
(917 KB, 1920x1080, 5C5BFDEE-4B67-49CD-AB63-64A966BEA5AF.png)
As the last few threads have fallen, both bumplocked and overfilled with loud house requests - here’s the redemption thread!

The rules (taken from the last threads)
Only 1 to 2 requests at a time until they are fulfilled. (As to give the artists who work on these amazing pieces time to breathe). You can offer screenshots of more good ideas if you really come across something that you think would look amazing if you like?
but as always there's no guarantee that an artist will tackle your idea or the requests you give them.

Have fun, don’t forget to thank your artists if you do your requests!
(43 KB, 680x383, Fe4X0FSVEAA53ox.jpeg) (44 KB, 680x383, FfSMKgdUAAQ1nHq.jpeg) (44 KB, 680x383, Fet2mGIUUAYGdyx.jpeg) (50 KB, 680x383, Fe_hsOwXEAABQza.jpeg)
Well with this new thread, I'll first bring up my Rolypoly GlitchTechs request.
>>56115 (Cross-thread)
but also gonna give a new one too! Once again rolypoly chars. but for this one Kipo (the pink girl) and or Wolf (the girl with the wolf hood) from Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts! And as always, Just round bodies and No extended Boobs on any of them please! Thanks.

For this thread I would like to resubmit the following request(s) if that's OK. If not, I understand. Here are the request(s) that I would like to resubmit from the previous thread...

>>53212 (Cross-thread)
>>53215 (Cross-thread)
>>54425 (Cross-thread)
>>55384 (Cross-thread)
>>55385 (Cross-thread)
>>57976 (Cross-thread)

I really hope that someone does decide to do them. If not, then I understand their reasons why they would choose not to do any of them.
She's 13 i'll pass,
Does anybody have a request that isn't full body inflation?
Just curious
She is a child, so i prefer on not getting on this
Isn't the Alice madness returns version an adult because of all the r rated gore stuff? That version might be safe? Just spit balling
>>65877 Actually, she's 11 in that game.
Reminder that males are allowed. Don't be a dick because someone else is requesting a dick.
>>65694 (OP)
What do you think, should we use anchors?
I know this thread is to request edits, but i would like to know if you could recomend me an app for phone to make edits, and some tips for phone finger drawing or something that i could maybe use instead of my finger
Good threads create creators as much as they create content.
This is for anyone interested but I’m looking to do edits with TDI/RR characters so if you have a request, please send a screenshot and I can try to see if I can make it work. Just please try to make it a good quality screenshot and don’t be upset if I don’t do yours.
(440 KB, 1365x768, Dawn_Knows_All.png)
In that case' I want Dawn to be as bloated and round as a blimp plz
Please post a screenshot repository because my modus operandi is looking for easy to edit fan art.
I would apreciate the help
can someone edit her being inflated?
Ooohh a potential inflated Aunt Praline from the new strawberry shortcake, that’s a good choice!
(202 KB, 346x315, Capture.PNG) (369 KB, 812x479, Capture2.PNG)
Can anyone edit where the yellow nurse from spongebob in inflated?
(4.8 MB, 3950x5500, 2791744.png)
Requesting belly inflation. Remove the garter belt if necessary. Welcome an anal insertion like a tube/hose.
So about that Aunt Praline inflation edit?
Yeah, and that yellow nurse inflation edit?
You tried/10
(1.7 MB, 500x279, E6A6F1F6-3534-4C6A-8295-78E02E381340.gif)
Also oh I’m so scared a drunk man sang karaoke big wow I knew that would’ve been saved the moment it was seen. The fact you’re treating this like such a significant MacGuffin is hilarious
Dang probably get some funny full body inflation or boob morphs out of that 8/10
Yeah it’s awesome when people have the confidence to do such things and put themselves out there because they know it’ll be appreciated. It’s beautiful what being secure in yourself can accomplish ✨
it was moreso a quick test to see if using blender for decent 2.5d morphs was viable.

Appreciate the rating though. Took maybe 20 minutes.
(253 KB, 1280x717, зои.jpg) (88 KB, 1024x576, драма4.jpg)
I decided to try to fulfill your request-here are the results). I hope you like it. I want to make AT LEAST SOME CONTRIBUTION to this topic (even if it is not very successful), because no one actually fulfilled orders in the last branch. I don't want this for this branch either-I want it to develop and all requests to be fulfilled. Maybe I'll ask for something soon too).
I'm just warning you-it's not an option that someone else will try to fulfill your order. I did what I could, but I did your request). I may even post the work on my deviantart page).
So, does somebody want an edit? I actually feel inspired
Yes, of course. Besides, I've already posted a request.

Post your request requests.
Wdym by request requests?
Just someone having a schizo meltdown because they didn’t anticipate how much the youngest flower actually cared for the Panther Eagle Warrior still 🦅
I'll take that as a, wait for someone to ask
It’s already signed sealed delivered in due time boo. The love never died because it was real.
Some artists, editors, and writers have preferences. Other take anything that tickles their fancy or to try something new.
Schizzo, newfag to New York.
(202 KB, 346x315, Capture.PNG) (369 KB, 812x479, Capture2.PNG)
Request: Can anyone please edit where the yellow nurse from spongebob in inflated?
my request is the aunt praline one
What kind of inflation?
Then, i edits of basically anything, regardless other artists' work, shows for very little kids, Ex: discovery kids or preschool shows, i don't do minors, and i can make full body, belly, butt, breasts and blueberry (but i'm still learning that last one)>>68379
Everything goes except for >>68476 ? Good! Only RidiculousCake can make it work with his whimsical touch.
Crap. Thought I heard they were a few years older, like 19. Oh well, scrap that request then, though I do think twinflation scenarios is very underutilized in general.
This is the exact reason I wouldn't tackle hunter for that one person even though they've done so much for this thread although giving canon I think he's like a golem of a dead 20 year old but still kinda weird none the less in my eyes
I think i could make something from these. I'm not very good at full body, so if i edit these it would basically be a test for me. So don't get mad if i don't post them or if it end up looking like shit
You'll never know if you don't try practice makes perfect
What about mine?
It's done image's posted
Where’s the image so i can see it?
talking about this one, would it be possible for you to have a better quality of the one with Eda with her hands on her face?
I don’t see the image anywhere
What an eyesore but you're better.
(1.4 MB, 3456x2160, MAXINE_Set04_17_1.jpg)
Requesting anal insertion - pump - and a bigger belly.
(687 KB, 1274x717, export202211141619044010.png)
Here it is, it may (and it does) look like shit, but it is my first full body inflation edit, so i did it kinda to see how it goes
Nice. 👌

It reminds of a meme format, kinda.
(72 KB, 1280x720, Spinnerella Screenshot 2.jpg) (203 KB, 1920x1080, Spinnerella Screenshot 1.jpg) (472 KB, 3200x2893, Perfuma Inflation Drawing by Vhite9.jpg) (834 KB, 3746x2100, Perfuma Inflation Edit 1.jpg)
Can someone inflate Spinnerella in these two screenshots from "She-Ra and the Princesses of Power" via make her as inflated as Perfuma in the inflation drawing of her shown here or maybe perhaps as inflated as Perfuma in this inflation edit of her shown here as well please? Thank you.
(377 KB, 1920x1080, Regan Ripley inflated lab coat.png) (358 KB, 1920x1080, Regan Ripley inflated grey shirt.png) (377 KB, 1920x1080, Regan Ripley inflated shirt 2.png) (245 KB, 1920x1080, regan Ripley head (try inflating her yourselves).png)
Ok so with inside job part 2 just dropping on Netflix I decided to get off my lazy ass and try to finally put a body to this head. I think I did a fair enough job but still I think someone more talented than me can do better and give this head I made justice

So I'm imposing a challenge to all artists I'm in closing the PNG of her head and in honor of season two just dropping attempt to make it the best body you can in your art style and or show me the best Regan Ripley inflation you can draw. Outside of breast expansion and the occasional weight gain I feel miss Ripley is seriously lacking in the overinflated blimp department of fanart so that's my challenge who's down to accept it?

Basically My request is basically more Regan Ripley inflation art in the world so good luck and balloon speed people.
Oh yea that’s the stuff!
>>65694 (OP)
Fuck, these are beautiful. Great job, especially love that Belos one.
That was quick.
(702 KB, 1144x1851, 1526507.png)
Requesting the young woman big&round, please
(60 KB, 800x450, image-w1280.jpg)
Well I figure I don't really do much here as I tend to be the only one doing anything nowadays. Seriously will the other artists please stand up and draw something so I'm not the only fucker keeping this thread alive
Um, ok. I didn't say you could edit my work. You could have asked me.
Relax it's just a recolor from a requester on a inflation server it's not like I'm reposting it to DeviantArt and taking credit for it or anything besides it's probably going to be the last one I'll do of any kind on here unless other artist contribute for once.

But I do apologize if I offended you not my intent. But to be fair people wouldn't be asking for recolors if you had both a inflation and berry variant of any project to tackle? Not trying to fight just pointing out facts. Some like berry's others balloons.

That said in future I will be mindful not to tackle any requests of you're works and let you handle said requests yourself personally if that sounds fair? If so good. I'm gonna dip until someone contributes something to these threads as I feel like I'm the only one making balloons around here!
For a second there, that almost sounded like an apology.
i apologize for the lack of activity i have here, i just really lack of confidence a lot and is kinda hard for me to try and post the result
Isn't she a child?
didn't we have this conversation before?
I mean, i could do it to get back on work, but onl if the edits i do aren't against, like, the information i gave a while ago about what i like and not to edit, if there is one with her being 18 or more, im ok with it
Age her up then? As part of the edit

So about my request?
(31 KB, 220x310, AliceMadnessReturns.jpg)
To bring up my personal thoughts on the who Alice thing there's multiple adaptations right? Although I do agree unless it's a cosplayer or something Disney Alice isn't safe and should be off limits but there's multiple movies shows and games with different versions of her that are of age I'm not too sure but the closest that comes to the original is Alice returns she might be safe although I didn't have time to fact check. But yeah Disney adaptation (unless cosplayer) no. Any other of age adaptation? Yes.
It was. I may sound condescending but believe me I'm serious!

I get it I know how it is to be busy or feel nervous your not good enough but it's worth it to try none the less as having any activity is better than none! Plus it's never been said multiple artists can't try to draw they're interpretation of the same thing so don't worry if you feel ones a dud someone else can come in and do their own attempt. But practice makes perfect and that's what these edits are for drawing practice and to see our favorites become Balloons!
I guess edit threads are good for coloring too?
>Um, ok
Peak entitlement. I bet you'll call others toxic. I bet she isn't your OC.
Don't apologize unless it's their OC.
Still I'm sorry none the less doing nothing so I figured I'd finally do something for someone is all. And I get it everybody has their own thing but at the end of the day can't just leave the thread empty with zero requests filled for this long of time! So many different people have requested things and I feel like both edit thread as well as good fuck the dry spell in draw thread are just bad as fuck right now and we need to try to change that in the coming week/month I mean Christmas is around the corner people so let's stuff peoples stocking with hoses and each milf mom getting a hose up their ass from good old saint nick himself before he turns the tank full blast and dips out the chimney.
i guessa i'll try to get a little more active, for the sake of practice
>I figured I'd finally do something for someone
You deserve gratitude. You need to hear "Thanks!" not say sorry.
>can't just leave the thread empty with zero requests filled for this long of time!
This is a laudable mindset. Why artists lose their heart when they upload their gallery on Twitter is beyond me.
Hey-o, the old anonymous artist from all the past threads here.

Haven’t really been active that much these last few threads for a variety of reasons. Such as it is with life.

However, I’ve been going through the saved screenshot images of past requests and picking out which I’ll make edits of. So there’s that. Anyways. Peace out for now.
I mean the goal at the end of the day is to at least have a single artist active at all time worst case tackling a single request a week that's worst case and same goes for draw thread as well

(Like seriously not one request has been filled there in 4 to 5 months! It's worse in draw than here!)

But that's the goal just more activity overall otherwise what's the point of these thread if they're just gonna collect dust lol.
(76 KB, 1920x816, 805620.jpg)
Can someone please inflate Giselle? She could be inflated with helium so she's floating up instead of falling down? She's literally never inflated lol
Oh I definitely agree irl first but still we can pitch in a bit more in these threads can't we? That's all I'm trying to say and that's why I mentioned at least one artist we can do alternating circles if one person goes another comes in it's all anonymous so just treat it however you please we just can't keep having massive dryspells is all otherwise these threads will die completely
(265 KB, 363x522, 1565402115673.png)
I agree although I wouldn't completely outrule kids shows just go for more milf types or example characters like Frankie foster are in there 20s so basically as long as there's a canon of 18 or higher ages it's doable that should be the overall rule.
When i said it i refered that i'm ok with shows like gumball, infinity train or atla, what i meant was shows like spongebob and pre-scholar shows
Well some SpongeBob characters like sandy might be fine too but I'm not a lore expert so don't quote me on that but yeah always fact check the age
Would it be bad if i did a little self-promo?
Not at all it's up to you if you wish to stay anonymous but do what you like
(142 KB, 1920x1080, 122925.jpg) (138 KB, 1920x1080, 123159.jpg)
bumping Charlotte and adding these, can someone inflate her breasts or body please with helium?
Do it and don't be like the SX impostor right over there >>70836
i mean, at the moment someone found the account it would be almost obvious it's me, i post all the edits i do
I think it's pretty clear this is my second full body edit
Fantastic edit only thing I would do is add sunken in feet kinda looks like she's got gru legs

But keeping it up once you get into things like shading styles and other neat tricks you'll have some even doper Balloons
(1.6 MB, 4803x5829, White Diamond Profile.jpg) (696 KB, 2567x2100, Jasper Edit 1.png)
Can someone inflate White Diamond from "Steven Universe" until she is as inflated as Jasper in the inflation edit of her shown here and perhaps make her look happy and excited to be inflated please? Thank you.
(1.8 MB, 1920x1080, Catwoman Hunted Screenshot 9.png) (93 KB, 1920x1080, Batwoman Anime Screenshot 1.jpg) (206 KB, 1920x1080, Catwoman Hunted Group Shot 2.jpg) (1.5 MB, 4978x2800, Miss Heed Inflation Edit 1.jpg)
Can someone please inflate Catwoman and Batwoman in these screenshots of them from the DC anime "Catwoman: Hunted" until they're both as inflated as Miss Heed from "Villainous" in this inflation edit of her shown here please? Thank you. I would really like to see them both inflated if that's OK with you guys.
(812 KB, 2400x1080, dfk71ge-faafac61-f1dd-4117-8f4d-4b63795fd36f.jpg) (84 KB, 1280x576, screenshot_20221213_114907_youtube_by_harrisondl_dfk71fw-fullview.jpg) (84 KB, 1280x576, screenshot_20221213_114948_youtube_by_harrisondl_dfk71ff-fullview.jpg) (84 KB, 1280x576, screenshot_20221213_114952_youtube_by_harrisondl_dfk71f0-fullview.jpg) (84 KB, 1280x576, screenshot_20221213_114957_youtube_by_harrisondl_dfk71ej-fullview.jpg) (83 KB, 1280x576, screenshot_20221213_115001_youtube_by_harrisondl_dfk71e2-fullview.jpg)
"Too many Umpa-Humpas in the Rumpa"

I wonder what the scantily-clad blueberry woman would look like without the Umpa-Humpas on her?

This particular moment is from the Black Dynamite episode "Bullhorn Nights or Murder She Throats"
(85 KB, 1280x576, screenshot_20221213_115007_youtube_by_harrisondl_dfk71dd-fullview.jpg) (83 KB, 1280x576, screenshot_20221213_115011_youtube_by_harrisondl_dfk71cu-fullview.jpg) (82 KB, 1280x576, screenshot_20221213_115017_youtube_by_harrisondl_dfk71c5-fullview.jpg) (81 KB, 1280x576, screenshot_20221213_115021_youtube_by_harrisondl_dfk71bp-fullview.jpg) (79 KB, 1280x576, screenshot_20221213_115026_youtube_by_harrisondl_dfk71b1-fullview.jpg) (79 KB, 1280x576, screenshot_20221213_115031_youtube_by_harrisondl_dfk71ad-fullview.jpg)
Here are more pictures
I got a interesting proposition of sorts for the edit thread.

So Down to do some sandy cheeks/ kitty katswell
edits as you see I have this commissioner but they kinda just want me to do something random with the characters so I figure as a interesting idea I'd try to kill two birds with one stone so from time to time I'll drop a name of a character and if anyone has any interesting ideas they want to see with said character (and it interests me/fits the commissioners parameters) I'm down to tackle a commission request hybrid of shorts. I figure at least it's a interesting idea to spice it up because that's what really the person wants is just something interesting both of us are kind of at a lost for ideas on certain things so some new input might help create something wacky.

So again this character set is sandy cheeks/ kitty katswell with a more priority on sandy as I think I have ideas for kitty netted out.

So throw your favorite screenshots/ ideas below and I may just tackle them
(245 KB, 854x480, kitty Katswollen shaded.png) (212 KB, 854x480, kitty katswollen.png)
One of the kitty katswell screenshots edited

Flaws more of less ended up being one of her hands look off and I couldn't shade the gloves properly otherwise good you win some you loose some when drawing it's all trial and error
(1.8 MB, 2551x2125, 1019214.jpg)
Oh, you like TDI? Why don't we have an anchor for editors. Some styles are better suited for full bodies, anyway.
Requesting left, right, and both big and round.
Wdym by anchor?
Have you seen posts which every anon responds to when they deliver or want something? You don't see many draw, edit, or write threads without one anymore.
So like, a thread for only editors?
No, posts to link to when you've finished something. One of the two drawthreads has both a request and a delivery post. There's already a thread for edits. We're in it.
Are full body requests more likely to be done? Asking for a friend, unironically.
Do color edits deserve their own thread or should there be one edits thread?
What's the opinion on lewd requets, panties or topless or full on nudity?
Do you think there should be rules on how complex a requested image may be? Non-screenshots have been edited masterfully if their styles were simple enough.
I really hate to be an impatient nelly, but has anybody taken notice to my requests?
Her name is CJ (short for Corona Jane) and these images are from The New Adventures of Nanoboy
Imagine you get a delivery so good you need to see more by the very same editor.
Well, it depends on the artist and their artstyle, for example, for me, breast edits it's easier for, also since full body edits made by me i feel they are kinda trash

I say full body is quite fun but anything is welcome it depends on artist.

Nudity is find as long as character is of age as it's legit a cartoon so who cares lol (but again up to each individual artist)

Color edits technically have there own thread but are welcomed in both but preferred in there own thread if possible

Up to the artist I say anything is fine worst case artist could decline or if it's too complicated I guess you could pay them or tip them on Kofi or something?

Time for my own question by the way this is strictly a request thread first and foremost but should we allow the option for artists to accept paid edits if the requester is willing and that down bad for a drawing to be fulfilled? I mean at least I feel we should allow Kofi for tips at minimum and leave it up to fate if people drop anything in them. Maybe a payment option will drag some interest and incentive from artists to attempt more edits and drawing requests?

As for prices that would be between requester and artist to decide but what are everyone's thoughts on the idea of money tips/payment as a incentive option? Yay? Nay? Mabay if done right?
I mean a alternate idea to keep things Separate is maybe a edit draw commissions edition or paid edition thread? That way business and pleasure could be separate? But again maybe drawing small monetization even if it's by $10 or $15 bucks or whatever could bring some life into things that people are just not motivated by?

The old idea tentacle hentai maybe a bit weird but $20 is $20 so I'm game!

Again honestly not sure what everyone's opinions on that would be?
I think it could atract as much people as it could make leave the thread, because some magic of the thread is the idea of knowing that there's the possibility of your request be fulfilled without having to pay, but at the end, we could just use that kofi idea as tips, that's the best option that i can think of
I’m no stranger to paying for sexual pleasure though it’s true that a lot of the excitement is knowing that genuine artistic interest can drive everything!
It’s usually endeavors sought after genuine interest and not money that produce that best results for everyone
I feel the same best option and opinion.

Artists can drop there Kofi pages here for tips but outside of that I think the idea of creating a commission exclusive thread is probably a good idea as it separates things and keeps the request threads request threads and paid stuff paid stuff. People could move any of they're requests from any thread into the commission exclusive thread and I guess like maybe drop the info for the idea with a dollar amount they're willing to spend on said item and preferred payment method and if a artist takes it then it works just like request exception the requester drops payment afterwards?

I don't know worth a shot I guess anon? But I agree with the idea it should be a separate thread. With only Kofi shared here in request.
That sounds like something i'm willing to do, if noone is against the idea, the comms edit thread shall be created
Looks pretty good. Think you can edit the other one as well sometimes?
Sure, thanks for the feedback
Guess I'll join in on the fun too?
I'll mark my works with the name above for now on but I've done a few on here so if you want to rip or commission I'm up to try something out!

I also did that master splinter wherever it is?
Yeah agreed nice shape
Why sorry? The one delivery I received was so good, unironically 100 out of 10, that I've been trying to get the original image altered for more edits.
You deserve credit for trying and posting.
Should artists and editors have Patreons and/or Kofi?
Will we love them if they delivery for free?
Oh, so my requests have a chance, then?
Exercize some patience and post a second request.
If I can get a delivery, and a variant afterwards, you can too.
Well I did post 2 requests already
The CJ one and the Blueberry one
You're still gonna do edits, r-right?
Things aren't gonna change requests will be taken here by artists as normal if they want them. Commissions exist in case you get desperate with a request you wanna see made. If you drop it there with a dollar amount and preferred payment method there's a higher chance that requests people aren't personally interested in might get done due to money being a incentive. The reason commissions exist really is both the lack of requests being fulfilled as well as complaints in draw thread of people not wanting to do drawings based on inflation types they're just not into

So commissions is a middle man and incentive to get people off they're ass mostly nothing more. Continue to drop your drawings and edit ideas wherever but commission is just another option one that not only could possibly get your request a guarantee fulfillment as well all fulfilled faster but unlike requests has no limit to what you ask for your only limit is imagination and your wallet

So it's up to you

AGAIN requests will still be the same as always just think of commissions as a premium upgrade option route you can take but only if you want too!
Phew. For a moment I thought I had killed edit threads.
No your good it's just a alternate I do recommend at least to not let that thread die and bump it every now and then but otherwise it's there only for those who need It requests still stay the same

So if you have a stubborn request and your down to drop cash it's there or you can wait forever for the dial tone that is someone fulfilling any requests exception being the gigachad kings that actually do take the time out there day here my hat goes off to all of you
That's fantastic, i'd love to see more of the comic done like that!
This but only belly.
Pink poofy balloony princess BUMP
If we have posted two requests already and find a new request, should we rescind an earlier request or post as if we were a new anonymous requester?
Depends on the situation. Gotta figure out what works best for you
You’re probably best off just being anon again in that instance. Whatever works.
>>73505 Thank you. These are great. I just hope that somebody will do one or all of the other screenshots. If not, I totally understand their reasons why.
Happy new year.
Why was the response to >>73359
(418 KB, 888x900, mc3kfzsik3041.png) (2.6 MB, 1378x1892, Unknown.png)
Can someone please turn this suit inflation into a spherical inflation? (Change color and add breasts) (Added pic for reference)
Who's the artist?
This looks like Raikovjaba’s sketches but I could be wrong
>>74421 Bumping my request if anyone wants to give it a shot
(2.1 MB, 2600x2350, Diva color 1 .png)
Hana berry guy again. Thought I'd practice with your request.
(2.1 MB, 2600x2350, Diva color 1 .png)
Hana berry guy again. Thought I'd practice with your request.
This is great. Milf inflation is criminally underrated.
>>75399 i love it, thank you
Better than the original
These are amazing. Do you have a report my post to ask for requests?
Don't know why it said report my post. I asked if you have a report my post or something.
I don't really have any plans at the moment. I'm just kinda doing whatever comes to me on a whim, although I'm not opposed to doing requests on this thread. I'm quite content to remain anonymous for now.
Ahhhh, filters. Don't you love them?
Saint. Thanks a ton!
>>65694 (OP)
Edits in preparation for other edits e.g. adding or removing details or changing depicted waifus/husbandos
Yes or No?
(2.1 MB, 4200x1650, Request done.png)
Here you are, you fruit pervert.

Sequences are both annoying and fun. I had fun with the subtle edits on this one.
Those pants are Poppin!
Headswaps are lazy, find a screenshot from the show and I may consider it
(782 KB, 1380x2676, GD.png)
De-requesting >>70788 I see it's maybe difficult so I request pic related with a water hose. Do I have to specify belly or body? I like both. When you do full body, please pull up her shorts before you turn her into a water balloon.
(395 KB, 1920x1080, Camilla Noceda Season 3 Screenshot 1.jpg) (416 KB, 1920x1080, Camilla Noceda Season 3 Screenshot 2.jpg) (414 KB, 1920x1080, Camilla Noceda Season 3 Screenshot 3.jpg) (91 KB, 1196x668, ballooning_hex_by_jinglevellrock_dfkdxfs-pre.jpg)
Can someone inflate Camilla Noceda (Luz's mom) in these screenshots from the latest episode of "The Owl House" via make her as inflated as Charmcaster from the "Ben 10" franchise in this inflation edit of her done by Jinglevellrock shown here please? Thank you.
No wants to edit camilla
But can someone Edit those Ben 10 Omniverse screenshots inflated Idk who gets inflated Ester ben Attea Looma whatever
Who says nobody wants too? I'd personally second wanting to see more Camilla balloons!

Shit I would if I wasn't so busy at the moment besides I already just filled a request in another thread I'll be posting up shortly on. (if I don't fall asleep lol!)

so that's a no on the Practices edit?
Honestly ditto. Camila's a cutie.
Best person to probably ask is their creator demon thingy on DeviantArt fyi they take commissions and pretty cheap if they have a idea they like but probably your best shot. Hope it helps!
Fyi haven't really had time to finish any big drawing requests outside that one warm up for the anons in the m&m thing thread.
(That steven universe white diamond balloon is still on the back burner yet for now not sure if it will be scrapped if all goes well should be fine?)

Anyways the point is full body inflation stuff is kinda tight at the moment but I'm offering possible requests for any boob or butt edits if anyone has any quick breast expansion stuff they want to see? Anything else full body wise is commission only at the moment.
(1.2 MB, 1600x900, Cauli Screen.png)
Requesting a screencap edit of Caulifla, but more pear shaped/bottom heavy.

Or, to fit more with the pose, you could make her body more round and spherical shaped.
I mean unless the requesters asked for otherwise...
>>75864 >>66595

I also request a screenshot edit Practice and Aunt Praline to be heavy bottom like Kitty Katswell, please
Correction: Water hose only needed for a belly and the whole body edit doesn't need one.
>Me when I fucking lie.
In interviews and live Q&As, American McGee himself has stated that Alice is 19 in Madness Returns, and that Madness Returns takes place a year after American McGee's Alice, making her an adult in both games.
(99 KB, 370x341, boop_hooters-1.png)
Yeah dude I gotta agre with the person above me if you would have said 16 or 17 I would have believed you but bitch too tall to be a 11 year old girl so yeah flat out lie or the most busted age I've seen since betty boobs creator tried to call her out as a eternal 16 yr old die to the fat "yeah she may be making dirty jokes but it's a kids cartoon so she should be relatable for the audience" or some shit like that.

Even his own company stepped that shit back stating her Canon age I forgot when was a single adult woman at some point due to her being in adds for playboy magazine and a hooters mascot of all things these nsfw renditions particular being labeled "18+ or above" by corporate heads.

And mean dude was batty as shit for trying to canonize a 16yr old as a sex symbol.

Again. Case in point I highly doubt THIS Alice is 11 like the original story.
Again just so you know if you ever see a hooter or Playboy version of Betty it's 100% canon lewdably of age so no worries on fanart for these particular versions
I'm REALLY uninterested in kid cartoon edits. I'm starting to think half the requests on this thread are just from kids with shit taste.
You realize I can do more than just metalforever, right?
Yeah but metal is just my favorite, that's all.
>>77299 hey’ is any one working on my request?
Also I’m op I’m on mobile instead of computer that’s why different Id.
(193 KB, 1920x1080, Scooby-Doo Female Character Shot 1.jpg) (106 KB, 1366x768, Scooby-Doo Female Character Shot 2.jpg) (144 KB, 2250x2000, Big Blue Diamond by sxdeluxe.jpg) (66 KB, 1193x670, squish_tease_by_jinglevellrock_dfkdwxa-pre.jpg)
Can someone inflate this female character from an episode of "Scooby-Doo and Guess Who" until she's as inflated as Blue Diamond from "Steven Universe" in this drawing of her by Sxdeluxe or maybe as inflated as Black Canary in this inflation edit of her by Jinglevellrock please? Thank you.
Just shut this thread down. It's just a bunch of people begging for free work and no one biting because they respect their time enough.
Nah stay salty lol
(2.2 MB, 2567x2100, white diamondloon (first appearance).png) (1.7 MB, 2567x2100, white diamondloon (post Snickers bar).png) (1.7 MB, 2567x2100, tiny Steven variant.png)
You are right about one thing anon yes most of us artists do be busy with commissions and such. That said it doesn't mean we should purge a thread because nobody's doing anything lol! But as I've been saying a LONG time now artists need to start being more active here and contributing!

So with that I'll start

Here's that white diamond request from along while back! Sorry it took me so long but again I've been busy and bills have kept my priorities commission only. But that said I've STILL contributed. All it takes is one drawing every once and awhile people.

Not. That. Hard!

(Particularly love the tiny Steven variant it makes her feel like a gigantic giantess balloon!)
(464 KB, 2567x2100, white diamondloon sticker.png) (496 KB, 2567x2100, white diamondloon sticker wobble lines.png)
Stickers completely transparent as I don't know why you'd want to make a sticker pack of her to begin with but who knows maybe your a particular type of weird that wants to print out a giant poster of her? Or make and Wear a Tshirt of it?

Either way here's those files so go nuts and make/print whatever! You could also change up the backgrounds to your liking to if you do wish?
(54 KB, 1024x587, The-Boys-Presents-Diabolical-1024x587.jpg)
That said I do have a request of my own I don't know why but I've taken a liking to a idea in this screenshot here of this girl homelander is holding up. Her pose feels perfect for you know a starfish style inflation! Ballooned arms, ballooned legs you know like the Michelin tire man if anyone remembers him. Bloated belly, maybe puffy cheeks? Whatever works best!

As for any other details like how she's inflating I'll leave that up to you! Is he forcing a hose in her mouth maybe? Or maybe he's funneling a wind tornado down her throat? Because can't supermen do that?

So anyways Could a anon possibly blow her up for me? thanks!

(You may be able to get a higher quality screenshot off YouTube? it's the black noir diabolical episode. You know as it probably would be preferable to get a screen cap where there feat are in frame "or particularly hers.")
(1.5 MB, 2193x1863, vanessa_fnaf_gas_by_da_fuze_dexo38b.png)
Anybody here maybe got time to edit away the gas from this image? The base size and art is nice but the gas effects kinda put a damper down on it.
Again demon thingy is the original creator so might be best to commission them it's like $5/10 I think steam credits or something I forget

But best bet I won't touch it out of respect for them
But hit me with any of age/18+ character balloons requests or edits I'll try to do them if I have free time (or I'll just browse picking things at random to complete.)

Also if any of you ever want to tip for any of my work here's my Kofi page
In case I recognize your art style correctly I want to say I love you. No homo but serious. You did me a great service with one and a half edits. If you're not, you're still great.
And I'm torn between requesting another girl with next to no images from the same series or re-requesting your delivery with the same premise (another girl from the same series) and I'm sure you're both able and too busy for that.
On the other hand I see two or three requests besides mine. Same series. Mine is the girl on all 4s.
Do you think Steam credits or other video game prepaids are a viable way to pay?
How is it? Is it better than Patreon?
(238 KB, 530x1030, Lila_transparent (1).png) (18 KB, 1036x924, export1676430312738.png)
It's out of season i know, but here's a simple one.
Requesting Lila from Spooky Month getting huge! What source you use doesn't really matter to me (wether you edit the art I attached, a screenshot, or otherwise). I mainly care about the shape and size here, but i'll still allow deviations from either if it means having an easier time making the edit. Not gonna be picky, especially since i'm getting this for free.
Kofi basically is Patreon but not monthly it's like a donate what you please thing and currently I only accept Kofi,cashapp,and PayPal via private interaction (no email sharing)

So probably a no on steam credits or gift cards etc. But I'll be sure to let people know if such payment methods change

But yeah kofis probably best if you wish to pay me anything. Just drop a anonymous donation or two if you like whenever you have free funds

But I'm glad you enjoyed the balloons and I'm happy to oblige on making whatever others I may have done for you two (as a requests kind of get blurred into each other so it's hard to remember)

But again you're welcome. And even though I am busy from time to time my door is always open at least for commissions. Again but those themselves are quite busy at the moment as well. But still offers always open.

Either way enjoy your balloons and have a wonderful day ;)
Me on the left.
Palindrome get.
I wish these were better times to save money or to support an editor and not give out your real bank.
What do you say about re-posting a delivery for a request, or posting multiple requests in one post?
Well giving you bank info is unavoidable but.. there are alternatives that do hide that info from public eye

Here's my cashapp as well

Cashapp asks for your info but keeps your real name completely private and allows a fake profile name to only be visible to artists or whoever.

Again I'm not the type to dox ever! (Had it done to me once and I really didn't fucking like it!) So whatever of your shit is safe with me people!

I'd really prefer cash as it helps out more but I have made a request or two of mine known
I think real life morphs, edits or drawings need a seperate thread.
Well there's morph requests I guess but drawing or morph doesn't matter to me just big and blimpy if you do it?
(95 KB, 1080x1920, 5A69B01E-CEB9-498C-B33F-15E6C424940F.webp)
>>68740 my old request

And for a new one, I wish for Darius (Owl House) to be EXTRA THICC, like, wide thighs and buttocks. Dump truck level.

If you could remove/edit out the cape for that too, much appreciated.
Do mine next!
Ah good to see you again!
That said Open season if someone else wants to take a stab as I'm kinda busy but I'll look into what I can in my free time just keep in mind I was sitting on that white diamond for a month or two before I finished it

But I definitely want to give back to you something at some point I'm just swamped right now with some other friends stuff lol
Fyi you might be able to do something interesting with this others can't.

But again I'll keep you in mind I don't do requests too often but when I do its usually in bulk at the most random points!
Normally I would say Odalia or Lilith deserves to be made thick but...you know what? I can see the appeal for Darius Deamonne as well.
We need more hot men with dump trucks in general.
(3.2 MB, 1920x1080, undefined - Imgur.png) (1.8 MB, 1920x1080, undefined - Imgur (5).png) (2.6 MB, 1920x1080, undefined - Imgur (3).png) (2.4 MB, 1920x1080, undefined - Imgur (4).png)
alright I see no one will take my SFW younger char. requests which is fine. So i got 2 new ones with approved chars.First Ms. Dillon/Aftershock from the new Moon girl show. And have her real rolypoly like in the Doronmon ep. But no huge boobs on the round body please!
(2.6 MB, 1920x1080, dlft9v.png) (2.7 MB, 1920x1080, zomnnf.png) (2.8 MB, 1920x1080, 9l53ac.png)
and the other is the version of Nightshade from the Blue Beetle short in DC Short showcase also rolypoly and again no boobs and don't have her dress too stretched out/not much of her underwear showing please. https://bigcartoon.org/wiki/Dororon_Enma-kun_MeeraMera#Roly-poly_Shock_.28S01E06.29 also here's the refs. for the rolypoly body of Nightshade and Aftershock.
>not a girl with no content
Lump for update
(450 KB, 1280x1098, sticker.png) (569 KB, 1280x1098, gas 2.png) (901 KB, 1280x1098, gas 1.png) (824 KB, 1280x1098, gas 3 (probably the worst looking).png)
Decided to oblige this request as it was simple enough and had free time. Included the sticker as well.

But I don't usually do fart stuff (not because I'm against it, I'm just never asked or commissioned it) so it gave me a chance to try something new
(775 KB, 1080x1920, thick Darius.png) (359 KB, 1080x1920, Darius thunder thighs.png)
You know figured I'd take a stab at this too while I'm at it . As a thank you for all the requests you've done over the months! Your actually what inspired me to pick up drawing and thank you not to mention on top of doing a random request or two for me in the past (I believe entrapta or something?) ButI appreciate it!

Couldn't really do much because cape (although I might try editing it out?) But at least it's something back! Not gonna lie I actually think Darius would make a fantastic balloon! And if you ever want to do art trades/commissions of him I might be down for that in future so hit up my messages

But enjoy

Here's my newest request if you wish to take a stab at it as I feel you might do it justice more than I can >>79035

And I'm gonna give this one a mention too even though it's not mine as I'd love to see more Disney mom blimps >>76663

But take care and enjoy!
You can get ahold of me here popper#0240
or DeviantArt the lather is probably best
One of these days I’m gonna start up an account on DeviantArt and upload all the edits I’ve made and such.
No problem happy to make your cock go nuclear lol. (And again I might be down for more in future and either or art trade/commission format whichever works best for you at any given time when I have time)
Still love that edit by the way I think you did a better job than I could!
I’d be up for that, one of these days.
Would anyone do this?
Well save my dis cord I guess or you know where my da is

Anyways those other two are up there if you ever want to do them to at some point in your free time I'm in no big rush though
>>76663 other guys I'd love to see
>>79035 mine

Anyways take care Popping out for now

Those Darius edits make me want to bleach my eyes
Okay, let's see if you can do better
(246 KB, 1338x3800, Lunch.webp)
bekly edit of launch please
(89 KB, 1024x640, 45118435.jpg)
He's right

Hey anon >>80572

do a Darius edit of your own or hell why not one of the milfs from said series Lilith,eda,luzs mom whatever adult character you please! Show us your talents. If you can show something legit good I'll take your criticism to heart and accept these Darius edits as cringe. (people still gonna make them though) but If you offer shit then you become the cringe lord of the thread and have to shut the fuck up on any further criticism.

Here's a link to said thread to my knowledge they only draw anthro/fur stuff but there a fantastic artist who's basically been keeping that thread going all on there own if you have a fur based request or if you're a artist that is comfortable with doing furry/anthro stuff and could give them a hand in your free time it be much appreciated!
(333 KB, 1080x810, shaded.png)
Tried some shading but nothing much I can really do with the low Polly count
Thank you for this and sending to the DeviantArt i'am following you on your DeviantArt account and i'am your fan
(1.1 MB, 1920x1080, IMG_3414.jpeg)
Can I get a wasabi blimp complete with puffy cheeks and hose in mouth?
WTF? NO!!!!
A bit rude people fuck was posting to help out a friend but fuck all of you! At least I tried
Bruh fuck you back
J/k it's shit but you can edit.
I mean you take what you can get I guess
If I have time later I'll edit the slits to be less puffy
(1.5 MB, 1920x1080, CeCe Ryder Screenshot 1.png) (2.0 MB, 1920x1080, CeCe Ryder Screenshot 2.png) (1.6 MB, 1920x1080, CeCe Ryder Screenshot 3.png) (1.7 MB, 1920x1080, CeCe Ryder Screenshot 4.png)
As you all know the series "Agent Elvis" is now playing on Netflix. Therefore, I decided to why not go ahead and request some inflation edits of CeCe Ryder. Here are some interesting screenshots I found of her that I think would be perfect for some inflation edits of her.
(2.0 MB, 1920x1080, CeCe Ryder Screenshot 5.png) (2.3 MB, 1920x1080, CeCe Ryder Screenshot 6.png) (3.6 MB, 3300x2400, Overwatch Group Inflation Drawing by sugarinthemuffins.jpg)
>>81805 Here are two more screenshots of her and a group inflation drawing of the "Overwatch" female game characters for a reference on how big I think she should be inflated. If not that big then I leave up to you guys to how big and round you all think that she should be inflated.
I wanted to request something but the website stops me because I posted an image in another thread.
Ayo these are minors freaking weirdo
Oh yeah? Well so is Luz and Amity, you weirdo
Who the fuck are they?
They're from The Owl House you fucking idiot
Couldn't quite make it even a full 24 hours, eh bud?
Can anyone edit [Dawnlabs] A product of high demand with sound please
100/10 quality.
Not the OR but speaking for the thread: thank you.
Thank you
Holy shit that was fast also thanks!
Can I post it on the splatoon thread?
That's it! Now you're not getting it for that!
(967 KB, 498x424, devil-evil-laughing.gif)
How about this I'm gonna give it a few weeks maybe a months wait if you hold out and don't spam on it I or someone else will do it. The lesson here is patience. Least I can offer as a devious punishment for your past crime
(27 KB, 292x498, media_Fp828njaUAEOggd.jpg) (1.1 MB, 1699x2753, img.png)
Could someone do something similar but with the higher quality pic?
Color around the face but also some of the belly too I suppose
At this point I feel like you're trolling

Also hot I actually was thinking about doing her eventually myself!
But I promise
Excellent work.
I love the hose. would you take hose only requests?
Very nice. I'll repeat >>84233 because hoses and pumps alone tickle my nice bone.
Is anyone going to do these requests...


I'm just wondering because I very much like to see some more inflation edits of Spinnerella from "She-Ra and the Princesses of Power" and Camilla Noceda from "The Owl House" as they're both fun to inflate. I would do edits of them myself if I could but I can't because I don't know how to do screenshot edits. I tried to do myself once but I couldn't get the hang of it. I hope somebody who is really good at screenshot edits will these requests. If not, then I understand their reasons why.
Can we re-request if we reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaally love a delivery?
I mean I don't know I guess at any given time you can have 2 requests active until those are fulfilled you can't request anymore you can suggest though if you find something interesting but nobody has to fill any requests whatsoever so it's really up to the artists at the end of the day
>you can have 2 requests active until those are fulfilled you can't request anymore
How do you know?
Damn thread locked quickly people save your completed requests artists save the requests you wish to tackle
I repeat we are bump locked people thread has reached its max limit it will be erased and a new one spawned soon
(549 KB, 1280x718, SoDS_(133).png)
Could someone edit this by making her puffkiss XLR8?

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