
Nice, I almost never see any good art of the counselors aside from 1 preg pic on FA.
>>59574 (OP)
Is that image from something or is it just an edit?
i havent seen this image in Years, thats some old axel shit.
(284 KB, 1280x682, sparkymh32___da_fin_by_newgainsplus_de3lo7z.png) (360 KB, 620x620, comm_sparkymh32.png) (803 KB, 4195x4731, RolyPolyRider.jpg) (848 KB, 4000x3000, roly_poly_9th_graders_by_dark777shadow_df0tlks.png) (1.3 MB, 4500x4000, posey.png) (1.5 MB, 6400x3000, RolyPolyKipoandSong.png)
Well since rolypoly Is my Favorite type of expanded body. Here's some commission and request drawings I've gotten over the last couple of years from several artists nailing some rolypoly gals!
(1.6 MB, 1800x1350, arlo_why.png)

HA! That rolypoly Thao the mail woman from I Heart Arlo was a commission I ordered from popper! And the one with all the ladies rolypoly rolling around was a slot comm. I paid several slots on it. All the chars. except those top 2, those are other person's OCs. And here's an alt he made too!
Glad ya like it happy to make more whenever you wish
Ha that first drawing of a bunch rolypoly gals was from Bearbuddies a slot commission and I paid for the majority of ladies except the 2 at the very top. The other 2 draws are great too!

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