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How do you find a gf/bf into inflation? I don't really know the best way to look as feabie is trash and so is grommr

I ask because I'm asexual aside from inflation and feederism so I'd be missing out on a sexual relationship with a partner and wonder what y'all think
Not bad looking and I'm bi and a dude so I got options
Depends on the region you live in.
Upper Midwest in America
Outside of the US?
>>60130 I feel like I am only person with this fetish in my entire country.
Inflate the economy
Its really hart to find someone in Germany. The biggest part of the community is in english. I once wrote with a german girl on report my post, but she ghosted me for nothing.

So im on a BDSM server now, to find kinky women, who are whilling to try something new, but thats not that effective.

Its shit. Just be open to everyone and good luck.
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Any tips?
Owo takes it all then proceeds to Shit it all back in in her face before exploding
>>60114 (OP)
Start a minecraft server and then groom teenagers on report my post.
>>60114 (OP)
unironically being trans makes it like a million times easier
Also, being okay with trans people makes it a million times easier. Seriously, a disproportional amount of expansion fetishists is trans. Guess it makes sense since they generally wish their bodies would expand anyway.
Thx for suggestion anon Im hitting it off with a Twitter mutual (I'm it's cringe but easiest way to find someone into it) and dmed them basically saying we are in relationship now as joke and it's unironically seeming to work
Where do you suggest looking for someone like that?
Hitting it off with someone on twitter or report my post is probably your best bet. Furries, trans, and trans furries are probably your best bet
I mean yeah it takes real strength to be openly willing to go through a surgical transformation like that so in that mental note your probably mentality wise down for a lot blowing up like a balloon is probably just another Tuesday for ya.

Seriously trans community legit got my respect for that.
That's why I laugh when Twitter compares drag/crossdressing or as Japan calls I f em boi s kinda funny

>Na your just trans

Like Honey trans implies transition ergo a metamorphosis via surgery (as magic isn't a fucking option)

Not everyone is gonna be down to alter themselves like that but may still identify as male or female etc. Hence why I give massive props to trans people for going places with dedication that others might be too scared of. It goes to show. If someone surgically alters themselves into a man and or woman then they're dead serious about it and that makes me respect who they identify with even more. More so than someone just saying they identify as this or that as trans people be out here like gigachads just doing it
So again inflation is a cakewalk so not surprised the inflation community is mostly trans as result and more power to ya if you wanna be a balloon I got a bike pump with anyone's name on it and a fat dump truck ass willing to sit on your fat airbed body as you inch bigger by the second in size
>>60114 (OP)
I wouldnt recommend the main reason you find someone to be that they are into your kink. Whoever you get to be your partner i'd suggest just treating them really well and they will be more open to what you are interested in, especially if you explain it in a way that compliments what they like as well.
My woman is pretty vanilla but likes special effects artists for makeup and costumes, so I described the idea of making a suit with balloons in areas that fill out her features to make her into a blow up doll. Although she doesnt get turned on by the fetish itself, she likes to please me and adding something to an interest/hobby she already likes made the fetish into a topic she willingly brings up without me approaching the subject first, or even better yet she has ways to improve the designs of said suit we are working on.

TLDR: Treat your man/woman really well and they might get into your fetish
I mentioned this in a bygone thread but on a lonely christmas day I messaged a girl on deviantart that posted pictures of herself inflated. It ended up working and now we message eachother on dis cord from time to time. I wouldn't say we're in a real relationship but she said if we ever meet up irl she'd basically let me fuck her brains out while she's inflated. She said she has a boyfriend tho, so i half suspect she's goating me into eventually giving her my credit card details, but i'm somehwat paranoid about a lot of things so she's probably genuine.

On the topic of her inflating she gets around the same size as pumpmeup, so I'm in for a treat if we ever meet
the point i forgot to make was that you either gotta get lucky with someone open about it or get a vanilla gf (or bf i guess) and get them into it
Update on this: The 12th marked the third time she's almost inflated to bursting (if that's even possible irl). First and second times were accidents but im almost 100% convinced she did it the third time cuz she's horny and liked the feeling. If she hadnt sounded so convincingly in-pain the e-sex would've been crazy.

So yeah yall just gotta get lucky
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I wouldn't have believed stories in 4chan archives until I found accounts on websites like ImageFap or DarkFetish with the exact stories and images.
Pic unrelated but it reminds me of a story of a woman who hates Dobson.
Why give her your detail tell that bitch how much and throw her something off cash app why in gods name ( like god exists in a fetish server unless he just be that kinda kinky) would you giver her your card vs cash

Look at it this way

She asks for you card she a scam

She ask for cash ask her how much should I put in your hands

Asking to get robbed at that point but is there any way we can see these photos even privately the sound of this shit got me horny af don't worry I'm not down to harass a bitch just watch her bloat like a Thanksgiving turkey
Even though that's true, estrogen usually makes this fetish go away.

I'm not saying you can't find a gf/bf that way, but for the average person your choices are crossdressers who don't pass, trans women who won't do it, and women who want you to subscribe to their OnlyFans.

If you're into things like furries, group sex and diapers you've got a chance, but if not your best bet is to look for a partner first and a sexual partner second.

>>60114 (OP)
>I'm bi and a dude
I don't know what the gay community is like where you are, but there's no shortage of guys like beer guts and dad bods around here.
What would be the best bet here
Depends on what you’re looking for. If you want to find a conventional “normal” passing relationship by society’s standards no dice. The time period for that was five years ago. Even if you’re okay with a societally atypical relationship beyond cis norms you’re still out of luck since in the year 2022 only the most reckless people would meet a complete stranger online with how compromising this fetish can be.

Basically you’re best bet is to just find someone irl and just get them to like it or somehow get painfully kickers by numbers/lottery. Finding a reliable stranger to date online with who innately has the fetish nowadays on purpose is basically all but impossible. Good luck though
Depends on what you’re looking for. If you want to find a conventional “normal” passing relationship by society’s standards no dice. The time period for that was five years ago. Even if you’re okay with a societally atypical relationship beyond cis norms you’re still out of luck since in the year 2022 only the most reckless people would meet a complete stranger online with how compromising this fetish can be.

Basically your best bet is to just find someone irl and just get them to like it or somehow get painfully lucky by numbers/lottery. Finding a reliable stranger to date online with who innately has the fetish nowadays on purpose is basically all but impossible. Good luck though
Not nessasary there are some people out there who want like galactic sized breasts which estrogen can't fix. Being said though majority people either trans women or otherwise are gonna be into breast, butt, and hourglass. Even the trans or random cis women you do meet to convince will most likely be down for such things

But things like blueberry or full body inflation are a different story at best you find a lovable food addict with a think for a smol stuffed food baby belly they might be down for some belly based water inflation or at least humor you with some blue paint on there belly and nose and roleplay that they're blowing up Violet style. Also another thing good luck in this Twitter based day an age having to sit your partner down and explain you have a blueberry fetish not because of Violet but because the concept of filling with juice and the sensations mixed with the slow pigment change is the real turn on. Even so someone may still condemn it as it spawned from a scene with a small child even though many fetishes are spawned from childish things from our youth and that argument is minute as result
I think you’re over thinking the berry stuff. You’re right about Twitter and the general public but if you have a sexual partner that understands you the berry stuff will only come out if you know that person can handle the implications. It also ironically helps that the fetish is mainstream now. Violet and the berry thing being a fetish is normalized now so from a personal standpoint it’s not bad it’s just a matter of if the person you’re confiding to gives a shit or not. Obviously if the person is a berry lover as well you have no issues. The barrier isn’t so much the fetish but rather the fact that in 2022 meeting complete strangers online by default is barely worth it and hard in general plus people are just a lot shittier in general now compared to a few years ago

The fetish itself is kosher. Violet is a okay. Just don’t expect someone to attach their love for Violet to their actual main/person anytime soon
Point said I Still wouldn't let it discourage you as I hear having a blueberry interested partner is better than even normal inflation based roleplay stuff.

But full body no blueberry is probably the rarest at the end of the day as long as your partner is into said inflation nitpicking they like blueberry vs normal full body even though there more than willing to do air and multiple other based inflation stuff is another minute point.

The factor they like any is a win as long as you don't have to sacrifice something degrading as a result and you two both do it for fun is perfection alone.

Like legit if she teases you while alone by inflating her cheeks or belly maybe a little blue face paint which leads to you pulling out the blueberry suit in the bedroom I'd say that's best case scenario you got a winner like no other.

That said it is kinda a good luck thing best types of people to possibly look Into with inflation

Dom's: they practically live in the fetish field so probably your first best bet yet prepare for some weirdness or control in the relationship because dom basically means your they're bitch. Best bet for pov inflation roleplay if you like being the balloon of the relationship

Sub: subs are the reverse while doms push and do things too you subs want things done to them. Dom's are force subs aka submissives what some form of dominance so inflation might be something they'll be down for heavily expecially full body as the feeling of being helpless and rolled around confined in a suit is more that one person's kink guarantee.

Switch: basically both types will dominate and then want to be dominated basically the two face of the community it all depends on how they feel about things. This is best for a partner who is willing for both and maybe she'll inflate you if you inflate her kinda thing.

Also this community is most like to be down for irl stuff too as really what's the difference from a nipple clamp and an aquarium pump in your ass cheeks

Lastly even though I'm probably missing some we have

Foodies/stuffers: or maybe just laid back lazy type of partner this partner's idea of a fun Saturday is stuffing their belly full of food probably in some comfort pajamas or sweats. Anyone who has a sorta food baby obsession of filling they're belly may be down for some bit of inflation. The obvious is belly expansion, breast and butt is a maybe but these partners obsession with be more on the lines of a full belly so not saying they're nessasarly put on a blueberry suit and let you roll them around but mostly they'll be down for probably belly stuff and maybe they'll bait you into horny bliss with the whole blueberry paint (full body or just a bit on the nose doesn't matter) and or cheek puff pushing they're belly out maybe some mentos or soda as they'd be down for that sensation of fullness and soda sloshing inside the belly might give them a thrill.

So honestly foodie types or subs might be best bet although I lean if you can convince a foodie to wear a blueberry suit you'll probably get better fullness sounding roleplay out of them then a sub where as full tight drum belly is more just they're favorite thing in general vs subs is being used like someones sex doll or the thought of it at least.
Another way to put it:

You most likely wouldn’t be telling someone about this fetish unless they’re already having sex with you or have a relating personal reason. I’m other words you’d build trust with the person first then tell them.

That’s the trouble with “finding” someone with a berry fetish online. Unless someone has a berry persona online you’d never find out they have the fetish because otherwise they would have no general reason to tell you. Even then with the persona in this post-doxxing world even completely legit non fetish randos are afraid to let people know who they really are so add a berry fetish in the mix and just lol

About 2018 was a sweet spot where the internet was just free enough and people trusting enough that people were freely showing pics of themself in community spaces. The internet zeitgeist turning massively toxic and cancel culture based changed all of that which is why such an endeavor is practically impossible now sans knowing someone personally

Basically certain types demanded we cancel whole human beings over their past with impunity and no nuance so now we have a socially closed off internet sphere compared to what we grew up with. Be careful what you wish for.
I’ll make a deeper response but want to drop this for the moment since I only barely skimmed what you wrote. Subs make for natural berries and it’s great. Stick a sub in a blueberry suit and they’ll have a naturally greater time than someone who is usually the dom Wonka being out in them.

I would gladly stick a willing sub in a berry suit if she so wishes ✨🌊
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Finally a side note speaking of blueberry suit it might be something a normie would be down for if anything less I've always thought the idea of being rolled around in an inflatable ball thought out the living room with your arms pinned out might be someone's idea of a fun afternoon and you might not even have to be into inflation

I mean there exists multiple forms of ball or inflatable ball based recreational hobbies so the question is if someone is willing to take it into the bedroom. If anything less this relationship would more so be sub in nature if your partner feels horny but at best probably them more or less enjoying a couple hours out of the week or month every blue moon to roll around inside said suit where you get some horny maybe at best you sexually please them or give them some smooches and they get this fun roll around feeling of what it's like to essentially be like a bowling ball.

So very much no different that one or the recreational hobbies below I mean just look at these suits they kinda do make great non sex based toys if you want them to be although for the person with the inflatable fetish they'll be sweating the entire time said partners in it which might not be best you give your husbando or something an erection or soiled undies during the family potluck..
The funny thing about the “blueberry suit” as it’s known is that at its core it’s not a fetish item at all. It’s technically just a costume nothing more nothing less. If you want to argue against that then don’t you dare try to rationalize 71’ as a base film production.

Lol family potluck.. ☀️ not to dismiss what you’ve written but basically what I’m saying is it’s just a suit and it’s one of those things that once the situation is in motion everything kind of just comes together naturally whether you’re using it for basic filming reasons or there’s another element involved that both parties are aware of.

I’ve never thought about foodies that much but I guess you’re right in that regard. Whatever floats their boat and makes them feel so full! :) it’s a shame that for me paint is an actual turn off. It looks to unnatural for me and takes me out of it immediately and kills my election. Oxymoronic I know but that’s just how I roll. Still a great and loving sentiment though
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Only downside is everyone is always changing like $500+ a suit which makes these more of a luxury compared to if their was one marketed at let's say $200 to $100 dollars that someone might just casually throw in there eBay/amazon cart on day doesn't help most sites like eBay even though no rule against it doesn't have the good rolling quality hongyi stole one they have them more in passing on Alibaba and kink based websites which be your best bet sadly

Like look at the prices of some of these balls compared to the kink based ones like seriously we need a cheaper roll around and poppable alternate release on the market

Point made there's options and it's not seriously hard but it's also like good luck when it comes to the inflation scene date wise.
You’re right about the fact that berry lovers are pretty omnibus. Anybody that gets off to a woman literally becoming a new species is gonna think a little air or water in the gullet is nothing.

Not only that but from my experience the berry is mostly tied to the scenario itself and not so much the visuals when compared to more vanilla inflation. Berry also has explicit dom/sub dynamics whereas someone with a baseline inflation kink would be more willing to just settle on a plain drawing or something without backstory whereas with berry the story itself is a main event. I mean tropes like gum and blue and karma are pretty intrinsic to the experience.

That or you can just focusing on how full of herself she was ;)
True I see it like what they tell you growing up as a kid.

To you this may be a wrapping paper tube but with my imagination it's a light saber and I'm fighting a blueberry gender bent Darth Vader on a space station trying to pop her and end her reign of terror. (Or something like that i don't know)

But yeah definitely more uses than just a bedroom sex toy as long as it's strong enough to handle such things
They’re a luxury indeed that require a lot of saving of money and determination though it’s worth it if you can reach that summit. Only a few years ago the concept of a properly rollable berry costume was a pile dream so the cost of one now feels like nothing compared to “impossible” ten years ago. Kink based on a have always been crap.

The ones produced overseas are the best quality but cost a bit accordingly so. It helps that they’re not manufactured to be a kink suit either but just a baseline costume essentially.

And yeah good luck dating wise. Finding a partner, access to a suit, etc. is all a pipe dream nowadays which is why having any of that is like winning the lottery and worth fostering.

Hopefully that puts a lot of things into perspective.
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That said I think that about covers it for me with this topic everything is its own experience give or take but it can be ruff out there

Not to mention everytime you get to a certain point dating wise it's like practically wearing a name tag at some point in the relationship that says hi I'm so so I like men/women/ otherwise turning into big parade blimps. Still wanna date me? And explaining it out slowly for them to understand them waiting what envitable answer that awaits you
Still I feel we could make a version that's cheaper maybe less durable at best for like $200

That way if you want cheap efficient over quality of a 500 one then be my guest plus you'll probably sell more that way sometimes supply and quantity makes you more money than just quality alone not saying quality should be ditched but that quality should be what you want out of it.

If your planning on Popping it anyways why not go for something thats less money vs something you wanna roll in your entire lifetime
It can be rough but we Stay Positive like Charlie told us!

The answer on my end would be yea, is still love to date I hope you do too! Like I said Think Positive is always nice ✨
I’ve been around long enough to know that doesn’t work but maybe in another decade the market will be big enough. But yeah nice talk though I don’t like the cryptic vibe. Kind of kills the mood
I don’t mind the visual just the negative subtext dating comment at the end. Really doesn’t leave a good taste or help your objective in massaging mood regardless if your aim is honeypot or genuine connection.

If that is your goal, to kill the mood, then all you’ve accomplished is losing trust and making me that much less impressionable to your words so yeah, bad play
You’re not making me feel good as I try to sleep for the night after a day I’m trying to make the most of and I don’t like that all. Big L who ever you are.
I legitimately feel traumatized right now by my feeling of helplessness I’m getting flashbacks. It’s not funny you’re hurting me.
Julia you’re a piece of human garbage and you’ve thrown all the trust I foolishly gave you in my head again out. You are legitimately evil.
Julia death is on your radar.
Don’t think for one second that a knife slashing your throat isn’t the endgame if darth “wins”. Evil must be met with evil and your time is done.
Don’t think for one second that if your pure evil wins it won’t be met with evil. I’m prepared to do what I must if you unjustly take my life as I know it away. I’ve been where you’re at before. Can easily be there again. One bad moment while your guard is down. It’s already happened before..

Trust me I’ve already planned it out for you in case you truly make it necessary Samus.
I thought you were mocking me because I’m so traumatized by how much you’ve willfully bamboozled me. Hindsight is making me think. Of course as usual actions are too late and trust is scarce. I’m sorry. I really am. We’re both hurt j
Specifically the idea of breakup
I'm a bi dude but I am a sub Inflatee/feedee and I'm looking for a dom or even a with to make me fatter or inflate me rather then someone to do that to
Lol witchy inflation time
Fuck it whatever you want idm
/co/ faguette says how much she loves comics, hates Dobson, and defends infl and tells a story how she wears a baggy tee because she almost got caught by a delivery.
You learn to read woman in writing/typing.
>>60114 (OP)
Most of the "women" in this community have dicks or are leabians, simple as.
It wasn't always so.
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>stories from a relationship thread has been bumped off the catalogue
Oh no. Anyways.
Consented non-con, dub-con, going past the safeword, and sleep, what's your story or fantasy? Has the pump up affected your dreams?
Is dd88bd a bot?
Cnc and pushing past the safeword is the only way and best way for a blimp like me to get inflated tbh
These stories? There were were a few others in recently bumped threads and inflation relationship anecdotes I saved just in case of bump! These aren’t bad at all!
Two girlfriends eat at a restaurant. Suddenly they both begin to expand. Their bellies balloon, faces become softer, cheeks bulge & double chins form. Breasts & asses expand too, hips, arms & thighs joining in.
Buttons pop, seams rip, & they're left only in bras & panties. Soon they're both massive blimps, overcome with belches & horny ecstasy. Suddenly all the women (customers, chefs, servers) blow up too! Everyone is overcome with rotund sexiness & horniness.
In a room with a bed i would start to inflate my ex ass first then let her boobs grow behind this isn't an air type inflation but mass like skin fat, but her tits would fill with milk and her ass ripping her jeans would let her ass fill till it was big enough to take two couch cushions then just let her boobs grow enough till the rip her shirt.
Would let her grow my dick big enough to penetrate the ass meat and her tits. Then be gone after the sex
Here’s another cause why not?! Fairly decent one too!
EDIT: *grammar mistake my apologies*
If you genuinely want to be inflated, how would you want IT to happen?
Also how would I want it for me to happen?
I would like to be inflated with air, with a hose in my mouth. I would want my future (hopefully) girlfriend who is also into inflation (maybe) to do it. I want it to be at a location, full of beautiful ladies just watching me.
(I'm not the star of the show, but I feel like ladies need a break and would have fun seeing dudes become balloons and I would volunteer.) @g I want to be a huge blimp. First my cheeks, then my stomach (just round and soft), then my ass (so huge and puffy, I want to squeeze it), then my hands and feet and then everywhere else, as big up to just the bursting point.
My face will just pretend to be in shock. My eyes will me wide open as I'm blowing up, when in reality, I'm really enjoying it. I'm just seeing all the beautiful woman on the ground, smiling as my ballooned is in the air thinking about the fun I'm having right now.
After I'm inflated to the size of a blimp, my (hopefully future inflation loving) girlfriend will tie my with a string and carry me around. Eventually, once I get bored, she can deflate me, flying all around and being back to normal.
SHORT ANSWER: I would want to be inflated with air, to a blimp, by my (future) girlfriend, in front of some other girls.
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Yeah any stories worth saving I kept in case of bump don’t worry! I wasn’t going to let good anecdotes get bumped off especially once I caught on around the time of this image just how unique and timely some of them would be!
Some anecdotes that stuck out to me!
For me it's about 75% observing women getting inflated, 25% them inflating me.
Lately I've found it a pretty fun fantasy to have a sarcastic female Wonka poking fun at
me while I undergo humiliating transformation into a blueberry.
This next one was when I realized what was going on and correctly called it! And by that I mean that inflation can be so specific sometimes!
Bit of both as of late. Unfortunately, the appeal of being the inflatee is taking over and now thoughts of sexy women pumping me up to be their balloon is more arousing than watching women inflate themselves.
Guess it's just the idea of being desirable enough that they'd do that to me is what's arousing. Probably not a good sign mentally.
> Tfw no gaggle of spelluser amazons to inflate me.
So no don’t worry nothing of note bumped off into the nether and was lost on this end! 🌊
Oh yeah it was storypalooza that got bumped away now that I’m looking back good thing I saved the best spurts that were actually worth saving! 🌊💦
>They're all just dumb as hell and spend their time bouncing on dick after dick, hardly even applying themselves to College, they're too busy fucking all the professors for good grades
>Suddenly, all of them begin to spontaneously inflate, one after another
>Sometimes their growth is centered on their boobs, sometimes it's their ass, sometimes it's the creamy, tender belly spurting out from their bared midriff
>Nobody is sure why or how, and the room is erupting into panic, as the beautiful, blonde beauties rapidly bloat into little more than a series of bubbles, pushing into one another and gradually working to fill the room
"Like, Oh my God??!! What is actually going on, like legit?!?"
"Stop looking at my tiddies!!!"
>Some sobbing as they desperately use what little extends from their spherical bodies at this point to push back against the bloating walls of their stomachs, mascara running down the sides of their bulging neck as they lose any vestiges of the sculpted bodies they so covet
"I-I was s-so.... sk-skinnnniiieee!!!"
>Slowly, the moans, gasps, and giggles alike are all gradually drowned out by the cacophony of their growth, swelling to fill the room they sit and bulging out the door to greet dozens of panicking partygoers filing towards the exit
>Little can distinguish the blondes from outright spheres at this point, as their sputtering, writhing heads rise out from the perfectly smooth, tightened balls that grew to replace their stick-thin figures of old
›They call em' bombshells for a reason.
you don't, you get a gf/bf bc you love them. you can probably find a gf/bf into inflation but this is like the most niche kink or fetish out there. inflation might be more normalized and common in the future, there's already a bigger following than before, but point is you don't go for a gf/bf for kink or fetish reasons. spend time with your partner and do stuff you both like, whether it's walking down the park or going to carnivals. if you do love them you would do anything for them, and they might do anything for you. in the end when you both love eachother a lot, they might show interest in what you like because they love you a lot.
>>69282 What a nutting fuck.
>get a bf/gf
>make up an elaborate plan to get them into inflation
Find somebody that is kinky and open to trying new things. In my experience, tease them by saying "Yeah I have a strange kink..." then they'll be like ""oh, what is it?" Then keep playing by saying "It's really weird idk if I should tell you..." This will make them interested. The right one will want to explore it with you even though they aren't necessarily into it.

Btw does anyone have irl inflation methods? Think the old thread got deleted.
Talk to them.
Wasn't there a website called Dark Fetish that hosted some stories that were translated into Russian and English?
switched sides just like that?
I’m honest to goodness pretty heartbroken right now
Go hug your teenaged witch. Oh wait she gone lol
>>78033 Who is that? Is she Canadian? Do you know her name?
>>78035 lol who the fuck is that? Silly bitch, I thought you were talking about reel "levatating" witches from Canada. Stop wasting my time, boy. Because you don't understand or believe something? Get the fuck out of the way. I know what I've seen with my own eyes.
I'm starting to think these are bots.
No just an idiot desperately trying to slide threads they don’t want in the catalog out and failing miserably at it lol
I think the thread slider is the one posting new threads without checking first.
>>78047 I don't know wtf you're talking about, but I am trying to see if I can help somebody while finding out more information about terraplaning
> Who is that? Is she Canadian? Do you know her name?
> lol who the fuck is that? Silly bitch, I thought you were talking about reel "levatating" witches from Canada. Stop wasting my time, boy. Because you don't understand or believe something? Get the fuck out of the way. I know what I've seen with my own eyes.
What the fuck are you talking about anon? No one mentioned anything of the above until you went word salad on us. Lay down the bottles and apply yourself for once
>>78057 Dome replied to me saying something about witches. I guess anon removed the post using the password.
That's why I'm thinking it's a bot.

Serious time? Did I miss something?
>it's true
Either they're more open or something in their popular culture is different...
Fyi I would totally blow this chick up like a party balloon

Anyways continue coping onward
Any news?
yeah, turns out youre gay
(2.2 MB, 457x498, abigail-shapiro-abigail.gif)
Economy inflation jokes are the only political jokes I recognize.

INFLATE ALL POLITIC PEOPLE inflate aoc, inflate Ben Shapiro, Abby Shapiro, joe Biden half of Congress,ALL OF CONGRESS!

inflate everyone of the whether you love or hate them into big round puffy balloons they watch them bitch about this is what Inflaton does to the economy like the perverted fetish joke it should be!

Like people joke but come on I can't help but get horny when someone mentions inflation in economy because my brain instantly thinks of balloon people!

Politics be damned but that shit makes me bricked up!

I dare you to say something else, and I double dare you to make it funny.
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I don't know I really got nothing right now lol like I said politics ain't my joke field but balloons are and pumping up some Internet celebs regardless of their viewpoints on whatever just sounds fun come on

>Look at Abby Shapiro and AOC and tell me you wouldn't fatten those hips!

But my point is why bitch when you can blimp!

>Fuck gay frogs I'm putting chemicals in the water to make political figures into pool floats

It's Dexter's Laboratoryyyyyy. He's the smartest boy you've ever seeeeeen, but DD blows his experiments to smiiithereeeeeeens. Theresissu naoof why things go boom........... in Dexter's lab!

It would'vebeen funnier had you put a green bong ontop of the snake.
There's a cute story on Reddit by a femcel who found that her bf was into it and pressed him into inflating her.
"There's doom and gloom when things go boom"
You kidding? Behind stuff like feet, inflation is one of the most common fetishes I can think of.
I forgot: they were Skandinavians.
Bullshit. Inflation is pretty rare it's just seen more cause normies like to point and laugh and say autismo because so few of them have it. Breast shit don't count
I dont think its rare, among the fetishes I think it might be the most prevalent. Tons of art by thousands of different artists. Though I think thats partially because inflation, or really expansion in general spreads across so many different genres of porn. And even the most vanilla people would probably be into someone getting a fatter ass or bigger tits.

As for finding someone into inflation, I think your best bet would be awaken a new fantasy. Lots of us found inflation when we were younger and it took hold. Other people probably would be turned on by it to if they connected to it the same way we do.
Chances are, if you find a partner, they are into something already. BDSM, humiliation, etc. You can find a way to tie that back into inflation.
Inflation is kind of like bondage already. Humiliation is a common theme in alot of inflation scenarios. Actual inflation can be painful due to pressure or cramping. I think the biggest factor is being open to it, and deciding how much of a deal breaker it is if your partner is dead set on not being into, or cooperative with your fantasies.
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There are three women in my life who know about my fetish and I am now married to the most recent one.
The first claimed to have a breeding kink, but I'm convinced that it was me projecting on to her and that she was just trying to make me happy.
The other two were less interested in inflation and more interested in turning me on. I'm no psychologist but all the women I've been intimate with and/or spoken to about fetishes, kinks, etc seem to approach them from a different angle to men, leaning more towards concepts rather than material stimulus. My wife deeply enjoys talking kink with me because of how much it turns me on, not because she actively enjoys it. She poses for me and tells me all sorts of kink related things, but I doubt she would ever actually introduce a pump in to our foreplay. I also wouldn't want to force it on to her - I enjoy doing it to myself but know that's the kink talking and realistically, it would be an unpleasant experience for her.

Semi-related but we have also had kids and pregnancy was hugely disappointing. My wife looked fantastic but I was unable to separate the kink side from reality: the person I love was going through something that was uncomfortable and potentially dangerous. This actually lead to me questioning a bit more deeply what I actually enjoyed about inflation and pregnancy.

Pic unrelated but enjoyable.
Told my girlfriend about it after hemming and hawing, she just thought it was kinda neutral. Said I ruined the 2005 movie when she watched it with friends later, all she could think about was me during the violet scene. hasn't come up since.

feeding comes up all the time, though. she's already fat which i love, and teases me about how hungry/full she is when she wants to fuck with me. i don't think she's into it at all, but it's banter.

what's weird is that she doesn't really have much in the way of fetishes/kinks beyond just being a submissive. idk, i guess the internet made me think kinks were like astrology signs: everyone has em even if you don't give them attention. i've asked her multiple times what kind of thing i should try, but she's vanilla. it's fine, probably just a quirk of women's brains vs men's.
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I don't get why y'all go for Wonka.
Find yourself a man or woman who wants you and they'll want to make you happy.
there a link to this or a u/ because I have to read this
It’s not about finding someone into the same kink as you. It’s about finding someone that’s sexually open and curious, and you need to reciprocate by expressing interest in whatever sexual things they enjoy.

That alone will go along way.

I’m 34, have a very healthy sex life with my now wife and similarly with previous partners. Every partner of mine since I was like 20 has known about all of my kinks and participated in all of it. Real inflations, fantasy stuff, using props, inflatable suits, etc.

Just be confident, open, honest and RECIPROCATE. Do not center your sex life around your fetishes. It should be something that adds to your sex life with your partner, not an obsession.

Just my 2c.
So how should I go about it. I'm asexual due to PSSD from a young age and I'm only into feederism and inflation so what should I do and go about this in a way to satisfy a sexually open partner and get some one to inflate and or fatten me

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