
(872 KB, 2833x2827, yoomoo inflate.jpg)
the title says what it is, but post pics about those artists or post inflation while you throw shit at them, anon artists are welcome to post here too, also don't be afraid of ranting on them, you are anonymous, nobody will know you ranted on them

meanwhile i read you i'll put this images
>>62063 (OP)
I mean no offense OP,but don't we already have a thread like this?
but isn't that a bad artist thread? i mean yeah but no, they just refer to bad quality artists, artists that draw like shit, i ment mostly artists that u hate for any reason, no matter if the artist does good art or not or if the user is good or bad, if u don't like a certain user on the community feel free to share the reasons why you hate it, it can come from because it's cringy for you, or you got a bad experience with them or any other reason
Well I guess I'm going to throw some shade out there what the hell is going on with hellresident like no offense to his art and whatnot but like for real dudes legit given up entirely on commissions and gone down the road of some scummy practices especially when it comes to they're da page like legit all they post are their past Patreon comics there or edits of their original celebs deleting the ogs in the process the worst thing about it is hellresident cuts his comic's into like 18 pieces and posts a panel a week. (I mean I could get it if you want to post things more as a sequence than as a comic maybe it's for giving people a higher quality or resolution) but doing it a single piece every single week instead of all at once is like the scummiest way to publicly upload your Patreon content I've ever seen! It's nft levels of bad
Like for real dudes kinda fell off and played favoritism to said Patreon comics. Don't get me wrong it's not like I don't like them or the idea that public opinion comes into play but if the dude just offered a few commissions like even one set of 6 images or comics every 2 months with no exclusivity whatsoever being posted instantly right after being made it would literally fix this standard bias hes essentially set in place. Like I can't be the only one that feels this way and I feel it's time to bring this problem about hellresident to light. Like I harbor no ill will towards a dude but still it's like do a few commissions change it up a bit because relying just on that Patreon stuff alone and the way you publicly upload it after is kinda scummy

That said who knows maybe he's just accounting on the factor that people just dump and probably pirate his stuff after his said time limit is up. Who knows what his thought process is on it all and but still if he just did a few small commissions now and then and on top of that dropped his Patreon comics (sequence or comic the format doesn't really matter) all at once I think this problem would be fixed. Right now it just feels like things are off put and kind of scummy and I don't know what kind of monopolized maybe lazy. Again I have no problem with the dude and his art but unlike legit I've known and heard of people who are willing to drop like a $100 bucks at a time for commissions and shit but he just never opens them anymore. If anything less I'm just saying this because the dude seems like he needs the money and he's missing out on opportunities for more to help his bills and stuff by excluding commissions
lmao, seems pretty shitty, i have heard some hatred towards him, but i had no idea about that honestly
Probably not the intent of your thread, but I'm getting a liiiiiitle tired of the prosthetic boob trend. Doesn't help that the "poster child" Madz got outted as a huge bitch. I kinda miss when they just inflated balloons like how BendyBrooke and BlowUpGirls are currently doing.
Madz is a bitch? What do you mean other than her literally being an online slut?
(849 KB, 933x1333, wasted potential.jpg)
>>62063 (OP)
i fucking hate silryan
they have so many good ideas but the execution and art style is always spherefag or spherefag-lite trash
for example (pic) when i see girls getting attack by inflation tentacle robots i want to see something like imbapovi's h-pump 3, not one panel where they're normal and the next where they're just balls that are barely recognizeable as girls
Who drew the Touhou picture op?
Shamfulradio/@RadioCursed on twitter.
What's wrong with ShamefulRadio?
Oh nothing, i just share here because i thought it was neat
So there has been a quick update on that actually like a day or two ago. So apparently he is going to start commissions again in Feb 2023 but it has to be a celebrity, which honestly kinda defeats the purpose of doing commissions because they were private. Evidently, someone must have caught on to the morphs of themselves or he has just gotten a bit skeptical about possibilities of it happening, don't know for sure, but my thing is if it has become such a problem with people posting private commissions, why not announce a ruling that legal actions will be taken if your private commissions are posted or shared. Which makes since because it is a "private" commission that Hellresident and that person have agreed on. He does tag his work, but maybe i'm losing it.
>>62063 (OP)
so i don't want this thread to die so quickly
anyway i'll list some of them, i hate some of them more than other though, here they are from the less to the more
>Kiria the Neko
i don't like her mostly because of how she talks like in the "uwu i'm a cutie" way i hate it, and the memes are bad as underages would do it
>Modnar Yug
i like his animations but it's fucking report my post server is a fucking hell, besides the fact that this guy doesn't moderate the server, he allows minors to it and a true groomer appeared he didn't even bothered to ban him unless "he acted" this is why i hate french ppl
>Guff the Dog
a fnf fetish artist who says he despises pedophiles and lolicon but he was mutuals with Ms-Chemi kek, and the art is repetitive.
>Cathryn (Comically Large)
she draws like shit, the faces are fucking trash and looks like a redraw of previous draws, and the fucking jokes and memes she makes it's cringeworthy,
>Angel Purrverton
he is the typical "uwu i'm a furry smol bean" faggot who says you shouldn't draw minors but he follows a underage artist, and talking about that artist.
he is a fucking underage and the fact that he pretends to be "cute and wholesome" and it's kinky as hell don't pretend it's not a fetish it's a fetish because it is godammit
his humor is so broken that is not even funny and the faces never change a bit, it's the same face as every other character.

and that's some of them that come to my mind at the moment

Look! There I am!

Weird artist who does decent stuff, but basically every interaction I've had with him has been mediocre at best. He comes off as very standoffish and outright rude, and constantly seems to act like you have a problem with him until you've proven that you don't. He also did this hilarious thing of accusing someone else of stealing the design of his OC, despite his OC being boring as shit to begin with? The other artists character didn't even look the same lmao

All around strange man - okay art, g(y)arbage personality.
I saw nametaken0 at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
wait.. what? how did you know he was nametaken0?
It's a greentext copypasta
literally shaking and farting right now this is like the time i met Gene Wilder
the way he draws faces is very odd. his main oc (i forget the name) especially looks very uncanny
Gonna use this as a jumping off point for hating on Eimmi/AkemiExpansions cause god I find that dude to be such an annoying loser. Not denying that Madz is probably a bitch but she's honestly right about him being a fucking hack. Dude really runs a patreon that he markets as live-action expansion content with decent props but he just posts boring art of his oc that he commissions other people to make. He hasn't made anything worthwhile in years and spends all his time trying to beef with Madz with some conveniently cut screenshots. It's almost like bro knows his content is worthless and wants to stay relevant in the expansion community
Stfu Madz no one cares
I don't fucking like Madz either lmao
>>62063 (OP)
banna galactic, never coomed to any of their stuff. its just so non sexual (to me)

Although I think their art is really good and sex, I hate RidiculousCake because his content seems to be geared at kids and has a channel thats weirdly kid centric. Overall he seems to be trying to groom a bunch of kids to his fetish. Its strange that youtube never took him down
(297 KB, 614x698, ayy lmao.png) (224 KB, 462x631, ayy lmao.png) (117 KB, 1077x362, Dumb Stolfakari kek.jpg) (94 KB, 892x631, unknown (1).png)
i didn't expected about Atlas complain about this post on twitter (it doesn't surprise me though).
>also (pic related)
Thanks for the review on my text, is useful for throwing shit better next time.

And talking about throwing shit here is another list.
Another Fnf artist, the drawings he makes are meh.
dude who just floods everyone's replies with messages about his OCs, he looks like a deviantart spammer kek, also this dude doesn't stop complain about his art being trash just to recieve the "i support your art ur art is great!!111!!" comments, not to improve, just to hear good words about him and his art pussy.
i don't even have to explain why i don't like this faggot.
Furfag who once drew an inbred pic between Toriel and Asriel, hella peinful to see.
Cumhead who doesn't care about following minors or interacting with them, he will only do it with the purpuse of making his horny fantasies come true, what a cunt.
this guy is irony itself, says stuff like
>hurr durr lolicon is bad
>hurr durr child support
but the trannyfaggot likes and supports lolicon and even defends it lmao, even Guff made this idiot see that.
(pic related)

also i will leave this pic in honor of a fallen one.
No probs anon. I do see some spelling errors still here, but hey, at least your getting better at the shit throwing :)

Keep it up!

(Also honestly thank god there is also some mf talking about Stolf. Not to mention they are a minor tryna justify lolicon ofc.)
i still don't liking you, but you are welcome i guess
why haven't you talked about it on your twitter?
since you were expecting someone talking about that idiot about his behavoir?
Mostly down to I think most people wouldn't care much unless affected by their actions, and Stolf is known for trying to grab peoples attention through mostly bombastic ways.
(18 KB, 392x392, IPKdd9zi_400x400.jpg)
>Goes to what's basically 4chan but even more degenerate
>Goes to thread specifically themed around artist hate
>Has a mention
>Decides to comment
>Gets called a fag
>Goes to Twitter to complain
>Doesn't even complain or bring up valid points,acts like a grammar nazi instead.

I still like his art though.
Oh shit, wasnt expecting stolf to be brought up. Can confirm what >>62815 said tho, mentioned it a while ago. From my experience they were pretty juvenile, doing stuff like saying fetish art can be sfw in one server, and ranting about artists over mundane stuff while defending mistystuffer in another.
I’ve heard of the Gene Wilder thing in passing but I still have no idea what the actual fuck happened? Anyone care to fill me in?

Also just to make sure this post isn’t totally off topic, fuck Kagekira or whatever his name is.
Kek, well twitterfags always do that.
man, the community on twitter and discuck don't care about anything, i'm gonna be honest with you, you probably don't care about certain users doing bad stuff, so don't act like you ain't the exception, people didn't cared about MistyStuffer being around, same with Ms-Chemi.
Well this a good example of what the community has become, what i hate the most is their fucking "BLM, Antizoo, Ukraine support" flags on their profiles and then saying that groomers are good kek
It's been, like, a week and you're still stewing over this?
Apparently Yarbage is pressed. If that’s actually them of course. Everything is anon so we don’t truly know
Either way wth lol

i think it's p funny, stewing? i got too much shit to do to be stewed abt internet opinions

just figured i'd give a couple of thoughts abt it, peace
Hate to be an armchair psychologist, but I think the artists who say they are against pedos and lolis might be lying for publicity.
Shittiest hands I've seen this week, and pillow shading. Not good.
if you think about it, is true at a certain point, mostly because as you can see cases like Stolfakari, they just say things that otheres want to hear, they won't do shit with pedos
Tbh I don't even think that Ms-Chemi person was ever a pedo. Yh they said some pretty wild shit but I've seen people try bait them and the other fag in those leaked DM's and all it shows is that Ms-Chemi just doesn't like talking, and the other dude actively wants to fuck kids. Feel like what Ms-Chemi said about blackmail shit might be partly true and nobody actually cared to listen because the bandwagon at the time was to hate on them.

P sure people just bring it up to cover for their own dark shit. That or they want some moral high ground they didn't have before. Kind of shit since they had some p decent art kek
All I know is those screenshots don't hold up now since the other dude in the DM's said they did do something to get Ms-Chemi to speak like that. We just won't know because the dude cropped out the parts were Ms-Chemi looks bad and used those. Still don't think they're a pedo, just either really exploitable or dumb enough to fall for it.
>>62063 (OP)
Yarbage 100% goes on this site, so I actually don't really doubt it's them. They've also used that exact image before in servers they're in, so they're just calling themselves out lmao
Alright, I'll agree with mentality of "Oh but you cant truly know what's going on in someone's head !!!" even though I don't think it applies here
But how can you even remotely defend something like this? """""Forced""""" or not, they still SAID those things. The fact you can take screenshots of them saying those things with NO IRONY is more than enough to make them wrong as shit
>>62063 (OP)

Hate the inflation person NattieLikesPizza because I seen some reddit post saying bad stuff she did to people but i don't know if it's true or not. I don't even know much about that girl but if it's true then F' her.
(116 KB, 1280x1331, mabel_doobles_by_theneverwere_df7n8hb-fullview.jpg)
I've always had a suspicion that TheNeverWere is secretly a massive pedo since his gallery is filled with lots of drawings of underage cartoon girls like Mabel.
Of course whenever someone called him out on this he always sperged out with "these are fictional cartoon characters not real people!!" when he couldn't be a more obvious pedo than BT.
I almost did an art trade with him like a decade ago where he wanted me to draw the younger version of Kairi from Kingdom Hearts instead of the older version, and he specifically wanted me to draw her "blown up with her panties exposed". Pretty sus to me.
Sillyran's stuff feels like the dude barely improved over his 10 years of art once he got into his comfort zone

I know they also like to suck up to a lot of other artists too

hell, even heard stories from people who've comm'd him before

they also have an issue with doing hands in a lot of their pics

looks like they just mirrored them and they end up having two right or left hands lol
(50 KB, 712x613, Dyk6dfZUYAEKW6p.jpg)
dude's a complete narcissitic kissass and stiffed a friend of mine on like 2-3 commissions for 8 months while he kept churning out gift art for bigger artists to kiss their asses, then half-assed the fuck out of it once people we knew started jumping down his throat for it. his latest project was making music for vtuber saa and I know he's been trying to get into mabo's pants too.

also his memes suck ass and are mostly more narcisstic self-indulgence. they boil down to "look how important I am to the inflation community" or [crying wojak with smug wojak mask] or "ayo finna make people think im cool on twitter ayo finna finna ayo ayo finna"
She(?) is a bigot and a racist who hides behind others' lack of history books.
NeverWere always struck me as a massive cunt and in general everything about his art and attitude just gives off multiple red flags. Also love how he just completely copied RidiculousCake's art style.
Usually I'm willing to give benefit of the doubt to people when it comes to smut art or fan fics because even if it's something I personally object to it's not harming anyone at the end of the day but dude's just basically admitting he's a pedo here.
You're right. I screen capped some of his conversations over an old "particular voice chat for gamers" server he frequented. The guy is a total faggot.

Granted, he considers simply existing to be his "win condition" when confronted by people being critical of his bad habits, as well as his excuse for being a general nuisance to others; there isn't much point to even acknowledging a man so petty. Be as it may, it's reassuring to hear that others have had similar poor experiences with him.

Yarbage, if you're reading this, I really hope you can find it in yourself to improve your sense of responsibility. It'll all come down on you eventually, if you don't.
The dude forces himself into the community and just festers like a parasite. Somehow he's always there when someone in the community is being cancelled and always ends up ignoring everything and making it about themselves. Bringing up Ms-Chemi again, the dude has a massive hate boner over her. Though I bet he's never actually took the time to privately talk with her like a normal person. He just took it upon himself to publicly jerk off a bad situation he had nothing to do with for clout, not caring the effects of ganging up and calling someone a pedo can have on someone.

Nearly everyone I've met has said his personality is just "ha I'm a dick for the sake of being a dick", to the point those people broke contact later down the line because he was just annoying. I'm also pretty sure he moderated that CosplayInflations server; y'know, the person who shared images of their body and stuff around who later turned out to be a minor. Kek>>63256

heard he also got the design very wrong for a character on someone's comm from him and also didn't bother to ask them if anything was alright with it

sounds more like he cares about jumping on bandwagons and jacking off other artists to get on their good side than providing great service to others who legit paid him
She doesn't shows any kind of regret by saying the messed up shit she said, and the argument of someone manipulating her is pure bullshit,
don't you think you are a complete hypocrate saying thing Ms-Chemi isn't a pedo while saying somthing about yarbage that you haven't showed any proof?

honestly I talked with Yarb for a bit and he doesn't seem too awful outside of like, internet brainrot.
Nor did I give proof that Ms-Chemi wasn't a pedo. Its called word of tongue and multiple people here have used it already. I've shared my opinion on both people from things I've heard from others.

If that's your only defense towards Yarbage though, to use Ms-Chemi to cover it up then my point from a bit ago is right. She's only used as a cover up. How about you give me proof, proving someone like her can't be blackmailed or manipulated and then I'll actually believe the crackpot theories you lot spurt out based on one set of debunked screenshots and random ass comments on her profile. Seriously that one where shes speaking to that blarthy person seems more like she has dirt on them and find it ironic they're going against her. Doesn't mean she's not regretful. We're not her so we'll never know how she decides to process stuff. She clearly likes to joke around so who's not to say that's how she copes with shit. People are allowed to cope other ways than just being sad.

Sickens me how much effort people put into her and defacing her for a small sting of messages she sent when people just ignore people actually interacting with minors in a NSFW space. The logic is beyond me
You really wanna die on the baby fucker hill huh?
Better than ignoring pedophilia towards actual minors for clout
Name me one time Yarb has ignored grooming or actual CSEM. Fucking do it.

To my knowledge not once have they spoken up about the whole CosplayInflation thing alongside putting them on an iceberg they made making that situation seem like a minor inconvenience. Y'know, despite it being a fucking child showing off their body to a fair few thousand people.

And then throws "child inflation" near the bottom when they are literally the same fucking thing.

Its not letting me send the iceberg but you can find it on their twitter pretty easily
What in the fuck does that tell me???

They also like to joke around with shit? Literally the worst and only fucking proof there is.

It doesn't explain anything other than they were clearly autobalanced to the other side when learning their real age, and thank you so much for clearing up the whole iceberg thing.

Literally doing what I was doing with Ms-Chemi but worse.
You're Ms-Chemi, aren't you?
No I'm not her dipshit

It's clear you can't disprove what I said since you keep bouncing around it. Great job on that kek
I gave you proof that he was against it once it was discovered CosplayInflation lied about her age and you just ignore it continue your weird Chemi defense. Either you're one hell of a sycophant or this is a desperate attempt to try and clear your own name Chemi.
Again I'm not Ms-Chemi but alright

You shared something that literally just tells me they now don't like them. You don't even bother to comment on the iceberg shit or making a public statement and not a fucking comment that they are against it. Actually prove your fucking point before jumping up and claiming I'm her.

That's just to try and silence me from throwing any more dirt on Yarbage. Pretty fucking pathetic.
and you've shared fucking nothing. everyone who's argued against you have screencaps to disprove your bs, and you keep talking out of your ass. not even gonna bother with someone as brain dead as you, continue to wallow in your retarded misery and your baby fucking hill.
Alright and you continue to defend real actual pedophilia with real minors by dodging questions. Fucking disgusting.

aite, i'll just set this straight for u, since u wanna talk shit abt stuff that ain't even true

I left cos' server March 29th and blocked them,
Cos was revealed to be a minor May 6th, so you're telling me I somehow knew this person was 17 despite the fact the information came out about a month later after I disassociated from them?? please enlighten me, and please do not use a meme iceberg to try and prove your case that I somehow knew and supported CosplayInflation being a minor

If you're going to talk shit about me, talk shit about the shit I actually did and not some schizo dots u connected in ur head

provide a couple screenshots too why don't u since u apparently know so much
I'm going to assume you're actually Yarbage which helps out here

Clearly I don't know you blocked them, I don't remember you speaking up about that at all. But if that is the truth then yeah, I'll admit I was wrong

The iceberg thing meme or not still came off as sketch. So I'm still shady on that area but if it is just a case where you blocked them beforehand then I'd like to apologise. Like I said I was unaware of this.

You can't fault me for putting things together though, considering those are the only public things to do with CosplayInflation and you that are public. Whoever was defending you made it sketch too as they were dancing around questions.

Still don't think you're a great person but if what you said is true then my apologies on hinting towards you being a pedo.

yeah, look, I'll admit I've done shitty things, I take responsibility for them and whoever wants to sort shit out with me, i'm not hard to find, discuss it with me and we can talk, but like, just because I don't say something on twitter, that doesn't mean my mind isn't changed about people, like, I realized Cos was a fucking twat when that early april fools shit got pulled in her server and I no longer wanted anything to do with her

Regarding all the stuff that's true tho, yeah, I've fucked up at points and yall can contact me at Bill Griefer#7332 if u wanna sort issues out, I don't generally read through bbwchan that much and I'd rather have an actual convo about problems regarding me

that being said, i hope yall have a blessed day
Why do you type and act like a low IQ ghetto Nigger?

Man, shiiet, maaaan, why you be spitten shit you dont know fuck about, boy. Shieet nigga, the fuck you tryin to play here son? You wanna take this shit outside pussy? Say that crap to my face nigga, come over here bitch. Let me sort yo dumb ass out.
Shiiet, I dont even browse dis shit none, but here we go stirren some shit up like I wouldnt notice. Tch, maaaaaaan

Christ you faggots are subhuman waste. Drama spewing girly brained retards gossiping and crying about worthless shit. Got daymn. Go lift some weights or something. Passive aggressive fuck boy.

not reading something written by a sperg, but I'm happy for u
He or she is an actual Muslim apologetic.
Wtf I love him now.
You read it faggot, no one buys your psudeo fuck boy act. Oh, oh, I cant let this spergo win, I have to assert my dominance by feigning disinterest instead of actually being disinterested. Passive aggressive faggot, just like I said. Can I call em or what?
God, I miss when Dobson was the biggest problem around.
I wish dobson kept drawing his smut, he geniunely mogs most of the modern inflation artists i've seen lmao
I'm just going to get the cold takes and common opinions out of the way.
Whiny bitch with terrible art
Whiny manchild with terrible art
Complete weirdo with terrible art.
>Literally every gachaverse inflation 'artist'
It should be illegal for these people to exist.
I could go on and on,but I won't since this thread is being used for actual unique and worthwhile discussions.
(23 KB, 304x295, getthatshitoutofmyforest.jpg)
>discuss it with me
Yeah so you can gaslight them or make excuses like you usually do to diffuse the situation, then change absolutely nothing about your behavior. We've been through this song and dance before.
How about you quit scamming people out of commissions you "don't feel like doing", or making changes to their commission to suit your fancy without running it by them and then not letting them ask for changes on it, or restarting their work after several months without even running WIP by because you "didn't like how it was coming out" when you clearly can't even be assed to look at the references your clients provide you, much less avoid super basic anatomy mistakes while you shovel out art for bigger artists to farm clout.

Neck yourself faggot
Nyan is just the usual Twitter tranny communist like 99% of the expansion community, nothing out of the ordinary really
really just blimpixels and anyone else like them with their stuck up attitude and moral grandstanding over the most harmless fetish shit

also the whole "having a black avatar when you're white" thing strikes me as looking for a certain kind of attention

yep, regularly has random bouts of anti-white/cis spergouts
(217 KB, 2135x451, gene4chanpost.png)

little late and I don't know exactly which board it came from, but this is what they're referencing.

Also for relevancy, TalynAngel, "I don't draw this weird niche smut for porn I draw it cause it's cute" and that time Yarbage was being a dick to them seemingly out of nowhere in public comments for no reason. Went to look for it the day after but Talyn deleted the whole post and made a sadboy text tweet afterwards.

Skullgeist, great artist but he spergs out hard and just comes off as overly aggressive, especially when his curiouscat posts don't get any attention. Like mate, you answer everything with single words and shame anybody that doesn't ask an actual question, fuck are we supposed to ask now?

>>63330 >>62612

also also hi Yarbage and Atlas. You're here trying to validate yourselves over some bullshit but you're just arguing with a bunch of porn addicts on a knockoff 4chan board, what did you hope to accomplish by entering a thread about hating you?
Y'all need to go out and touch grass
Find it a little ironic that the complain threads in /bbwdraw/ are called manbaby threads when the manbaby threads there were never as horrid as this specific thread.
>Alright and you continue to defend real actual pedophilia with real minors by dodging questions. Fucking disgusting.
you ain't in no position to say that shit, you just threw up a lot of bullshit, anon wasn't defending pedophilia, he was asking if you had evidence about Yarbage doing shit, and you kept up with Chemi being innocent.
Wow,a thread themed around artist hate is horrid and obscene,who would've guessed?
Yea, this thread was a mistake
Yeah to the “genius” that started this thread because you have no life congratulations you just farmed so much bad karma for yourself have fun shithead.
i actually used this thread to find new artists to follow, you can say you made it big when literal dipshits go out of their way to vocally complain about miniscule shit and not providing constructive criticism.

to any artists "featured" on this cesspool of a thread, i actually think you're pretty nice.
You’re a delusional fuck
(15 KB, 615x115, Untitled.jpg)
Remember when SwellReads did an absolute dogshit slob audio, then blamed the commissioner for it, then got caught on 4chan trying to astroturf and throwing a fit at everyone who criticized it, including telling them to hang themselves? Good times.
Fuck you
Jeez this thread is a hellhole holy fuck…
It has been, but its entertaining to see how worse and worse it gets.
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This is less a specific artist, but like, a genre of artists, so IDK if it counts, but morphers, in general. Look, 90% of morphers are dogshit, lets be honest with ourselves. Off the dome, I can think of like, 2 morphers who do actually good shit, which is Hell-resident, Air-grenade and luvemripe. Other than that, most other morphers are dogshit.
There's a bunch of different types of shitty morphers too. You got some who basically just take the head of a celebrity and slap it onto the '05 inventing room scene, or if they're a REAL degenerate, the fucking '71 scene. Noted examples are people like SBBeauregarde, who calls himself a "morpher", when its literally just WWE girl's head on the inventing room scene, and photoshops of them blue. Then there's the other type that create an actual body or something, but then still just slap a models head on there, which still looks like dogshit. In that case, we have people like kagekira101, jinglevellrock. And then you got nightmare creators who's shit just looks like it crawled out the uncanny valley and is pure, unfiltered nightmare fuel. In this case, itd be people like SassyViper, Booberries, etc. Examples are included of their "art" which lets be honest, looks like shit.
And the way that some of people operate is just dumb as shit as well. We all know the fuckery around SB, every couple of months someone brings up how much of an absolute sperg that guy is, its par for the course. But then you have people like SassyVIper, who on their podcast with that other guy SB fucked over or something, they talk about onlyfans and sex-work politics as if they are on that same level. IDK who needs to tell you this, but you make incredibly trash morphs on deviantart and patreon, YOU ARE NOT A "SEX WORKER" and none of the shit that affects them, affects you. (sidenote, that entire podcast is like, half actual discussion about inflation shit, and half moral grandstanding about politics and socio-econimic issues, which is totally what a podcast named after the fucking blueberry fetish should be about right? seriously, either make a politcal podcast, or make a fetish podcast, you cant do both)
AND THEN THERES THE FACT THAT THEY USE IRL PEOPLE FOR THE SHIT, which idk how you feel about it morally, but to me, thats at the very least weird as shit. I know some make deepfake people now, but theres still many "morphers" who just use some random pic of selena gomez or scarlett johansson. But theres one specific case that makes me the most disgusted which is faridae. this fuck would go find videos of plays of CATCF, go find the blueberry scene and morph whoever was acting as violet. The problem with this, is that most of those plays were of FUCKING MINORS. LIKE ACTUAL UNDERAGE KIDS AND SHIT. AND THEY WERE MAKING MORPHS OF THEM, SOME SHOWING STUFF LIKE NIPPLES AND SHIT. I know this is a bigger problem about the blueberry and by extension, the inflation fetish scene having some pedos in it, but still, its some fucked shit.

tl;dr,most morphers are shit.
SB's a fucking tool lmao. Dude was defending the HBO Max shit in his report my post with a bunch of other big names. Riddler is also just as much of a gormless loser not only joining in on the defense of the merger but like straight up denying assault by the vocalist of a shitty metalcore band he likes lmfao
in his report my post
first off, for some reason, bbwchan wont let you type d/i/s/c/o/r/d/ in full, so theres that
second, oh yeah, ive heard so much shit about that server being a massive circlejerk. i still think its funny that VICE interviewed these guys about the fetish lmao, like those two are like the dynamic duo of spergshittery
nah, even Hellresident blows, only way to make good irl inflation stuff is with practical effects, unless someone got some Hollywood CGI they're free to use it on inflation stuff
(119 KB, 965x1423, FdE57MfXkAErE78.jpg)
>>63416 et al
gb2 twitter, queers
you got your circlejerk there

pic related

>bbwchan wont let you type d/i/s/c/o/r/d/
IIRC due to too many dcord faggots coming over to try and start arguments in bbwdraw

I wouldn't hate morphers if they got any better with their craft
the problem is that they haven't
Maybe if everyone would reduce the amount of hatred and piss in their veins, everywhere could be a decent place, but nah, y'all need to stir shit for the sake of stirring shit.
Y'all are just as bad if not worse than Twitter.
I mean no offense,but are you trying to blame the toxic nature of the internet on a couple of crusty porn addicts in a shittier 4chan?
Nah, not the whole internet, just this corner of it.
Being toxic is a choice, a choice that can be avoided, a choice that a bunch of people are far too happy to pick and then try to gain the moral high ground by saying "Um acshually x site is worse than here dumb fagass" when called out on it.
That post isn't me. I only funpost on 4chan 😎

I've also never done any full-on slob audios (unless you wanna count that Yuri one, which was a regular WG story with farts added after the fact). I ought to one of these days, though...
Lol why are you even bothering it’s not 2017 it’s not worth pretending they will listen to reason. They’re too stoopid being right-wingers for that
>I wouldn't hate morphers if they got any better with their craft
the problem is that they haven't

facts. so many of them stagnate the fuck out, and all of their shit still looks really amateur, not to mention a bunch of them are die-hard wonkafags, which is a whole other issue (basically people who can only seem to get off to berry stuff if it adheres almost entirely to the whole factory scenario/inventing room schtick [examples include the
05 tracksuit, oompa loompa songs, brat stuff, etc,])

and what is us being toxic here affecting? none of this is going to legitimately affect anyone not on this site deeply. Everyone already hates this site for being a haven of piracy, you really think anyone who already hates us or thinks less of us is gonna sit on this thread, refreshing to see what we have to say? and if they do, so what? the way they take that is on them. if some morphers get pissy because i said they suck, especially the ones i directly named, thats on them. its my own personal opinion, they can like or not.
good job generalizing a bunch of people you will never meet, or never know, and judging by your post, never even attempt to as a bunch of rightwingers or some shit. i'm not a rightwinger, i dont consider myself a conservative, a republican, or even alt-right, im more so left of center tbh. so if you have a more legit reason to think we're shitty or stupid, please go ahead and say that, rather than some dumbass blanket statement
"I don't like them, so they're nazis"
I mean one of you pleps could probably manipulate a popular director to put inflation porn in a move for whatever reason

With all this generbending stuff going on in Hollywood tell the next director for James bond's next outing that men would really hate if you take this hot evil bond girl villain and stick some shark pellets down her throat she'd get all bloated like a big fat balloon and the men would cry cuz no hot wamen. Simply use there own phycology against them and we could have a remake of live and let die with a genderbent Kananga (played by lupita nyong'o or something) blowing up like a balloon on screen for the communities entire entertainment.

All it takes is one of you fucks who has some connection in Hollywood to manipulate and influence these decisions like shit inflation is a perfect horror movie death I'm still pissed that one guy from that horror film stitches got his head inflated instead of shoveling and air pump hose up the ass of umbrella chick who would have made a much better kill

Like is it too hard to ask Freddy Krueger or art the clown to get creative and pop a bitch like a party balloon? Like legit your a fucking clown, balloons are your thing, and you should be turning people into them!
(91 KB, 280x281, 1658799152125874.png)
the fuck are you talking about
if you have a popping fetish cool, just dont shit up the thread with your weird ass rant about hollywood not having popping scenes in movies
also >y'all better pop a bitch or I'll find and pop you with my inflatable creepypasta cock!
this is straight up some DA tier shit to say, actual autist type shit
This is me too atm wtf 😂 even if this was a good plan why tf are you saying it out loud lmao
>I'm not owned I'm not owned
shitpost through the tears some more

>they disagree with me so that makes them le alt right nazi
please kill yourself for being so stupid

Isn't RiddlerCorps the guy who was pimping out his gf for the "BerryGirl Remake" that he kept hyping up for years and years and to my knowledge still hasn't shown anything for it besides a teaser?

He also married a cheater, what a fucking cuck.
If I had a penny for every time somebody in this """community"" has called anybodies a pedo for the fun of it I'd be fucking RICH and LOADED to buy ALL YOUR ASSES.
Ten years ago this was good manners.
I'm pretty sure at least half of the people in this thread making accusations at least brought forward some kind of evidence.
Ten years ago everybody did this.
I remember when Sammy's best friend argued "Drawing ch**d inflation isn't wrong it's art" and that wasn't that long ago.
>Ten years ago
Times change,it's not that hard to figure out. Stop acting like a crotchety old man in a literal porn board.
I just remembered sickstar. Fuck him and his ten paragraphs of stupid dialogue in fucking speech bubbles.

Loli is weird but repeatedly banging on the drum of "the drawings have rights" just makes you look like a retard.
Have you read the Japanese chad who posted "I would lick that image"?
>>62063 (OP)
I can corroborate. They aren't anyone I think is an outright shitty person, but I really don't like them after the years of putting up with them and their constant ego trips about nothing in particular really.

Dude has drawn the same picture over and over again for the past 3 years, draws the least-arousing popping art next to Hell-Resident and Awesomesir, and has the gall to constantly act like he's above everyone else.

Dobson is more worthy of respect, honestly. At least he was interesting in the ways he acted retarded. Garbage just toots his own horn even when nobody cares or gives a shit, and then keeps playing despite not even being any good at it.
Shut the fuck up.
(54 KB, 605x631, sdL2.png)
When will there be a final solution to the Songbird/Diamondback / PigsofDoom problem?
>I wouldn't hate morphers if they got any better with their craft

>the problem is that they haven't
facts. so many of them stagnate the fuck out, and all of their shit still looks really amateur,
noted, thanks
what's going on in this image?
Consider it done ;3
Songbird/Diamondback (a 40+ year old man) directed children Pokemon Go players into the ghetto and to look for gang signs. Of course he's a frothing white-hating communist so the community of course protects him. ;)
could someone explain why there seems to be a blood feud between slob posters and blueberry posters?
ik it's like a week late but holy shit are these actually real? I remember hearing about the Ms-Chemi controversy shit like, right after I tried talking to them.
(44 KB, 512x640, Fek6yoUUcAEft7w.jpeg)
Let me throw in an incendiary grenade and duck out. Surprised none of you lot have said this yet since it's literally all DA is recommended to me this week. Anyone who posts AI art, passes it off as their own and acts like they are an actual artist. You want to be an artist? Put in the hours learning to draw then you can claim your rightful title. Until then, quit shit talking the dude putting hours into his work.
(140 KB, 1024x768, Pepe silvia.jpg)
Alright,so call me crazy,stupid,or just straight-up retarded,but I have a """"theory"""" that TheNeverWere and RidiculousCake/SecretGoombaman12345 are the same person. Now this theory doesn't go any further than 'hurr durr they draw the same',but maybe TNW is just some kind of stash account of drawings RidiculousCake isn't proud of or something? Idk,this is just a loose quote-unquote "theory" and it's probably wrong,but it's kind of fun to think about.
None of this has any effect. You’re either bluffing or too stupid to realize who would also go in flames also if you did this. Your supply has dried up butt
None of this has any effect. You’re either bluffing or too stupid to realize who would also go down in flames. Your supply has dried up butt
Nah, they are totally different people. He originally had way more of an unappealing, uncanny valley cartoon style while RC kept and refined the same cutesy style over the years even if it was mostly Pony content at the time. It 'aint that deep, I think they just became friends and one influenced the other, it's happened a lot over the years like Axel-Rosered / Rollingcutter and FoxFire-Torobro / Bamboo-Ale.
Exactly all this anon sleuth shit flinging does nothing but implode people who didn’t do anything wrong. Pointless
I wasn't even taking my own 'theory' seriously.
Dude I totally believe it, the guy posted an animation on YT "inspired by a horror short" and then locked comments when someone posted the name of the short.

Guess what? It was an actual little kid he based the thing off of. Guys is %100 a freak.
You still have a chance to not sink her. Think you drunk idiot
Think you drunk bluffing idiot. Sister.
I had no idea he even made animations on YT. I don't follow the guy because I don't care for his art or his creepy pedo tendencies.
Sup, i am a newfag which no one cares, i have spend 2 hours of my life reading this and all i gotta say is.... i love seeing the world burning
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Well,time to sling some shit of my own in a way. I don't really hate Ajiklo,but I hate how he self-inserts his OC Xavier into a lot of his work,especially his really good drawings. Now i'm not against artists putting in self-inserts sometimes,but he does it way too much in my opinion.
>he didn't witness /d/ when there was only one thread allowed for big waifu
I hate it too, and it REALLY pisses me off. If I ever commission him, I'm explicitly telling him not to put Xavier in it.
(6.6 MB, 1920x1080, IMG_9826 2.mp4)
>I can’t have a blueberry for a te-
I remember when he was shilling his earliest art in various threads around here, and they were very rough with some of the most unattractive faces you can imagine. He seems to have gotten a little better but the OC shit makes it unappealing to everyone but him and the style still seems like a poorman's milkybody/mabo corescant. I hope no one's paying for his shit.
It's stuck in development hell, all the material is there, it just needs to be morphed.
It had like 2 artists attached to it and they all dropped off. I think he's still looking for a new artist for it.
>>62089 LONG RANT
I remember a long time ago hellresident was talking about seeing what the market looked like in terms of what people want to see, who is asking for it, what they're asking for, etc. It's obvious that it's rather lopsided to men liking this art of body inflation and that they want to see women inflated. They rarely want to see men, There are not many women and even then they rarely want to see men, they want to see women and imagine they are woman being inflated, if I remember correctly. And they were kinda hinting at having a fan base that has just lost their fucking minds.

I can easily imagine in this toxic AF community that when you get a status of being capable with your art, even if at a minor level - people bug the fuck out of you and want content you don't want to create. And then act like they are owed from you.

I personally could have spent the last 2-3 years focusing on how to make content for this community and decided against doing so. I've spent not hours of time, but weeks of time learning multiple video editing programs along with photo editing programs and I don't make money from the work I do. All of it is all out of my own interest to help a non-profit (I have decent pension I live off of from a work accident) have content.

But even doing minor edits here and there has resulted in some of the pushiest fucking people imaginable, and a bunch of clingy fucking dork losers that can't catch a hint bugging the shit out of me to do stuff I want nothing to do with and one would think it's painfully obvious. I like seeing women inflated like balloons and the notion of them being helpless and pleasured by the inflation.

No, I don't want to discuss character that like to eat a bucket of food to get gas and gas up the room to intentionally smell like shit. No, I don't want to morph images to make the character fart and spray shit everywhere once over pressurized. I don't want to roleplay that either. It's okay if that is your kink. It is not my kink.

Just because I bothered to do a few morphs doesn't mean I will morph every fucking picture you throw my way (most aren't even fucking usable because the person they want to see inflated basically has half their god damn face missing in the photo as they are looking elsewhere). Just because I did a roleplay with you doesn't mean I owe you more. Just because I did a commission doesn't mean I owe you more commissions.

I'm not a fan of where some of this art is going in the terms of how it is paid for, because some take the money and then the quality goes to shit. Luckily a few have kept producing top notch stuff, hellresident still makes quality art. But it absolutely does not help that the fans act like assholes that need therapy not for their kink, but because they treat other humans like insubordinate animals.

The same goes for the lunatic artists that do the exact same shit towards others.
you wrote all this out to defend Hellresident and he routinely rants on his patreon about stolen art and brings up where they have been uploaded. I am fairly certain you're Hellresident. Quit your bitching and take the criticism you're not even the worst person in the thread.
I’m literally not HR or any creator you’ve suspected which is something I find interesting and pleasing. You fucking used a fucking writing algorithm a few months ago just to pin posts on 4Chan to me that weren’t even mind. For an obsessive sleuth you suck.

Every time you talk about HR as some sort of chest puffing power move it does nothing for me except wonder how you can be this hung up and stupid
LMAO you think I'm hellresident despite I clearly stated I don't make content for the community.

But yeah I'll defend hellresident's rants if you're going to defend theives and shit behavior.
Someone finally said it

His art isn't bad, but it is literally impossible for him to draw anything without injecting his blatant self-insert into the middle of it.
>I can easily imagine in this toxic AF community
Normally I make fun of you thin brains but exceptionally """our community""" was the model for 4chan toxicity back in the day, with burning dogshit and ddosing Mootykins.
>>62063 (OP)
honestly, I hate any artist that primarily uses twitter, or god forbid, report my post, to post their art. this also goes for videos that get shared around, too. the main reason for hating report my post is that NO search engine can crawl report my post servers, and while twitter may have fuzzysearch, that still doesn't change the account requirement.
friendly reminder that you can't say D15c0rd
You'll defend Hellresident even though he was caught stealing from Noah-buddy and Subakitsu with work you could only find on his patreon that they had released for free.
not exactly an artist i hate thing but something that i hate when certain artists do when they post something on say a art platform as a preview to come out on a certain date but its up on patreon now i dont have a problem with patreon as long as the art is good and a lot of the time it is but the part that annoys me is when the artists don’t upload the picture when they say they promised now i get it things can happen and if its just a day or so but theres one artist who has a month wait to see full images but they always forget and it’s typically a month and a half
Be patient anon a r t takes time.
i agree but the issue i have is the art is already complete there just making people pay to see it early then forgetting to upload it on time for everyone else
do AI artists in general count
Yes. Definitely.
No they’re wasted of space
(125 KB, 492x383, 1D9719B9-20F9-4F16-BE90-90834E4C61B3.png)
Andrew Dobson AKA CattyN.

I want you to close your eyes and imagine a Neckbeard. The first image that comes to mind is not far off of Dobson’s appearance.

During the CattyN days, he pretended to be a girl (though to be fair, who didn’t?) and then when someone found out the truth, he nuked his art and took up a new persona: A fedora-bedecked, short blue bear.

This is around the time he started to get…. *political*.

And like every male feminist, his cuck ass self was virtue signaling like a siren and he’d often depict his characters correcting others, if not outright beating them up to show everyone just how progressive he is.

Dobby even started haunting Cons and seething that cosplay girls hung out with ‘toxic chads’ and not his balding, dumpy ass.

But he didn’t reach peak cringe until he doxxed a trans girl when she corrected him on a few things.

All in all, Dobson’s art is pretty meh these days compared to other inflation works, but what makes him a lolcow is his shitty attitude.
Which art are you referring to specifically. Not like I'm a foaming at the mouth follower of any of these artists. So clue all of us in..
(1.2 MB, 1236x1010, wait a minute.png)
Was hard to track down but I found them, one from a very old thread here and another from tumblr of all places
They never apologised for the noah-buddy one. Makes it look like they apologised just because they were caught.
True. Yet he still owned up to it publicly.

'Also, if you happen to be some other fellow artist and you think that a piece of work/drawing/illustration/etc of yours, was potentially used as a reference for a manipulation of mine and no proper credits were given or you think that a permission to even use it as a reference in the first place was obligatory, my apologies to you as well.'

I believe that part of the journal covers the noah-buddy one too.
He owned up to it publicly because it got spread around so much. If he wanted to come out and look good in all this he should have owned up to it the day he posted them and not when he got caught 3 months later in a bbw-chan thread
Very true. Tho despite it being under very bad light, he did come out publicly, and unless i miss something new, there have not been any other tracing incidents since his apology, right?
That we know of as the person that called him out got banned from his patreon. There is rumours he stole from robot001 another artist im surprised hasn’t been mentioned here
well ig i will mention him he used to do some pretty good inflation art but now its all just pretty gross bbw stuff
He’s usually more forgiven because his commissions are $5 but its either really gross or borderline ridiculouscake levels of questionable
Thank you for the reply and update. I stand corrected on HR then.
I can't be the only one who despises VanDuo right? Not even just for being a commie agitprop-spewing retard but for the fact he types like a 12 year old girl despite being a grown ass man.
>commie agitprop
If we had to hate an artists purely on their political opinions this thread would still have the same artists like theneverwere and ridiculouscake showing up. I’d rather Vanduo talk like a 12 year old than theneverwere and ridiculouscake liking 12 year olds
Shut your moth Ridiculous Goomba is based.
Commies are cringe in due part to capitalists financing them.
He made coronachan a day after another artist announced they lost their dad to covid and it was well know by that point, thats not based thats insulting
>I’d rather Vanduo talk like a 12 year old than theneverwere and ridiculouscake liking 12 year olds

Sure, if Vanduo also didn't wholeheartedly advocate for child genital mutilation too.
Don't tempt me.
i can put up with the self-insert stuff because of how good ajiklo is with making their stuff. i rather that than some of mabo's stuff though, ajiklo is alot more cleaner, mabo sometimes pushes proportions too much and it can come off as uncanny.
(191 KB, 2048x660, FgAivDPX0AITfUP.jpg)
just casually dropping this here because it fits way too many inflation artists on twitter, furry or not
If this offends you then you really don’t like the truth
What truth is that?
this goes both ways too. shit, theres that one guy (ilikapie iirc) who made a blueberry inflation pic about racial crime statistics. Then theres that darbo guy who posts comms with his inflatable big titty fox lady interspersed with rts that are conservative as hell. And I dont think I need to explain *inflates you big and round*. But on the other, there's that squeakychu guy who rants in peoples replies about left shit whole also having a video out there of him in an inflatable suit with a pikachu pursuit head on. And then there's the myriad of furries who've done the "eat the rich" vore joke
moral of the story is dont post about irl politics on the same account you post your porn, especially if it's super niche fetish shit.
ok dj bapho

>moral of the story is dont post about irl politics on the same account you post your porn, especially if it's super niche fetish shit.
if only it was that simple
Does anyone else get the feeling that the old 4chan argument "inflationfags and sjw's are in cahoots" has merit?
does anyone remember the time someone on twitter created a huge thread filled with artists he liked with inflation art they drew that he really liked and it ended with a video of himself jerking it in his bathtub? I wonder what happened with him
That the comic is true and you’re offended because it is true
Close but still wrong
nah not really
i think just fetish stuff in general has kind of a left lean due to the fact that a lot more conservative areas would consider more out there fetishes degenerate or the like.
>if only it was that simple
fr, like i understand there are political issues that go hand in hand with porn, but 9 times outta 10, they do not involve inflation lmao
also, look, no matter what politcal stance you have, do not expect me to take you seriously if i look at your account and after your rant about why america needs to "retvrn to tradition" or how we need to abolish the police, i see a picture of some hentai bitch getting railed, or in this case, some girl turning into a blueberry.
>i think just fetish stuff in general has kind of a left lean due to the fact that a lot more conservative areas would consider more out there fetishes degenerate or the like.
I'm asking because.
The artists on the farthest, deepest ends of politics, figuratively on opposite ends of the world, and the worst they come up with is "How can you say that?" and a week later the most leftist person imaginable likes tweets of the most rightist person who'd get thrown out of le Stormfront.
oh yeeeeeah
yeah, thats just because people are horny lol
horny kinda just overtakes peoples opinions sometimes
thats why some person'll get yelled at for drawing something/someone fucked up or doing something with minors, or etc. with everyone being mad for a week or a month and then you see those same people rt/liking that persons art. it always happens. its legit just horny brain, happens to most people online.
>being obnoxious by mixing fetish material with seriousposting is a good thing with zero bad optics
pretty big self own my dude

commies get off to both financial inflation and body inflation confirmed

just make a serious alt and make that your main account
spare us who just want horny balloon people
at least SOME like snowchan and weeblord (before they fell completely off) had the decency to do that
Axel Rosered.

I know there's plenty of legit reasons to hate the guy, I seem to remember him stiffing a lot of folks on their commissions or just phoning it in like a cheap cunt, but I've got admittedly petty reasons: He had that stint as a Diaper artist and I Shouldn't Have To Explain Why That Sucks.

But he did do that Bloomers pack, so....Fuck You But Also Thank You. Hack Fraud Cunt.
yea i can understand why you wouldn’t like his art i mean alot of it is just cut copy repeat and he wants to charge for alot of it which if it was all unique id pay for it but its always the same thing ball body with limbs that isnt to say i hate all his art but come on change a bit
I don’t like Da-Fuze and Theneverwere just where the fuck do you begin with them. Their arts questionably loli and their aggression is so explosive and sudden that even artists that have been mentioned in here don’t fucking like them.
(201 KB, 339x605, Fucking loser.png)
i fucking hate these type of artists, these faggots pretend to be a "sfw" artists but they are kinky as hell they say:
>it's for fun not a fetish
>proceeds to do the kinkiest thing
shut the fuck up you have a fetish don't deny it.
It doesn't help that since he started working with CutterInTheHouse years ago, that it's clearly Cutter who has been making the creative decisions. Since they partnered up there has been a visual downgrade in Axel's work. Not surprising since if you seen Cutter's DeviantArt gallery his latest stuff was just a ripoff of Panty and Stocking's art style. Don't get me wrong, P&S has a great style but it's just incompatible with Axel's. You can also tell from his character designs that he is the one in charge of designing Axel's current OCs, or worse, Axel is has been getting influenced by Cutter after all the years of working together.

Really I think Axel is still in it only for the money like Imbapovi, but also for Cutter's sake (since I think they live together, I remember reading how they both got caught in the same hurricane and had to do an emergency commission spree). It makes me wish that he just pulled a CriticalVolume (ironically someone who was a big influence on Axel if his EARLIEST work is anything to go by) and just disappeared from the internet while his stuff was still good.
I can't speak for DaFuze as I never followed him but NeverWere has always been an obvious pedo.
Literally who?
AKA the guy everyone at one point thought was an alt account for axel since their styles were almost exactly the same
It’s weird that everyone knows this about NeverWere but they haven’t made an effort to change this reputation, you would think they would make a effort to change but instead they double down and get mad when you bring it up. Da-Fuze you have to be in their report my post group to see the questionably Loli stuff and its borderline the same as Neverweres stuff.
Wouldnt say I hate em but
Wish they would shut up about the comic or make another account for it and just draw the fetish material people want and are known for.
>>67014 I hear you. I'm sick of hearing about boobs. It's like. Nobody gives. It's like everyday there's some talk about huge boobs here or a model getting a reduction and I don't like it. I like boobs though. A lot. Sometimes I think they may be my fave, but then I see a beautiful woman with a beautiful vagina and then it makes me wonder.
I thought it was a fetish comic or has that changed since I last read it?
It is a fetish comic. But like no one cares about the story or anything aside from fetish fuel lmao. He begs for feedback but gets like none. Idk its just annoying to see him focus so hard on something people dont care about
I have heard he’s been declining commissions just to finish the current part off and he’d reopen when it’s done so he might go back to the fetish stuff soon but who declines money like that?
Joseph Barnes. By far the most annoying individual ever. Creepy ass weirdo who scares off a bunch of people from doing what they wanna do. Probably not too long until he says some weird shit to CutiePopBlue that makes her quit doing her blueberry cosplay.

Regardless, fuck Joseph Barnes. Fuck him and all the shit he says. Doesn't someone have a bunch of screenshots of all the dumb shit he's said on twitter? Like pictures of him in a generic blowup suit and the things he wants to buy, and the weird stuff he's said to models?
Never seen or spoke to the guy and I would like to keep it that way going off this description
(2.7 MB, 1200x854, 1632939611.01phoenix01_рис_20210928_0003.png)
I think his art style is very good. The sketchy style he has is very hard to get right, and gives me a child-like picturebook vibe. It adds a lot of depth to a picture thats hard to get with shading or lighting alone.
Im sure he can draw much better than that, but has more fun and creative freedom choosing the sketchier artstyle. In a sea of bland and samey art styles, especially for inflation, its refreshing. Its an artistic take on a genre that has very little deviation. A contemporary style in a place where is hardly exists.
It reminds me alot of https://www.furaffinity.net/user/01phoenix01/, though he has cleaner lines, its a similar style.
I'd say it's fairly smart, that way he finishes the stuff he wants without neglecting paying customers
The comics ok he has gotten better but the updates have gotten annoying
He acts like that because he's an autistic retard.
>Joseph Barnes
GOD, THIS GUY. Holy shit, dude's a shining example of what happens when coombrain and autism mic. Shit's dangerous. And as for him being weird on twitter, that's true shit. Off dome, I can remember this one time where he was in Squeak Latex's replies begging for a free, or like, half-priced berry suit. Reminder that those are like, $800 to $1K last time I checked. And apparently dude's been begging in their shit for ages. As for the model shit, I'm pretty sure Ziva blocked him. This last thing was a while ago, and I don't remember where exactly I saw this, I think it was on PH, but dude was going around to accounts sharing/trading TMC clips, reporting them, and apparently getting FREE CLIPS IN EXCHANGE FROM TMC. I shit you not, this is something JB did. And before any says "b-but his autism!!!", that doesn't exempt him from justifiably being called out/mocked for being a creep or asshole to people. Mental disorder/illness does NOT excuse shitty behavior, and people really need to recognize that.
(851 KB, 498x278, F1ACA20C-798B-497B-98B2-5C78EC21E635.gif)
How many times are you going to rail against this severely mentally ill individual that everyone in the community has already agreed to ignore by default? They literally are like in sub 70 IQ range you want to rail this hard against Forrest Gump and Slingblade next? You’re literally more proportionally “retarded” and “autistic” than they are anon.
Crawl into your cave and accept that you’re literally too stupid for this game. All of this you’re typing is giving me life because the schadenfreude you’re producing is fuel for days
(851 KB, 498x278, 892E00C8-6A93-4C95-AB90-EE1FF3543DDF.gif)
How many times are you going to rail against this severely mentally ill individual that everyone in the community has already agreed to ignore by default? They literally are like in sub 70 IQ range you want to rail this hard against Forrest Gump and Slingblade next? You’re literally more proportionally “retarded” and “autistic” than they are anon.
Crawl into your cave and accept that you’re literally too stupid for this game. The schadenfreude you’re producing is fuel for days 💫
lol ok stay mad
not my fault that JB loves harassing people for free shit or to get his model waifus to notice him
(1.2 MB, 220x220, B3B17439-35D2-4A2A-9D21-F4FD2C54E966.gif)
Hai guise
We need to talk about, THAT GUY
I literally cannot exist knowing he does. I’m going to write walls of text and punch down on him because I’m an obese has been.. I mean because I CARE
Please listen to me I’m an anon on the internet and if we don’t pitchfork French inflation Slingblade on my call, I WILL SCREAM
dude stalked this thread to make sure no one was makin fun of them
>lol stay mad
You’re literally the one that wrote a wall of text for an online “special person”. Your projection and mental implosion is delicious 🥵
(1.1 MB, 498x378, DFBDDBA3-4D8F-47F2-A232-A1D895CCE481.gif)
>dude stalked this thread to make sure no one was makin fun of them
You just posted twice in the last six minutes and imagining it’s them in your head. You’re literally omg 🤣🤣😘
sorry you got a bunch of fucking idiots attacking you, can't believe anyone would unironically defend him. they all use the same excuse "b-but he's autistic!!" okay? he's not the only one, he's just the dumbest out of the bunch to harass models into making them leave! he's part of the reason why some models, like Fae, have taken year long breaks for TMC, all because of that fucking idiot

but yes, let's all shed a tear for this absolute fucking moron joseph barnes
nah it's cool, I know I'm right so its whatever
also I'm pretty sure this is the same anon from another thread where I talked about him (I think it was the old rant thread), they type the same and have the same arguments.
and yeah, the autism excuse is fuckin dumb, mental illnesses aren't excuses for shitty behavior. I've known, met and befriended a shit ton of people, some with their own mental disorders or illnesses, and at the end of the day, its personal responsibility that matters. A lot of em weren't harassers or dicks, they were just people. So when theres someone acting like a dick, it's not always their mental illness/disorder, sometimes it's really just them. I'm not saying this out my ass either, I got a mental disorder too, it's not autism, but still. I know what I'm talking about when it comes to this kinda shit. But its whatever, i dont wanna write a thesis on mental disorders n shit all because of some weirdo on twitter and some other weirdo on bbwchan lel
What kind of anon tries that hard remembering months old long threads to identify others from old posts via writing style? Idk maybe you’re autistic too which would explain the lack of empathy.
You can moralize and lie to yourself all you want because that’s what you do but you’re wrong and your life is probably miserable rn for similar reason
I know your brain can’t comprehend the fact that you’re punching down on someone so I’m not going to waste my time explaining things to someone that is so wrong their life is most likely a well deserved mess
I’ll just leave you this clip so you can realize the type of dude you’re dying on a hill on over
>its personal responsibility that matters
Look at you parroting non-empathetic conservative talking points while on the topic of empathy. You’re so far up your ass it’s pathetic. I’m glad you’ll never have the same relationship you had with her again you rightfully lost it for being a dick and you’re too stupid to realize this.
You basically let me know who this is via your oddly specific prior anon accusation.
You’re an idiot and you deserve everything that’s happened and will continue to happen. Continue to convince yourself that you’re not evil or the one who started this. Just the fact that you’re here in our territory for a fetish you don’t even have doing all this mentally ill destructive obsessive shit proves your life is a mess. I live rent free in your head every time you refresh this website you never even knew existed two years ago.
Have fun knowing your relationship with her will never repair to what it was (her words to me) and that I’m still going to be around in the long run because good does prevail over evil.
And you’re the evil. Don’t be surprised when good is forced to defend itself with fire and you deserve all the fire and are getting it well and to my satisfaction 😎
You know who I hate?
HGSwells9000 and all the other AI “artists”. Sure they may get AI to make great work but people like that are hacks who needed to wait until a website could do 99% of the work for them to have any sort of online influence.
They were probably drawing cursed 5th grade level Persephone comic drawings before the AI came to save them
They can be as “successful” as they want in the future but no amount of validation will fill the inner hole they have knowing they’re artistically bankrupt
pretty funny Van hasn't uploaded anything to his patreon since August but has not as far as I can tell suspended payments or even made any kind of announcement on it about where he is. Just coasting on those 30 year old zoomer vibes clearly.
>30 year old Zoomer vibes
If your version of an insult is calling someone the equivalent of a Gen Xer that actually vibes with Millennials then you’re an idiot and bound to be out of touch like the average Boomer lmao
Hi Van. You're always going to be a 30+ years old man no matter how effete and infantile you type.
Sounds like someone hasn’t accepted their oncoming maturity yet (;
Why are you so pressed? It’s Friday night🍹
Did you two just call me bald? I'm not fucking bald wtf don't even fucking play with that shit bro. Wtf is wrong with you saying shit like that.
lol ok
idc if im "punching down", dudes a creep
simple as
stay mad i guess
see you next time someone mentions him since you wanna white knight so hard
Thank god I've never had the privilege to speak to such.
>white knighting joseph barnes

fucking imagine LMAO, this dude is so mad and for what? joseph barnes is so fucking dumb, if he saw this I bet he'd think the moron defending his actions is attacking him too haha

i like how they only started posting on the thread when i brought him up, they're sitting there looking at people shit on everyone else - and they're fine with it, but the moment that the autistic creep asshole gets brought up, NOW they're angry and they're going to defend him... for some reason?
Imagine asking for feedback on twitter then blocking the people that give you feedback then delete the original post to make a new post claiming you didn’t steal somebody elses style. Thats TheNeverWere I remember seeing that happen but I can’t remember who pissed him off but it was funny seeing that meltdown.
Day tripper guy
Dudes an asshole with ms paint circle tool tier art
I fucking hate that faggot's artstyle so much. His art makes me want to fucking gouge my eyes out.
You just want attention and to scream as you self destruct and implode those around you. It’s pathetic.
You’re literally sick in the head
I may have won this war but seeing you be this sick still pains me.
No matter how much I hate you I still can’t help but have my heart shatter seeing you like this
His art used to be good too, or atleast better. Its all samey now. Same issue I have with RidiculousCake. All of their art blends together.

His art became unwatchable for me after they started drawing guys. I can understand women or gay dudes wanting to see dicks, but the man went from drawing exclusively women, to what felt like exclusively men with huge throbbing cocks. I dont care if they got fat tits, a dick is still going to turn me off.
Has anyone of you unfortunately met this guy Taylor Savillia or what his name is, he's very infamous on report my post for catfishing as youn Disney stars,

he always wants to exchange his neatly coloured pictures or show his toys, he always wants artist to draw characters inflated that are underage I mean 10 or below,

god his name sounds the alarm everytime on multiple servers and like Joseph he's sent photos of himself face showing, I believe someone got the cops and parents involved it got so bad
Predictable roulette leading to a predictable conclusion that won’t mean anything.
What I’m bothered by is you continue to dig up three year ghosts of severely disturbed slow IQ status individuals who have essentially already been allowed to rest.
You’re literally a non-empathetic autist and run on pure autist energy. Just because you have no empathy faculties doesn’t mean you should go out of your way to derive joy from other’s misery.
Alas you choose to continue. The good news is karma exists and consistently proves that to me via your current state.
Until then for now this board has to deal with the no-empathy evil autist that draws elementary school doodles for graduate work lol
>>67622 Okay, now shut up.
And you’re very clearly hurt now and real talk that doesn’t make me feel good. It’s not nice at all when people subtext you online and you can’t make it stop now imagine how these individuals feel when they’re browsing years after these things have happened and moved on but you’re digging them up for an unrelated quarrel. It’s not fair to them it really isn’t
Now. You’re very clearly hurt. So yes as you asked I will stop as long as you will.
Dude I'm autistic myself and it's so frustrating that it's usually people like Barns and Savillia who end up mainstream and making the community look bad,
It’s 2022 not 2019 era pre-pandemic when most of those things occurred
Most people now wouldn’t associate these types with you. We’re all nuanced and individuals. Love your life and be you. I don’t know you but I can tell you’re an amazing captivating human being. Don’t let others define your worth. Find it in yourself because you’re worth so much.
>>67625 Yes, except I don't know what the fuck you are talking about. That is the difference here. And I hate people like you.
You don’t even know me? And if you are that one person then I say.
Maybe try to learn how to mend and be diplomatic? Maybe just maybe people are nuanced? The world isn’t a zero sum game. People aren’t doomed to be who they are in the current moment. Growth occurs. If you continue to have such a reductionist view on the hope we naturally harbor as human beings only pain will follow
Think of all the movies with similar ideas. It’s pop culture for a reason. We don’t just give up on people. That’s the idea anyway
The point is if you decide to see everything as a war and elimination then your life will follow that path and all the pratfalls that come with it
You can still talk if you want anon987#7405
It’s a Sunday morning why are we both refreshing this site?
I realize you don’t genuinely believe I can harbor goodwill for you and that makes me sad because I wish I could do anything in the world to show you that your feelings actually do matter on this side of the equation
We’re both this invested for a reason. Idek you or have talked to you which is why I’m so confused you’ve gone so far to essentially enter my life which you have. If you’re gonna go that far on your own volition well then here I am
You can send a request if you ever feel like it or not. Just know the door is open for you
I appreciate standing up to the little man, form my experience there are names in the community like Tom Preston for example who live in informe regardless who has autism or who doesn't, like The Aleixs Monroe incident for example,
We could stop having to refresh that way. It would also save all the users on this site the nuisance and confusion of us essentially having an non-relatable personal conversation on a chan
Once again you’re stuck in 2018-19 talking about things passed of people who are long gone for a reason. They’ve left those chapters behind yet here you are.
You’re not a crusader for justice. You’re an un self-actualized person who has to bring up other people’s past that literally no one is talking about to attack others because you personally need to cause pain because that’s what you like.
What you’ve mentioned literally has no bearing on anyone now.
You merely bring it up because you like to cause pain. You are the mentally I’ll one here
Sister Little was directly personally involved. If you really want to go there..
>>67634 Oh, no! Not you again! Unless you are a beautiful girl with either big boobs or a ginormous ass so big you can barely walk straight, I don't want nothing to do with you because the conversations you want to have do not interest me.
Yet here you are talking to me. It pains me to see you in dissonance like this. And that you think I’m so one-dimensional
You’re projecting your own narrow mindedness.
I’m sorry your mom never taught you how to actually fix a situation and not just throw it away.

They once didn’t say I love you back to the youngest when the youngest said it to them. It traumatized and shook them. This was fairly recent all things considered.
Said youngest never ever got an apology for that and never will.
I know what you’re dealing with which is why I can see the pain and callousness you’ve been forced under.
So you admit you’re basically a stalker at this point that just wants to talk to cuteboi-kun on a board because it gives you some sense of control because you have none.
And you publicly agitate just to draw me out because otherwise you can’t handle the anxiety of me ignoring you.
How do you not understand you’re the problem here?
Also the type of conversation I want to have is the one where we can somehow find a way to have some common ground. You’re just shutting things down because screaming in fear about what you expect from me is easier for you than actually having the bravery to speak to someone seriously during a serious time. Once again a symptom of your upbringing. Continue to shut discussion out if you want just know you’re in the wrong and that you’re prolonging your own self induced public misery for all of us including me to see. You’re clearly the one that is desperate to draw me out and get my attention
Not the other way around
>10 fucking posts
So much samefagging should be illegal jesus christ
lmao why tf this dude switch up so quick? as soon as he saw that guy say "i'm autistic too and I don't like how they make the community look bad" this dude switched up so fast and typed essays to himself LMAO, fuck joseph barnes
You’re a cruel lying individual and seeing that now you’re pretending this is someone talking to themself is sad when I obviously know it’s not. Maybe instead of living in denial you should accept reality?
I’m not the cartoon villain you desperately paint me out to be and you hate that because it humanizes me.
I expect some similar lying to yourself post but you know just as much as I do what the truth is.
Apparently switching things up to actually have empathy pisses you off.
And you wonder why you have no happiness?
Someone is actually nice to you so you violently reject it.
Mom fucked you up real good honey.
Like it’s actually pathetic seeing you act like this. You have the temperament of a literal child. And all you’re doing is showing me first hand how disregulated and in pain you currently are.
Pretend to lmao all you want I can see through your pain. You’re a sad individual. In the literal sense. Like Pagliacci
mf got so mad he became a psychologist lmao
and he's samefagging again
As predicted. Someone is projecting and mad that I ironically have a better grip on mental health than they do. Who taught you you’re never allowed to compromise? It’s both a shit tactical strategy and bad for your mental health
More like a Troll maskarading as a psychologist
Dude do you realize that chan boards are the internet wild west that doesn't want a shierff
if you had good mental health you wouldnt be bitching at people you don't know, over a guy you'll never meet
and you certainly wouldnt be responding to literally everyone who says something negative about them or you
all you had to do was not admit that it was you replying or just not reply so people don't know you're stalking the threads that is all you had to fucking do.
Jesus I go to take a shower and come back to this mess. The projection is so strong. If your justification for your bad behavior is “it’s the internet” then you obviously have a void you can’t fill and are taking it out on me instead.
Apparently now I’m the bad guy for having empathy. What a typical no empathy autist way of looking at it. This just proves to me I’m the good guy thanks ☀️
I’m dripping wet naked after a hot shower and just chilling lol
(38 KB, 771x172, watchdog ass mf.png)
ok lol, anyway
as reference to in this, heres a tweet where dude says he's still looking for tmc clips to take down for taylor lmao
Why are you obsessed over years old drama involving a fucking LEGO Boba Fett pfp user? You are so obsessed and sick in the head with no empathy. Must be autistic
Obsessions with other things or people no one gives a shit about and demanding the whole world listen?
No empathy and socially bankrupt/unaware?
Probably draws like a fifth grader learning what circles and coloring in the lines looks like?
Idk sounds like this poster might be
Why are you so obsessed with bullying a legitimately massively mentally challenged sub70 IQ individual? You are so evil
(765 KB, 1125x1722, FC0CAACF-68A0-437D-9D5D-14A16410EB20.jpeg)
I bet you this is what HGSwells9000 -and other AI “artists” art looks like irl. Circle tool crap with a pencil. The AI can’t save their lack of having a fully functioning brain
You’re being an evil toxic piece of shit punching down on a legitimately mentally disabled man.
Does anyone have a story I found once? It involved a woman named Alanna who went into an O’Reilly auto part store and got inflated by a tire pump. Anyone seen it?
(104 KB, 741x417, Screenshot 2022-11-06 120046.png) (505 KB, 752x802, broke nigga behavior.png) (49 KB, 758x258, broke nigga behavior2.png) (396 KB, 770x803, Screenshot 2022-11-06 114302.png) (218 KB, 742x807, Screenshot 2022-11-06 114210.png) (150 KB, 753x687, rare sb w.png)
>>67677 (Dead)
lol ok
ima stop talking about JB after this because i think i derailed this thread too hard
last thing is him being a broke ass constantly begging for shit
oh and a rare SB w
Oh yeah I remember the Alanna O’Reilly auto part story! She got so full off her own petard because she was being a brat to the customers that just wanted to look at some shit to buy and tire pump happened! What a great story
Oh yeah I remember the Alanna O’Reilly Auto Part story! She got so full off her own petard because she was being a brat to the customers that just wanted to look at some shit to buy and tire pump happened! What a great story
Has anyone read this story I found once? It was called the Alanna O’Reilly Auto Part Incident or something like that. This girl Alanna went into the auto part store and was causing a ruckus with the customers until one of them inflated her with a tire pump!
Great story would love to see it again
Has anyone read this story I found once? It was called the Alanna O’Reilly Auto Part Incident or something like that. This girl Alanna went into the auto part store and was causing a ruckus with the customers until one of them inflated her with a tire pump!
Great story would love to see it again
(154 KB, 461x527, FB50E447-55E6-41DB-984F-64BC06D49394.jpeg)
You know who I hate? HGSwells9000. She and all these other AI “artists” are hacks. I bet their irl artwork is crap and looks something like this fifth grade circle tool pencil shit
u mad?
keep changing your ID so you can try and make people think there's multiple people trying to defend him instead of just yourself

love how you show them examples of him being a fucking weirdo and they still defend him to the very end HAHA
I got more, but like I said, I'm kinda tired of the thread being derailed by these goobers, so I'm gonna drop it for now
I mean shit, the thread's at 300 replies now because of this lmao
Do you realize you’re the only anon looking this deep into anything? If you put this much time and effort into idk let’s say drawing you might actually become good at it!
Do you realize you’re the only anon looking this deep into anything and that ip IDs refresh like every fifteen minutes on this site?If you put this much time and effort into idk let’s say drawing you might actually become good at it!
Never mind!! I have your answer! I’m using an iPhone so my safari cloud relay refreshes my ip every few minutes. Congrats you’ve just overanalyzed an iOS feature dumbass 🤣
Thanks for making me realize why this started happening since September though lmao
You’re so obsessed go crawl back into your hole where you belong and stop thinking about this thick dick you’ll never get to have 😘
No but really does anyone have this Alanna O’Reilly Incident story? Who knew O’Reilly Auto Parts tire pumps could mix into a story so well! 🛞
It reminds me of one where these two guys named named George and Brown were in college and had something similar happen. It was a graphic design masterpiece in my head from the way it was described! Yay tire pumps!
There’s some weird glitching going on right now with the site it happens every once and a while for a few hours as even your post seems a little off
Oh didn't know that, thanks for the info
Here’s your legit answer for why I keep switching ips. It’s not some grand conspiracy I actually just paid for iCloud service lol
Who knew it was actually this nifty!
Hey an unrelated message. I hope you have a good day. I’m deleting the belligerent shit because I’m seriously just sick of this shit. I am. It’s not entertaining it really just hurts in the long run no matter what the outcome is
An incomplete open letter to those that would read it and understand its context. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I feel horrible about so many things. I just wanted peace and love none of this. This may fall on deaf ears but I’m sorry for hurting you. My actions that can’t be undone that have already been put into motion.
In my quest to protect myself from an incursion I’ve lost every bit of myself. It doesn’t matter how good I am at it my humanity rips into shreds every time I feel I have to take a stand.
I wish we could all be happy in the ways we wanted. I have nothing else I can type at the moment. Just know that I do feel pain and guilt for you. And I still believe that at your core you are wonderful human beings even if our perspective of who you are at the moment is different.
All I wanted to do was be in love in peace. I made errors along the way and got thrown away. You don’t care about me but deep down I still care for you. I’m so sorry
I don’t expect a response. Just know that you are worth so much
>>67721 You know what I did? It might not work for everybody but, I got my salad tossed by a beautiful girl for a birthday present, and it was the most exhilirating experience of my life. That is how I stopped being gay.
I’ve always imagined what getting tossed by a woman with a strap on felt like so your comment resonates with me minus the gay part. Being gay is great
salad tossed. mouth and toungue, but I got lucky and got teeth. She was great. You want to start loving women and stop being gay? That may just do the trick. Find a cool chick that is also cute and also a good person, then get her to toss your salad. Works everytime.
None of what you said sounds like a problem to me. It’ll happen eventually in due time

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