
I’m pretty sure you’re going to get all the same cookie cutter answers. Want a creative one go read a story on DA or something
Nah man how do you actually think you'd react if you turned blue and started swelling up
Shut tf up you annoying shit bag. Seriously how pathetic are you it’s late at night you don’t have a life?
I dont know, cum I geuss. Do we really need a whole thread for this?
Literally no one actually into this fetish would post and talk like this on here. You’re a useless sack of shit troll and you’re literally a pathetic human being. Seriously.
You are the saddest sack of shit on earth legit. You’re clocking so much bad karma which I’m sure you’ve received already.
what a fucking piece of crybabies around here lmao
Depends. If it hurts, I'm panicking and yelling for help. If it doesn't I'll enjoy it while I can. I just hope I'm somewhere open and not constricted. If it's not painful, I'm going to be horny. Seriously I used to inflate myself and the feeling used to damn near make me cum.
the only ones I see that seethe around here are you bitches whining about fetishes and yet you're here as well lol
Lol I guess answer is if anyone here started inflating it would probably be something like holy shit wtf why followed by insert 4chan quotes here pleb crybaby shit here with maybe a yell of cope before said person explodes
Stalker ex gf you’re annoying as shit and it’s obvious what you’re doing. She already knows you do this shit so just stop it’s literally pathetic and been half a decade already just stop. Seriously you’re a disgusting human being.
Wouldn't happen if OP asked "Only females allowed"

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