
No now stick a hose in your ass and pop the the whore your are

Cum for meme!
>>61109 (OP)
sure, man. how do you prefer inflating and how big do you get? i dont get very big because i dont do it daily, but i do it with water, air and sometimes with whipped cream.
nice reddit spacing, newfag
Is there really anything to talk about? Most girls that've inflated on video are retired and the few that still do don't really go far. Maybe Pump Me Up spoiled my tastes, can't really get off to a real inflated girl unless she looks overdue with twins
Water inflation is awful because you have to do all that setting up, set aside hours of private time, manage the salt levels and do your best not to cramp or leak, and there's a higher risk of you ending up at the hospital for messed up salt/water levels in your body, let alone the higher chance the water in your body goes somewhere it's not supposed to.
Air inflation is better, it's far easier to get bigger, easier to stay covert, there's more ways to do it, and you can stay inflated for WAY longer without any trouble.
I've done both; the weight of the water is pretty cool, but I vastly prefer air.
Plus you don't get to rip cool farts when you're done with water inflation the way you do can with air inflation.

Instead you just spray water out of your butthole and that's not nearly as cool.
I heard water infl is nice and relaxing.
It is. It really feels amazing getting filled up with warm water. The only problem is that you're going to have to hang around a toilet for a while afterwards, since it takes forever to get all the water out.
i prefer air or helium myself
I think being really tight and full of air and having more coming is amazing
I got the best Results doing Saline/Glucose inflation. You get really big and round, you feel really full but in a very different way than anal inflation.
And you get to keep that large, soft and jiggly belly for a while after you've stopped inflating.

I honestly think of all IRL methods, injection is my fave, even tho it requires a needle
Hey, if it's by you, could you explain em how is the whole process for that? I havr been intersted for a very long time but didn't have the needed information.
We could talk by report my post if you want
(1.3 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20191102_063949380 - Copy.jpg)
Photo of one of my sessions.

Well, it's kinda a long thing to explain.
The most important part is Hygiene, every tool you use must be originally sealed and can only be used once, that counts for the Saline/Glucose Solution, the tubing, and the needles.
You should sterilize your hands, the area you want to place the needle, and every surface you put your equipment on.
Needles: I personally use G18 or G20 needles (the higher the number, the slimmer they are) also I use those catheter needles that once inserted, you can remove the actual metal needle, and only leave a catheter inside, much more comfy and less dangerous to move around with.
For belly you have to pick a spot near or above the belly button, I personally aim roughly 2 to 3 thumb width away from the navel, and at least the same below the ripcage.
You'll want to insert the needle at an angle, so that the end of it, will rest in your fat layer, you don't want the needle to poke your muscles. (Tip, if you're slim like me, you can squeeze your skin between two fingers to have more space for the needle to travel through, thicker people will have less of an issue there and much more surface to pick from)
Once the needle is inside, you can
hook up the tube, BUT make sure you let all the air out before hooking it up, so the tube has nothing but liquid solution in it (tiny bubbles might still be around, but if avoidable, better avoid it)
Note: If you can't get Catheter needles, and can only find butterfly needles, do the Solution flow while the needle is hooked up and BEFORE piercing in, that way there's no air entering your body
Once it's all hooked up

Now you're set and you can open the valve of the tube.
Go slow at first, and speed up within your comfortzone.
Saline might sting a bit, since it's basically salty water, but the sting should go away after a while.
Glucose is from my experience painless, but it draws fluids from your body to its self, so it expands further even after you stopped the flow. and Glucose might mess with people having either form of Diabetes.

If you need to leave or walk, close the flow valve and take the Solution bottle/Bag with you.
I'd not recommend removing the tube, since every time you do that, it increased the risk of air bubbles ending up in the system.

You can simply replace empty Solution containers with new ones, without changing the tube, just pull the tube out of container A, and pierce it back into container B C D and so on.

My Maximum I've ever filled were 7Liter which took me 6-8 hours to do.

However, check out the Forum "Newart" people share their Saline/Glucose experience there and even share pics, it's prob the better place to look for info than a Chanboard.

Scrotal inflation is btw easier than belly inflation, so it might be a better entry option if you're too scared to go for belly right away.

DANGERS: Infections duo to lack of hygiene, air could end up in your bloodstream duo to damaging a bloodvessel while inserting the needle, Diabetics could end up harmed by using glucose, I won't guarantee that scars can't happen either.

I've got through my sessions without consequences, or at max just an uncomfy feeling or feeling a bit drowsy, but that doesn't mean it's gonna be safe for everyone.

I'll check this board a couple times a day, so if you got any more questions, let me know.
Amazing! Thank you so much for answering, if i think about questions i'll ask you rgiht away
I decided to go and try out the lemon juice and baking soda bloat. I am too much of a coward to insert anything into me. Although I would love to try injecting sailne into my sack of I knew it would be safe.

I have a 42 inch waist and, after drinking the mix, my gut grew 10 inches in a few minutes. No pain or anything. It was round and tight. It was kinda shocking to see myself in the mirror. Once it gets too uncomfortable it's easy to burp it out and deflate back to normal.

Will try double next time to see how big I get.

Would like to try a cake shake bloat, but you need a few days to return to normal after a shake.
>>64122 how much of each did you use?
I used for the water:
1 tbs of baking soda
2 cups of water

For the lemond I used:
1/2 cup of lemon juice (from a squeezed lemon)
1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar
1 cup of water

I drank the baking soda mix fast and the lemon juice mix slow. I did not even notice the bloat until I could not see my feet.

I stopped bloating after 10min. After a while a got a cramp below the ribs and decided to let the air out.

I then drank lots of water to purge all the bicarb.

Will double the recipe and drink slow while watching a movie to see how big I get.

Any suggestions on getting bigger and hold on the gas?
>>64129 did you do it on an empty stomach?
No. I know you need to do it on empty.

But I could not resist. Still effective.

When I go double I will do it before dinner.

If it works and is painless I will try a cake shake next
Will post the before and after pics on the BBM section page to get feed back.

Why not. Ha!
Been addicted since the pandemic started. Some things I've learned:

- I can only inflate with helium or a high powered blower, everything else sucks in comparison
- Higher pressures are good so long as you can control it
- If you have issues getting gas to flow up and in past the valve/nerve bundle/whatever preventing you from filling up all the way, lay on your left side and pump gently until you feel it start to flow further inside
- Poppers let you inflate larger
- Don't inflate on a full stomach unless you enjoy vomit
I tried water inf twice. and both were lame af. first i had to set all up and have the toilet at the ready in case i had to release the water, then after having everything ready i tried putting the plug; because i used a shower hose with a "plug" to stop the leaking; and turning the water to a nice temp, everything good so far. heard a couple of gurgles so far so good but then the plug started to simply slide out and to compliemnt that i didn't feel any tightness or pain just the incredible urgency to go to the bathroom. it was just bad, and i didn't expect bliss or anything just a bit of tightness
nice im thinking of trying something very similar, some alka powder inside gelatin capsules (like 10 capsules, not more than 5 actual tablets) and downing a liter of coke just to see how big i can get
What are poppers like? They are just muscle relaxers right? I heard they were dangerous but they always peaked my interest
I tried the baking soda and lemon juice method and got pretty big. My belly grew about 6 inches without any pain, just a little tightness.
they were originally for gay sex since they relax the anus, but people realized that poppers relax all the smooth muscles in your GI tract, so that means if you inflate with a hose up your ass you can inflate larger and with less cramps

as far as I know poppers are only dangerous if you mix them with viagra since they have the opposite(?) effect with your blood vessels or something along those lines

PLEASE POST MORE! Its hard to find women posting and just as difficult to find a cute guy.
I don't have much, and feel a bit shy ^^'
But thank you for the compliment
I’m interested in trying them. Where can I get some and could you explain the procedure on how to use them? Do i take em before i inflate or once i hit my limit?
For anyone thinking of trying this let me tell you how it went for me.
Made me a little burpy, definite gas build-up but not a lot of bloating. What definitely happened is it made me shit like crazy and cleared out my colon. Two hours later and I'm still peeing out of my butt.
How much more capacity can you actually get from these?
Remember early Youtube where you could convince cam girls to try?
anyone have any tips for bloating with coke and mentos?
You have to eat mentos and then at some point drink coke
- use only mint mentos, fruit doesn't work
- diet coke, not regular coke or zero sugar
- swallow the mentos whole for the best effect

That's really it, bloats you up good.
Warning: diet coke has caffiene in it. I completely forgot about that and tried a coke and mentos bloat during a time where I was completely off caffeine and it kept me up all night
Realtalk, the Mentos part only works because of the texture of the surface, and most of it gets worn off on the way down your throat, so Coke and Mentos is a bit of a gimmick and probably a waste of Mentos while ruining the taste of the soda.
Just chug soda and withhold burps, that's what 99% of the inflation people are experiencing is, anyway.
Probably depends on how some people are built, it works for me, and is way better than just chugging soda because you can feel it gassing inside you stomach.

But a more surefire alternative is alka-seltzer and soda water. Break the tabs in half, swallow and down with fizzy drinks.
anyone else feeling like their ability to inflate depends on how horny they are
just went through a two week period not feeling horny, basically ended up just wasting time, then this week the horniness returns and I can now inflate with ease

is it all just mental or what
Has anyone here tried to inflate with C02? I've heard that because C02 is an inert gas it ends up being incredible to inflate with. Aka virtually no cramps, nausea, being able to fill more etc. I'm wondering such now cause I'm now 18 and can legally buy co2 cartridges without someone.
Eh, I doubt it's on a per person basis unless you're able to swallow things without your tongue or throat touching the mentos on the way down.
Funny enough though, one of my daily supplements I take isn't coated, and the outside of the pill reacts harshly with soda, so if I try to take the pill with soda, it just causes my whole mouth to fill with the carbonation, so there's been times when I'll take the pill with water, then chase it with soda and feel my stomach fill up rapidly, kinda interesting.
Problem with CO2 is that it's really cold coming out of a Sodastream cartridge. Fun to try, but I wouldn't splurge on a machine expecting it to become your new favorite toy.
Supposedly there's a "spicy" feel thanks to carbonic acid.

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