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Hi ! I found this video and i'm looking for others. Do you know her name ? And do you have video from her ?
Hey jewel why don’t you tell I.F. herself? She knows everything. Talk to her about it. I actually WANT you to bring it up to sis? None of this intimidation works because she already knows everything but understands I’m a good person at heart that has been through dark holes before.

You won’t though because if this ever blew up she would know you knew. Or worse her own self would be put out there literally due to video.

Talk to her if you love her so much. Otherwise this theatre is just you having a meltdown I can see myself
Yes there’s video of herself in a ball suit that she herself has willingly shared to a prominent creator and in hindsight it’s floating in the nether now but if you seriously want to play this idiotic game then I hope you realize you will only end up exposing and literally ruining her. Stop being a mean unforgiving mentally broken selfish destructive prick before you ruin her life by your own evil and poor impulse control
And yes she’s known everything. Questions and all. All of it. Every bit. The only people who are still mentally ill here and can’t move on and be growth oriented because mommy and absent daddy fucked them up so hard is you and co.
Who is this bitch and why is it a big deal, what does she "know"
I'm confused what Is this all about
Her and I had legitimately moved on due to the big move before your mentally ill coke bag self decided to her neurotic self since March and you’ve been on here since April. Ironically you have reactivated and retriggered to an extent everything that was already fixed. You and your family are literally the problem. No one else has talked about anything on here for a reason.

It’s only you over the months and now look at what you’ve shown. You’re literally the problem and you’re literally evil.

As I said before think about her before you continue on a path that you guys can never come back from. You still have a chance to let this go and grow emotionally like her and I did since the move. But if you want to destroy her life and everyone else by proxy in drastically public fashion be my guest. You aim to make me someone to lose and you’ve gotten it. Use your brain before it’s too late mini Irene.
Her and I had legitimately moved on due to the big move before your mentally ill coke bag self decided to her neurotic self since March and you’ve been on here since April. Ironically you have reactivated and retriggered to an extent everything that was already fixed. You and your family are literally the problem. No one else has talked about anything on here for a reason.
It’s only you over the months and now look at what you’ve sown. You’re literally the problem and you’re literally evil.
As I said before think about her before you continue on a path that you guys can never come back from. You still have a chance to let this go and grow emotionally like her and I did since the move. But if you want to destroy her life and everyone else by proxy in drastically public fashion be my guest. You aim to make me someone to with nothing to lose and you’ve gotten it. Use your brain before it’s too late mini Irene
Scrolled through, didn’t see it
they're saying to ask there instead of making a new thread, they just wanted to be an ass about it
It's not I've looked through her content and haven't seen that face since they are different people
No its not you fucking retard
whats her name tho XD

yes please reup just missed that too :)
here's some rare BE videos including one in VR (kind of short but didn't find a way to make a loop out of it)
If anyone wants to reup the video I'll try to find more but I'm not finding anything from the picture.

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