
(234 KB, 595x388, bff89e86bdd0ba774426a981d16ade07.jpg)
Do you sometimes wonder about your favourite inflation artists and what else they do besides their fetish art?

Are they into it as well?
What are their actual art interests?
Did you ever find an inflation artists other account and were surprised by what you found?
This seems inappropriate. If artists don't want to publicly advertise their fetish accounts on their public accounts or vice versa, drawing attention to the connection is only going to make them want to distance themselves from the fetish art community.
Besides, even if you don't think that making this thread is morally corrupt, it's better suited for /gen/ than here.
>Two artists draw in the exact same style, are never in the same place together at the same time, and never interact with each other
Who could have ever guessed they were the same person????!???
It's pretty silly to treat it like some big secret when it's as obvious as the nose on your face. It'd be like if Jim Davis had a secret fatty inflation porn account but still drew in the Garfield style
"WoW I HaD No IdEA!!!!!"
And even then, this discussion is in bad taste how???
They posted their art to an online space, with an open forum. The instant you do that it becomes open to any discussion of any kind.
This is called free speech, you may have heard about it.
Honest to god Special Needs Individual Behavior.
>Uses basic pattern recognition
>special needs behavior

I'm sorry thinking is so hard for you.
My dude artists don't owe you the combination of fetish art and their art for general audiences into a single space, some of us like to keep our shit separated for a multitude of reasons.

Absolute mental.
>implying 0pik is even a fetish artist anymore.

he hasn't drawn anything in the past 2 years besides a short, vanilla stuffing comic with no dialogue. look elsewhere.
Panspermia? That comic fucking sucks. Absolute snooze fest
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>OP explaining why doxxing one of the community’s most beloved members is totally cool y’all
They’re probably jealous 0pik has actual talent
(194 KB, 240x138, C3B5DE7C-3D8C-4538-B1B0-411B58B6FF54.gif)
>OP explaining why this thread attacking one of the most beloved members of our community is totally like cool like
They’re probably jealous 0pik has actual talent
yes artists often have side accounts
this isn't news OP

this is now a thread about how panspermia blows chunks
I get that opik wanted to make a subtle horror comic, but it has dragged on for WAY too long with very little payoff, and doesn't help that it's rather incoherent from a story perspective

also his strength as a fetish artist has always been super curvy girls and full body inflation, just doing belly (and small bellies at that) feels like a waste
J thinks AO went too far with HG because it’s true and she’s desperately trying to recal the attack plan because it’s falling apart in a matter of hours due to massive underestimation of “the enemy” and her radChad actual hero top secret clearance (seriously I respect you even if you don’t respect me you did crazy shit for your country and the West and I legitimately salute you) bf with a security clearance is telling her this isn’t worth it whilst also wondering why his gf is paying so much attention to this other brown guy that was in her life first, hateful or not, dick pic and all
J thinks AO went too far with HG because it’s true and she’s desperately trying to recal the attack plan because it’s falling apart in a matter of hours due to massive underestimation of “the enemy” and her radChad actual hero top secret clearance (seriously I respect you even if you don’t respect me you did crazy shit for your country and the West and I legitimately salute you) bf with a security clearance is telling her this isn’t worth it whilst also wondering why his gf is paying so much attention to this other brown guy that was in her life first, hateful or not, dick pic and all
PS yes that was my dick. Yes it’s that thick. Yes without KY it was too painful for her and the Jelly was a necessity

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