
(12 KB, 417x250, bbw_padding_rig_by_msneonhydra_d9nlhq9-250t.jpg)
Anybody know what happened to MsNeonHydra and/or have archives of any of her stuff? It seems to have vanished from the Internet, and at the very least, I'd like to know *why*. I used to talk with her too, but she just stopped returning my messages one day in like 2016. Low-key been worried ever since. Image included is all I could find.
>>61815 (OP)
That was a tranny, dude. Like 99% of people who do this sort of thing are dudes, a good deal of the "women" are also men
I'm aware. As I said, I was talking to her before she disappeared. That's not what I asked, though.
>Aware he's a man
>Still calls him "her"
Do chasers really?
prolly still waiting for his rainbow ribbon and his deal on disney's next monthly remake of The Wiz

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