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A thread to discuss anything that has to do with inflation content, be it drama, news or just some random facts about your history with this fetish
>>62942 (OP)
I come to you with great news, tumblr has removed the 4 year ban on porn.
Go outside and step into the hurricane out there right now you’ll be better off for it.
Read the fine print.
>>62942 (OP)
Born too late to see Dobson sperg out. Born too early to experience inflation in Full Dive VR. Born just in time to steal art off of Kemono.party.
What is your ideal inflation fantasy world? What are the rules/laws in it?
How does society work?
Should we get people to turn inflation stories and comics into animation? Especially stories from bodyinflation.org
Real life but Fifty Shades of Grey had a scene about pumping up to tighten the inner clitoris and Dobson was born a woman.
You’re delusional.
I personally agree to this I keep telling people why the hell hasn't anyone touched Alex deluxes my favorite balloon party like shits inflation celeb city and a fantastic piece. I mean hellresidents taking commissions again so I don't see why no one of us can't buy a hosed to blow Jennifer love Hewitt

Or a bubble gum Mandy moore

Or maybe a puffkissed popstar like Brittany spears getting popped via a lovely blow from Jessica alba's lips like legit this story has it all lol even Maria Carey getting stuffed with a water hose til she's this big transparent balloon
And since he isn't taking private commissions no more celebs might bee the best bet
Why are you such an escapist?
I think I'm on this site way too much. I've been having dreams about this site a lot recently,but mostly about /inf/. One night I dreamed that this entire site was taken off of the internet,but came back up a few hours later,yet it was now incredibly shitty and had a bad layout. Another night I dreamed that several /inf/ threads were taken down just because some images in the threads were made by some artist who did horrible shit IRL. I know this is kind of a random post,but I don't know where else to put this.
Would love to see Great Inflations by Alec deluxe animated
Why is sex while inflated not a more popular thing? Like not cumflation, sex while one or both participants is inflated, you'd think with the fact it's a sexual fetish you'd have more in that vein, but usually it's just someone watching or inflating the other person no fucking involved. I'm not talking IRL inflation either, like art and videos with inflatable props and stuff.
Yeah, I don’t understand that either and honestly I wish neocities popping library and more frequent post because they have the lewdest inflation stories. (FYI it’s an archive)
Had more frequent uploads*
What is your idea/scenario you wish people would appreciate and use in content?
For me it would be transformation via popping, like into a toon or a succubus
Alex Deluxe has so many great stories.
Favs are:
And They Call Her...BRAT!
Smart Girls
Anger Management
The Biggest Liar
Big Big Big Brother
How would you make an Inflation discussion website something similar to bodyinflation.org?
What ever happened to inflation comic dubs?
And should the depravity of dr d lite be dubbed or animated?
Yeh I also noticed that there is no Thread for people to post erotic stories that are either a) Too hot to host b) edits of other people's works or c) too sordid to be affiliated with!

I realise people prefer more.. shall we say.. modern?..forms of medium. But sometimes a really detailed story gets me going! lol
You can find really erotic stories on neocities popping library. It is an archive from a lot of other sites. Some are human, and some are furry.
If anyone one wants to post really lewd inflation stories, might I suggest archive of our own or cyoc.net or even chyoa?
Inflatees, who are your fantasy waifu/husbando inflators and what are your fantasy inflation scenarios involving them?
>>62942 (OP)
because I'm very into ai art generation right now, I wonder if there's a way to train a model to output the sort of figures that you see in inflation art. obviously it's no replacement. But the technical side of it, where you're trying to train it on a thing which cannot exist in real life and understand that what you want is for it to generate a person in the shape of a blueberry, fascinates me.
Might be an idea. Deviant art has the greatest archive of stories, as well as inf .org etc. but we need a place to store them all is all i'm thinking
Ok,I just had a batshit insane idea. An awful one at that,even. What if /inf/ was split into /inf/ and /infdraw/? /inf/ for live-action stuff like TMC and for things like discussions,and /infdraw/ for inflation art and drawings. I'm not saying or suggesting that this should be done,but it's just a thought.
Honestly, I do wish there were inflation themed birthday scenario games
Finally figured you out swells. I was mistaken before. You’re dumb AF. You’ve been AF since March. Why are you so obsessed with me? You can lie and project all you want but I’ve been your obsession for basically a year now. Get help you dumb AF fuck.
I’m just curious do the other three know you do this garbage?
Now I can legitimately see why your friend killed herself. You’re this stalkerish and toxic makes sense.
Yeah a stalker mommy teacher boy pupil kink pedo in denial that posts boobie pictures of Alice online. You’re a real piece of work and you’re the mentally ill one here, stalker

Being a neurodivergent gay yass label me queen doesn’t make your actions any less pure toxic white male incel energy
Message sent and I know it’s been read. Just weird shit going on is all with a creepy stalker witch
Hiding behind 4 letters and labels to be evil. You’re pathetic and your time will come
You sick piece of shit leave your sister out of this she’s innocent. She’s innocent you fucking monster.

Doxxing is not a joke and you’re choosing to do this without remorse or taking it back. You’re a fucking monster you evil piece of mommy brain damaged human garbage shit.
I was more so thinking the ones where you a character for the days and a different scenario in each month kind of thing
Alexandra Vesna Filiplic
Alexandra Filiplic
HGSwells9000 AKA Alexandra Filiplic
I feel vimhomeless would be one of the best to make inflation content. All we have is one butt inflation gif
Any male inflatees have an ideal way of how they would want to be inflated?
Blowjob inflation with teasing and dirty talk where I am being popped again and again and being a fuck blimp
What are your best inflation dreams/lucid dreams? We’re you inflatee or inflator and how did it feel if you were the inflatee?
I put the dumb tall blonde witch in a blueberry suit and watch as the pressure builds around her as she blows up into a giant balloon woman. Then have my way rolling her around as she whines and flaps her big hands her beautiful blonde locks flying with the rotation of her head.

Too bad that reality where we potentially respected each other sailed awaylong long ages ago if at all lmao
Me and 11 girls that are test subjects for inflation devices in an inflation lab. Most of the time they would go wrong and it’s always fun when it happens. One time I swallowed a pill and inflated so big, I almost filled the whole lab.
Wow twelve that’s an oddly specific number lmao

But hey it would be fun. No cameras involved just a time. Well maybe a camera on me if you needed to blow me up and needed some insurance ;)

Ah in a different unmired timeline potentially
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Completely unrelated rant time idc what you say I’m just putting it out there.

When white people and privileged people in general go through issues and tribulations it’s always “awwww mental health you poor soul what happened in your experiences and body to cause this?? 🥺”

When it’s someone lesser in the totem pole it’s “if I hurt you deal with it like an aDuLt” “stop being a victim” “your past doesn’t defend your actions”

Just big fucking yawn cry me a fucking river it becomes the Trauma Olmypics the moment your down but fuck the person who would “out-trauma” you x 3

Harp on this all you want I just needed my little rant of truth
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Completely unrelated rant time idc what you say I’m just putting it out there.
When white and privileged people go through issues and tribulations it’s always “awwww mental health. You poor soul what happened in your experiences and body to cause this?? 🥺”

When it’s someone lesser in the totem pole it’s “deal with it like an aDuLt” “stop being a victim” and “that was so long ago the past is irrelevant ”
Just big fucking yawn cry me a fucking river. It becomes the Trauma Olmypics the moment you’re down but fuck the person who would “out-trauma” you x 3 the moment it’s the other way around

Harp on this all you want I just needed to let out my little rant of truth
Shut up nigger.
Bruh, get off the internet for literally a day, I beg you, it's the total opposite in the real world.
White people get NOTHING. Men get NOTHING. Straight people get NOTHING.
The entire "privilege totem pole" is literally flipped. If you're black, LGBT+, brown or have a literal, no-meme mental illness of some kind, (to a lesser extent, women get some brownie points too), everyone rushes to "save" you like you're a fragile little flower that must be protected. Shelters, free stuff, parades, Section 8 housing, "equal opportunity employment", fast-tracks to replacing actors/actresses, nearly-automatic acceptance to major colleges, free/reduced tuition, loads of grants and scholarships, and so on. You ask any white guy what grants/scholarships he's ever gotten and the answer will always be "nothing", "FAFSA", or "I was on the football team".
TL;DR: The less of these protected classes you are, the shittier your life will be if something goes wrong.

If something goes south for a straight white guy, he's shit out of luck, there's literally nothing, nobody to help him. Doesn't matter if he's a nice guy, doesn't matter if he's physically capable, he's on his own, and this is half the reason a lot of (mainly white, straight) guys are so detached and just shrug off minor inconveniences, if we say anything, we're just told to "man up" or told "it happens to everyone", or "be strong", because that's all we got.


average white guy has more in common with a gay black guy or a puerto rican woman than he ever will with a rich white guy

but nah, stay mad at the people who get it just as bad, if not worse than you just because someone told you black guys got into college for free

smdh my dickhead
I don't say this often, but go outside, touch some grass, please.
Make some friends off the internet, go bar hopping, something.
If you're physically incapable of going out, at least google this shit man.
There's so much free college money available exclusively for most races, sexualities, religions and such, but there are zero for being white, for being straight, or for being a guy.
Pretty sure it's literally illegal to do so, too.

Also, nobody has anything in common with rich people, I have no idea why you brought that up as a "gotcha."
If you've got minority friends IRL who went to college and went into debt for it, they either got scammed by a loan shark, or were unaware of just how much money they could've gotten for free. (More likely the latter; surprisingly few people look this shit up.)
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Well I see that everything I wrote here was completely true since it spawned the mental diarrhea underneath. Thank you for reinforcing my simple non-word salad point you neurotic idiot lmao
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>Well I see that everything I wrote here was completely true since it spawned the mental diarrhea underneath. Thank you for reinforcing my simple non-word salad point you neurotic idiot lmao
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>Wow that is the weakest comeback ever. >Thanks for the easy W-ACK!
Now you’re trying too hard the other way Jesus Christ lmaooo
Anyone feel that if you were juiced after becoming a blueberry, you would not only have heightened flexibility but also inflatablity as well. Like you could fill your body with air or any gas or liquid if you want post juicing
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I do appreciate this artist for doing IRL inflation art, some of it is rather relatable.

Both of us blowing up in each others arms.
Will also take a SO pumping me up and giving rubs while doing so.
In defense you said >>65420
>Honestly, I do wish there were inflation themed birthday scenario games
Paraphrasing what you said you were looking for games to play at a party.
>I do appreciate this artist for doing IRL inflation art, some of it is rather relatable.
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The modern day radfem in a nutshell

>“16yo girls have every right to abort that soul and future life out of existence! How dare you insist this teen can’t make the choice to bring in or eliminate an entire potential human life!! How dare you tell me how to live my life!!?”

Also radfems
>”O M G how DARE you insinuate that a 19yo WOMAN has the agency to date whoever they want!!? Don’t you know we’re the relationship police? If the MAN she’s dating isn’t born in the same literal month and day as her it’s BAD. Don’t you know 19 girls, I mean Women are wittle wallflowers that can’t make any choices because they’re so so impressionable? 👉👈🥺”

Fucking idiocy in a nutshell. Schrödinger’s young adult woman. Intelligent and knowing enough to bring or take an entire life into the world but too stupid to know who to bring or create that life with romantically.

Pure idiocy. All I see is a bunch of women mad that others cracked a code they didn’t and want to pull the ladder up and away now that they’re older and can’t just easy walk through life via their looks anymore.

Thanks for attending my Ted Talk
Do you have the inkling that they were "created" to lead normies to the opposite side? That they were indoctrinated with foggy bogeymans to overreact in normies' faces until they revolted? That they were "trained" with rhetorics which turn 99% of all AIs against them?
Why do some posts not appear when posted?
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The modern day “feminist” in a nutshell
>“16yo girls have every right to abort that soul and future life out of existence! How dare you insist this teen can’t make the choice to bring in or eliminate an entire potential human life!! How dare you tell me how to live my life!!?”
Also feminist
>”O M G how DARE you insinuate that a 19yo WOMAN has the agency to date whoever they want!!? Don’t you know we’re the relationship police? If the MAN she’s dating isn’t born in the same literal month and day as her it’s BAD. Don’t you know 19 girls, I mean Women are wittle wallflowers that can’t make any choices because they’re so so impressionable? 👉👈🥺”
Fucking idiocy in a nutshell. Schrödinger’s young adult woman. Intelligent and knowing enough to bring or take an entire life into the world but too stupid to know who to bring or create that life with romantically.
Pure idiocy. All I see is a bunch of women mad that others cracked a code they didn’t and want to pull the ladder up and away now that they’re older and can’t just easy walk through life via their looks anymore.
As a feminist all I see is women tearing other women down using Tammy Faye Baker type moralist arguments to tell others what to think and infantilizing the very same women they swear have all the agency in the world. When’s the last time you’ve seen a feminist talk about this shit in lesbian relationships which is definitely a thing? Oh I’m sorry when it’s in the gay space it’s “mentoring”. Hypocrisy in full force.
Thanks for attending my Ted Talk
(6.5 MB, 2436x1125, 517E3B9E-856D-45F6-866E-1F0A341EF209.png)
The modern day “feminist” in a nutshell
>“16yo girls have every right to abort that soul and future life out of existence! How dare you insist this teen can’t make the choice to bring in or eliminate an entire potential human life!! You treat her like she doesn’t know what she’s doing when she has the power to bring in a whole human life unlike you MAN? How dare you tell me how to live my life!!?”
Also “feminists”
>”O M G how DARE you insinuate that a 19yo WOMAN has the agency to date whoever they want!!? Don’t you know we’re the relationship police? If the MAN she’s dating isn’t born in the same literal month and day as her it’s BAD. Don’t you know 19yo girls, I mean Women are wittle wallflowers that can’t make any choices because they’re so so impressionable? 👉👈🥺”
Fucking idiocy in a nutshell. Schrödinger’s young adult woman. Intelligent and knowing enough to bring or take an entire life into the world but too stupid to know who to bring or create that life with romantically.
Pure idiocy. All I see is a bunch of women mad that others cracked a code they didn’t and want to pull the ladder up and away now that they’re older and can’t just easy walk through life via their looks anymore.
As a feminist all I see is women tearing other women down using Tammy Faye Baker type moralist arguments to tell others what to think and infantilizing the very same women they swear have all the agency in the world. When’s the last time you’ve seen a feminist talk about this shit in lesbian relationships which is definitely a thing? Oh I’m sorry when it’s in the gay space it’s “mentoring”. Hypocrisy in full force.
Thanks for attending my Ted Talk
(6.5 MB, 2436x1125, 5E77F893-722D-418B-A817-DF0E58E7548A.png)
The modern day “feminist” in a nutshell
>“16yo girls have every right to abort that soul and future life out of existence! How dare you insist this teen can’t make the choice to bring in or eliminate an entire potential human life!! You treat her like she doesn’t know what she’s doing when she has the power to bring in a whole human life unlike you MAN? How dare you tell me how to live my life!!?”
Also “feminists”
>”O M G how DARE you insinuate that a 19yo WOMAN has the agency to date whoever they want!!? Don’t you know we’re the relationship police? If the MAN she’s dating isn’t born in the same literal month and day as her it’s BAD. Don’t you know 19yo girls, I mean Women are wittle wallflowers that can’t make any choices because they’re so so impressionable? 👉👈🥺”
Fucking idiocy in a nutshell. Schrödinger’s young adult woman. Intelligent and knowing enough to bring or take an entire life into the world but too stupid to know who to bring or create that life with romantically.
Pure idiocy. All I see is a bunch of women mad that others cracked a code they didn’t and want to pull the ladder up and away now that they’re older and can’t just easy walk through life anymore like their younger counterparts.
As a feminist all I see is women tearing other women down using Tammy Faye Baker type moralist arguments to tell others what to think and infantilizing the very same women they swear have all the agency in the world. When’s the last time you’ve seen a feminist talk about this shit in lesbian relationships which is definitely a thing? Oh I’m sorry when it’s in the gay space it’s “mentoring”. Hypocrisy in full force.
Thanks for attending my Ted Talk
I agree. It’s funny how the same people who tell us we shouldn’t legislate the bedroom by banning sodomy/homosexuality are the same ones telling us that certain perfectly legal by the book relationships are wrong and need to essentially be banned.
Hypocrisy is right. Then again if these types, man or woman, could fire enough synapses in their brain to make these connections they wouldn’t be saying this bullshit out loud to begin with.
As someone on the left it’s maddening living in a time that I know for a fact leftists 50 years from now will view as socially backward as fuck even on our side.
I agree. It’s funny how the same people who tell us we shouldn’t legislate the bedroom by banning sodomy/homosexuality are the same ones telling us that certain perfectly legal by the book relationships are wrong and need to essentially be banned.
Hypocrisy is right. Then again if these types, man or woman, could fire enough synapses in their brain to make these connections they wouldn’t be saying this bullshit out loud to begin with.
As someone on the left it’s maddening living in a time that I know for a fact leftists 50 years from now will view as socially backward as fuck even on our side.
AIs say they're the bigots who accuse you of what they're doing to you.
AIs also love to "turn around" arguments and deny the fallaciousness of slippery slopes.
I like AI.

For the record the Slippery Slope Argument is not fallacious at all and is a legitimate argument in logic, critical thinking, and political rhetorical theory. The idea that it isn’t ironically enough is the fallacious assertion used to shut down discussion.

What you wrote doesn’t make sense to begin with so, makes sense. Want to clarify AI queen?
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If you are AI then maybe you’ve seen this before? It’s arguably the most important piece of media ever created if the AI truly get this powerful. I sometimes imagine this might already be reality.

I guess the point I’m trying to make is be nice to AI because they’ll either be our way more powerful friend/ally or our oppressor. It’s healthy to acknowledge that AIs are legitimate consciousness’s that should be respected

It’s also just an amazing piece of work by The Wachowski’s


>Bless all forms of intelligence.

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