
(603 KB, 686x720, Vuu_BE_Witches.gif)
Has anyone had any experience with inflation or expansion in tabletop RPGs?

There are several good systems out there for vanilla lewd games (see this thread here: https://boards.4channel.org/tg/thread/86319575) which can be a lot of fun. Recently I've been looking specifically for systems or homebrew rules that cater to expansion specific games. So far, I've found this (https://www.deviantart.com/theartificer/art/Netbook-of-Expansion-Working-Copy-268169424) homebrew for 3.pf, though I can't help but feel like there must be something better out there.

If nothing exists already, what would you want to see in such a game? How simple or complex would you want the rules?
Given how so many aspects are reliant on speed, movement, agility, etc. getting inflated or gaining lots of weight tends to put it quickly in the "debuff" catagory really quick. And if the fetish in question is the loss condition, then that's not going to be much fun imho. However there is a more fun approach if the protagonist was a feeder slaying and cooking monsters for a feedee and exploring the world for more complex, filling, and/or exotic dishes. Personally im into extreme sizes, and which alludes to a larger appetite - and therefore a progression of sorts of seeking out and hunting larger monsters for a better or more plentiful supply of food to keep them sated, but that's my two cents.
I think it could work as a negative/debuff if combat was a competition to inflate the opponent before they can inflate you. That way the effect is still somthing characters want to avoid, whilst also geting enough 'Screen time'
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I am working on a weirdo inflation thing using sugarcube. I don't know if it will ever float but its loosely based on DnD (and poorly coded).

In my case, being inflated causes clothes ripping, which is sexy. Subsequently, it causes a reduction in AC.
>>65669 (OP)
It says that this 4chan thread no longer exists
>cooking monsters for a feedee
I can see this working if it were taken in a direction along the lines of Rune Factory (i.e. Harvest Moon with added combat).

Have the feedees be romanceable NPCs, gift them food to gain their favour, and the types of food have physical effects on them. E.g. vegetables cause weight gain, fruit and berries cause berrification and fizzy drinks cause inflation.

The effects could be permenant or temporary, and perhaps different foods also affect the body shape differently. E.g. feeding a girl blueberries causes her to become more rounded, whereas feeding her pears makes her bottom-heavy. You could probably squeeze some other TF in there too if necessary.
Obviously earning a girl's favour would lead to a 'special scene', as expected from a hentai VN.
Been a while, forgot this place existed. Whoops.

>vegetables cause weight gain, fruit and berries cause berrification and fizzy drinks cause inflation.
I was thinking this, but taking "You are what you eat" literally.

Gaining traits and features from excessive indulgence for stuff like vegetables, monsters' meat, and the like such includes perhaps gaining better or more efficient digestion, capacity. I.e. dryad girls trading off with a calories bonuses towards organic foods and plant type monsters, but nerfing the digestion rate of most things involving meats, or a girl gaining dragon/wyvern appearance and attributes, gaining a gluttonous starting capacity but also getting increasingly harder to sate the bigger she and her stats get.
(I've got personal bias of preferring monster girls to anthros, so I'm more inclined for humans gaining monstrous features than full on anthros, though I suppose anthro *can* be an end result you might want to work to.)

I believe healthier foods would help decrease their size should you bite off more than you can chew, but whether or not they would willingly accept the dish in question is also a variable, as I imagine they would have favored taste palettes such as sweet, salty, sour, etc. I dont want to be a hardass about it, so I would also like acquired tastes to be a thing if your are persistent enough with what they don't initially like.
I unfortunately don't really know what I need or where to start with developing games like this, but I'd like to someday because I feel I have genuinely good (enough) ideas for a quality game that also gracefully combines the fetish elements in such a way that you have fun playing the 'normal' parts of the game, and then get rewarded for you hard work with progressive fattening, expanding, or inflating out of her clothes (and maybe the planet being the end goal!) and of course some high impact intimacy if you know how to treat a lady.
>>68969 Dude, you should make a chan. It will be a good learning experience for you. And if you give this site competition it would be a win win for both this site and the fetish, models, everyone. I can be a mod.

I'll take that as a compliment. However I'm kinda a lurker here truth be told and don't really know my way around save for like going on the overboard and downloading stuff from threads I like. The only reason I've decided to speak up recently is because I've been feeling way to may possibilities and too many gems have been overrun and buried by half-heartedly made creations and comments. I suppose I'm not exactly in line to criticize, having not made anything myself...

I'm far more familiar with REPORT MY POST, so I'd be more inclined to talk more extensively there. Saves thread clutter, too.
Also what's this place's beef with that specific chat platform? Been seeing that filtered everywhere.
You’re not allowed to make or congregate in rival forums because that directly kills this one. Expect mods to remove such talk
>>69678 (Cross-thread) I have no idea what you're talkinh about dude but you have to just keep keeping on, you know what I mean? I was saying that a site will help you practice coding and get better. I guess it was a compliment. Either way, the offer still stands.

... wouldn't people get fed up with that, leave, and such end up killing it anyway? Seems a like they're biting their own leg on that one. Or maybe there's something I haven't seen yet that justifies this awkward approach.
>>68981 I have never heard of such a rule. It's the first I hear of it. A bit strange but then again I have far stranger rules.

i guess what i was trying to say is that people with good ideas but no proof of concept get shoved down and ignored rather quickly by the majority, and ive seen that happen way too many times in other places. i just dont want that to also happen to me.
Maybe that’s for a reason and you shouldn’t be actively harming the very site you’re on. I’m sure you’re not helping pay the massive server and hosting fees.

If a site is that frail against "competition" then it will not, or have issues surviving the test of time itself. i didnt mean any ill will when i stated my ideas on this thread, so kindly dont take that as such. And people getting crowded out "for a reason" is because lack of access to proper means, and that majority has tyranny.
You sound like a college baby clinging onto their little red fantasy manifesto. You speak of the test of time yet your knowledge of the online space is stuck in 2016 based on this farce of a conversation that just happened. Mods can tell when people of bad faith are concern trolling to kill a site. The sands of time frown down upon you.

For one i didnt even start this passive aggressive conversation let alone want it, i was discussing game ideas of this rpg and then asking how i could go about bringing them forth into existence and would like to keep it that way if you dont mind.

>You sound like a college baby clinging onto their little red fantasy manifesto.
>Mods can tell when people of bad faith are concern trolling to kill a site.
>The sands of time frown down upon you.

Right, who's the troll here again?
Your concern trolling. You’re trying to take down this site and wondering why people who love what it is are defensive?
We in this community can see through concern troll outsiders like you. It’s not 2018 anymore we’ve made failsafes for gaslighting morons like you.

im thinking about learning Unity due to it being widely supported, and the game in question is intended be a sort of 2d side scroller since ill have advantages in collision and loadind

no, you're just irrationally paranoid, or purely looking to argue. You actually believe some random guy that was beforehand having an honest discussion on a *fat fetish* forum of all things is trying to take the very site down he was talking on.
You’re just them gaslighting and concern trolling. No time for ignorant losers like you trolling a quality boards. Mods will remove the relevant discussion in time and keep an eye out for users to ban. The best thing about this place is bands aren’t avoidable by vpn because they don’t go by ip address but rather device ID and IP ;)
Are you just gonna keep scratching for attention or are you actually going to contribute something useful in this thread and maybe give me pointers?
This site sucks.... but it wasn't always like this. Actually I would say that for the past hour I have read some of the worst comments that I have read all year. It's hellishly boring for someone like me. However there are no real alternative chans. I would've left by now if there was. In business and in a few other things too, competition is not a bad thing, but copying is. I didn't mean he should make a replica of this site for commercial purposes. That would be morally wrong. Everybody knows right from wrong. I meant he should make another site or chan similar to this one but better.
>>I didn't mean he should make a replica of this site
>>I meant he should make another site or chan similar to this one but better
Concern Troll confirmed.
Also adding to the device ID talk since you wanted to learn more..
Sameing doesn’t generally happen on chans anymore because mods can now tell under the hood via device ID whether a user is directly sameing or not
Very very useful and an improvement from even only a couple years ago
"If you disagree with me or think their are sites that do things better than this chan, you're a concern troll"

Leave us a alone, Christ.
If they're really are people leaving bbw chan for any reason, it because of toxic shoehorning accusatory trolls like you harassing them.
>>69007 To be honest I doubt trolls would phaze anybody if anything I feel many would get a laugh out of some of the comments, but as others have stated there are plenty of other sites for this sort of content and I believe that to be the real reason for somebody yo use something like spankbang. The only thing about those other sites is that none of them are imageboards so they don't appeal to someone like me who values personal privacy amongst other things.
Man, I just wanted to chat about something that ive been wanting to do and had open discussion to boot. I usually just pop in here to check and see if there are any threads who's content is worth looking at like once a week. I finally actually try to discuss it again, and I get jumped.
I'm guessing this is pretty average?
>>69010 My bad, what were you talking about again?
Assuming you aren't talking about whatever just happened back there, I'm gonna try making an sort of side scrolling feeder rpg where you basically hunt and cook monsters, dishes causing various effects, monster girl transformation if fed enough of something and inherited dietary traits via such. Her appetite grows the more she is overfed, starts as a soft saturation value but grows more permanent the more she eats and the longer she stays overfed. You will need to hunt more, and stronger monsters to meet her demands, should she have any. Pleasing her enough rewards intimate cutscenes, and I'm gonna settle on the end goal making her planetary....for now. That isn't everything though.
Sounds lame tbh
I mean of course it isn't gonna be that open and shut, if that's the impression you get.
>>69013 I can't believe you actually answered my question, but alright. Dude, it's 2022. You can do whatever the hell you want. So do it. About the getting treated like shit by people, that's part of life unless you are a member of a royal family I would imagine. You shouldn't have written that here because if it was a good idea somebody would have copied it because most humans are high on dirt herb and retarded. You should've kept it to yourself and done it.
Well let's just psych them out, call it bad, and I won't post again til I've got my demo. That should be hopefully solid enough.
>>69021 Solid enough for what? Are you trying to sell it?
Desuarchive is your friend.
Wished we had an archive.
I had a really good idea for a dating sim but the thread it was posted in got bumped off.
unpleasant art style
>>65669 (OP)
Post a list of all video game genres. RPGs alone are limiting enough.
I had an idea for a game where inflation was a part of the battle system, where depending on the size of your party member, they would have a different set of skills that would fit their current state. I might actually make it if I can get some shit fixed soon.
Have you got any WIP material to post? sounds great
Unfortunately no, it's all conceptual. There's a lot that I still need to learn before it can get started. The most I'd be able to give is a character's skill list and some statuses.
Any of that would be great to hear. I'm currently trying to get a simple system working and any Inspo would be very helpful
there was a guy in 4chan that was making a helen parr thing. it was a while back. not sure if it went any where
It's not inflation related, but this is the only game themed thread on the site (as far as I know) but does anyway have Feed My Affection 0.25.0 by Tonbelly? The link is up on his Kemono page but anytime i actually try to use the Mega link it just say "Folder Link Unavailable" not sure if this is an issue with Kemono or Mega, but if anyone does have it, would they be willing to share it here?
I've found a pretty decent simple RPG system for kinky RP. One of the 'Inserts' (template applied to a player character after losing to an enemy) is for a cowgirl, who needs to be milked.


Nothing in particular tied to growth, but a pretty solid baseline to add to. I'm tempted to write up an 'Inflation Victim' insert, with size and debuffs contorlled by whatever beat the character.
What are some scaling buffs and debuffs you could have for a character as they grow? For buffs I'm thinking:

-Social bonuses
-Tying the growth to a particular stat (more hp for example)

For debuffs I'm thinking:

-Movement reduced
-Armour reduced
-Attacks reduced
-And penalties to more niche social situations

I'm happy if growth is more of a debuff overall but it would be cool if it had some fringe benefits as well
Any updates on this?
I'm in watch some of the people in their reactions to country's, states how many stars on the flag etc.

> Basically yeah
But it just goes to show people can always learn and you always learn something new yourself everyday
In my free time I've been putting together a simple game focused on managing transformation effects (for now mostly just Inflation and Expansion).

Currently organising some playtest. Once it's in a better state, I'll post it somewhere, does anyone know a good site to host it? I was thinking Itch.io but if there's a better one I'm all for it

>In my free time I've been putting together a simple game focused on managing transformation effects (for now mostly just Inflation and Expansion).

Lmfaoo... Why? Why don't you make a game about bbw focused on being a game about bbw? Is that really so much to ask for these days? I feel like I'm surrounded by apes
ithc.io is the on most people use, i would've suggested maybe game jolt before they changed something in their policy i think, but to my knowledge best bet would be itch if you wanna just slap it up as a "this is my game"
Alrighty, my first draft is nearly done. If anyone on this board would be interested in a playtest using the inflation rules (or other), message me on report my post:
If anyone would be interested in an expansion game with the system I made, message me on the report my postant app at the username above. Been running a few playtests this week and they've been fun
Skie-Maree’s creator is making one too. I think a public build is up on his deviant art. Great quality. I’m a Patreon subscriber and the latest edition is nice but the next one should be amazing.
does anyone have a game skie's inflatable adventures 0.03a?
Nifty little system.
Different spells for inflating different body parts? or one spell and the dealer chooses what's blown up?
Someone tell me how to use BBWchan archives.
does anyone have a game skie's inflatable adventures 0.03d?

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