
(78 KB, 650x428, TooMuchSodiuml-1051727580-770x533-1-650x428.jpg)
Take it with a grain of salt but some rumors been going around that 4chan might close sometime in September. Now that's its own thing but are we safe? I'm assuming the system is possibly piggy backing of of them and I'm wondering if mods are working on a alternative server back up in case that comes to pass. Can any mods help quell my worries here. I worry we're about to loose a precious part of this community
This could be nothing but I figured it was worth opening a thread so maybe mods could bring up said issues and quell any future fears or people flipping out or at worst tell us the inevitable

Hell I'm not even sure if they're piggybacking off of those servers or not I might be completely wrong but better to ask than to be sorry
why tf would this site be hosted on 4chan servers? If it was, it wouldn't be using a self hosted chan engine.
>4chan shutting down
God if only
>>55990 (OP)
That was a leaked April Fools prank.
>>55990 (OP)
4chan isn't shutting down, you fell for a joke.
Anyway, 4chan works almost like a containment zone, a quarantine keeping its brand of unabashed, boisterous FREEDOM from getting out and affecting the internet too much.
If 4chan ever went down, BBW-chan would get some refugees, and the site would get a boost of traffic, but would probably stay about the same.
The rest of the internet's fate would entirely depend on how many bunkers are still running, and how many can take a massive influx of new anons.
Still, regardless of the bunkers or how many there are, just about every public social site would be irrevocably altered, made a bit less... polished. Nothing too extreme, but it'd be noticeable.
4chan shutdown would be like internet shutting down
BBWchan should have April fools.
>>55990 (OP)
>The site founded because of a buttthurt 15 year old ginger duped by SomethingAwful
>Welcoming all degenerates including pedophiles
>Backstabbing /pol/acks and /v/irgins during GamerGate and The Fappening
>The site is supposed to be an edgier DeviantArt
There's many altchans, what's the problem?
>>Welcoming all degenerates including pedophiles
I doubt that. Some of the most anti-groomer groups make their base of operation there.
4chans become homogenized like the rest of the internet. Nothing would change since the same boring faggots that browse it are the same ones that already infect report my post, twitter, whatever the fuck. Its not a containment board, its literally babies first, used by everybody. Its only significance in beeing shut down is the novelty of seeing something thats "endeared" for so long finally bite the bullet. But it's already a shambling coarpse anyway. Maybe some of the actually niche chans would eat shit, if there are truly any left. But ill tell you rn bbw isn't one off them. Its the same weirdo autism as the d threads, just stretched out to an entire board. You retards genuinely sound like you were bottle fed pool water as children. But that's beside the point.
If you asking me to lick your balls good sir then I suggest present them if not then I suggest fucking off to the crevasse of dark angst you crawled out of

How is it one dumb question I asked turned into an actual cesspool of salty bitch boy comments
Ah yes the reeee gamergate comment I know a little Karen Birdie when I see one. What's wrong? Did someone dip some nuts down your throat when you were playing your call of duty match on Xbox live back in the day with your buddies alwayssaysthenwordbecauseimaplebparriot69 and cumslayingyourmomwiththesenuts96 and now you feel justified bringing up some stupid fight from back when some bitch decided to complain about the equivalent of a dumb lewd crouching emote making gamers decide it was sexual assault because obviously someone fed they're kid a little too much led paint growning up and now they find it they're duty to share they're stupidity with the rest of the ass eating masses

Fuck off your ass back to whatever rock you called out of gamergate is just as fucking pointless as the fucking Bechtel test fuckers keep bringing up as fact when it was just a stupid collage drinking game gaming isn't that fucking toxic y'all just fucking fun killers that can't get a fucking life so whenever your on a loosing battle you scream this stupid shit over and over like a broken record thinking everytime you say


it's some fucking kid of stupid own to be proud of horrray you killed sexism! you solved world hunger! You made the world one tenth less of a cesspool all because you said the pro birdie word! When in reality your just wasting time and life. Take it from someone in the same bored boat as you and find something that makes you truly happy and fuck off with trying to appease the fucking masses they thrive off depression your never cure them. Just be happy don't become like the rest of these clout chasing plebs
4chan janitors have been going nuts lately enforcing their particular version of the "rules" on the inflation threads in /d/... If they keep it up they'll kill inflation threads and bbw-chan will get an influx anyway.

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