
Ah yes Andrew Dobson that blue bear furry perv with the balloon kink lol
It's not the fact he was a perv that makes him so laughable. We all have weird inflation kinks because that's why we're here. It's the fact he went from pretending to be a woman with an inflation fetish to becoming an ultra feminist weirdo who attacks women being objectified despite that being what made him famous in the first place. He's a HYPOCRITE blue bear furry perv with a balloon kink.
shot in th e dark but can someone post their comics plzzzzzzzzz
tbh i dont care about how much of a dumbass he was, I just like his old art
Don't forget that inflation fags were they'd when DDoS was an actual threat.
he was also incredibly arrogant when he was in the scene and treated his departure as just this huge loss he was inflicting on the rest of us undeserving peasants.

I remembered when he first entered the scene as Catty N on Yahoo Groups back a jillion years ago. Yeah, back then he was a step above most others. He was still a student at MCAD and there he had teachers busting his ass to improve. Once he graduated, he decided to improve "AT MY OWN PACE!" and his art started to stagnate and atrophy.

Meanwhile, newer blood amongst inflation artists with more talent in their pinkies than Dobson could ever hope to have began to enter the scene around the time he left. If he did come back now he would be laughably outclassed.

The only entertainment he gave me was of all the times he was just a massive killjoy or fuckup. My favorite one was the time his then GF took him to the Depeche Mode concert and he just griped about how noisy it was and couldn't believe how anybody could enjoy such a noisy place with so many people.

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