
>>5588 (OP)
We’re is that Image from? The one on the right
Does anyone have the one where HiHi gets puffed up by Yumi?
Right Ruby Pic Was from a dead 4archive thread.
Panty is an anime character, you imbecile.
i hope someone has a zip file of mostly cartoon inflation pics.
(993 KB, 1650x1275, WE_ExPP_BG_2020_48_Catra-Complete50.jpg)
Catra from Netflix's shera (sent to me by a friend)
I believe it's Banna Galactic SeriojaInc or something like that? I don't know I've never used the site personally
is there a Carol (from OK K.O) inflation pics?
Ruby Gloon Uber inflation anyone?
Did this artist leave he hasn't posted on deviantart in a long time
its a shame we never got the 4th pearl
Does anyone remember Mystique Sonia from hero 108...

She in my opinion is a MASSIVE missed opportunity for so many artist out there
Anyone got any solo Princess Bubblegum inflation pics? By solo, I mean by herself with no one else around.
EdgeOfMind on DeviantArt, one of my current favorite inflation artists
Think someone saved the Watsdaword art pieces of Terra inflated with Starfire and Katara and Toph as spheres?
I love to see more content depicting toonification via popping. What does anyone else think?
I can see Princess Bubblegum inflating herself until she bursts as a sort of stress reliever. She is made of bubblegum and can put her body back together.
It's a pity that never happened on the series.
Its also a pity Hoods never got greenlit. I wanted to know more about Loona.
>You find yourself in Toontown
>You find yourself suddenly flattened by something
>You see a silhouette of a tall woman with red haired
>It could either be Jessica Rabbit or it could be Lena Hyena (Jessica Rabbit look alike)

>You decide
Who made the May, Eliza, and Debbie blueberry ones?
Artist is Purple-Monke. Warning though, he's mostly a diaper artist who does the very, very occasional blueberry/inflation pic. But they're good.
(The Eliza and Debbie one, that is)

What character is supposed to be in the 1st image?
Sadie from Steven Universe
SXDeluxe’s Big belly Jessica Cruz pls
Who drew the last two pics and where can I find the artist?
I was talking about the Marie berry pic.
In that case, it was Purple-Monke.
Is it really him?
Yes indeedy.
He mostly draws Diaper stuff.
Body inflation and blueberry
Anyone got a link to where he posts his inflation arts?
I found those pictures on his Pixiv account, but that account has all his other, weirder stuff in it as well, I don't know if he has an account anywhere else, and I doubt he has an inflation only one
Got any more from him?
Nope, those are pretty much the only inflation pictures he's done...
He might make more in the future, who knows.
>>29042 Who made the Android 21 balloon?
>>29548 oXoCandyKissesoXo from DeviantArt.
(344 KB, 1200x1000, 63F41E3B-C301-4412-A16C-6F642F1726E1.png) (66 KB, 467x472, FE008B05-D33A-43A6-B1EE-A035075E8EF7.png) (117 KB, 1000x700, A3DA9569-ABE3-4CB1-8E4E-5E2528B9154F.png)
I made these three pics myself.

The first one is Unikitty and Puppycorn (anthro versions of them, at least), the second one’s just Unikitty inflating in a space suit (like that really brief scene from “Lab Cat”), and the third is a character from a show called “Astroblast” named Halley.

My friend started hyperfixating on the show not long ago, and at first, I didn’t really care… But then I saw that the show had a tomboyish female bunny character so… Welp, I had to. XD
>>32314 How's that blorb Kitty Katswell idea coming along?
Well, I didn’t say for sure I’d do it.
Got to say, extremely disappointed with the amount of kid art in this thread. Seriously, why is there so damn much of it? Adult cartoons exist too
>>33057 Yeah, but what can you do? We can't ask him to stop when he doesn't even reply back.
>>33322 I love the Jasmine one.
Fyi also counts as possible lost media
Not the highest quality but I find flame princess being inflated by campfire kindling and firewood intriguing.. Who knew fiery girls could inflate due to being turned into campfires?.

Just goes to show even fire has weaknesses.. as water deflates them firewood grows them as large as the sun
Got an art piece from dA favorite, Krool2Kool; really need more inflation pieces of her
(1.8 MB, 3119x3679, 20220102_141513_1.jpg)
Got an art piece from dA favorite, Krool2Kool; really need more inflation pieces of her

*reupload thanks to the stupid thread glitching on my end
(9.0 MB, 3169x3281, file.png)
+ Cute Ishoka inspired alt.
Wait Ongezellig gets fetish art now? Must be getting popular.
(217 KB, 836x955, juacoproductionsarts_df0lwv9-pre.png)
I think this is going to teach me to never purchase a commission from JuacoProductions ever again; remarkable how quiet he is until it's finished and fuck, I kinda want my money back; should've commissioned EdgeOfMind or Aquajack for this
(300 KB, 1420x1400, winnie hotel.png)
I had a similar experience. I got the Mina up here >>30979 and was really put off by how slow responses would be. I really don't like when communication is such a hassle when it comes to commissioning. Plus I don't recall really getting any updates or wips either until it was completely finished. In fairness though, I still think it came out good, especially for 20$. But yeah, being disappointed in a com is a really shit feeling, so here's one on the house. I've been wanting to draw her anyways.

Hey Aquajack, big fan of your work; you didn't have to go through with drawing that for me but honestly, thank you so much for doing so, been having a lousy day and seeing this genuinely made it better; hope to keep seeing you post more in the near future
It's no problem, and like I said she's been under my radar for a while anyway. It was a quick pic and I'm always looking for fun characters to do practice with. So it was genuinely enjoyable for me. Happy I can do a little something to improve a fan's mood, that's something I don't feel like I really get to do much of in general. So glad I was able to deliver on that. I really appreciate the support and good word. I've got more wips then I know what to do with, so more stuff on the way is one thing I can guarantee. And just for note, I'll try to get around to shading her later, but it'll be a bit with a lot of other stuff on my plate. Worst case scenario I'll just upload her as a flat if I really can't find time to squeeze her in, but yeah.
Never thought I would see high guardian spice inflation
(265 KB, 1519x2045, 1644954545307.jpg)
Fosters home for stuffed fat fucking blueberries
(467 KB, 598x790, Screen Shot 2022-03-13 at 2.49.15 PM.png) (504 KB, 530x906, Screen Shot 2022-03-13 at 2.49.20 PM.png) (491 KB, 1024x657, hey_lois____by_bexiblimps_ddxfk81-fullview.png)
Want to request a piece here only because it got deleted from the Request page; could anyone draw these two inflated similar to this piece from artist, BexiBlimp? (For context, it's the same character, just with a different design in the two seasons she was in/canonically an adult)
boy don't lecture me with your thirty dollar haircut. spare me the moral sanctimony as if 99% of the characters on here aren't the same

With how much you've been following me on this shit, anon; wondering if you're a pedo yourself, you fag... But what do I know, more retards in this day and age are more concerned about keeping fictional cartoons safe from this kind of shit instead of getting the cops involved with actual child pornography on the web; get your priorities straight for once in your life, you fucking libtard
Maybe you should think on why it was deleted?
How about you guys get off your moral high horse for once and let people enjoy what they want; it's incredible the lengths people will go to just to say how it's wrong and not go after everyone else for doing the same thing here
>Concern trolling this hard
>Not knowing she's over 30 years old
Try harder.

Hoping you get your request handled, just to spite these morally "righteous" cucks
Like bruh as a side note why are you even requesting this in a channel that's for cartoons not drawing request lol
two threads above this is an entire thread for splatoons and countless other examples on this board. your selective pedantism is the reason ur a faggot.
(110 KB, 1186x878, EdzgJwlXoAANXj0.jpg) (75 KB, 700x991, 0026_002en-us-e1583715818216.jpg) (314 KB, 1280x720, Nelliel_Tu_Odelschwanck.jpg) (253 KB, 640x480, Nel.png)
There is a think such as shortstack also chibi which are small in size for some random reason. (A good example is Mel from bleach) but adult but yeah in this case I agree it do kinda look sus even though they're of age.

Like they got some sorta baby fetish or something where they dressing up as children and in my opinion definitely much more creepy. I mean in one of these girls cases it's literally the villain plot twist for that reason that she's a 36 yr pretending to be a child for some weird freaky nostalgia shit..

I'm not condoning it just pointing out it's just as creepy!
Some characters in Splatoon are of age if I'm not correct the announcers as well as a few others. The only ones I think are underage are the inklings you play as the random generated custom characters but given there also custom characters you could probably set them to your own age and stuff probably giving it's basically a custom persona of yourself.

So there's legit arguments there. Although personally I've never played Splatoon so I don't know much about series outside of small details so I could be wrong on a handful of things
All this arguing because someone requested two balloons lmao
I agree quite nuts lol. Although I'm just out here pointing out facts or food for thought lol because I'm bored
Shortstacks have clearly adult features and aren’t designed to look like children
You’re the one who requested kids in the first place and after being removed from the first board you come to another board
>>48499 How do you upload these EdgeOfMind pics in high resolution?
Does somebody have deleted Heliose pages drawn by TheNeverWere?
Hoping someone here has some of Never's old Violet Parr pics.

Shame that he deleted them.
There was another page of Heloise with the portion by TheNeverWere. Can you find it too, please?
(791 KB, 896x1214, 1653413859814.png) (649 KB, 876x1242, 1653413814801.png) (303 KB, 961x1131, 1653413837565.png)
Here's the last of them I think but I've edited out the other person for they're privacy sake as it's an oc and I don't want them getting harassed
(451 KB, 949x1146, 1653413894795.png) (367 KB, 946x1149, 1653413933629.png)
But I'm uploading because someone might be a fan or something or get some enjoyment out of these so they're not lost to time here ya go

Not too much eda or Lilith inflation out there so I'm happy to throw more in the pot

Remember possibly might become lost Media so archive while you can.
I think someone has it. Does anyone have it?
>>51721You can find these pages in TheNeverWere's Anonfiles account.
(387 KB, 1700x1700, SxsBQl9jr0VC-oCZiOBhYmzB8q1plDLFff_xtqo5mQYB3X38zBEtDN0bReaSwX7wyr2LPk4YN7W6YnvSBzqYi2nu.jpg) (399 KB, 1700x1676, VHAFTP3nSFU-3LruoEutTA21pg80m7QJ22YUdyuLW8yt9J-fUjVgSIelZDgYBlkFHPEs2dN31bXSW6MRhz0m6-_r.jpg) (381 KB, 1696x1952, 9JSLrCfo4j5HPz-F7tPN96xCpJHDJT-y4e4jdgqwUpeLuoBHJkeyC9EvFxA3W01n8XqW1cGCAQEy0b2k1Us54u8G.jpg) (490 KB, 2200x1700, 81AFaNsOyrMUgV5ReQfBQ7aKv2sUZPhc_GOhw1n1K6hFRl6KL6H6zLLwQ5hYnmVSZFh9pA4ym05Scb3cAOla70y6.jpg) (573 KB, 2200x1700, NOv9RTAkEJr3YNN2ob_N0ajzGq5B-8xKjiwQik8DJCpyZ9bhdg7bueZw1nkQ2TIDwq3nT6zZ4t1mLkOUDZy8pVz9.jpg)
Girls' cartoons?
So Are you gonna post it on there?
Don’t have it.
>>58612 I loved these. BTW, whatever happened to him?
(258 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_0010.MP4)
Here’s an underrated scene from Unikitty!’s “Lab Cat.” The context of this split second scene is that Dr. Fox is putting the royal siblings in a series of tests for a space mission, but all of them are basically just putting the two in a variety of cartoonish modular shenangians (because legos, lol).

I know the implication of this scene is that his suit is inflated, but I like to imagine it’s his body that’s inflated, probably from a dehydrated food test. Heck, just for fun, I edited the video to be in reverse so it looks like he’s “deflating” if you catch my drift.

A shame it didn’t happen to his sister instead, haha.
>>59405 I know one of them is Pan from Super Hero, which is way too young. But I'm clueless on who the other one is.
Anya from SpyXFamiliy
(24 KB, 600x497, frankie_foster_inflated_by_zigzag123_d1u8p39-fullview.jpg)
A picture on Frankie Foster inflated like a balloon. it seems that she's big now.
Frankie Foster & Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends belongs to Craig McCracken & Cartoon Network
Do you take requests?
(87 KB, 1020x784, velma_catches_a_ghost_by_robot001_d75yjp8-pre.jpg)
After pigging out on a crate of Scooby snacks, Velma sits on the ghost by accident. Hopefully this one isn't a creepy guy in a crappy costume.
Get that shit away
Get that trash “art” where it belongs

In the incinerator
>dev catscratch
delet this
Hey those 2 drawings Of Oki Dokke from Shorty Mcshort Shorts working her rolypoly body was my suggestion to SX Deluxe's monthly patron poll! Both my char and scenario suggestions won that month. And the other one of Oki more pissed at her body was a sketch SX did for Neverwere colored cause she instantly like this char. and wanted to mkae her round too!
(1.1 MB, 960x1396, F2F98D56-E320-4D9B-9C3E-8A5A1B7E2F82.jpeg)
I’m putting this here cause there’s no comic or mainstream thread. This is out now. Someone be awesome and post it here, please
Ehhh sorry to burst your bubble, but from 2 guys I chat with on report my post got the books and... theirs actually very little and not good inflation sadly! It turns out, the cover is the best of it! Yeah I’m a bit disappointed too!
Could you ask them to show us the pages that do have inflation though? Even if it’s not great I just want to see them cause I really don’t wanna buy this book
Well how are we supposed to know that if we can't see the pictures for ourselves?

Artist? I’ve seen their work before but cannot remember their name
The hell is that link?!
anymore of fiona?
also artist?
Lol someone is fucking losing it
No I'm just fucking happy that bird got revived and the first thing it does is dishing out some justice
artist is smappa
(215 KB, 807x717, Gwen.png)
Had this commed about a year but, artist is @justcallmesmut on twitter, although I dont think he does art anymore sadly
Yeah the account isn't even there anymore :\
Inflatechan back in the day harassed him into not drawing anymore.
I’m def not buying that lol
Wide like those bunions 🧅
Damn we need more Reagan Ridley balloons all lewd and burstful like this!
(74 KB, 1095x730, blimptober__day_21__sketch__by_berry_duke96_deuu0cr-pre.jpg) (103 KB, 1024x1206, blueberry_minh_by_robot001_dei27lw-fullview.jpg) (147 KB, 1024x1366, peggy_finds_a_new_use_for_propane_by_robot001_degwksl-fullview.jpg) (273 KB, 1280x1707, peggy_hill_inflation_in_colored_by_enigma20xx_by_arthurdisneysdw_depi4sl-fullview.jpg) (59 KB, 1095x730, wheel_of_expansion_december__luanne_1_by_berry_duke96_dcwmf4r-pre.jpg) (6.3 MB, 4950x2424, minh_2_by_spikerollsunday_der2gtr.png)
Happy New Year! I love you Lexie!!
This was not “me”.
You are peak desperate.
^someone mimicking me but I must say anon’s sentiment is pretty blessed
Harsher post before was assuming it was Glasses mimicking.
Leave us alone. Be kind.
More Total Drama Island!
Have you had your propane today?
Bumping for these pics!
Wait! I don't see anything that involves Inflation or ballooning here! It's just Miss Heed.
>>78165 Does anyone have any of these pics yet? If so, please post them here. Thank you. If not, then I understand why.
3 year old thread; sheesh its been that long?
Say, there was a Pic about lumity, where amity made Up a holiday which resulted in her and Luz stuffing themself, does anyone have this by any Chance?
Shut up Eda let's see how YOU like it to be blown up?
Use the report button next time. Makes life easier
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I can't seem to locate it.

NTA, btw.
idk why you keep uploading pedo shit were just gonna keep reporting them
Can anyone hook me up with some Shego inflation
Well page is back lads
(174 KB, 850x750, FynVAMQXgAEYYQg.png)
Excuse me, does anyone have a full picture of Gwen from Camp Camp?
The Artist is Sx Deluxe.
(110 KB, 700x285, she_ra_and_the_roly_poly_princesses_by_captainacedodgers_dfwlh83-350t.png) (63 KB, 774x1032, spinnerella_and_netossa__bodyinflation_by_kudann2506_dfwwp8z-pre.jpg)
Here are two interesting "She-Ra and the Princesses of Power" inflation drawings that I found that I want share with you guys. Apologies in advance for the quality of the images. If anyone has these in a better quality, please feel free to post them here for everyone to see. Thank you.
I wanna see some clone high art

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