
(83 KB, 2950x2569, vegasvegas.png)
>>61450 (OP)

I heard somebody invoke my name..

here's an unfinished piece I might touch up one day
This is amazing!!!
[post questioning 61456's sexuality]
Op Here, love the pic you are doing
i love yarbage's art it makes me pee red

I'm not black I'm OJ.
jesus christ this guy's art is hideous

hey that's great to hear!

would u also like to buy a commission while ur at it?
Honestly no. The way they draw faces is what really turns me off, ESPECIALLY their OC's face.

sounds like a skill issue
I actually find it quite cute to each there own tastes I guess just because you find broccoli disgusting doesn't mean your gonna say no to your dom girlfriend and her food stuffing kink
Not a big fan of the black outlines + aliased lines + cell shading mix.
I think either normal line art should be introduced or he should add more values to the shading because this current mixture of methods makes everything look kind of flat, which is genuinely fine in most cases but if you're drawing inflation selling the size and shape should be your top priority behind making the subject attractive to look at.

It also looks like he draws the eyes first, then the head around the eyes, which is why a lot of the time the faces end up looking kind of offputting or a bit strange. Would highly recommend drawing the head shape before drawing the face or hair from here on out. (no I'm not saying big eyes = bad, stylization is great but not if you're skipping fundamentals)

You can handwave this is "style" if you want, but if he listens to me his art will look better so it's his call I guess lol.
Well, for me his style is beautifule, it remembers me of wicked pump.
I appreciate the criticisms, funnily enough, i actually draw the head first and then the eyes
i'll definitely take it into consideration altho some of it definitely seems like a preference

guess who helped father the wicked pump style :)
Can you still play it?
Seeethe lmfao. Welcome to my dimension.
Convince your wife to come back.
can we please stop bumping this thread
The basic execution is still downloadable
The Knight Punk is gone
Way I see it there's no point in having a wife anyways unless she's got stretchy inflatable powers?

But sex doll girls sadly don't exist.
Some call themselves sex dolls and one a blow up doll and does inflate herself.
Hey Yarbage. You should stop making girls eyes look hideous and sickly. Also... most of your girls have two right hands.
somebodys late to the two right hands party
Tbh idk how you guys think this is horrible, yarbage is the goat tf?
He's really not imo.

He's trash af
I like unique art styles.
His gallery has a place in my collection.
You know who else is trash
You know who else is trash
You have chosen. What comes next in due time is all your fault.
It's good enough for a woman to code a video game and a sequel.
Well this thread makes a lot more sense in hindsight
holy shit kill this thread already my god
yarbage more like garbage
Girl you really don’t realize that wasn’t me
you just wiped your cookies so the ID isn't the same it's definitely you.
It wasn’t;
And their gallery has a place in my collection as well

oh man u really think that's me?

I don't use terms like goat, yknow
Why so much hate towards him?
>Inb4 you say I want to defend him
No, I honestly don't pay too much attention to him since his art does not appeals to me, but i have seen a lot of anons here hate him.
What is your reason to actually hate Yarbage?

that was me saying to kill this thread

it's been nothing but whining and back and forth nonsense
You just fire and miss every time don’t you?
And this is why I’m not you.
Goodnight and sleep and be healthy for once for fucks sake.
watching the chaos insue with popcorn in hand as pleb morons whine and fight over someone's art for absolute no intelligent reason other than

>>Meh his art shitty I don't like his drawings

Like boy if I had a nickel for everything I could bitch about like all of you I'd have a porn website the size of clipsforsale by now!

Just calm down and post legit criticisms for sake of improvement if anything less or fuck off back into you tight Little cum jars and sob with you're tissues and lotion!

Like seriously pay no attention to them yarbage your shits fine I personally like your style even though I have to admit it is a acquired taste.
(4.0 MB, 498x373, we-are-one-piece-luffy-run.gif)
Ya-yo, ya-yo, ya-yo, ho-ho
His name is Luffy (That's Monkey D. Luffy)
Gonna be king of the pirates
He's made of rubber (How did that happen?)
Yo-ho-ho, he took a bite of Gum Gum
can we close this thread please theres nothing of worth here at all
I'll keep this thread bumped in hopes he'll convince his wifey.
Yarbage GOAT reconfirmed
What is his wife gonna do?
Blow up in time square or something?
Like what exactly are you waiting for?
Return and make more games.
I want more lighthearted inflation games :(
no way this thread got bumped again
Yeah way, Yarbage.

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