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Anyone got the recent stuff of Densel Torrington?
Okay, my mistake. Turns out he's posting exclusively to Patreon now. No clue of this on his site.
From now on he will no longer post publicly his content, i hoped someone got the last two videos
We need the last 2 he made its so sad he isn't making new animations free. I have watched him for years.
Do you have the gwen and jane one?
How do I find out his server on D.I.S.C.O.R.D
Thanks you so much! There are some clips I have never seen! I hope he'll have more links
you cant got his report my post unlees you subscribe to his patreon for atleast $8
Does anyone have myth of the inflator man chapter 3
I think I see Myth of the inflator man chapter 3 but it got edited. Is there any none edit video of it?
Can’t find myth of the inflator man chapter 3. I don’t see it
Nevermind I found it
Angie have the bed scene from myth of the inflator man chapter 3
Anyone have "Gwen Vs Mary Jane"?
Anyone have the bed scene from myth of the inflator man chapter 3
How come Densel doesn't make free video anymore?
that's the one thing i couldn't stand about his videos
i get he wants to add story, but cmon man don't put fucking robot dialogue in the middle of the inflation scenes - the characters already look soulless enough already (have you seen them smile?)
Hello. Anyone there?
Where is everybody
I have the impression that the one who posted the link, did not come back in the meantime
Oh. I'm really want to see the full video of myth of the inflator man chapter 3. That has the bed scene
I would also like to see some videos, but we would need someone who has access to these videos
What remains to be done for the moment is to update the room
How did you get all these videos >>65218
An amazing list! There is also some GiantPleasure, it's an artist I've been looking for a while, thanks a lot!
Holy fucking shit is that the Densel Torrington or some else pretending to be him.
Nope.my bad I meant for the subject to be densel Torrington lol
No problem :D

You had me scared there, lol. I've just pulled this stuff off of every corner of the internet for a while, some of it I even paid for (like the torrington videos that are only on a paywalled report my post).
Wow nice! Which one did you pay for?
Do you not have the full Inflator Man 3? (Revenge 3)

that's a lot. Thank you.

I'm downloading it, it's 2GB
What software does Densel use to make his drawings?
Densel had poseted the inflation clips from the game he made once.

He might've deleted them but did anyone save any copies?
Anybody got the gwen and mary jane link?? Cant find it on this guy's collection :(
Did you download it yet? I really want to see myth of the inflator man chapter 3 unedited
Anybody have spider gwen and mary jane hourglass inflation.
Why have to request access?
says I have to request access, any way around that?
>>67397 Is there another way to get that video?
Does someone got the newer videos?
New content?
I wanna see the new gwen vs mary gane hourglass expansion video ooooooowwwwww waaaaaaaaaaaa
The beg thread should help
What the hecks that?
I don't see anybody who asked for the video, do I just look for someone who asked for the same thing?
literally just make a post asking for it, that's what the beg thread is for lmao
Ooohhh yeah that makes sence
Dude shut up with that 'beg thread' shit. We can all get any videos we want from his back catalog, and anyone who is on his Patreon can access all of his new stuff and doesn't need to trade. There is no point this thread existing at all if people aren't going to post what is being requested. So either post the content or fuck off.
You fuck off, nobody gets to beg without posting a contribution, if they don’t have one then go to the beg thread because nobody likes a beggar
And stop talking bullshit on a sight where no one knows who or where anyone is, you fuck off or shut up because I typed a simple fact to that other user that there is a beg thread and if nobody posted the shit already then go there
Also not everyone obviously that other user is one his Patreon dipshit, and when you go on a thread typing “I want that new video, either you’re new or you’re a beggar,and nobody likes a beggar but nobody is going to give everyone the videos they bought without a contribution Especially if they’re begging, if you don’t believe me go to Tmc thread
You post the fucking content or stay quiet,because you got all rude like a son of a bitch for no punk ass reason and there’s no point in being a bitch about a comment actually trying to help someone i stopped commenting a while ago because some of us have jobs to do and don’t have time to be one here or mess around everyday ,and some people say go to the beg thread because not everyone is going to buy or willingly give someone their videos if those people do not have their own or do not find that video to be as good as the hundreds of others
And newsflash idiot you can’t get “every video you want” because you’re not a politician or a prince, just a normal ass human being, and if you’re on the PATREON you can get his videos,but otherwise unless you at least contribute something or people choose to be generous you’ll have to buy them yourself with the money you should have instead of the words of you wanting to see them
My man getting angry cus people who ask videos of fictional 3d women getting inflated lmao
My man got a lil bit angry about people asking for videos of 3d women getting inflated lol
So does anybody here actually have the 2 newest videos? Or is this place just kinda about talking about them? I really wanna see them/ the gwen vs mary Jane hourglass expansion and the myth of the inflator man chapter 3 and yes I know I should pay for patreon but my ass broke :/
Not a schizo, a guy just can’t keep his dumbass mouth shut until he learns how to talk respectfully instead of trying to seem like a rich dick on the internet rather than someone who actually knows what the deal is
If someone can’t stop typing disrespectful than your man can’t keep their mouth shut, otherwise he doesn’t randomly type shit to start problems he doesn’t want and if this person was mad they wouldn’t be on a site typing

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