
Can't wait for the next royal slam page
Anyone have what the characters are on the poll for the last guest for haunted kingdom
Would you happen to have the new Royal Slam page as well?
Mavis Won
Who was in second and third place?
Also, what are the scenarios for Mavis?
Could someone please show the choices for scenarios on the last haunted kingdom poll for this year
In exchange, I'll leak the address of a terrorist for you to report.

45°26′40″N 75°41′38″W
Whoever the “genius” was who did this I hope you realize you just proved to the State that you’re an unhinged reactionary fuck who will now be monitored for life.
Way to take the bait you absolute idiot.
I guess my job here is done 🍹
Whoever the “genius” was who did this I hope you realize you just proved to the State that you’re an unhinged reactionary fuck who will now be monitored for life.
Way to take the bait of your own psychotic life you absolute idiot.🍹
(856 KB, 2368x634, C7EC4DB9-61F3-4110-9986-19F75955F5F7.jpeg)
I’m actually going to spell this out for you since I’m reveling over the fact that one of you on here was stupid enough to do this.

If you don’t think there’s some supercomputer algorithm out there that isn’t spider crawling the entire web for instances of those coordinates the moment they pop up on line you are the biggest dumbass on Earth 🌎
The post has been up for about half an hour as of this writing so there’s no way on earth this hasn’t been caught and logged by now. You just posted a stochastic threat against the residence, including their children, of a Head of State which is even worse from a current timely standpoint given the political violence down south (Pelosi) that’s currently happening.
Even if in your head this was some subtle totally unrelated troll the government will essentially view you as too stupid to not monitor regardless. You have just exhibited the kind of behavior these red flag systems denote as troubling. In your case you’re so stupid that you don’t realize you just posted a public stochastic terroristic threat. No amount of anon masking or vpns can protect you from what the gov has.
You are literally on a list now. Enjoy your popcorn and whatever victory you were trying to achieve now dumbass
🍿 God you guys are seriously the stupidest bitches on earth and it’s giving me massive joy seeing you implode 🍿
Sorry for >>67347

My brother is extremist.
I'll convince him to take down that

Can't believe my brother would endanger my family for such bullshit.

If someone can take down this comment, it would be better for everyone.
How does it feel like definitively knowing you’re stupid and on a flagged list anon? 😎 🍿
Ikr isn’t that crazy? It’s almost like when you go out of your way to try and ruin someone’s whole life for no reason other than you’re literally the bad guy that person will rightfully fight back :O
Enjoy your permanent surveillance!
Wow all my years in the inflation community and this is the first time I’ve ever seen anything written in it that would qualify as NSA (Canadian NSA whatever the fuck you all have up there) territory. This is the type of shit the news shows when they retroactively talk about threats the government found online on chans after published investigations. I’ve seen the dumbest of dumb racist right wing bigots trolls etc and even none of them were stupid enough to do this. And the crazy thing is OP STILL HAS IT UP
This is just incredible. Talk about an unfortunate inflation community first
What’s going on here??
Some jackass posted the address of the Prime Minister of Canda claiming it's a terrorist in exchange for the scenarios for Mavis
why does that art style look copied from something else?
If theres a list, every ip thats been on this website is now on it.
Keep lying to yourself to pretend you’re okay idiot lol. If the security apparatus was that stupid we’d have a major terrorist attack every other day. Only the person who posted that idiocy and those around them have to worry
Don’t kid yourself. That would defeat the purpose and make absolute zero sense. Only the person who posted that idiocy and those around them have to worry
(635 KB, 830x1242, Pablo_Iglesias_2020_(portrait).jpg)

I live near where this happened and i have identified who was the responsible for this sick joke.

The linked image shows how he looks.

I also live nearby, he showed up in his car with a few of his bodyguards.

he went to the terrace, connected to the router there and through this, tried to kill a kid who was minding his own business.

Hope the man in that photo gets arrested for putting that young boy in danger.

it's confirmed; the man in the photo is the the one who posted those coordenates.

he's the one that doxxed Justin.
(931 KB, 260x146, 62072207-EE34-464F-8952-80ABE0774CB1.gif)
Seeing you guys talk to yourselves for the last few hours in a desperate attempt to draw me out because you need attention has been a fucking treat 🍫 Hilarious and entertaining way to start the weekend knowing you need my attention this bad 🍹😎
As for the buffoon that became a watchlist member that really wasn’t me which makes this so much better. I wouldn’t have spelled out the obvious otherwise. Seems like one of you 4 did the dumbest shit possible because you have no impulse control and won’t own up to it to the others so this entire thread is a schadenfreude gold mine for me🏅
Also that man is severely good looking so I’m flattered you have such a high view 😘
Don’t bother, you’re creepy stalker weirdos who come onto fetish boards for fetishes you don’t even have. You’re the peak of (literal) autistic non-empathetic obsession. I live rent free in your heads 🫐🍹
It’s bonus validating knowing you wasted a drunken night obsessed with me 😎
>>67464 Is this the inflation board?

Did research and found out that the man in the photo has a questionable reputation; he condones pedophillia, doxxes innocent people, betrayed those that supported and helped him, as well supporting war criminals...not surprising he would do this.
>>67472 Incredible. Why are Amerixans so anti-straight?
Can we please get back to talking about and posting comical’s art
The more this gets pinged the more it gets flagged
Whoever did this is a national treasure and by that I mean they should be locked up in a little box like a treasure. Idiot lol
So now that the fuck wit is gone, anyone have any of comical’s recent posts?
(54 KB, 141x183, 8500.jpg)
Slushie Rampage - Mavis when?
>cuteboi-kun it’s 9am I’m the morning and all I can think about is if you’re awake so I can have your attention 🥺🥵😢😠
Good Morning ;)
Peace be with you
RP here
Figured it out it was the stupid artistically bankrupt vampire that no amount of schooling can save their animation for 💦
What a dumb reactionary idiot are you really that easy to push? Beautiful to know for next time!
(62 KB, 203x246, C22928A7-9D7F-4E25-8664-AA57DCB39D9B.png)
When you figure out who the weakest link of the bunch is.
You’re a socially unaware non-empathetic idiot whose telephone project fell apart because you couldn’t stop procrastinating but yelling at everyone else to turn their shit in then wondered why the majority ghosted on you. Shit’s fucking hilarious and proves to me the kind of idiot you are 🤣
These choices are super good! Hoping for Haruka or Bullet to win though, mostly Bullet
Imagine he's decided do a Tf stuff scenario for next guest instead of HG, inflation and sexy slapstick scenarios.
How upset you will be
Terrorist on the following address:
N 40° 44' 40.822" W 73° 59' 21.508"
Jewel. You’re actually literally the dumbest person on Earth.
There are so many things to be said but what I will say for the moment is this behavior is the complete opposite of NOT seething. Your public breakdown in real time is really something else. Maybe don’t wear tight shoes or be a dance mom trophy sometime you might actually like your foundation lol
It must burn you that you know you weren’t good enough so they forced and tried again with the third ⛸️
Oh my god
Don’t worry it’s a mentally brain dead Republican mad that the Red Wave is as real as this stupid ass post 😂 >>68032
Why is that every single idiot in this board decides to post their shit in this very specific thread?
(1.4 MB, 2500x1710, LadyDimitrescu-Titan1.jpg)
This loon has been posting his insane gibberish in multiple threads today. I don't know if mods are asleep or what.
Whatever it is
This is not the place for that stuff
Besides I'm already been called a child by some guy because of my impatience and rants in bbfuries
You're arguing with a literal psychopath, dude.
He's been having insane posts across the board all day and thinks everyone is Drumpf hiding behind the next corner.
if it's not, it is what it is
What the actual fuck is going on in this thread
Plump Peach didn’t see that coming
I know who the idiot was that posted the DZ threat and my god I just have to say you are the absolute dumbest person ever 🤣 like seriously knowing you continue to do this shit and are that stupid and easy to manipulate gives me so much life
Big Erasa energy 🤢🤮 😂
Haruka won, sweet! Also saw a p-balloon scenario, even sweeter. Im not in their patreon so im gonna wait and see if anyone will share the post
Sounds like it's inflation this time.
So what are the scenarios for the most recent poll?
>>68516 maybe if you ask nicely
Can someone kindly update this thread please. If so, thank you. It will be very nice of you.
Please, can someone update this thread?

I'll hand out special information when the former gets fullfilled.

(1.3 MB, 500x281, 162D39EC-505F-4659-96C7-50D997C9203E.gif)
God what a clown show anon that was a couple of days ago. No. You can’t save the scenario for Mavis no matter how much you flounder 🎣 🫣 🤣 🎉
By a landslide too
The Haruka pic is already out.

Please update this thread.

Thank you very much
THIS IS GOLD, thank you so much for sharing these
(673 KB, 2448x3264, Your dad with the milk.png)
Update this thread please.

If you do so, there's a high chance your fathers return with the milk.

Mine did.
Someone update the kemono.party page too please.
I feel like they are waiting to update on Royal Slam day
alright new royal slam page got uploaded, somebody please post new shit in this thread.
>Butt expansion only.
God damnit.
>>69185 better than tf only
Looks like peach is out of commission! 🪗
Who has MuscleShake?
Knew the Bullet one would be bad
(143 KB, 1024x1024, Fh2vhz0WIAADgGJ.jpeg)
Irene Montero:

"Equality minister";
Professional Pederast/Predator.

The one who neutralizes her will be payed dearly for getting rid of this bitch.
Whoever this asshat is I hope you know you’re an asshat
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you publicly uttering threats to government officials let alone accusations
I don’t know if you’re from Spain or something but either way you’re an idiot

Check the news, she made official a law that allows pedophiles to get out of prison earlier.
>>69682 Little girls? Yuck! Why- I would never! The gross little creatures! Disgusting tiny things! So ugly. Yuck. She likes little pawgs??? How could anyone? Too ugly. No.
>op tries to convince us that posting death threats to elected officials and real people is like totally smart and makes sense
All that for their horny fix
Not a hill worth dying on tbh
Not even some people on here just have the absolute dumbest ways of trying to spoof shit and do dumb things. It doesn’t matter what hoop you jump through whoever posted that is a total dumbass.
And that includes making dumb posts like the one above to pretend to be someone else for dummie points meanwhile they’re the dumbass that posted that.
Just mind boggling
Sometimes it feels like 1/4 people can be the absolute stupidest reactionary fucks in existence.
Olivia Wilde types that have to ride the fee fee train of attention to ranting about hot Spanish politicians for some reason. Says a lot about how easy it is to get under some people’s skin
Touch grass
Whose in the lead right now?
I’m pretty sure Dementia
Any bets on if the scenarios for this polls winner is gonna be inflation,WG, TF, or something else?
its the last week of the month to most likely tf
That would mean no vanilla weight gain this month.
Would anyone mind doing an up to date picture drop?
Does anyone have a new of Royal slam?
>>69857 I cannot believe you contemptible parasites cannot give the give $3 a month to support his content
Thank you, do you happen to have the rest?
>>69885 I would if they'd focus more on inflation and did less anime characters
Anyone have their recent Demencia sequence?
damn, decent characters. Unsalvageable poll most likely.
Ikr like give us tf hourglass or breast expansion. BBW. please not TF stuff for love of god.
Well it's the end of the month, and that's when TF happens
(137 KB, 294x294, pizzawoohoomanmocksyou.jpg)
>getting mad that an artist that does tf art regularly does tf art
>even after a good 2/3rds of that artist's catalogue is bbw/inflation
jesus christ yall are bitches
>>70032 This thread is in the inflation board dumbass. Of course we're gonna want more inflation.
Does anyone have a new of Royal slam?
seconded my brothers
Thirded. We're still missing last week's page too.
Well shit, you guys are gonna be stuck complaining about 70% of his work forever since Comical and guys he's friends with are historically kink swiss-army knives who seem to take any cartoony exaggeration as hot.
Oh well, makes for fun reading when the content gets generously posted anyway.
I'm fine wifh his TF stuff since i just ignore it. It's just sometimes a bit disappointing to see characters you would want to see on the Inflation Polls instead.
Anyone here have his new art? And can someone please update his Kemono page
Think we're still missing a page. Wasn't there another one after >>69180?
>>70297 where's page 36
>>70298 just imagine what it would be like if you had your own credit card and could pay the guy $3-5 a month instead of stealing his shit
>>70343 I'm not gonna to pay just to see the options I want lose.
>>70489 then get fucked
Someone updated the Kemono, there tons of new stuff
>>70490 nah I think I'll just continue to use this thread/kemono to get their stuff for free
Anyone happen to know the next guest options
This is definitely a weight gain one and with Edith up being there I’m sold
>This is definitely a weight gain one
You sure about that? CW has changed the order before, and has put a spin on themes it to make them more Inflation for TF focused instead even if it's not their turn.
its going to weight gain cause
1 the 3 character are gluttons
2 cw did inflation last week
Who won?
anyone has the new royal slam page?
I guess it is weight gain.
What option won?
Anyone have his newer images?
Menat Balloon please.
Anyone have the jewelry bonney images?
anyone have the new royal slam?
Peach yeeting that bossy brunette out of the ring is the cherry on top of a wonderful day
They're still in the middle of an act, but I agree. Peach getting the upper hand against Daisy is always nice. Fuck that brunette bitch.
Well, at least all of them involve WG before the TF; I'm not gonna complain
Anyone have the new pics?
Edith Up please.

Some good shit right here!
then pay for it
I will, ComicalWeapon.
Thank you, glad we got some festive sumo
New Royal Slam page is up, please post it
anyone have the new royal slam? please
Will also bump for Royal slam if anyone is able to.
Bump for royal slam
God you're pathetic, you can get on here and beg for it like a bitch but you can't send the man $5 a month to get it legitimately
>>72747 you're wasting your time we're not gonna stop posting their stuff for free so just fuck off
Now the REAL fight begins!
>>72760 is she's dead?
what a waste of good characters for a dogshit tf
No kidding. That fucking sucks.
Would someone upload an older weight gain sequence of Nami and Robin from One Piece! Can’t seem to find it outside their patreon. I would greatly appreciate it!
"Eating Challenge"? That's from August 2021; it's been on the Kemono for over a year
Anyone got the new Royal Slam page?
Can someone update the kemono page? It hasn't been updated in awhile now
1 out of 10. God tier winner wasted on squash and stretch garbage. Should've saved her for weight gain or water inflation.
Anyone got the new poll?
tf was done already last week, the first 2 weeks are usually inflation or weight gain
anyone got the new royal slam? please
seriously - if you admire the guy's work, why can't you support him on patreon. what, are you a kid and don't have a credit card?
What does it matter to you? You’re using this thread like the rest of us, so it’s not like you’re much better
>You’re using this thread like the rest of us, so it’s not like you’re much better
Says you, I'm a paying patron, I just like coming to this thread to see people whine about the TF/slapstick content he draws. (That I usually vote for)
this should be a good one
stop stealing the guy's shit. and begging for it on here like you are somehow entitled to it. $5 a month too much for you?
For some, it might be
>stop stealing the guy's shit
>$5 a month too much for you?
No but I'm not spending money on a chance that the characters/scenarios I actually want will win. I like CWs stuff but not that much.
CW is one artist that makes sense if someone doesn't want to support him. Having a character you want win only for them to be in a fetish scenario you don't like is the worst, and it's unlikely for people to like ALL the fetishes he does. I personally only like his weight gain and water inflation content, but that's only 20% of what he does, if not less.
I’m sure you’d all get more of what you wanted…IF you paid for the Patreon and were more vocal about your desires. But you don’t and you aren’t; so whining won’t do anything.

Nothings gonna stop anyone here from stealing his work, but you have to understand that by doing this you are giving Comical no reason to appeal to you, since you’re not giving them anything in return. Art is an exchanges luxury, after all. It is a product that requires as much input as output.

As a generalized statement, you are not entitled to anything you don’t pay for. Operate with self awareness, and don’t be a prick.
>and it's unlikely for people to like ALL the fetishes he does
There's honestly more than you'd think, the entire Cartoon Transformation/Slapstick community is basically filled with people who roll with any kind of bodily exaggeration, expansion is just one of many things for them. Even inflation community darlings like RidiculousCake can't resist drawing a flat or pancake every now and then.

I doubt anyone here watches Comical's streams but the times he streams the Aristocrat-tier commissions publicly it's always got a huge variety of kinks, never mind the numerous artists he co-streams with either like Kecomaster and Daemonking. That's simply his true demographic, he's always been a Cartoon TF person from the very start. I don't think it's ever going to change even if you do as >>74099 says because all his friends and highest-paying patrons all like that stuff.
>>74099 Why would I waste money on CW when I could give that money to an artist that actually makes what I like most of time? It's also not worth paying since people keep posting CWs stuff for free but even if they'd stop I'd start posting it just to piss people like you off.
Not saying you have to give him money, just saying it’s a waste of time complaining about free art.
>just saying it’s a waste of time complaining about free art.
No shit Sherlock it was also a waste of time telling us that. We've been
complaining about free shit in every CW thread that's been in this board just fuck off.
>> 74114

Then is there any reason you’re still complaining? If you know nothing’s changing then what’s the point? Or do you feel like changing your behavior is somehow losing a game, so to speak?
>>74130 I agree. This art sucks
What rating you give to makoto and Sayo pics
>Then is there any reason you’re still complaining?
Is there any reason you're still trying to get people to stop complaining? I understand CW does a variety of kinks but this thread is in the inflation board. People are gonna complain when something isn't inflation you're just gonna have to deal with it.

Yeah, because complaining sucks. Nobody likes reading it and it’s just a waste of time and space in a board with limited messages.
Just don’t waste messages whining about the free art not being specifically catered to your niche.
blah blah blah shut the fuck up about the patreon and quit sucking comicalweapons dick
>Just don’t waste messages whining about the free art not being specifically catered to your niche
Don't waste messages whining about people whining about free art not catering to their niche.
Anyone got the 2B sequence?
Spansih president Pedro Sánchez was found in posession of child pornography by an insider:


Otherwise, how could you explain the approval of Irene Montero´s controversial "Sí es sí" law (law that actually reduces the sexual predators´ time in prison, putting in danger millions of women and children; not helped by the fact that Irene Montero [who for some reason is ministry of "equality", despite her attitude not being appropiate] is indirectly supporting pedophillia)?
Woah, is that actually nudity in my CW comic? What a time to be alive
One nipple
>>74481 CW knows you are stealing his shit
(141 KB, 676x1352, Screenshot_20230110-023140_Chrome.jpg)
This guy wants a Uber poll
What kind you ask about
1.. Uber bbw
2. Uber full body
3. Uber be or butt and hourglass
I hate this scenario
anyone got the new royal slam page, please?
I'm glad we got inflation two weeks in a row this time. Shermie sucks.
Anyone got Aqua Mods?
Do you have this week's Royal Slam too?
New pics
(512 KB, 220x181, nerd.gif)
Super Absorbent Shermie please.
Absolutely magnificent Comical infinite thanks
sad nina did not winn
It's going to be a TF poll this week.
Whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you.
>>75366 isn't it next week?
So no weight gain this month because the last week of the month is always TF. A shame because these were decent character options.
muchhhhh bett3r than shermshittttt waste id3a
Which option won the poll?
The first time I've ever seen inflation of Honoka, nice!! This is great
He's streaming now, Scenario C won..
Would you like some more?
Would you happen to also have the new Royal Slam page?
These are all pretty fun but c really interests me.
Did Pauline pull that mushroom from her boobs?
Why is weight gain the theme this week? Swear CW leaves the worst characters for the weight gain weeks.
Fuck, he can't even stay faithful to the theme. C is Inflation.
It's the last poll of the month so it's actually meant to be a TF theme, to you pattern recognizers in the thread.
But really, Comical was looking for shortstack characters to draw a while back as a change of pace. I think he just changed the theme to be "Short character gets really huge" with a traditional blob fat, king-size canary shape and an inflation one as the choices.
It's on! Can't wait to see these two colossus in their final form!
They'll probably have the same problems they inflicted on Peach and Daisy before the match.

>It's the last poll of the month so it's actually meant to be a TF theme, to you pattern recognizers in the thread.
He didn't follow the pattern this month. 1st and 2nd weeks were both inflation, the 3rd week was TF, and this week is general size increase with no dedicated theme aside from the character selection. From what I've gathered, the pattern is like this;

>Week 1
Inflation or Weight Gain

>Week 2
Whichever wasn't picked in Week 1

>Week 3
Unclear, maybe a wild card week?

>Week 4
Is he fucking serious? A roulette instead of a tiebreaker vote? So bad at managing his patreon.
Anyone have his most recent pics?
Does anyone have Sneaky Snacking- Stealth Elf?
>not as good as what could have been in my opinion
This could be said about most of his work.
>>77199 show us who's winning you moron
Weight gain or riot.
Actually, it says the winner won't be getting the same theme as they did before, so Inflation/TF toon is out for Carmelita, and TF is out of Tawna. What was Rouge's first theme?
It was also TF toon for Rouge, so no matter who wins, the scenario can't be TF toon. Can only be Weight gain for Carmelita, and weight gain or inflation for Rouge and Tawna.
Is next page of royal slam out yet?
new page of Royal Slam is out now
Oh, can anyone post it?
Sure they can!
(6.2 MB, 640x278, Why me)
Please, upload the recent Royal Slam page.
Would you happen to also have the scenarios for Rouge?
Pedro Sánchez must pay for attempting to legalize pedophillia, raising taxes to inhumane rates, constantly lying about the things he "promised" and for bending the knee to terrorists:

Av. Puerta de Hierro, s/n, 28071 Madrid.

May that sack of shit burn in hell.
All of these scenarios suck so much. Why does this always happen with the best characters?
I think these scenarios are quite lovely
I agree, I think these scenarios are all good.
I'm loving how each of Toadette power up let's her fly
>>77793 Man, I visualize the Fan Edit, but the community has decided.
disgraceful and weak
No belly at all, absolute garbage. Waste of such a good character choice.
How often does royal slam get new pages?
Every Wednesday if there’s no delays
Legitimately one of the most difficult decisions to ever have been on any Patreon poll.
crossing my fingers that albedo wins
The fact that these are decent choices means it's not going to be weight gain for the 7th week in a row.
Anyone got the new Royal Slam page?
Everyone vote for increased appeal if you want hourglass and full body this shits literally what everyone screams for!
So which choice is winning or has won?
comicalweapon works are no longer cheesecake
I hope they do cumflation one day
Whats is no longer cheesecake means
one of the previous threads someone asked if cw did any nudes, i posted a kallen pic that was naked but the nipples were hidden and the op asked if there was any pics that were not hidden and another answered cw's works were cheesecake.

so i guessed cheesecake means pussy and nips are hidden.
Does everyone want more hourglass expansion scenarios in February.
>inflation art from CW where the face isn't all goofy and fucked up
fuck yes, finally
No, I'd like to see some full body weight gain.
What's with all the hourglass expansions lately? It's been a while since CW did standard weight gain for poll winners.
Hourglass is the rage right now creators gonna create
Hourglass is as basic bitch as you can get with inflation.
Glad this one won, thanks for posting it
Nice only change is I wish she used thumb inflation to get said final result but amazing!
But I took you that sequence would be gold!

In Hope's for a "HUGE" weight and gain or body expansion sequence 😏
It's been two months, it better be weight gain. Options are good.
Not to mention Royal Slam got skipped last week.
Why not both? Weight gain x then body inflation to finish things with a bang bb balloons are always a fun trope
How do I go to a different tread
Because it's been 9 fucking weeks since the last pure weight gain theme, even though there's supposed to be at least one week dedicated to it each month. Inflation has taken it's slot for the last 2 months while still keeping it's own. This week it's the usual end of month squash and stretch TF shit because that's the only theme CW is consistent with in terms of scheduling. Desiree won the poll, which is a shame as she would've been great for weight gain, but is stuck with the worst theme.
when is this gonna reach to the end? I'm curious and confused if it's gonna keep going or gonna end?
It ending soon is my guess. The main plot of this comic is finished, and now it's a matter of making Pauline and Rosalina stop fighting. Will likely be a role reversal of the Sumo comic where Peach and Daisy makes them stop this time.
I'm also convinced with Toadette going through all flying power-ups, she'll be P-Ballooned at one point
I mean I say full them and burst them into confetti. Can't box a mf if your piles of ribbons and a explosive ending feels very black magic inspired and a fitting end
yah miruko is winning, year of the rabbit
Watch this be the first weight gain we get after 9 weeks and it's the goddamn rabbit girl.
Does anyone have a new page of Royal slam?
seconded! Let's see these overgrown titans beat the crap of each other
Can someone upload it?
I'm sorry my paycheck is running late I would turn in the new page and poll scenarios

Nothing is showing
Anyone got the poll options for Miriko
Even though the no weight gain streak is now at 10 weeks, it's good that the rabbit bitch didn't get it.

No more getting bigger? This comic finished up early, nothing left to look forward to.
funny you mention that, there was mirko weight gain comic in 2021
Along with what the other anon said about Mirko already getting a WG comic, the Princess comic has been going for nearly a year so it was probably due to end anyway.
Really feels like you're just looking for reasons to be angry at this point.
>Really feels like you're just looking for reasons to be angry at this point.
Hardly. WG is the only thing I look forward to from CW, and the fact that he's skipped it in rotation both of the last two months is aggravating. Full body water inflation is the next best thing from him, yet it's been mostly used for the TF toon shit instead. I take it the lack of sympathy is because something like this hasn't happened to you, where what you're wanting isn't happening for some unknown reason.

Cry harder Lmao
I'll be sure to tell you the same thing if you're hit with the same misfortune later.

Not me you won't. Pilgrum. If you want the advice of a simple man, don't rely on yourself or your own solutions. Don't depend on your parent/elderly voters. They've failed you and your country. They are cowards who sought peace over everything, confusing good deeds with eternal salvation. Instead fend for yourself and your woman or family, look to God for your strength, understand that there are people out there who love you and you may not even know it, and those people are praying for you. If you seek God and the Kingdom within then God will undoubtedly turn all the attacks into good for His own glory. Do not get in His way. Enjoy God's show. Me? I like to laugh at them. Join me, brother, for it is written that no unjustice will go unpunished. That is what we call God's promise.
I won't cause I'm not a fat fag like you lmfao
I meant whatever fetish you have, dumbass. If there's ever a time where it gets skipped over and over, you'll get no sympathy from me, cause you're an asshole.
That's the problem though, isn't it?
Comical isn't a straight-up WG artist, he's a Transformation/Cartoon Shenanigans artist who likes WG but also so many other animation-inspired kinks. You're pretty much gambling on a specific fetish and on a specific character, when the dude's usual demographic are just into everything under the sun, nothing's ever "skipped" to a degenerate who will take anything.

But you probably already know and don't care, at least the consistent anger that goes on in these threads is fun to read.
>Comical isn't a straight-up WG artist
No shit, Captain Obvious. If he were, then this thread would be in /bbwdraw/ instead and not here.

>You're pretty much gambling on a specific fetish and on a specific character, when the dude's usual demographic are just into everything under the sun, nothing's ever "skipped" to a degenerate who will take anything.
If the thread weren't bumplocked at this point I'd ask if others were here for everything he does, or if the was one or more they didn't like too.

>But you probably already know and don't care
Why would I be as angry as I am if I didn't care? I'm not aimless like many others online.

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