
(57 KB, 600x441, 0bfdf3e19c1b1d5ec50370bbc0f4cdde1cd730cbb4159fdab348b54abbe50485.jpg) (21 KB, 680x340, ffdeec4d8fd0d9d0cc6cb3b03eeb43b90c590877cd0b17c22e225652a664adc4.jpg) (68 KB, 1020x784, a953e530af286e998a1a7b101eac5dc8eb67b47f357488167042c99788c75577.jpg) (82 KB, 800x521, dbaddfe58120d20b6cafdc063d373c7328c4c44420cd4912c0f5e1a98b4ade51.jpg) (12 KB, 480x360, e58a03c797ff3108f677c0daa56f1b3a302ac8f65d5cc0a23781f17d991f50e9.jpg)
Whether Blueberries or Balloons, I'd like to see a thread of images based on subjects letting it out.

A redo of >>60111 (Cross-thread) since the fifth image file in >>60113 (Cross-thread) didn't fit the topic of said thread.
(47 KB, 736x883, 9ea7fe21cba4154207f39ccb9831744d--belly-inflation-female-blueberry.jpg) (341 KB, 1200x1200, 56894__questionable_artist-colon-kbryme_apple+bloom_applejack_pinkie+pie_blue_blueberry_blueberry+inflation_huge_inflation_juice_leaking_near-dash-busting_pin.png) (323 KB, 1280x1024, large.png) (79 KB, 500x281, tumblr_okgxdn1uty1w0m58bo1_500.png) (312 KB, 1200x1200, 56887__questionable_artist-colon-kbryme_pinkie+pie_blue_blueberry_blueberry+inflation_inflation_juice_pinkberry_pinkberry+pie_pinkie+berry_pinkie+berry+pie_pi.png) (462 KB, 1280x860, large-1.png)
Leakage is welcome too.
(215 KB, 1280x980, 1643807141.fountainmalchemy_blueberry_sylph_render.jpg) (1.0 MB, 2200x1700, ddwchxl-4ef37e6f-3009-40a5-8799-32123379d786.png) (64 KB, 966x828, poor_baby_boy_ver__4__blueberry_and_juice__by_kiromoi_de5ug44-pre.jpg) (81 KB, 247x256, t_a7979b60a16b7d8d95810c9deb29ecf1456675822feb0283a66a8abc5ca4952e.png) (1.9 MB, 2560x1600, 1566315887.rhudarabbit_scrooge_p.png) (212 KB, 400x534, _at__cynder_the_berry_big_dragon__by_texanaggie_ddqav8o-fullview.png)
Burps/farts - yes or no?
Popping (non fatal) is welcome here.
No except they're explicitely compared with balloon deflation noises. RL farts and burpps are rancid sounds.
You’re a fucking idiot and everything will go on as planned. Don’t run your victory just yet. Hope your job is going well dumbass 😉
Real life deflation sounds like a balloon sometimes.
Of course the berryfags take over and ruin another board
Really really wish I could go back in time and confirm what happened when it happened instead of assuming it was all crap with the worst timing. Getting the confirmation was like jumping through hoops and pulling teeth at the same time.
Tbh it’s obvious why I was left in the dark..
Yes I’m suggesting they were seriously scared you would actually do it.
Which tells me a lot and is very disarming for me but not in a bad way
There's a lot of furry ITT.
Do you like the diversity?
Oh they hate it and that’s the best part 😇
I like looking for furry in furry places and non-furry in non-furry places.
I don't see diversity.
The pain of having an inflation fetish and wanting to wank to normal looking human women…
(2.1 MB, 1500x796, test.png)
It seems this image was taken from a drone after an anonymous lady swallowed an inflatable object and then the valve opened, causing her to fly all across the beach and eventually land in the sea, being rescued by bodyguards (still very bloated). Further reporting of this incident is contradictory depending on the source
Can someone explain to me who these characters are?

>Can someone explain to me?

Why certainly. Bbw chan has semi-officially always centered around amateur porno with its earlier domains being almost exclusively fanart content. Over the years much has changed for the worse, but when it comes to bbw art basicly the rule of thumb was that if the art looks decent enough to stay up then it's probably fanart because the artists that take comissions and sell OC characters are that terrible.

Because OC characters suck so bad that they are easy to recognize apart from professional characters in fanart, and because fan art is enjoyable, both were able to coexist for so long. In recent years, because of the sheer amount of overlwhelmingly crappy OC, and the dwindeling amount of good fanart posted there has been a growing despise of OC indie artists which now a days can be found all across the internet shoving their junk in your face at espriculous prices. You may have noticed that some of the major art hubs have gone as far as to make changes to their platforms as a way to curtail the over abundance of artists selling crappy art.

TL;DR Most artists selling art on the internet shouldn't be selling art because their skills suck, and their OCs suck even more. Most art gets sold because they have customers supporting them mainly because they are upset. Some of them are upset about the art industries of the past.

Others are upset about large companies too big to fail with infinite budgets ruining art and even stealing ideas, art pieces, and properties by using their wealth and might within the political sphere to abuse, ripoff, and undermine artists legally, but that's only the tip of the iceberg, sort of speak.
All this ranting and they aren't even OC's
The correct answer for >>81570 is that it's Shampoo and Ukyo from Ranma 1/2
To we give it a bump
(24 KB, 800x620, cdbe74da0a8a69e5f9a425b6a7f21d46d73a4cf11ba0a0d1c9064c4a8d71980b.png) (27 KB, 800x630, 2f950deb123aa9d571a8ba3efdd1351b90b4c8ec1fd69b089ded7930b2aafdbd.png) (23 KB, 535x800, ef35eb37a424bd84b793471b87b38838772f9fbb1e3297385d42f103a852fcc9.png) (25 KB, 800x742, afd27f409ca36c35dbef939746c1b9ec440ba9302da49a0341f1f2c351272c76.png) (20 KB, 800x674, bcaa968bc3556fc1a198bb5786e1916d1df88c07bcf198f4836089509916e1e4.png) (4.4 MB, 3188x2477, 365f1ab1b581c3293613220b9e687a0bdd29f9fb27a3376494de3de98a5ecbcb.png)
>>83437 (Cross-thread)
Whether Blueberries or Balloons, I'd like to see a thread of images based on subjects letting it out.

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