it if it's something innocent like someone wanting a commission or something private that absolutely has to be handled elsewhere for both parties safety. I wasn't around for that era so apologies I had no idea but even so I do think a alternative need to exist to some extent I guess

So leave the report my posts up just police the ones that actually are scamming assholes and leave the ones be that are innocent shit as a middle ground? I don't knowvi just feel it's a double edged blade both helpful yet hurtful as well for the small fry's that do need it. but you do make a compelling argument it's the same as trying to police free gift card scams on YouTube and stuff it's physically impossible!

So again really up to you I don't think people are gonna stop advertising there report my posts for things if it's mandatory for safety concerns as this is a chan board but I do have a better understanding why it exists.i guess at least for me maybe I'll advertise with something else or a profile if needed instead for now on as contact if report my post is that much of a hot topic.
I also understand the last part ironically I'm not one of these clips traders although I'm sure there's probably a market for it I make enough of my art and stuff that I don't need trivial shit like that but yeah I feel that vibe I've came across quite a few paywalls and I've even made a hefty argument on bisjomoms blueberry set and how it was very low effort and not even worth TMC money! Like she wants $80 for a shit post! Instead of acting out something horny as hell in it

But paywalls suck but what can you do people gonna dump there money where they want
dafuq is goin on ??? i came here for pron fet'
Okay so where’s the inflation in these videos?

Like this is the inflation section for bbwchan not the pregnancy section
Thank you for the vids. This one doesn't exist.
Already taken down
Do real inflation and I'll buy everything.
Yea we went from inflation rp to standard b/g stuff kind of boring, though they were kind of boring to begin with
anyone have the sailor kitten video?
If anyone is interested for exchange and have these 4 clips, write to my e-mail
Just delete / and you have my email 😗 😗
To exchange
If you are interested, write to me in email ☝️☝️☝️because I can't post my wishlists here or what Disco Kitten content i have from to exchange
IIRC, she and Madz use custom silicone made casts to film their bodies. They're sold by a Chinese woman. It's like Lisa Frank for adult women.
Which videos do you have?
Write to my e-mail and I will send you a picture of what clips I have.
Just delete / and you have my email 😗
Warning everyone now he does NOT trade. I send him videos and did not send anything back!
Can someone repost the vids please
I remember when a similar thread was on pregchan and Disco got caught samefagging so I wonder how many posts in this thread not labeled as her are actually her
If anyone wants an exchange her clips,just write me on e-mail....Chastity/M5200/@g/mail.c/om
just delete / and you have my email
He is a liar and does not trade i give him videos and he still gives me nothing
No yeah every so often he'll make his rounds on bbwchan and preggophillia spamming that he'll trade with his email. I tried to trade with him once and his collection was not good at all so I ghosted him. This loser needs to get a life
Cook that fraud
agreed. i gave him what's on his wishlist, and yet he said that he is not into those vids. what for he put them up on his wishlist? LIAR

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