
Bumping so doesn’t die
Can we get a re-up on both of these?
Doesn't work, for some reason it's stuck at 6% perpetually.
Any chance of a re up?
Any chance of a reup?
This guy must be a genius with the rigs. I really need to figure out how all these people set these things up so I can do this on my own.
Genius yes
Hard no. Just buy a suit or something and do it by yourself ain’t that hard lmao
Anyone can put balloons in their shirt,
but it take good planing/effort to make it look appealing and/or realistic
Am Probably just overthinking it but I feel like he is doing something different than other suitors because at smaller sizes his setups pretty convincing
Sorry to ask but could we get a reup?
This looks like a dude to me.
With they/them pronouns.
No doubt about that
Anyone got any vids of toro?
Anyways got a understanding on how said rig is made?
It's probably one of those crossdresser chest plate
There's some gel filled ones to give some weight and some cotton filled ones
Poke a hole in one of those cotton ones, run a flexible pipe and inflate
But be careful, big chest plate are like 500€ a pop on AliExpress
Anyone got any of the newer videos?
Anyone get any clips during the 50% off so far?

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