
(56 KB, 192x279, 1297223729144.jpg)
better fire up your download buttons lads
DA is opening up to AI bots and you just know a lot of the more whiney artists are going to sperg out and baleet everything in response
twitter compresses art to shit so if you want quality pieces, save them while you can

this wouldn't be a problem if most artists just archived their shit properly
You know this is fetish art right? So who cares.
You act as if the Mona Lisa started selling her fart jars
(4.0 MB, 498x208, 62D85DED-D57F-44A3-B89A-B6E66F90C891.gif)
The longer it gets delayed the longer the anticipation and everything that entails lasts 🫣🫠🤭🤣😘
OP has a point. Low tier artists leaving isn't the problem. Many artists are uneducated in AI matters and ignorant and refusing to listen to new information.
AI's unronically one of the better things to come out of the current year.
Very funny to me that people are freaking out about AI spam, when it objectively looks better even when it's redundant.

I didn't see people clutching their pearls before, when the site was flooded with awful photoshops of celebrity faces on movie stills of violet.

People talking about spam on dA, like 90% of the site wasn't ALREADY spam. If anything, this spam is at least moderately better.
Do you really know why they "clutch their pearls" and lie about algorithms? It makes them feel obsolete.
What's all the fuss about?
Generic, Great Value-level internet discourse. One group of people have a problem with something going on, another group says they're overreacting and were worthless anyway so their issues don't matter.
Leaving is common, anyways.
>>68457 (OP)
>twitter compresses art to shit
There are addons for downloading original res uploaded art, like 5000 x 4000 or whatever artist had uploaded.

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