
(3.9 MB, 2585x1810, image%3A114585)
Here's one I've erased the person pumping for privacy but edited it so you can throw a random girl or something at the pump
What bout the rubber suit samus comic? Anybody got that
this will be a long shot but does anyone have the witches of sabbath comic
as well as the story that comes with it
Y’all are the biggest inside joke in the entire community and don’t even realize it lmfao
(1.3 MB, 682x960, screenshot.png)
still holding out hope for bimbo wars (especially part 2)
This will never end as long as you’ve tipped the scales of God against nature
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Anyone have the lara croft skydiving sequence?
Do you wonder whether all women depicted know about it?
What is it about HellResident’s new art that pisses me off so much
Most of it just feels like the same thing copied and pasted?

His social feeds are just prearranged bot spam.

I dunno it feels like the dude took a really bad business course and started giving the minimum effort for maximum cost technique.
does anybody have the harry potter famous scenes done right?
Did mods delete Jackie?
Anyone get any commission stuff they wish to show off in the chat?
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And if you have any doubt on if it's her or not the images 100% match up with that trampoline scene from TMNT (giving there's so many good tpose shots and how it makes animating things easier I'm assuming this is the exact reason he chose her for this set)
You wouldn’t happen to have the story that came with it would you?
No sadly I don't
Anyways anyone feel like sharing at least one interesting commission? We need something to keep this thread alive!
My bad. Thing froze during first try
It does thanks a lot! Do you have any more lost hellresident stories?
I'll have to see in my cloud drive. Which ones are you looking for?
post all of them if you can
You ever find anything?
Anyone gonna share new commissions even a tease or something interesting? Threads kinda dying here
Does anyone have the parts for FSDTRW: Toon Magic?

or is this place already abandoned and forgotten?
bump for the second request
Does anyone have the comic about the gassy, bloated girl in the bar who gets a cork put in her butt to stop her farts, only for her to swell up until she explodes and gasses the place with farts?
It's above in the threads

Is there a gallery somewhere with the og photos paired with their morphed counterparts?
No but your welcome to start one
I tried getting it from kemono party, but the mediafire link seems to never work. this is apparently because, and i quote:

"I have installed an AUTOMATED mechanism that once EVERY day, it takes down the mediafire links to my recent comics and renews them before once again restoring them accessible to everyone!
This AUTOMATED process can take from a few minutes to up to a few HOURS each time it takes place!"
(This is from their patreon btw)

And that just befuddles me! Why would you need to take down the link to the thing your patreons are paying for, especially when it can sometimes take fucking hours to put it back up? Is it to dissuade pirates from accessing your stuff without paying (I know I'm part of the problem, sue me, I ain't putting that shit on my credit card bill)? Because this just reminds me of when game companies install some bullshit DRM into their game that does nothing to stop the piracy and only ends up hurting the people who bought and are playing the game legitimately.

I’ve never been able to view any link from Kemono Party, so either I’ve just been unlucky every time, or it just doesn’t let you use the download links if you’re not paying for it.
i have the same problems but weirdly enough the link on hellresident's patreon page works fine

I don’t currently have a subscription but when I did I didn’t have any issues with trying to view his links directly from Patreon so it’s gotta be like a Kemono Party factor of not allowing it.
You know what, yeah that makes more sense that it straight up doesn't work for Kemono users.

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