
>>59795 (OP)
It comes out tomorrow, you know that right?
Oh jeez my bad, oh well let's keep this as a expansion fan comics thread
In that case, does any one have Helium X issues 3 and 4?
>>59795 (OP)
We’ll this came out today.
So does anyone have a copy?
Does anyone have Swell Heist 3?
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The former has been uploaded
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Can I ask you a question-has anyone managed to get the comic perform under pressure 2?I will say in advance that I am not the same person who created this topic-I was just intrigued by the comic and would like to read it)
is there any news, progress on perform under pressure 2?
Question to those who have read is is there popping? Or lesbian romance sub plot
Same comic lol
Anyone got it?
Any news?
Any real news not jokes
Anyone have that?
There's a beg thread you know
Any one?
And if you don’t you like it just fuck you creep
Come on it must be somewhere
lmao, you all are pathetic
If you really want it, you could just buy it.
Just shut up creep
If you are so rich why you are in this web?
Any real new? Not just creeps with idiotic comments
Just shut up idiot
(311 KB, 200x251, 200w.gif)
Creep what's creeping here outside me in your mom's bedroom with the garden hose

Also know as me literally blowing your mom

Your mother didn’t say so when I fuck her in the ass 😝
There isn’t the number 2
So the link is useless
I'm trying to be nice you jackass

be useful no nice cocksucker
the comic was released almost a month ago. Does anyone have any results?
It's actually been a month since the comic was released, does anyone have any news?
Footage from the first part, it is on the Internet. I would like someone to throw off part 2, it has not yet been possible to read it.
Anyone have helium x 5?
any news from perform under pressure 2?
Jesus, give it a rest?
Well i got a copy of it yesterday. and it may seem odd but in return i'm looking for a few TMC clips.
The Assassin
A VERY Strange Day at The Spa
Catfighting Firehose Burglar
Catfighting Firehose Roommate
Firehose Revenge
Ambush Inflation Revenge and Humiliation
Big Fat Stomach Revenge
Forced Inflation Belly Perfection
also looking for a Blowup Girls clip called "Mind of its own"
Hello. I'll tell you how it is-the fact that you got this comic is fine. Can I ask you to post it? We have been looking for a very long time. As for your requests with the video, we will try to look for it, if there is a separate branch and they will post it there as an option. But in the meantime, I really ask you to publish this comic here.
I kinda suspect you're BS'ing and trading is lame, but what the hell, some of your requests are good and I even have a few to share. Let's see what you've got for us, anon.
I already have 10 clips from that kind but i need the comic before send you the link
OH SHOOT! my bad guys. forgot to check back in here-if you have the videos that's great. I'm hoping there the ones I've been dyeing to see in full. anyways let me know if this link works and if it doesn't I'll have to find a way of sending PDFs in here
the link is dead
Negative, can't link direct to the site. Upload the PDF to mab or anonfile or something and link that here, should work.
alright then-might take a bit so hang on tight
Or best bet also upload as individual pngs
hey so do you guys want Just the second one or the PDF with both Part 1 and 2?
just the second part please
none of those are ones i requested-and i've already seen or have all those in there. well hopefully someone else will put some i requested. if not then i'm glad now you will all get to see it...i guess
I found others but the system banned me for put them on
Bbwchan? That's fucking dumb
yeah and i really appreciate those ones-great to be able to see them in full. BUT the two that I'm really wanting are
Ambush Inflation Revenge and Humiliation and
Catfighting Firehose Burglar
if i can get those two that would be PERFECT
I must say that your actions are impressive. I'll tell you how it is-at first I thought that you were deceiving us-like you don't have anything, but you pretend that you have a comic and ask for a video for it, and then just disappear. I was pleasantly surprised that you ended up with a comic book and I'm very glad that I was able to read it. Thank you so much for that.
Perhaps it will be too much (brazenly), but if you have-can you throw off the helium x5? That would be cool. But even if you don't have one, we are all grateful for your contribution).
sure i can do that actually. why not. looking to get at least the two clips i REALLY want.. anyone have anything else they want (might not have access to download comics tomorrow)
Cool. No comments. You are a hero and a great fellow. Thank you). Now if you need a comic book-we know who to turn to))
Have they ever done popping? If so can someone post there popping comics please
I had bought a subscription to expansion fan about half a month ago. I’ve been downloading a good majority of their comics almost daily and plan to upload them when my subscription expires. Look out for a heavy dump
Yes, there have been similar things in these comics several times. A small fan of this direction, but I will name a few-Devil's Food, Thar she blows 3, the blue 32
Cool. You are a godsend for this branch, one of the most valuable). Thank you). Now you can see any comic here, even a new one and it's amazing))). I will write here on October 7)).
And so-on October 7, a new comic was released.It's worth trying something, since we have people with opportunities. Please, can someone throw off the comic “Madame Morgan's Parlor of Witchcraft and Magic 2"? It would be cool)

I just read it and it’s good, but I don’t have a cleaner and I’m not sure about their sharing policies. When my subscription comes to an end I’ll share part 1 & 2, but till then I can’t help. Is there any other comics you lot want?
I understand the situation, it's okay). This comic can safely wait-for me it was much more important and fortunately it was thrown off). When you have the opportunity-then post it)
But since you kindly offered, can I ask you for a comic book “The Big Bust-Out“? It is not on the Internet, although it was released a long time ago.Thanks in advance)

Sad News I ran out of the subscription. I’m not sure if I saved Big Bust Out beforehand, but I’ll check. Expect the dump within the next few days and I will be bumping it for a while.

Most importantly here’s Morgana’s issues 1 & 2 along with Perform Under Pressure issues 1 & 2

Most importantly here’s Morgana’s issues 1 & 2 along with Perform Under Pressure issues 1 & 2

Enjoy :)
There’s more to come btw it’s just more convenient to give you what you want rn
Out of a favor to them I'd wait at least 2 months on anything newer before you post it so they can at least get some dosh but God speed on that one can't wait to see the others
You did a great job-thank you so much for your materials and contribution to this community). You are a very valuable participant on this branch, thank you again)
I'll be honest and straight-I don't want this branch to disappear, because when the time comes, new comics may appear here, because now there are people who can throw them off. Therefore, a small update message)
Can you please re-upload
Someone just drop the old part 2 comic up on fucking 8muses and link it otherwise this will never stop it's old enough at this point
The goal is to not take money from creators mouths and give them time to monetize well at the same time allowing for things not to be forever paywalled so I think it's safe for under pressure two now otherwise will never hear the end of the re-up shit
Well, hello, everyone. After a lot of updates on the site, this branch managed to be far away again. It's time to update it, because as I said, I want to make it last for a very long time (I want to read about candid Cameron 2 and helium x 6, so I'll keep it on the plan), so for the sake of interest I'll ask-does anyone have Blue Dystopia? Even if there is no comic book-thank you for your attention)
can someone please for god sakes upload an image! i cannot access to it at all!
Greetings. The topic just needed to be updated, so I'll answer you-I'll soon throw some images here)).
(210 KB, 561x871, моргана1.jpg) (203 KB, 561x859, моргана2.jpg) (177 KB, 549x863, моргана3.jpg) (221 KB, 547x857, моргана4.jpg)
Considering that Candid Cameron 2 will be released on November 7, I decided to update the group in advance. And in order for the update to be useful, I upload pictures from the previously downloaded comic book “Madame Morgan's Parlor of Witchcraft and Magic 2“, it was asked for a long time ago -now it will remain on this page). But I will say right away-there is not one page (well, I just couldn't help but do it, the topic scares me), but I hope it won't hurt to read. I hope it will be useful)
Well, it's November 7th. Will anyone be able to throw a new Candid Cameron 2 comic here, please? The footage from it looks epic)). I would be very grateful).
(201 KB, 1283x569, кандид.jpg)
It's just that one of the frames of the comic appeared on the official website-and it looks very epic.
So, can anyone throw this comic here, please?
Considering all the facts-if someone can throw off candid cameron 2, then I can throw off the comic "Blue Dystopia" here. No kidding. I just want to read the second part about Cameron).
First of all, thank you for duplicating several comics (re-uploaded). The fact that you have been away for a long time is nothing to worry about, we understand that you have a lot to do). Thank you for your activity.
And second-if it's real, will you be able to download candid Cameron 2?(I know that I'm already tired of everyone with this, but I'm interested in this comic)
Hex Signs 2?
and so-is there a result on the comic?)
My subscription had expired long before I managed to see that comic. Sadly I do not have it. Here’s another contribution to keep the thread going though.

Alien Horizons 1-3: https://mab.to/t/AbZes9deu7E
I'll tell you how it is-it's okay that you don't have a second part about Cameron, sooner or later we'll get it. Maybe someone else will throw it off).
And I thank you for all your efforts and help to the stream, your contribution is very useful. Thank you for keeping it alive and thank you for the Alien Horizons comic)
I'll say this-this time I'll just write a message, knowing that there will be no result. It's just that the topic needs to be updated-there have been so many messages lately that it could get lost. Therefore, does anyone have a Candid Cameron 2 comic?
sorry missed the reup. can someone throw up madame morgana issue 1 again please?
Hello-I think I can fulfill your request. But I won't throw off the download, instead I'll upload the whole comic here-enjoy).
Who will have candid Cameron 2-please throw it off in any form, I will be grateful)
thanks king ❤️
thanks king but do you have a higher quality version
First of all, please). Secondly, unfortunately not, this is the maximum that I could save. But the main thing is that the pictures are clear and you can read the dialogues).
So anyone got perform under pressure part 2?
Does anyone have the swell heist series?
It's worth updating the theme-has anyone been able to find candid cameron 2?
and so-does anyone have any news?
God fucking damn it. They keep making them taller and their heads bigger and it looks like shit. It's like they forgot what scale and proportion are! Inflation doesn't involve someone's spine growing 10 ft longer
People-a global question for everyone-does it make sense to support this topic?
I just wanted to keep it active until helium x6, but it seems to me that there is little interest in it. And the main factor is the person who threw a lot of comics here-most likely won't throw anything else for a long time (and it's a pity, you're doing well-if you're reading this, you helped the group a lot). Therefore, there will be no new materials-why should I bother you and constantly remind you? In general, I am waiting for your opinion.
I wish you would’ve figured this out ages ago that this was pointless with so much pain but barely any gain.
So I guess the gravy train is over because I have nothing else to give for the moment? It feels so ungrateful to give so many comic pieces and then when I’m done for now you try to guilt me into continuing.
I don’t know
Does anyone have Candid Cameron 2?
Now who the fuck are you? And why do you think you can talk to others like that? I bought a subscription recently and shared what I had saved. It doesn’t matter how much people beg for more. You still shouldn’t be going around calling people “ungrateful”. Especially since where are your contributions?
I'm not really trying, and I'm really grateful to you for all the comics you posted. No complaints. I'm just saying the real facts-there probably won't be any new comics, but is it relevant to publish existing ones? That's why I asked this question.No complaints-I assure you.
>> is it relevant to publish existing ones?
Maybe everyone is tired of me, but I wonder if anyone was able to get candid Cameron 2? I tried, but it didn't work out. I just don't want to drop the topic, at least until helium x 6. But if no one has a comic book, perhaps the topic has exhausted itself (but it is not) and it can be completed with this message.
Please end the topic
You know what-now I agree with you. The topic is officially closed and I will not remind you about it anymore.
It was posted recently-look above in the messages.
I have, in all seriousness, but I'll post it when candid Cameron 2 is here.
thank you. I also remember about my words). Soon (during the day-there will be another comic)
OMG!!!! Thank you so much
Please, I promised that if there is a candid cameron 2, then I will post this comic-and since the second part was posted recently, then I decided to do everything. Now I will wait for helium x 6 to be released)
So anyone got expanding interest 4?
Does the new comic the big lunch counts as inflation?

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