
(180 KB, 1505x1141, ojBYq_nk.jpg_large.jpg)
Inflation that centers around gaseous expulsions from either top or bottom. Reminder to ignore certain individuals who shall remain nameless that will no doubt take umbrage at this thread. :)
Any videos or animations centered around this niche would be great and very much appreciated
I still like to imagine gassy inflation triggered by a magic whoopee cushion. Maybe created by Harley Quinn
the agony of being really into gas in terms of like, desperately trying to relieve a buildup of pressure, but being really not into The Stank
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That's why blueberry is best paired with gas, berry scented farts.

I know it is kinda pussy to be against the stank, but I do wish that "good smelling gas" was more of its own niche. Even just recoloring the fart cloud can do a lot to change how my dumb brain perceives it.

Also, while it's kinda ridiculous to admit it, I think it's a part of the reason why I like darkfireballz's brap pics. Something about a brown fart cloud seems better than a green one to me. No clue why.
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ah, shit i think i saw a shygal oc once but i think it got canned, if you know whos the artist i would apreciate it (like this one but a sequence)
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i should just post my stash eh?
frist and third one are from moladeva on furaffinity and the sequences are from personifiedPoodle on twitter idk the rest tho
Does anyone have any videos or animations for this? I can see what I have in my collection too and upload stuff if I find anything.
You know, I do enjoy the idea where actually farting causing you to inflate. The more you fart, the bigger to get. So you would literally fart until you pop, thus turning you into a massive stink bomb
Anyone got good burping ones? Not the biggest fan of farts
Thank you, I appreciate it. I still haven’t gotten a chance to look at my collection so I’ll do that when I get the chance. Does anyone else have anything, whether it’d animated or “real life” like certain studios that I won’t mention the name of?
If i'm reading the bottom right correctly,i'm pretty sure it's JakbenImbel
(3.8 MB, 3500x3800, (Comm)_Slob.png)
I can keep this up much longer than you can.
where'd you get this?
source on that first one please
artist behind the Daisy one?
(578 KB, 1345x961, Gassy_Berry.png)
There's something extra humiliating about gas in inflation scenarios, especially blueberry. Not only are you unable to control your size and how fat/round you get, but being unable to control your bowels is a whole new level of shame. Now everyone sees you as both a big, fat, round ball, AND an absolutely smelly slob of a ball at that. It could only be worse if, even post juicing, constant eruptions of gas were unstoppable, leading to further embarrassment. Yes I love gassy blueberry ladies, how could you tell?
Would someone be able to make an edit of this where she's blue, and ripping massive berry ass? Also, what's the source?
Actually genuinely curious how people got into blueberry farts and what's so attractive about it. I just remember seeing the 05 blueberry scene and just thought "wouldn't it be more embarrassing if she just let one rip?" It was all downhill from there, and to this day, though I like the idea of being squeezed between two juicy cheeks, inhaling blueberry scented gas, I've always liked the humiliation the comes with it. Something about being a fat, round berry in from of a group of strangers isn't shameful enough, they need to be passing gas constantly for the embarrassment to really hit
There’s cringe, and then there’s TheHungryLurker.
I wish he had done more.
Love this concept of fart deflation it’s really hot and funny
>>64049 we gotta find someone to color this
who is the artist
Could we please get a reupload of the files?
>>59919 (OP)
Is male gassy inflation also acceptable here?
lol why are (((they))) have a breakdown over our humble thread?
Aw someone’s big mad lol
Don’t be a farty shithead and you won’t inflate simple as that
Talking to yourself doesn’t make the justified guilt and self-loathing go away
Seems berryfuckers are the ones who need to do some self-reflection on guilt and self-loathing being that you clearly have immense inferiority complexes about these harmless threads.
Look in a mirror and stop acting like mommy.
How did you even assume this had anything to do with berries it’s a gas thread?? You keep revealing yourself just fucking stop
Look in a mirror and stop projecting like mommy. Also if they’re so harmless why waste and obsess over this board for months?

Also how did you even assume this had anything to do with berries it’s a gas thread?? You keep revealing yourself just fucking stop
>Also if they’re so harmless why waste and obsess over this board for months?

Tell me where this thread hurt you, berrybro. It'll be OK. Freakinweirdo will come and get his grand amount of a fans to delete this thread right away.
You’re so pressed. Just accept you’ve been in the wrong this whole time. Once again who tf is talking about berries? Get Help.
Here you go with the leveraging past trauma. Alex. Stop while you’re ahead.
Who tf is talking about berries. Or FW? You have problems get a real therapist and seek help.
You do know you can make your incoherent point in one post without having to jump between IPs, right?
I see you have nothing of substance to say and for good reason
Needed to switch to another IP just to grace us with that pearl of wisdom did you?
Or maybe I’m on a phone moving from cell tower to another?
This is the definition of overthinking
@peachbellies on twitter
A comm not yet posted.
You missed the blueberry thread by a country mile.
I have two questions

1.) Do you have the source?

2.) Does the artist have an alt where she's just burping? No farts?
You’ve accomplished nothing but it’s fun to see you pretend you have victories because you need more copium in your pathetic little life (:
wha is this i feel like i just had a stroke
good image btw
where's this from?
This guy came out of nowhere and just started dropping bangers.
(4.5 MB, 2436x1125, F21A0A5C-9DDC-4C25-8903-8FD822A7A88C.png)
Let’s see a 4v1 where you had all the clandestine advantage yet lost it in weeks and continue to fall. Your bluffs won’t work and you still haven’t stopped the inevitable Violet! 🫐
Plus let’s be honest
It’s not like I haven’t caused a rightful permanent critical hit to you fatty so your words are just fuel for me. All of this advantage and you’re still beaten to shit lmfao
Also the fact you just told me this umprompted out of the blue proves you can’t. You would just do so otherwise and prove it in the long run. But you need a change up that won’t work
What you did do though is prove to me even more you’re the broken jewel
There’s four of you but I’m learning your styles and antics quick and taking advantage accordingly (;
You can be really blame the idiot with glasses for making that one obvious.
Berryfuckers would not be in such a permanent state of seethe if you had any advantage. This thread is also still here despite your best efforts. So tell me another one.
>I already told you I can keep this up much longer than you.
You literally just said you could outlast while chastising me for trying to outlast.
I understand gaslighting is second nature to you but it won’t work on me. Look at you blowing your typical cover just to type what you have. It’s obvious a nerve was permanently struck yesterday (;
You really have no idea how this works.
Do you think it was merely coincidence that this thread went dormant the same time as yours, and sprung back into activity when yours did? Is this somehow being lost on you? Berryfucker arrogance is really something remarkable.
I just researched the coords your dumbass posted and realized who you are. How are you this mentally retarded?
Literally what the fuck are you talking about? Are berryfuckers legitimately so schizo you need to make up insane shit because a thread you dislike exists?
Sad fat virgin white man in their 30s
I’m surprised someone hasn’t merc’d you by now
Wow that's not very nice, I am NOT Songbird/Diamondback!
To the witches and co that I also know are here. This is the Nazi. This is why you had no business coming in here and getting yourselves wrapped up in shit you don’t understand
Too late now!
Where'd you find this? Familiar with the artist, but not sure if this is by them or someone else
I knew berryfuckers were pathetic and retarded, but wow buddy.
Dude just asking a question, no need to project
My dude. You're on a fetish forum flaming people. Go touch some grass.
>to project
>Go touch some grass.
We aren't on Reddit.
>Berryfucker gets caught samefagging and posting in bad faith
>d-d-d-d-d-dude t-t-t-t-touuuuch suh-suh-suh some GRASS...!

OK berryfucker. You don't even know how to reply properly, piece of shit.
lol so mad over nothing.
Teach Me Miss Suki by MilkyBody/MaboCorescant(sp?) on FurAffinity. It's all public but is ongoing.
Then touch fat titty
That's an interesting name.
well that's him, you can find it on Kemono
What the hell is it with dis cord being word filtered, anyway?
Would anyone be kind enough to upload mofuuwafuwa's slob stuff from Patreon?
(983 KB, 2257x1491, twpbdancergirl7_gassyver.jpg)
HornyMustardSauce is a relatively underground artist that I've been following for a while with a really bombastic style, and they often do slobby stuff but keep it on Patreon. I don't suppose anyone is willing to share?
Guess that's one way you can say "ugly as sin."
This is really the best you can do now? How sad.
You guys got any D.va slob?
Hello, would it be possible for a reup please?
Maybe a longshot, but does anyone have images along the lines of "facesitting fart inflation"? Always loved the idea of someone sitting on another's face and then inflating that person by farting in their mouth. And I feel like the amount of times I've actually seen it, I could count on 1 hand.
Source of the last two?
I see you are also of patrician tastes. Nothing more humiliating than being transformed into a fart balloon. Godspeed in your quest to find this rarest of jewels.
I think that's it
Is that Punt? Where did he post *THAT*!?
(544 KB, 3104x1746, cork-lede.jpg)
Anyone down for eating a shit ton of taco bell and shoving a cork or two up they're ass? See what happens!
He's still going, so yeah.
Not nearly as based as eugenics anon.
This fucking clown again.
That’s a really cute wavy kiss for those two!
>>73273 Yeah I'm a fan. It's refreshing to see b/g instead of lesbian content it's the worst. This is a breath of fresh air.
It’s really nice to see this gassy girl sliding right into this lucky guy’s lips
You’re right
Great stuff but I can see how it can become boring after the novelty wears off
Every day when I wake up, before I even open my eyes, I smile from ear to ear just because I remember that I’m not that autistic faggot.
>>73314 That sounds horrifying. I hope you never have children, but if you do and uou don't abort them, may God have mercy on them.
got to be thankful for the small things like not being an actual fuсking lolcow
Why would you want to have 1 guy and 1 girl instead of 2 girls?
I don’t know what you’re okay with or not I’m assuming yeeting me into space is still the desire for you two
If you are very strict about not crossing into any shenanigans then I’m completely okay with that and that’s that.
The real problem is gone so I’m okay with anything
Also that wasn’t me that other night. Idk wtf that was either on the board and unfortunately it wouldn’t be the first time unfortunately
The complete lack of self awareness is what really gets me.
Last I checked I’m still legitimately in the picture for a reason.
Props to sewer rat for outlasting and winning the de facto game.
Made this joke today, she laughed lol

Oh shit! I'm popular!
Imagine having to be his parents when people ask about him…

I was referring to the art posted but yeah I can imagine.
He's such a fucking lolcow, if it weren't for people sucking up to him to get more drawings made with baby's first coloring pencils no one would tolerate that pompous fuck lmao. Why can't people just live and let live, especially in this niche "community"?
I thought he was a relative unknown who's only presence is shitposting on chan sites?
Sweet Jesus, who made this?
Smile for the Camera!
This really is the best you can do at this point, is it?
Don’t you know that posting random DA furry art is the best way to break the machine?
(111 KB, 1482x898, il.png)
Don't suppose anyone has the latest from VanDuo's Patreon?

The less of him in the thread the better.
I have emotions
I am here
He's an incredibly annoying, childish person even by expansion artist standards, he forces his cringe slime OC into every picture, and more seriously the dude went AWOL on Patreon for like 6 months without a single word of explanation to his patrons or simply pausing payments. Pretty scummy.
Fuck off and enjoy your tripped up career you exploitative reactive abusive drunk bigmouth 🍺
Don’t know what this is all about but Big Shot lyrics are actually pretty funny. I’ll post them because it’s relevant to a lot of people online now lol
Well, you went uptown riding in your limousine
With your fine Park Avenue clothes
You had the Dom Perignon in your hand
And the spoon up your nose
And when you wake up in the morning
With your head on fire
And your eyes too bloody to see
Go on and cry in your coffee
But don't come bitchin' to me
Because you had to be a big shot, didn't you
You had to open up your mouth
You had to be a big shot, didn't you
All your friends were so knocked out
You had to have the last word, last night
You know what everything's about
You and to have a white hot spotlight
You had to be a big shot last night
They were all impressed with your Halston dress
And the people that you knew at Elaine's
And the story of your latest success
Kept 'em so entertained
Oh, but now you just don't remember
All the things you said
And you're not sure you want to know
I'll give you one hint, honey
You sure did put on a show
Well, it's no big sin to stick your two cents in
If you know when to leave it alone
But you went over the line
You couldn't see it was time to go home
Them going AWOL was primarily because they were "moving", and even then I'm quite sure they've already settled at this point. I always wonder why almost any artist with the smallest amount of interesting art is either a borderline braindead retard or just posts rarely in general.
Not into gassy but the vibe is on point
Do we have Sauce for the pic on the far left? I can't find it anywhere.
looks like ecchipanda
Yup, Ecchipanda/Nylonwave
I remember a comic/sequence where a Thief broke into a Witches Art collection? And was attempting to steal something if my memory serves right.

The Witch spots the intruder, and casts a spell on her, making her bloat up with her own gasses.

Anyone remembers as well and maybe knows a source or can share that comic?
Thank you very much! Couldn't help but wanting to see the whole thing again.

Nostalgia made it look quite a bit nicer in my head than it actually is, but I still like it.
what do you mean?
there's literally a Captain Underpants TV show episode where the antagonist inflates everyone with it's own farts.

Yes, really.
Non-gassy alts requested.
Spice for this one?
Holy shit, where did that come from?
I gotta know the sauce
Sauce is punt the poodle you can find them on kemono party
Whos his character?
Dino Crisis Regina
Who's making these? Love the style
you people are so fucking dumb you deserve getting bullied by berrychads
Yeah i'm sure a prolific and famous artist like woot would totally be down for drawing this nauseating filth
Lmao imagine getting mad at porn, gonna bust a nut to this one just for you 👄
(5.1 MB, 5919x3000, daisypeachcomm2_b.png)
Ooo berryfucker has lead in his pencil today! Back off guys, I think he means business!
I mean as long as I'm getting paid well and I'm not drawing no loli crap personally I don't care. farts don't bother me! I grew up with dealing with siblings fart jokes all my life lol so what's a little fart filled inflation drawing gonna hurt? Personally I don't kink shame you do your thing no questions from me as long as what I'm drawing or morphing is 18+ that's all I care for I got bills to pay your farts are your business and my pleasure to draw if the price is right.
Nobody cares about your dogshit scribblings, Van. I'm amazed you took time out of martyring the troon school shooter to shill your trash here.
Poor little vanny tranny needed to run to janny!
Stop spamming your trash here, Van.
Stop spamming your trash here, Van.
there's a schizo who really doesn't like van for political reasons and complains whenever van's art is posted anywhere
Source on that????? Can i get source???
Anyone got some stories with this concept?
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Hunting for sauce
Pretty sure this is by OddTenn on twitter
Funny and original.
What's your point?
Thread bumplocked, get yer stuff saved and abandon ship
Sure would be a shame if I made another thread, wouldn't it?
Poop fart

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