
(1.5 MB, 2816x2112, FrenchMarketPumpkinsB.jpg)
I have this weird friend you she, she's got peculiar problem indeed! if she so much as smells a pumpkin seed! Her body swells to that of a gourd seed! Can anyone help she's a difficult one to take through farm based horror mazes this Time of year and to fix it would be much helpful indeed
>>65530 (OP)
This is going to be an interesting thread.
Dejavu, its like before...this wont end well
For anyone that remembers this is the same idiot who did the completely useless and spammy “sniff farts and inflate” bullshit thread months ago.

This person is a stalker who is stalking a creator in this community and tried doing scummy horrible doxxing shit last night that the mods removed.

This whole entire thread will be stupid subtexting in an attempt to initimidaye poorly disguised as some troll Chan thread. Don’t entertain this shit or be fooled. It was toxic garbage before and it’s toxic garbage now. I agree with the anon that told them to fuck off.

Grow up you immature useless witch.
The fact that you stood up until three in the morning just to do this and presumably drunk since I know who this is irl is absolutely pathetic. Get help and stop terrorizing people you unself-actualized shithead
Of thread holder here I guess it's time to break the facade and clear up this personally I originally created I sniff and inflate as fun interactive inflation based arg with the community the original goal was in fact to answer questions, provide progress, then as some point mysteriously dip under the pretense that one night the pressure became too much for me and I bursted only leaving a cryptid message behind as a response from a relative that would have stumbled upon the crime scene or after finding out from police that it happened. Somehow along the way my end message was misconstrued as if the family member was talking about me being a troll and that I actually passed away from some illness the original idea was simply to create a character you'd all find entertainment out of and miss if they up and did burst from they're mysterious bursting illness. Maybe even to stun disbelief and make you question if it was just a troll or a person with a legitimate rare magical condition that could have well had the power to inflate!

All this was done in good harmless Faith but this post is just deciding to make me clear the air that that is ALL it was. If anyone by any means is doxing and stealing information from people in said community you heard it from me first (whether or not you believe it's me is up to you)

But anyone stealing info or doing dumb stupid shit like this is some other asshole not me. I do want to follow up by saying I deeply apologize for the ending to my arg turning out as bad as it did and it's confusion at the end of the day I really did have the best of intentions to create something out of cringe nothing that could be seen as an interesting story with intriguing thoughts throughout the rest of time through the community and I think I came close but sadly.. I drowned when I should have swam with the ending of it all..

I question if I shouldn't have just dipped leaving my status unknown instead of trying to create a interesting inflation and pop ending to begin with maybe then this saga would have been seen in a better light today.

Anyways fart chick clearing the air and fanning the farts out once and for all. If anyone continues from this point forward it will not be me I've given up the arg game. It's up to the cominuity if they wish to keep such an idea alive or start an arg of they're own I say go for it but if I have any advice look at mine as the failure it was and do better from my mistakes don't become a wasted fart blowing in the wind like I feel I've been.
So as one final note if anyone is doing some bullshit pretending there me that's someone else at the end of the day I suppose it's something that I should have figured could happen giving the anonymous nature of all this and if something crazy has happened on account of some messed up creep I deeply apologize that my arg brought some fucker the excuse to steal info and fuck with fellow community members from this point on I'm dipping out again so as you will but I don't suggest letting this nightmare of a series stop or prevent other members within good faith to attempt they're own args like I said just use mine as the based for what not to do or well at least learn from the mistakes that have happened

I wish you all luck and again even though I'm not the one doing that scummy shit I do feel like I opened that door so that said person could and I deeply apologize for not setting up some sorta preset to prove more legitimacy to stop fuckers like that from taking something fun and wholesome and making it some crypto scam or whatever the hell they've been doing

Now this farted girl shall truly become one with the wind she broke! I wish everyone a well balloon person filled day.
You’re only doing this because you let your charade go on for so long and so deep that I figured out via tons of circumstantial evidence, timing with confirmable events/people irl, and your own words/writing style over the long run who you really are irl since you’re stalking us and personally close to hs. I appreciate you mentioning the sister angle because it’s 1000% pertinent.
Being an anonymous shithead threatening to doxx people and cause irl harm stops being funny when the people you’re harassing figure out your identity. You’ve learned that real fast.

I want to believe your words but they also conveniently gives you an out to just continue what you’re doing anonymously and pretend it’s someone else. I’ll keep my eye out.

I really fucking hope you’re being serious and will stop because what you’ve done over the course of these months is despicable. The third party outside anon reading this will be confused but to yourself and the ones you’ve terrorized irl using this site and community as a tool to harass the gravity of this makes sense.

Please for the love of God and everything holy actually turn a cheek and mean what you just said. I’m sad it took you being found out irl to stop but if you’re actually being truthful, which history suggests you aren’t, then I really hope you can move on while also recognizing that irl events as they’ve happened should’ve never happened the way they did and were unnaturally manipulated by your hand and others.

I won’t forgive you because I don’t trust you but I hope you can be better and healthier for your own sake. Please continue to seek the light.
Just saw this after my initial and it very leaves the door open for “others to continue” proving the point I just made. Just fucking stop and mean what you say.

This has all gone beyond way too far. You try loving your life for months wondering who tf knows everything about you and is conveniently posting subtexts in a place they don’t even belong. Knowing that you invaded our personal online spaces just to keep tabs on us and ruin us. Your inability to let people grow as human beings and unilaterally condemn for things you frankly know nothing about.

We were completely fine before you decided to go on your manipulation campaign to ruin us via lies and leveraging past trauma you knew you could exploit. Please just go away and leave us alone.

You don’t see me harassing your OnlyFans or finding you on mommy kink forums or some shit. Leave us the fuck alone and figure yourself out because everything that has happened has been damaging to the extreme and for your own sake you need help.
Just saw this after my initial reply and it very much leaves the door open for “others to continue” proving the point I just made. Just fucking stop and mean what you say.
This has all gone beyond way too far. You try loving your life for months wondering who tf knows everything about you and is conveniently posting subtexts in a place they don’t even belong. Knowing that you invaded our personal online spaces just to keep tabs on us and ruin us. Your inability to let people grow as human beings and unilaterally condemn for things you frankly know nothing about.

We were completely fine before you decided to go on your manipulation campaign to ruin us via lies and leveraging past trauma you knew you could exploit. Please just go away and leave us alone.
You don’t see me harassing your OnlyFans or finding you on mommy kink forums or some shit. Leave us the fuck alone and figure yourself out because everything that has happened has been damaging to the extreme and for your own sake you need help

Finally why did you even revive the “arg” thread crap after months with this perfectly timely timing. It only proves even more that this is all you. Like what a complete coincidence that right when I’m calling you out because I finally legit figured out who you are irl that the oneweirdchick crap gets revived right at this moment.
You’re panicking too much and misstepping. This is why you need to stop
Part of me wants to know what the fuck is going on in here. Part of me just wants to go to fuсking bed instead.
You’re better off going to bed it’s a mess that hopefully has been handled and will stop
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I agree so I'll say this one last time and leave because I'm not gonna keep explaining the same shit

I wish you all luck on capturing the cunt who did threaten you but I want no part of it
>writes panicky repetitive word salad about how they hate doxxing and “it’s totally not me!”
>tells everyone to be doxxy and post “evidence” below while saying they want no drama

You’re such a fucking hack. I didn’t do the doxxy shit that happened last night or post what that resulted from. Just stfu and go away you stalker loser 9000
Also in case it wasn’t clear “fart chick” is the stalker doxxer who’s harassing me and one other person both irl and here. I have no interest “posting evidence” because that thread was only laid out because said stalker wants to anonymously harass us and is setting the stage to make it look like I “setting the record straight”

Listen Teach, just fucking stop. That’s all. But of course your neurotic background makes you incapable of stopping and blaming everything but yourself instead.
They clearly blamed themselves and at the same time if your so certain on things post evidence then dox them yourselves?

Show us all proof or both of you get the fuck off your high horse! Screenshots or it didn't happen.
Reverse psychology won’t work.
Here you go again being duplicitous in your own response. I’ve already signaled I’m done. Prove to us you are chick.
Fuck I meant "I and myself" so tired I'm mistyping.

still post proof as I got nothing to hide or otherwise shut up I'm done dealing with this anyways what a fucking headache!
You’re uselessly repeating yourself. I have nothing to posy chick. I’ve said I’m done. Prove to us you are.
Then we're in agreement that said still I hope you catch a motherfucker and I wish you a wonderful day I'm only telling you it so you do catch the right person

Also why should I show my face if your probably just gonna dox it anyways you don't trust me and I have no proof to trust you so feeling is mutual

Legit last response from me unless you can provide me the proof of dox or even if I'm the right person you're looking for as I asked
I wish you a wonderful day as well but I mean that sincerely. It’s never too late to find your way. That applies to all of us
Someone literally huffing their own farts.
I finally figured out who the third party was because they tried to get in contact with IF yesterday. They’re an old enemy of ours that was dormant for years that hates us because we got together and they’re a literal Joker obsessed Neo-Nazi that saw everything going on atm and pounced and basically got “reactivated” from the third party actions they saw. I realize now in hindsight where your actions ended and theirs started.

This is exactly why you had no business invading our space like this. From my experience you can’t end up dating the only conventionally attractive Cisgender woman in the entire community at the time without every incel male shithead that’s thirsting for her turning you both into public enemy number one. And yes that includes the baseless lies and bull crap accusations. Her and I initially dealt with this four years ago why do you think we were so solid? Her and I did and amazing job laying low and being at peace for years until these recent events over the preceding months aggravated that prior peace.

I wish you the best. And if you want to keep making art that’s all on you. It’s good art. I can tell you’ve finally stepped back in the other sense and I greatly appreciate that.
I apologize for my actions that I’ve done wrong to you and things I did in the name of protecting her and myself. Her and I have gone through some next level shit with the idiots in this community and we’ve sometimes had to use extreme measures to protect ourselves from extreme people. I deeply apologize. I know those words mean only as much as you care for them but I do mean it.

It’s looking like things in the long run will mend irl with her but I fully understand now the months long manipulation and deception that happened. People aren’t “arg” games to play with and what you think is a game can have real world consequences. Her and I understood that from the moment we met due to the nature of this community her and I got baked into years before we even met. Please give us more credit than you have if nothing else.

I understand the feelings of hate for me that might persist. I just want you to know that I wish you the best. I really did fall in awe with your creativity in multiple ways. You’re an amazing person just please don’t let negativity drive you. You’re too majestic to drag yourself down to that level. I wish you all the best in this Jig of Life
PS being a neurodivergent queer white fluid woman doesn’t give you free rein to lord your will over others. I’m a neurodivergent queer brown fluid dude. That’s not cap I’m very feminine and was bullied as a child over my “girl laugh”, limp wrists, and the way I swayed my hips as I walked. I’m under you in the totem pole. I know that’s not something you’re used to and just because I’ve recently accepted my identity doesn’t make me some faker. To suggest such a thing is just demeaning and frankly white energy. Don’t let the white dominant part of your identity use your legitimately oppressed part of your identity as a bludgeon against those underneath you.
Ok again wrong person I'm not even neo divergent you have another basic bitch white girl confused with me.

This only proves me further right there's something more or else going on that's made this all one big confusing mess where I've been confused as someone else. I've never doxxed anyone, and I haven't had gender identity or bullying issues.

I hope whoever you're talking about does fix they're life issues as well because I know if they stir up shit in any way I'm the motherfucker who's gonna be blamed for they're actions

I'll admit I have been lurking in this thread just in case anything else more comes up and I'll say it one last time. This is All a confusing mess. You're confusing me with someone else.

That's all dipping again in case someone tries to accuse me again for something that's out of my control as it's again I can't control the actions of someone that isn't me.

Farts out
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I agree in the same way that the weird loser Joker clown talking about murder for no fucking reason has been sticking their nose into shit for the last week or so with neither of us sussing that out until now. It explains so much of the belligerence and escalation.

I think the lesson here is that using a Chan board for your own personal vendettas is a losing proposition every time no matter how anon or sly you think you are which is why I was so adamant about having this space not be invaded for personal reasons. I’m speaking from history and experience.

I forgive you Kate.
>neurodivergent queer white fluid woman
Is this satire?
I have no idea what so ever I'm starting to think so lol.
But to be honest I think they be confusing me for someone else. As I said before yes I am the original creator of I sniff farts and inflate, it was an arg created in good fun to interact and try something with the community. It's was not created for anything other than that! Not for doxing or any or the malicious things you people are accusing me for.


Oh and for your info you finally gave me a name drop "Kate" and to answer your question Kate who? As my name isn't fucking Kate you dummy.

Also murder? Like wtf first it's bad enough your accusing me of doxing information, harmful threats, but now your saying murder threats are involved? Seriously you have the wrong motherfucker. Either that or your trolling.

But that said I more than said in one of my last comments dump your proof. I've already confirmed my names not Kate so that's one thing your already in the wrong about hell in the og post I said it was Marcy. That said for all you know Marcy may not be my real name but again how am I supposed to trust all of you and divulge my personal info if your not even gonna drop evidence and proof. Besides I'm not dumb if I do that this Kate bitch just gonna start targeting my personal friends and family and like I said I'm not down for any drama like that. Only reason I'm still here even messaging is to try to figure it all out with you people but obviously your insisting I'm someone I'm not and your minds made up and nothing I say or do is gonna be proof enough for any of you.

So again I wish you luck on your journey of stopping this mess. That said if I could offer you some decent advice I suggest maybe talk to them via personal dm and such or go through reporting they're direct accounts for said threats and directly because you're going to get nowhere arguing with this random fart anon in a chan thread chat.

You say you know who it is.
Deal with it directly somewhere else through the proper channels.
And again better fact check your info just in case a few the time's over because if you got all this shit about me wrong then you better make sure your shits legally sound or someone could sue you for defamation.

But I'm just done overall have fun in this chatroom people because things like doxing,harm threats, and death threats are just not my style and I'm just done with the drama of it all I got plenty of other things Health wise I got to deal with in my life goes to show what you get for trying to bring a little lively interactive fun with a bunch of anons in a fetish server. You get someone stealing your shit and causing you live problems.

On second thought unless you find a sound way to do things with proof where no one can steal your arg. Just drop trying to do any from of arg at all people as it's not worth it take this shit show as experience and life lesson

Fart finally pooted out
Just have fun playing detective with each other til your blue in the face and believe me even though I want you to catch the fucker who's doing these sick things. if any of this ends up coming to light on my personal doorstep in any way I WILL. Personal sue for defamation. So prepare yourself if you are just a troll trying to personally accuse me of false accusations.

That said knowing the truth and believing what you say is true it looks like I'm in the clear

I wish you luck dealing with this Kate chick and this neo Nazi person
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Also same like this legit the only thing I think about when someone says "white fluid"
I don’t have time to tye or read more atm bc I’m out having a good time and checked this briefly but lol the Kate thing paired with the bush picture is just a dumb extended Kate Bush reference lol. It ain’t that serious lmao but I’ll read the rest of this after I post this I guess lol. Have a Good Friday night or whatever lol 🍻
Lol Kate calm down. It’s a fucking fetish server based in Europe full of anon posts you can’t sue or subpoena for shit. That being said you have nothing to worry about. Like you said cut the “arg” real life sim crap and weird cryptic posts and you’re fine.

You’re freaking out it’s gonna be okay. Go drink and enjoy your Friday and I guess take in your lesson or something if you wish to view it that way blue in the face pumpkin gourd and all🍎 it’s all good 🍻
If it makes you feel better I imagine beautiful blonde pumpkin gorl in my head now so that’s a thing white fluid wise lmao. Idk what else to say. I know you’re chill so I won’t take too many other things posted seriously at this point other than protecting someone if some other asshole decides to do vile shit again.I know it’s not you Teach
Breathe in and breathe out it will be okay. Enjoy your night boo 🍻
This Fart chick sounds really stupid. Look at all those panicky walls of text she wrote! 🤣
They’re pretending to have it together but it’s beyond easy to rile them up! Her friends must hate how much she fucks up the whole vibe. Something for the back pocket 🎃

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