
I've been looking for her stuff too.
Big butts are nice
Read the title and knew someone would start this shit. "Waaa, somebody's into something I'm not, better assert my opinion." Everybody knows that you damn well know you aren't persuading anyone; you just want to feed your sense of self importance by echo chambering.
Actually, I think it was in reference to the fact that they use they/them pronouns.
I don't think so, it's the same people who bullied madam Balloona because she wasn't attractive to their standards calling her trans because she used filters in her old videos and it got so bad that she hides her face.
The inflated bitch never hid that they are trans
Cry harder, faggot and go back to plebbit for some updoots. We dont want trannies here

Internet trolls make me smile, always enjoy seeing how unnecessarily aggressive/offensive they believe their posts have to be.
Good stuff, my man. Hope we see some more content here soon, it's pretty good for what it is.

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