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Anybody got any assets or tutorials for making inflation animation/stills in blender? I'm looking to pick up the program, and so far all I've been able to find is a tutorial on how to use the "Cast Sphere" modifier which I tested on Violet here. Anybody got any other advice for modeling/animating inflation?
Do you mind sending the Cast Sphere tutorial you watched pls?
Wow amazing! It would be great to have a tutorial of this, I don't know anything about 3D animation, but it would be great to learn, so I could inflate the models I want, hehe
>>65018 (OP)
Use a Shrinkwrap Modifier.

It's quite simple.

1. Place UV Sphere inside the torso of character.
2. On the torso/body mesh (whatever), add the Shrinkwrap Modifier
3. Make sure Wrap Method is "Nearest Surface Point" and Snap Mode is "Outside"
4. Target the Sphere
5. Then Adjust the Offset
6. You may need to create vertex groups in order to avoid Z Fighting (where the textures overlay and flicker and shit).

It's not perfect but you'll be able to inflate characters and can make it look half decent.
Can you provide some pictures with that tutorial? Having visuals would help
This is a very detailed tutorial! Thanks a lot!
That said, it may be too much to ask, but there will be a video tutorial?
I swear don’t you all have jobs or something? Unless they make you work on a holiday weekend or something like that then it’s obvious you already have one foot kicker out the door and that’s why berries take up so many hours now..
And what if just want to make a breast expansion one?
Shut up puritan
>>65018 (OP)
3D inflation is a much harder topic than you give it credit for.
Unless your only interested in the simple act of slapping spheres onto characters, its not as easy as putting a modifier on an calling it a day.
If you want actual shape, your going to need some advanced polymodelling skills and lots of references. Sculpting would be easier for stills. But that requires a completely different set of skills.

If you want animated, your going to need incredibly good modelling skills. Either with fluid/cloth simulation, metaballs, shape keys, or advanced rigging. The stuff 3D modellers pay other people to do because its really hard.

If you want what your images imply, and just spheres on an existing model, go to fucking garrys mod and edit screenshots in paint to put their textures back on. Outside of spheres, trying to make good looking 3D inflation is a skill that would take many dedicated months or years to get right. Moving a mesh connivingly in three dimensions while minimizing texture stretch, clipping, and preserving rigging data is not an easy task for experienced modellers, let alone beginners. Any tutorials that may teach this, would be aimed at experienced users who can do many of these things without references or tutorials.
I can read between the lines I just don’t find it all that relevant. And that comment about not feeling it was me pretending to be someone else
I can tell you either comm with each other here or pretend to at times and it’s just you
Though I haven’t been feeling it the whole time even when on top.
But since you (are giving the appearances anyway) of putting weapons down for the moment I want to say
I don’t know what to say. It’s too far gone at this point. I just want you to know that what you’ve done is insane and you’re seriously not right in the head. No amount of lying to yourself will change that truth.
Keep chasing victories that aren’t there
I’ve learned to never trust your fake peace gestures. Very reminiscent of a current world conflict..
Everything is too far gone
And the two lovers will reunite we’ve already agreed on seeing some kino together 🐆
So I wonder why?
You want your disco ball story? At this rate you’ll never get it
And if you turn it around as usual as some sort of weak sauce attempt at a counter-atack “bamboozle” I’ll just unload something better. Meanwhile the hourglass to Saturday continues to drop pebbles of sand
So what have you gained but misery and no effect on this end?
Black is Beautiful.
That plus your other racist slurs you’ve used in the past on here during your little crusade has fueled my moral drive as it validates what I’ve already known about you
You can never have this cock and you will never feel what that drive feels like 🔥
Keep simping over your cute boi-kun pain loving cuck fetish you loser.
It feels nice knowing the you and the younger will never have the relationship you used to while we mend back ✨✨
>>68292 That sounds rather catchy! You should make that a slogan or something.
I know you’re too white to care but that’s also exactly why you lose. Fake allies always slip up 😘
Those last two werent me, but you should understand my point was that what this thread is effectively asking is an easy way to do some of the most advanced 3D art possible.
At least we have Qualtroverse.
Qualtroverse is mediocre at best. Compared to other 3D artists, the only innovative thing he has done is actually model bodies. But honestly, if you have any decent amount of experience in blender, you can model bodies like that in minutes. The head is harder, but with the nature of his work, it can easily be recycled between images. His art is very samey, and lacks alot of depth.
He is also atrocious with shaders. All of his characters end up looking like playdoh. Spending a day or so making some nicer shaders and better lighting could boost his images alot, but he either doesnt know how to make good shaders, or doesnt bother.
Qualtro is the best animator in our community by a mile. This entire post is just the biggest mound of salt 🧂
They have the best blueberry animation ever created coming out very soon so your mediocre assertion is so patently laughable 😂
(169 KB, 2048x1152, 2D0FBA72-47ED-46B5-B1BD-DD2D3F743FFE.jpeg)
Qualtro is the best animator in our community by a mile. This entire post is just the biggest mound of salt🧂😂
His art is not samey at all and his shaders are glorious as seen in this image from their upcoming blueberry animation CODE BLUE!! 🚨
Your mediocre assertion is nothing but an angy anon mad that Qualtro is doing things you can never accomplish or have influence on 😉
(169 KB, 2048x1152, 9C919C81-9D40-4544-B90E-2A315DA49AB3.jpeg)
Qualtro is the best animator in our community by a mile. This entire post is just the biggest mound of salt🧂😂
His art is not samey at all and his shaders are glorious as seen in this image from their upcoming blueberry animation CODE BLUE!! 🚨
Your mediocre assertion is nothing but an angy anon mad that Qualtro is doing things you can never accomplish or have influence on 😉
(169 KB, 2048x1152, DE01F80E-4FBD-4B1A-9E6B-BBA19A0441B7.jpeg)
Qualtro is the best animator in our community by a mile. This entire post is just the biggest mound of salt🧂😂
His art is not samey at all and his shaders are glorious as seen in this image from their upcoming blueberry animation CODE BLUE!! 🚨
Your mediocre assertion is nothing but an angy anon mad that Qualtro is doing things you can never accomplish or have influence on 😉
(169 KB, 2048x1152, 06F7429C-F8AC-405C-B5EC-10B12389A9D1.jpeg)
Qualtro is the best animator in our community by a mile. This entire post is just the biggest mound of salt🧂😂
His art is not samey at all and his shaders are glorious as seen in this image from their upcoming blueberry animation CODE BLUE!! 🚨
Your mediocre assertion is nothing but an angy anon mad that Qualtro is doing things you can never accomplish or have influence on 😉
(169 KB, 2048x1152, 6C0F6130-B61D-4A9A-ADB9-98813025E18E.jpeg)
Qualtro is the best animator in our community by a mile. This entire post is just the biggest mound of salt🧂😂
His art is not samey at all and his shaders are glorious as seen in this image from their upcoming blueberry animation CODE BLUE!! 🚨
Your mediocre assertion is nothing but an angy anon mad that Qualtro is doing things you can never accomplish or have influence on 😉
(169 KB, 2048x1152, 33F65DD0-4DF4-4C11-BD3A-6B7E5BDB4305.jpeg)
Qualtro is the best animator in our community by a mile. This entire post is just the biggest mound of salt🧂😂
His art is not samey at all and his shaders are glorious as seen in this image from their upcoming blueberry animation CODE BLUE!! 🚨
Your mediocre assertion is nothing but an angy anon mad that Qualtro is doing things you can never accomplish or have influence on 😉
Subjective, I really like his art.
But you act like this is the most advanced 3D art possible but turn around and make it sound like only spending a day or two would improve it, and modelling the body only takes a few minutes, do you even know what you're talking about?
Other artists do 3D better especially compared to his old art, but he's come a long way, especially with animation. he's only improved over time. We're lucky to have this kind of art in the first place.

what the fuck?? Take a chill pill lol
(169 KB, 2048x1152, C5CA08FA-0CC0-43BC-B866-78F404D3EE53.jpeg)
Qualtro is the best animator in our community by a mile. This entire post is just the biggest mound of salt🧂😂
His art is not samey at all and his shaders are glorious as seen in this image from their upcoming blueberry animation CODE BLUE!! 🚨
Your mediocre assertion is nothing but an angy anon mad that Qualtro is doing things you can never accomplish or have influence on 😉
(169 KB, 2048x1152, C86313DB-9FFA-416E-8A95-7EC134B72278.jpeg)
Qualtro is the best animator in our community by a mile. This entire post is just the biggest mound of salt🧂😂
His art is not samey at all and his shaders are glorious as seen in this image from their upcoming blueberry animation CODE BLUE!! 🚨
Your mediocre assertion is nothing but an angy anon mad that Qualtro is doing things you can never accomplish or have influence on 😉
(169 KB, 2048x1152, 74654A14-D179-4C6C-8E89-508FD569F503.jpeg)
Qualtro is the best animator in our community by a mile. This entire post is just the biggest mound of salt🧂😂
His art is not samey at all and his shaders are glorious as seen in this image from their upcoming blueberry animation CODE BLUE!! 🚨
Your mediocre assertion is nothing but an angy anon mad that Qualtro is doing things you can never accomplish or have influence on 😉
He may be one of the best, but aside from a few images and one animation he's produced; his stuff does nothing for me.
(3.5 MB, 2436x1125, 5C4B56AD-5739-4E56-8BF4-8469F3D409B8.png)
That’s your prerogative and personal taste which is A Okay
For us berry lovers a true miracle is about to unfold 😍
The first ever serious high quality full transformation blueberry animation ever produced and THIS is how it’s turning out!!? Absolutely fittingly lovely! 🍎
The sad person who made this thread? Yeah🪞
(3.5 MB, 2436x1125, 5259F52B-9BE9-454A-BD9C-BFF137EE863D.png)
That’s your prerogative and personal taste which is A Okay
For us berry lovers a true miracle is about to unfold 😍
The first ever serious high quality full transformation blueberry animation ever produced and THIS is how it’s turning out!!? Absolutely fittingly lovely! 🍎
(2.9 MB, 540x231, 2579DB08-CBC0-4B98-ACD4-CE00E5C280B3.gif)
It’s such a glorious and timely weekend! Wakanda Forever releasing AND the modern day BerryGirl of our time releasing on the same weekend! Both things for all the world to see!! ✨🐆🦅🌊💦
Btw, why is this thing getting promoted everywhere on the inf/thread?
(1.2 MB, 2231x1120, 7B873DB5-9593-44E0-AE02-5E29BE43DC8E.png)
Because it’s the biggest event in berry content creation in literal decades so naturally you’re going to have enthusiastic anons! This Violet is going to be one for the ages!
Since woke activists are telling white people only black people can see it during opening week, it could flop, Disney track record hasn't been great track record as of late
I would call it frustrated criticism more than anything.
In a 3D medium, its very difficult to get organic shapes and curves, especially ones needed for inflation. Deforming a mesh in a way that looks good without ruining the mesh in the process is difficult. And sure, Qualtro is currently among the best hobbyist artists making this kind of art.

As an artist who has used Blender for many years and is trying to study anatomy, form, topology, and rigging in order to make something really good, you start to see the seams of their work. Very few 3D artists who work on inflation do anything other than spheres slapped onto existing models, or just straight up spherical models to begin with. Even the great artists im studying and referencing to make what I would consider the ideal art. I am working towards something atleast similar in style and execution to 2005s Violet inflation. Its not an easy task, and I harshly criticize anyone who makes compromises and pitfalls because its a lack of artistic integrity and growth that has held the community back for years.

Many 3D artists are jokes to the community, the plague of Garrys Mod artists who just put colored spheres onto ragdolls and call it a day. The ones that appear to be better are often just hiding under a thin veil. Reusing the same base image after image, or just going the quick and easy route and using spheres shrinkwrapped over the body.

There are only a handful of artists I have discovered who use 3D art well, and they either use it so well you dont notice its 3D, or they dont post often enough for people to care. And even they fall into these issues too.

If you were skilled in 3D art, you would know modelling is typically not a long process. His modelling is especially not a long process. I can approximate his workflow quite easily by sculpting cinches, creases, and body-like lumps onto a squashed sphere quite fast.

Im not saying you cant like his art, and im not saying he is a bad artist. Im saying he is far from what can be done with the 3D medium, and proclaiming him as some 3D messiah is laughable. I want to step up the game, I want to push the limits. And if you are too busy being satiated by mid-grade art, your going to miss the artists who can make better art.
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Meanwhile you wrote a literal essay on how supposedly every animator in the community ever is a scrub and that you’re actually secretly the best out of everyone but have no work to show. Only salt Friday afternoon essays you spent at least five minutes on 😂
Are you done being the four eyes from Polar Express now? 🤣
Reposting this prior comment because it applies to this one also lmao
Qualtro is the best animator in our community by a mile. This entire post is just the biggest mound of salt🧂😂
His art is not samey at all and his shaders are glorious as seen in this image from their upcoming blueberry animation CODE BLUE!! 🚨
Your mediocre assertion is nothing but an angy anon mad that Qualtro is doing things you can never accomplish or have influence on 😉
When did I say I was the best? Im a terrible animator. Im working to be better, but im not proclaiming my own skill.

If you read my comments instead of just getting angry at them, im not calling most 3D animators bad. Imbapovi uses spheres for his models, but he is a really good animator who is great at pacing and framing. He just isnt good at animating body shapes, only spheres.

I could post some of my art if your dying to see it, but its just regular Blender work, nothing fetish related.
(3.5 MB, 2436x1125, F8B6C951-67F6-4D48-AE7A-3D58C9384B54.png)
That’s your prerogative and personal taste which is A Okay
For us berry lovers a true miracle is about to unfold 😍
The first ever serious high quality full transformation blueberry animation ever produced and THIS is how it’s turning out!!? Absolutely fittingly lovely! 🍎
(278 KB, 647x493, 6E3FF839-6D8B-48F3-9F6C-FC8EEB1D1C69.png)
Save us the gaslighting you projecting angy anon you literally just wrote an essay to be a snob saying you can produce better your gaslighting won’t work here
Since you hate it some much have more CODE BLUE 🚨✨
(2.9 MB, 540x231, D95D6408-F851-4370-A6C9-27F7C35B8946.gif)
It’s such a glorious and timely weekend! Wakanda Forever releasing AND the modern day BerryGirl of our time releasing on the same weekend! Both things for all the world to see and live on Forever!!! ✨🐆🦅🌊💦
Code blue has a bad case of textured bra stretching on the mesh and not pushing into the skin, which looks lame, and is literally half of what I am talking about in quality control
(5.4 MB, 2436x1125, 27C21CDE-76EF-4058-9AB0-B478327F6B49.png)
Oh no they did it! They have single-handedly ruined the veneer of an animation by nitpicking shit only an art school student or hardcore hobbyist would know!
Sorry everyone berry time is ruined because anon is angy her bra doesn’t look a certain way 🤣
Jesus help this fool they’re lost and pressed 🥲
>>65018 (OP)
Is that model from one of the games?
(5.1 MB, 2436x1125, 20488749-43E4-4237-B496-4084AB177967.png)
What you are witnessing friends is a marvel of the machine age. The creation of a magical confectionary giant!!! ____ Violet... you first!
IRL a true miracle is about to unfold 😍
The first ever serious high quality full transformation blueberry animation ever produced and THIS is how it’s turning out!!? Absolutely fittingly lovely! 🍎💦
Its basic art, i wouldnt call it hobbyist knowledge. Anyone looking at that knows basic physics would push it into the body a little.

Its just funny how much your praising and spamming this code blue stuff like its the second coming of christ when it looks no different from regular art in the past. It just looks like someone used the liquify tool on a roundish model.
(221 KB, 472x568, A2EB37B9-D199-4DFA-80F9-6895F6644C23.png)
You’re so obviously talking out of your ass because anyone that’s an actual fetishist and part of this community knows how monumental and great this is. And yes it is art school level knowledge you gaslighting dingus 😘
It’s so obvious to any third party reading this that you’re just jealous AF that you can’t stop this from happening because you can’t make anything nearly on the same top tier level as this 💦
(2.9 MB, 540x231, 48C7BB0F-3320-4EC0-8BE3-685F08C59988.gif)
It's such a glorious and timely weekend! Wakanda Forever AND the modern day BerryGirl of our time releasing on the same weekend! Both things for all the world to see and have live on Forever!!! 🐆🦅💦
>>68512 Wakanda for a little while is probably more like it, or more accurate? I haven't watched the movie: Is that a skinny man, or a woman? Hey, look at the time. It's almost too good yo be coincidence, huh? Nothing ggets past you guys. True genius at work. Okay. I bid you all a goodnight! and a merry white christmas.
(2.9 MB, 540x231, 0F71808A-C1DB-4B4E-992B-3066A379DF2C.gif)
No, Forever (:
It's such a glorious and timely weekend! Wakanda Forever AND the modern day BerryGirl of our time releasing on the same weekend! Both things for all the world to see and have live on Forever!!! 🐆🦅💦
>>68517 Okay. Merry christmas, anon. And to all a goodnight. I'll be dreaming of booty, but praying for boobs. Large milky creamy boobs.
I still wanna know when is is this gonna be done?
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No, Forever (:
It’s not even Xmas time yet so it’s Revealing and great to see how hung up you are on it 🤭 but since you’re wondering mine will be great and the best part is I won’t be spending it with literal racists like you! ❄️ ☃️
That being said it's such a glorious and timely weekend! Wakanda Forever AND the modern day BerryGirl of our time releasing on the same weekend! Both things for all the world to see and have live on Forever!!! 🐆🦅💦
Qualtro here.
I'm working on physics, can't get it just right yet but I'm working on it. I'm messing with tools outside of Blender so it's taking me a bit to learn those tools, but I think I'm getting them down.
Obviously the physics of the animation is what'll bring it to the next level, but as a content creator who needs to release content and maintain a Patreon, I feel like some of those details can be delayed to the next project because I need to release content without 3 month wide gaps, I'm already strapped for time as it is. I'm proud of what I've accomplished so far in the short time I've been doing more realistic rendering though, especially considering I only got super into Blender and CG in 2020, and only messed around with it as a curiosity before then.
I do consider these things but as you would know it's a difficult task.
Like the cloth squeezing the body as they swell, I just don't have a good solution for that yet. I've tried some but they just don't work out they way I intended, but I think if I revisit it and give it another try as I've gotten better with the tools I'm using, I can pull it off, but it has to wait for the next project.
Those are also test renders, I'm still compositing and finishing it up, but it's almost done
I'd like to figure out a way to squish the cloth in post as the way I've rendered it in a way that might allow me to do so, but I also really don't want to delay it yet again as I've set a release date, and it's already been 2 months since my last animation. It miggghtt be worth it to delay it by a day or so to figure it out though but we'll see, it's up in the air if I can even do it.
I am planning to make a revised and improved version of Code Blue with cloth simulation like I initially planned though, admittedly its a weird release.
I have test cloth simulations that look really good, but not up to my standard just yet as it fails after a certain point, but I have a tested and working method of cloth tearing, but applying it to the animation is gonna add a bit more time and probably push it towards the end of the month.
As for my shaders, admittedly I haven't worked on them that much but I think they look fine, and I think they've definitely improved with time, the playdoh look may just be my choice in denoiser as Optix does crunch some of the details in textures, I can show you my shaders if you want to make inputs on how I can improve them.
I also need to stop using the Optix denoiser for final renders, but I've only recently learned how much better the other denoisers are, while my animation was about 80 percent done and 4 days in... I can probably change what denoiser I'm using though as I have all of the data necessary for the denoisers for each frame, but doing that might take another couple days to change, if the quality improvement is really that worth it.
I'd love to see what you have though, I'm very passionate about CG Art! If not, can't wait to see what you have in store!

i'll delay the animation to next weekend, on god.

Only joking! I appreciate the support but please stop spamming threads!
>>68522 I have no idea what you just said. But okay. Even though you sound like a complete retard to me I do wish you a merry christmas. I don't know what hung up means but my christmas started last month and this year so far it is looking to be the best christmas since a decade ago. I may be more happy than normal ever so slightly, but this year I have enough money to buy toys for my niece and nephew, plus I am in charge of decorations this year and a few other things that I am looking forward to. It is going to be nice (hopefully). I don't know why you look down on racists but I hope you find some help overcoming your struggles. Sweet dreams to you, anon.
>>65018 (OP)
this is probably not a great place to discuss CG lmao
I'm not a god lmao, but thanks
(3.9 MB, 600x251, 1C09C695-B4D9-4B0F-9212-66A674E87626.gif)
Anon decided that a fetish board needed to hear their personal Christmas plans which says everything about how bad their life must be right now otherwise why would you need to tell /inf something so personal (“hopefully” you don’t even fully believe your own words that’s the funniest part) 🤭😂😘
Word of God! ⬆️ (okay not a god but still amazing!)
Duly Noted Q no spam only the blessed inevitable! All good in the hood you’re a pioneer in our time and the best of the best!!!
>>68531 Okay I take back what I said and I don't hope you have a merry christmas. Feel better? You're an idiot
Christmas is for children. Get over it!
>>68546 Imminent release? of? What in the darkness did you just say? That movie looks like complete shit, btw. I am glad I never watched it. Your such a delusional anon that it's not fun picking on. Maybe you can make your own holiday. How much fun does that sound? The panther holiday. Oh, brother. Then they are on here having fun talking about technology and AI. LMFAO. Completely OBLIVIOUS. You know what? I changed my mind. Don't make kids.
>>68549 I am in a great mood and I feel fantastic. I wasn't trying to sound stable or in a good mood what kind of dumb shit are you high on? I meant to type delusional and it appears I made a mistake. That movie still looks like crap and judging by what I have seen from American porno films the past years, it doesn't surprise me that it looks like complete shit. It's a disaster. Shouldn't you be on youtube or something?

I will. Thank you.
Nice to actually hear from the artist and not a bunch of randos who probably havent modelled a thing in their life.

For the clothing on the body, I think you could really easily improve it. From the screenshots I cant tell if its a texture or cloth (Knowing you I assume cloth), you can use the AO from the cloth and plug it into a bump or displacement shader for the skin to make it appear as if it is sinking into her body a little. Using a multiply node and a colorramp should give pretty desireable results. Using a X/Y stretched noise node could even generate some skin wrinkles you can colorramp into the bump for extra fanciness. If you dont have the AO for the cloth specifically, you could either bake a lightmap setup while you bake the animation and convert it to a black and white mask, or use some fresnel node magic to cheat AO for it.

If I could see your node setup, or even a .blend I could see if theres anything I think could be improved. Ive worked on some procedural texturing projects and know some tricks to achieve those looks without physically modelling them.
I wouldn’t trust this user or any other anon “trying to help” right now if I were you Q
I wouldn’t hand your technicals over when you have competition that would love to sabotage and wreck everything under your hood then good “whoops sorry”. For all you knew if someone gave you tainted advice on here or before that could be what messed up the cloth in the recent render.
The public version may be delayed but the proper Patreon/DA version is still releasing this weekend so big pogs!!! 🎉🎊
I wouldn’t trust this user or any other anon “trying to help” right now if I were you Q
Handing over your technicals is big risk when you have competition that would love to sabotage and wreck everything under your hood then go “whoops sorry”.
For all you knew if someone gave you tainted advice on here or before that could be what messed up the cloth in the recent render.
The public version may be delayed but the proper Patreon/DA version is still releasing this weekend so big pogs!!! 🎉🎊
Do you understand how blender works? A proper project has autosaves, backups, and more. You can make these things called duplicates if you want someone else to see what your making.
Your acting like only one project file can exist at a time, and that im just going to drop some ticking timebomb into a shader tree.
Or you know, like CTRL+Z doesnt exist.
As if a tainted render that takes days to re-render based on bad advice couldn’t happen and further delay a project. I’m just helping them out 😊
As if a tainted render that takes days to re-render based on bad advice couldn’t happen and hamper a project. I’m just offering a different perspective ☺️
Do you know what this magical thing called previews are? Do you think we wait days just to see what we are working on?
You seriously dont know jack shit about blender, and think your "helping" him by telling him to not listen to node tree suggestions?
News flash, you can see a render before its finished. Second news flash, you render frame by frame, and check regularly to make sure nothings wrong. Third news flash, you can rerender starting from a tainted frame, and not all the way at the beginning.
Your offering the perspective of someone who doesnt know how to operate the software needed for his project. Like backseat driving a helicopter.

Also, this may be hard for your horny little yes man mind to grasp. But the artist may want quality, more than they want to prevent delays. And just maybe, experimentation with a node solution that makes the end product better is worth the hour or so it takes to refine and implement, than it would be to release as is without further delays.
Damn what the hell happened to you to turn my two sentence post into a mini essay rant with such pushed buttons 🤣
You don’t speak for them the same way I don’t regarding their workflow but they’ve already made it clear they want their projects to release faster for the moment.
You being this big mad on a Saturday banging out on your keyboard over somebody else’s Blendr project is a treat ☺️
(103 KB, 285x325, car_cloth_displacement.png) (1.3 MB, 1572x1078, ffs.png) (89 KB, 1003x946, noglaretoseemyehsolutiontosquishdisplacement.jpg)
The underwear layer is just a texture as of right now, it's underwear so I figured it's fine if it's not simulated as I'm not really planning on it going anywhere while the model is expanding. I also planned on having cloth simulation layered over it, so Code Blue wasn't exactly built around it. I know it's not the best way to do that but it works, and it's a high enough resolution that it doesn't look terrible stretched, aside from the aliasing on the edges because of the alpha, but I can probably find a way to fix that in After Effects.
As for the AO Displacement idea, I remembered I actually used that idea (sorta) in my car animation. I didn't have enough ram to fit a sufficiently high subdivision even with adaptive sampling, and the method I used wasn't exactly good, so it's VERY subtle because any deeper and it would look terrible, but you can see the light catching on a part of the model, and where it would be most visible is kinda hidden in the glare.
I'm pretty sure I used the alpha of the underwear texture as my displacement map but I'll have to look, AO and proper node setup with nice falloff would definitely improve it though as it was a very sharp displacement in this animation.
It was a fast solution though, and it worked, so I went through with it and managed to make that animation in about 2-3 days. If I spent more time on it, I could probably get it to look better because honestly it's kinda ugly in some places, even just making a custom alpha map just for it would be better, but I managed to catch the wave of those images like I planned, and figured it was better to get it out sooner rather than dwell on it too much and get back to my main projects. Plus it's animated, so it's unique in that regard too as most if not all of the others were just stills, even if I'm not satisfied with the quality overall.
I should have used that method for Code Blue, especially since I've upgraded my hardware since then, but with how long it's been taking on top of how much it's changed, I completely spaced it and doing so would definitely require a re-render depending on where and when it's used.
I setup the rendering for Code Blue for situations like this though, I might mess around with it and gauge whether or not it's worth delaying it one more time, especially since you've reminded me that AO node exists, and I really like the idea of using a stretched noise texture for the wrinkles, that's clever.
I'm curious how the AO Node would interact with other parts of the scene though, it might actually end up improving quality overall as you'd get it to squish with other parts of the scene like the ground or objects, but your baked lightmap idea would be a very good method of masking out the unwanted parts of the AO shader. The feet of my model don't really interact with the floor aside from leaving smudges, I might take a look at that.
Another thing I've thought about trying is using dynamic paint to generate an image sequence for displacement instead, but you need to manually apply brushes to each object the model is going to interact with and bake each time you need a new image sequence, so there's pros and cons there. Vertex based dynamic paint would probably work better, but I haven't messed with that yet.
I used dynamic paint and After Effects to achieve the blue spread on Code Blue, and I'm pretty confident the same workflow can be used for the squish, but procedural generation would be a much better solution and faster to iterate on even if you lose the fine control of some parts.
Finishing a project and moving onto the next instead of dwelling on achieving maximum quality honestly works way better for me since I used to constantly move the goal post on "best quality" all time time throughout an animation, lengthening the production and making the scene more complex as there's ton of ideas thrown into it, increasing the odds I'd miss something very subtle that tanks the entire animation and just lengthens the production even more. I've had multiple animations I've just given up on or canned because of how difficult they became to work on, I like the focus of pushing out an animation and moving onto the next and learning from the last.
But discussing this actually does make me want to delay Code Blue just one more time to include these ideas, re-rendering the character layer would only take around 1-2 days at most, especially if I can move from Optix to OpenImageDenoise or the compositor denoise node (not sure which denoiser that is, but I think it's Intel's denoiser iirc). There's also a small issue with how the normals of the character are read in the first 1300 frames too, so there's some subtle artifacts from that, and squashing that would be nice too. I did manage to catch and fix it as I rendered the last 700 frames though. It's subtle enough where I could release it without most people noticing, re-render, and replace it without anyone noticing, but since I'm already thinking about delaying yet again, I'd rather just fix it and release the better version.
Talking to someone who actually uses Blender is great though, I haven't run into a single artist trying to achieve the same goal that uses Blender enough to come up with solutions to problems like these, especially since you're more experienced with procedural shaders in Blender. The farthest I've gotten with procedural textures isn't even in Blender, I generally use Substance for that stuff. But I do know my way around the shader editor enough where it works well enough for me.

This probably isn't the best place to talk about these things though, so you can DM me on Twitter for my report my post or vice-versa and we can discuss this elsewhere if you'd like!

and blender backups have literally saved my skin numerous times, but I save and create copies quite frequently now since I have the capacity for it, I hit ctrl-s every minute or so because Blender can be pretty unstable sometimes, and I have more than enough ram now where I can have a very long history to undo and redo through.

Plus I've upgraded from a 2080 to a 3090, and the viewport render mode is so much faster even only being a generation apart, it's kinda ridiculous. I can work in the render mode much more than I could before and even playback animation somewhat, especially with the extra VRAM where it would fail to initialize on my 2080 if my scenes got too complex and I didn't optimize. Makes me want a 4090, especially after seeing it perform about as well as 2 3090's in NVLink. Those are benchmarks though, and NVLink would also net you memory pooling, but I've only managed to run out of VRAM once and only because I forgot I had another project open in the render viewport.

But since my animation is 4k, 2000 frames long, renders the three layers one at a time, and takes about 3-4 minutes to finish each frame, it's really easy to miss the frames where there's issues. I can't watch each layer for each frame being rendered like a hawk since it took 5 days to render the entirety of it and that would be absolute hell sitting there for a hundred hours straight, and I used multi layer exr to store the frames, so viewing them isn't as easy as popping open an image viewer. The way I produced this is also not the best way to work on long animations and I'm changing my workflow so I can work on and finalize individual shots rather than a 2000 frame straight animation, but that's how this animation was produced so there's nothing I can do about it now.
The separate layer rendering saved my ass though as not only did it make the overall quality better, the cloth layer got fucked because I missed an issue with the armature modifier, so re-rendering some of the frames wasn't a big deal compared to the major issue it was when I rendered the "final" in October.

these are idea's I've had too though, they're obviously not trying to ruin my projects. It's actually nice knowing I'm not the only one doing these things. I'd rather share my secrets and ideas rather than keep them to myself and try it all alone which I've been defaulted to doing, it's a breathe of fresh air for me.
I'd love to have more CG Berry artists, especially if they're better than me because that moves everyone forward, I'm not doing this forever you know, people will come and go and I for sure will be one of them. I don't know when, but eventually.
If it backfires, so be it, but I'd rather take the risk.

and the cloth render mistake was mostly my fault, for some reason it was assigned to an unused rig that had my mocap data, and de-synced when swapped over to the secondary rig for the last 700 frames. It looked good in the viewport, but failed in small subtle changes I made, but I missed that since I thought they were on the same armature. I caught this as it was finishing up, so I fixed the issue and re-rendered the problem frames.
I fixed that though, and was still on track to release that version on time, but then I watched the final render in it's entirety, and there was a lot of frames where the holdout straight up failed, not sure how I missed this while it was rendering, the cloth layer was the fastest rendered layer by far though so that might be why.

apologizes for the long essay lmao, I'm writing this while working on the edit for Code Blue lmao
Wait so you just said two hours ago it will be done by morning and now you’re delaying g it again?
The cloth version is being delayed, Patreon/DA Sub version is still being edited. I have to do a little extra work as I missed a couple things for the render so it's taking a bit to fix and refine it but I'm working on it, I'm trying to have it available for the morning.
(9 KB, 562x205, themaskfailed.jpg)
The issues for the Patreon/DA Sub version are mainly masking issues where the model was supposed to skip the parts of the render where the model isn't visible.
It's simple for some shots, but harder where the mask needs to move. I wish I caught it earlier but a re-render would delay the paid version again and I don't want that. I added an image to show you what I'm talking about, the completely black parts aren't supposed to be there. It's taking a bit of time though, After Effects is terrible.
And I still have to finish the sound mix, but that's nearly done.
Then I'm gonna do my final pass, make sure I didn't miss anything, and release.
I either save constantly, or forget to save for hours until I do something too ambitious/stupid and Blender kicks the bucket. Autosaves are life saving.

Dynamic Paint is annoying to work with, atleast without enormous textures. And considering the whole focus of the project is a model expanding, your going to need to start with a huge texture just to make it look good in the first place, making it more precarious to use.
I have pretty good hardware and can do test renders for you if you want. Got a 3080 recently and it flies through renders much quicker than the pitiful CPU only renders due to an incompatible budget AMD GPU.

I can see about collaborating with my skills on Twitter, though I am rusty in Blender due to burnout, I am digging back into it and have gotten close to my skill prior to the burnout. I could try experimenting with procedural textures and seeing if I can make any quick and easy slap on textures to provide good skin pinching effects.
Go for it, I'd love to see what you've got to offer!
And burnout is a bitch, especially getting back into the swing of things, I've been there so take your time.

It is a little annoying, and yeah, I have to bump the resolution up fairly high and it generally takes a bit to bake. But I use the image sequence more as a mask to guide the effect, and increase the resolution in After Effects. Once it's baked it's not a huge issue for me. I have the DP image sequence set to 2048x2048 for the spread mask, and bumped it up to 4096x4096 in AE to for the veins.
I feel I've got a good result from it but it's also only the blue spread, not sure about using it for displacement.
It'd probably have to be closer to 8k if I had to guess, and definitely require different settings compared to the blue spread, I'll have to test it out, if it even fits on GPU at 8k but I bet it might as only 1 image from the sequence is loaded per frame. For reference, the textures I'm using on the subject model are 8k, might not look like it though as they're squashed by the Optix denoiser. Great for viewport denoising, terrible for final render.

And yeah, Nvidia GPUs are incredible for rendering, especially the 30 series.
I tried splitting Code Blue's rendering between my GPU and CPU, and the CPU was so slow to render the same quality frame that it would have only dropped the render time by an hour or so. I didn't spend much time attempting to optimize, and I couldn't make multiple threads render simultaneously as Cycles X cut support for that, it might be different if I changed the settings but figured the time saves would be minimal and not worth it, only saving an hour or two when you're already rendering for 100+ hours seems small to me. It also freed up my CPU for other tasks so I could work on other things without my computer lagging constantly.
I do have my old Titan in my computer rn though, it might be better to render CPU+GPU through Cuda, but I haven't tried that yet as I mainly used my Titan for other tasks while my 3090 was busy too.
Yes, it's from the PC game
OP here. Holy shit did NOT expect these responses, THNK YOU!!! This is all very useful information.

Yeah my original method really only seems to be ideal for, like, stills of the character. Try to animated with this sphere cast modifier and YIKES
Post results.
People like you need to be hanged for diluting vocabulary.
We need more puritans.

>diluting vocabulary
Oh, brother. Even the sarcasm is something these bots have a difficult time with. I wonder which chan he picked up this gem of a terminology. It's the stream of "conciousness" all over again. Son of a whore!

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