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Real Talk: Do you think people shouldn't be shamed for liking this fetish? The more I think about it, the more I kind of feel like a disgusting person for me liking this. Alot of people have kinks or fetishes so no kink shaming but with this one, I just feel somewhat gross and ashamed of myself and even when I try to stop, I can't. The fetish to me is just thoughts and fantasies, nothing else.
What about you?
>>64363 (OP)

go jerk off to white women having safe sex
Good old 4Chan. Just making yourselves look like careless, horny, selfish fucks. :) Where even a question can make people cringe in despair.
>>64363 (OP)
Diapers and scat are worse
Inflation mid as shit compared to a handful of shit out there

Like did you know Jeffrey Dahmer had a legit fetish for organs. Fish guts (as well as probably human ) gave him a erection.

Speaking of gore some people into that too even in the inflation community!

There's so much more shit you can feel ashamed of so next time people dare to kink shame you for liking human balloon people remind the of all the worse shit you could be busting it too
Very eloquently put I agree ✨
>>64363 (OP)
Depending on where you are there's an off chance that a girl has tried to make her stomach temporarily big and it has stuck with the woman you're dating.
Don't underestimate the willingness of a woman to use sexuality playfully "against" her man.
tl;dr - No, don't ask don't tell.
Oh don’t for one second think I haven’t thought of that possibility in all of this too. The possible idea that this could be you doing a huge LARP love ;)

Just know that online anonymity with that reasoning means both sides are absolved in certain regards. I’m sitting in the dark so it goes both ways
Also mini oof with the dont ask don’t tell verbiage felt like I was in the anti-gay 90s for a second
Also this is really confusing overall in the context of this thread. Even the tldr has me a little confused must be on my end. May you possibly rephrase your post?
I think what their saying is if people or you should be ashamed for liking Inflation. With Inflation, it’s different for everyone.
It is well documented that we are not responsible for [choosing] our own behavior. No one gets up one morning and says "Yeh.. I wanna be a kinky girl" or "I choose blueberry fetish" or "I want to love wearing diapers" etc.

These are referred to as "Predispositions". And our environment has shaped us. Without the Willy Wonker film, there would be no blueberry fetish. In parts of the world where they run around naked all the time (Headhunters) there are no leg men, tit men, ass men.. no fetishes - they stroke head to toe "me love you". Without an era of parents who spanked their children constantly on their behinds - there would be less Diaper fetishes.

We feel shame for aberrant behavior because we have self awareness. But we should do well to realise they are coping mechanisms. Addictions. Pleasure to reduce our pain. This is one messed up society we have been brought into! We reflect that.
>>64585 (Cross-thread)
Same. Would be nice to be able to bust it without someone having to bust.
Same. I wish I could bust it without someone having to actually bust.
Fucking Blade & Leprechaun 3!
>>64363 (OP)
Normal? No. Jerking off to women turning into balloons is not normal.

Things like pedophilia, beastiality, cannibalism, and necrophilia are very normal though. Most animals enjoy some or all of the above, and honestly the fact that we don't is what's not normal. We shame those behaviors for moral reasons though. If you do those things, you are harming someone else.

On the other hand, music, the internet, and indoor plumbing aren't normal, but most of us are pretty comfortable with all of those things.

So to answer your question no, it's not normal. But just because it isn't normal doesn't mean that it's something you should be ashamed of.
Kiss of Death or Bubble Burst?
>>64363 (OP)
The thought of shaming someone for their kinks doesn't sound reasonable on the slightest, if two adults are having spicy shit and no one is getting physically scarred for life it's all ok.

To that extent my partner thinks inflation sounds fun and I'm glad I found someone that isn't a massive cunt about what makes me happy.
Sometimes prior trauma at the hands of someone causes us to extract the worst intentions out of the words they use out of fear even if they meant no harm due to miscommunication. That can escalate and things get out of hand. For reasons you’ve eloquently stated.

We’re all trying our best but sometimes we fail and it’s hard to reconcile what our actions have caused after the fact. But we keep trying. We’re all on a path while trying to keep ourselves safe but I think good intentions are at the core of certain people’s actions. We can only do so much sometimes and that makes us apologetic in ways that can be hard to reconcile.

We’re trying. We really are.
Neither I just talked to my therapist over the last hour and they told me you could go strike that, reverse and go fuck yourself so I’m taking that profound shit I said back lol

If you even saw it
>>64363 (OP)
>Do you think people shouldn't be shamed for liking this fetish?
I don't think anyone should be shamed for any fetish. It's not something anyone chooses to have.
>It is well documented that we are not responsible for [choosing] our own behavior.
Are you sure you didn't mean to say attractions instead of behavior?
I think op made complete sense. It’s was a terribly lucid post especially the choosing our behaviors part. That’s up to the universe and the path it gave you. That being said we’re all trying our best. I can stop for now if you need a rest..
I choose to type this and you chose to read it, is that not proof that we're responsible for our behaviors?
I chose to type this and you chose to read it, is that not proof that we're responsible for our behaviors?
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There’s an alternate universe where we both just hatefuck the fuck out of each other like we both know we want and just call it a day. Instead fear responses and survival mode have devolved us to this.

Certain neurodivergent people suffer from triggers that cause what’s called a state of hyperarousal that causes the worst to happen due to trauma. Our nuerotypical based world has conditioned us to shun even entertaining that such a concept is a thing
i love coming here to fap and learning these things
no really, thanks anon
You’re welcome anon, really
You shouldn't feel shame for doing something unless it is a
hurting you or somebody else. It's is a bit embarrassing but every fetish is. Also at least this community isn't filled with shameless social retards who go about performing their fetish in public like furries or bdsm people etc....
Mhm shameless bdsm types are fun though.. 🏏
> animals enjoy some or all of the above
That's not a good definition for normal.
Good thing I’m not the same person who gave that description 🏏
You all have no idea how easy it is to convince a woman when they don't know Internet culture and compare your blow-up doll psychology to futanari.
Did you know non-anglophones complain about not enough men in their fetichistic underground? Imagine declining a threesome because you thought it was a shit-test.
>>64363 (OP)
I dunno much about jung but I'm pretty sure what he said about symbolism in dreams might also work for hard-to-comprehend fantasies
>>64363 (OP)
General rule of thumb is if you wouldn’t bring it up to your parents or a coworker,

Inflation is definitely not normal, but it is one of the common weirder fetishes, I think. I don't even think it will bring down your sex life if you have a partner that loves you a lot and even plan to do something silly with you. From personal experience, one of my exes thought it was weird, but they were seemingly understanding.
My real fetish is happiness. :) And handholding.
What of you're a White man who'se looking for black women?
>>64363 (OP)
Suck an egg 🥚 and fuck an omelette 🍳
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Normal enough to introduce gf's/bf's without coming off as a soy.
Expansion is one of the easiest to introduce.
>>64363 (OP)
I think that inflation is far from a normal fetish(as normal as fetishes can be I guess). I often feel like my inflation fetish will stand in the way of me trying to have an actual relationship and may ruin everything else for me if the people that know me find out about it. Even the bdsm, domination and so on wouldn't be as bad if I were into that and people found out about those I think, since this stuff isn't considered as uncommon these days. But most people don't even know that inflation fetish exists and that people are into that, there's no way I wouldn't be considered a freak by most people if they were to find out. And maybe the worst part is that I would never be able to expirience my fetish even close to what I'd like it to be, so my sexual awakening is technically fucking blueballing me. Although when I think of that, my rational mind makes me question if I would actually to try it if it was possible.

I just fucking realised that I'm ranting about a mfing inflation fetish rn, how cringe is that.
I mean breast butt hourglass belly but good luck full body or things like dick and ball inflation

You know what they say the person with the futa fart scat cock inflation fetish is gonna have a hell of a time finding a partner
Only a fool takes their word.
Victim blamers lying to themselves to try and blunt the shock of someone rightfully fighting back :o
That's what they themselves say.
>Victim blamers lying to themselves to try and blunt the shock of someone rightfully fighting back :o
That's why they're popular and millennials think toxic is good.
4chan and millennials are not one and same thats sure thats like saying all gen z play Roblox that would be dog water
I said it's popular. They follow the site for its memes and counterculture. Are you autistic?
No but it sounds like you’re hopelessly autistic lol
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>peaking of gore some people into that too even in the inflation community!

What do you mean, 'even'?
Some of the biggest sacred cows in this community (FW, FruitFrakker, SwellReads) are little more than death fetishists to whom the actual expansion is merely incidental.
>>64363 (OP)
If i introduced my fetish to anyone my life would get destroyed imidietly. Only fetish that i have is BE i am not interested in neither the full body or belly or ass inflation. But still one thing that i will do with this fetish is to forget it and take it with me to the my grave. My country just isn't shaped for this kind of thing and no one would accept me if i said this to them.
I'm ashamed having this fetish and will never tell a soul that I am sexually aroused to hot women blowing themselves up and exploding, cause that sounds fucking degenerate. This fetish is a love hate thing, it brings me pleasure, and I hate it does
That's in the ebony section. :)
My biggest fear isn't never telling anybody, its never finding someone to enjoy it with.
How is FruitFrakker a sacred cow? Most people I know goof on the guy and the only people who like him are highly, highly autistic.
No one should be shamed for liking the fetish. Everyone should be shamed for how they engage in the fetish. Say for example I have a fetish. I have one of many routes to go down. I could...

A) Beat off in the privacy of my own house to balloon girls


B) Have a highly autistic spergout because the fifty artists I messaged through DM's won't draw fetish art of a singular cartoon character that I've seen thousands of times before which now clogs up everything, then proceed to claim all my paid works as "fan art" despite said artist never being a fan and my waifu not even being of my invention anyway

or worse

C) Go to actual, real life women with morphs of them without their consent and post it up as if they'd be into that. I've seen guys make fetish morphs of celebrities and proceed to literally tag those celebrities in the picture as if they'd ever have an interest in seeing themselves bloated up to the nines.

Inflation is fine. Having the fetish is fine. Being a cumbrained idiot desperate for content should rightfully be shamed. The community gets what it deserves.
I am going to get hated for this... >>71071
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> I've seen guys make fetish morphs of celebrities and proceed to literally tag those celebrities in the picture as if they'd ever have an interest in seeing themselves bloated up to the nines

Stranger things have happened, anon.
>Things like pedophilia, beastiality, cannibalism, and necrophilia are very normal though

They're called kinks for a reason, anon. It occurs more commonly but wanting to fuck a child isn't normal human behavior. Consider necking yourself if you think otherwise.
>>64363 (OP)
I'd say no personally. Sure it's weird (although I would argue not uncommon due to the fact that there are SEVERAL large online communities dedicated to it) fetish that is rather tame in the grand scheme. It's not that far removed from more common fetishes like BBW, BDSM, or just straight up balloon fetishism. I think a lot of the self-loathing in this community stems from the ridicule it got from youtubers back when bullying people made for good content (ie leafy, keem, ect). If that bandwagon didn't happen back in the day, we wouldn't be (as) self-conscious about the fetish.
He is considered a venerable oldhead in the community. The berry / inflation threads on 4chan worship the guy and sweep his many misdeeds under the rug.
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"Normal" in the context of other fetishes?
For the most part yeah. If you're on the internet regularly and don't know about this kink yet, you gotta lurk more.

And being an open degenerate on your public profile while shit talking other fetishes just makes you a projecting pussy.
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>>Lol is inflation normal yes as a fetish or gag? Yes.

>>Going into your local bank and sticking hoses in all the bank tellers asses because you have a economy fetish? no.
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Thought I would drop this old classic here since this is a de facto discussion thread.
The guy complaining about 'enjoyfags' got caught multiple times starting shit in several threads and getting berry threads forever banned from /d/. Most sane berryfucker.
that sped is just regurgitating the "fun is just a buzzword" autism
Do you have the angry at other inflfags meme?
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>>64363 (OP)
One thing is getting horny by seeing some kind of inflation or expansion (body, breasts, butt, muscle growh, etc.). This is just something that excites you, and that is pretty ok. There is no rule about what is 'normal'.

The "normal" thing is just something that exists to make people live according certain standard behaviors, and that is it.

Another complete different thing is Attraction.
If you just get attracted to inflation/expansion content, sorry for saying this, but you will need to look for therapy, because this will potentially ruin your sexual life.
Woke up this morning to go to school
Heading back home from downtown from a date with a local born Russo/Ukrainian co-ed I just met today
Life moves in fast and mysterious ways.
Like rhymes
Good thing I’m poly lmao
Whats the harm? Its just cartoons of people getting blown up like balloons. I'm sure 89% of us can completely place the blame on TV/games/comics etc BTW for planting the kink seed lol. Its not a fetish I'd go around talking about but I also know atleast theres nothing "dark" or "sick" or inherently "sinister/evil natured" about it. Atleast you're not looking at loli, shota, guro, snuff etc.

Yeah, inflation IS weird, I know lol, but its just slapstick comical transformation at the end of the day, and exists only in the Willy Wonkered minds of the inflationists. Its one of the most "cartoon logic" fetishes I can think of (along with crazy exaggerated stuff like "hyper bodies", "BE" or "super stretchy tongues being pulled on during sex").
Mods needs to make a pinned, closed thread that tells you to check the catalog before starting a new thread and check other inflation-friendly boards like /bbwalt/ and /bbwfur/.
The only problem is that BBfur has the most dogshit taste known to fucking man. Like Jesus I didn’t think I would see circle tool based inflation again but here I am
>>64363 (OP)
"Normal" is hard to define for me, even in this niche of a fetish. Most people seem to get into Inflation because of the punishment, embarrassment, or the similarities it has to Weight Gain, or even the bare-bones monkey-brain logic of "boobs get bigger", but for me, it's different.
I've said it before elsewhere, but in my childhood, I never felt like I was free to be myself without experiencing any sort of comeuppance or harm, so I kept all of my emotions and opinions to myself. Over time, those feelings began to pile up, because I didn't know where to put them, and so, naturally, when I came across this fetish, where girls and boys get so big and tight with no place for what's filling them to escape, it hit pretty close to home.
To me, this kink is natural. I think it's normal to extend your sense of self into your perversions, and it's also natural to want something you see as good or pleasurable. For me, that good thing was freedom and relief.
I don't know how common my life's difficulties are among the rest of you, but I am certain that for most folk, what they get off to is at least partially influenced by the lives they have led, and nobody should feel ashamed of that.
I hope you enjoyed being passed along old wash up has beens as a child you dumb fuck. Can’t wait to see what ‘comeuppance’ the people you’ve fucked over have for you. Blue is a colour associated with sadness. It’s always a rodeo when the cows finally get rounded up and skewered.
I do enjoy the time and space I have now, even if it's misplaced. Cryptic ranting aside, it sounds like you've got something you need to get off your chest, so why not do it here, and if you already have, why are you wasting time with me?
So you’re corroborating..
>>77988 This man hates sex, or is he gay?
So you’re corroborating..
So you’re corroborating..
So you’re corroborating..
So you’re corroborating..
I wish more were :^)
oh boy the argument that ruined berry threads.
seriously this whole sufferfag/enjoyfag debate was so fucking stupid, especially that one faggot who kept on insisting people who liked it when berries enjoyed it were "enjoying the fetish wrong" and complaining that "it wasn't realistic for a girl to like it". Just let people like what the fuck they like in a kink goddamn. Theres more than enough content for both parties. I s2g I saw threads bitching about this shit since 2016 off of desuarchive. The most non-issue shit ever

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