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What it says on the tin, what are your experiences like of pumping up your partner? Bonus points for talking about how you met and your everyday life!
(picture is of CurvyCats: the legend!)
Started out scary, at least for me. I wasn’t into it but she wanted me to inflate her so I did. Started out incredibly slow, disappointed her but when we got into a groove it got a lot better. It’s definitely not what someone might imagine where you pump away and fuck, it’s a slow, incredibly cautious, sweaty process. It’s not a regular thing to help keep us from going to far and taking unnecessary risks, but I inflate her a few times a month.
We met as teenagers, started dating, have been together since. Our everyday life is pretty standard. Maintain the house, take care of our kids, a normal healthy marriage. Sorry if this is boring, inflation is kind of like a special occasion, not a regular thing. Something where we have a day or two on our own to really enjoy ourselves and the fetish, not like normal sex
I mean the tender relation ship stuff is warm and cuddly and all, but can you please just get to the part where she starts farting out the air?
I'll tell you about our first time.
We met on tinder. I was into inflation a while ago (and was pretty big), but then I gave up on it. Some time after the start of the relationship, she found my old toys, I talked about my hobby and she admitted that she was also there.
She offered to try together after a while and I agreed.
After a while, when I was at work, she said that she wanted to pump up and wait for me from work.
I was in a hurry and when I got back, wow. She was huge. About 7 or 8 months, considering that she is 5'11 feet (180 cm) tall and weighs about 70kg. She was terribly shy, but I saw how much she liked it. We had sex carefully, missionary and doggy style. In the missionary, I can't take my eyes off her belly and and couldn't resist touching it.\. When we started doggystyle her belly touched the bed. She seems to have had a lot of fun.
Now we inflate about 2-3 times a month, I'm back to my old size, she says she wants to pump me up more often, says she likes massaging my big belly and sticking my fingers up my belly button (I like doing the same with her)
We are planning a wedding this fall.
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>>No. 54682 that's wonderful!! Congratulations on the engagement!

And we love to see the reality of an inflator/inflatee relationship. I truly envy from afar, having zero experience and living in a remote area. I live vicariously through the experiences you all have, so please keep them coming!!
Glad you liked it. Let me tell you a little more about our entertainment.
We have determined the sizes to which we try to inflate every time we start it. I shouldn't be able to see my boner and a little further away from it to improve capacity (she suggested this referring to her wanting me to be "the roundest man").
She has a tight top, but long enough to cover her belly when it's empty (after the quarantine, the top got a little short because she put on a few pounds no wonder when you eat, sleep, fuck and bloat without exercising). But if you start to pump up, the stomach begins to grow and the top begins to rise little by little. If, after inflating, the top rises so high that the navel is visible, we had a good time.
After that, she tries to keep the pressure in herself as long as possible, walks around the house, does household chores and acts like a pregnant woman (which turns me on insanely).
Recently, after our entertainment and deflating, she decided to go shopping, put on a spacious dress, through which there was a noticeably deflated, but still rather large belly. Our neighbor saw her and started asking when she was due. My woman was very embarrassed and said that she was just fat :D

I will say this, if you have a partner in this case with the same goals, it all becomes much more fun.
Kek, it’s whatever. It’s different from a fart since it’s all just air. I like pressing on her stomach when she doesn’t expect it
Imo, deflation is the best!! Usually it's the best time to reflect on how the experience went + laughter (there's nothing more sweet than taking time to chuckle). I encouraged an inflatee online once, and she got absolutely gigantic (from empty flat to a yogaball!). The best part was the laughter and existential humour. We live life once, and this is how we get off?
Where did you find an inflatee? Probably obvious why I'm asking, I know
Have you tried Feabie or Fantasy Feeder? They might be more inflation friendly nowadays than before, but I reckon that you are more likely to find someone on these sites than any.

Either that, or you luck out and find someone online who so happens to live next door. I've heard something like that happening from someone I knew once.
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>>54620 (OP)
It's not a romantic relationship but there's this girl i messaged on deviantart that posted pictures of herself inflated. One day I was lonely and horny and knew that the worst she would do was call me a creep so I texted her.

She was actually really open and pretty nice to talk with. Fast forward a few months and one day we chat while she inflated. The compressor she was using was old and a knob on it broke so she couldnt turn it off. I couldn't tell if she was trying to start a roleplaying thing or not so I took it seriously and kept texting with her until she was able to get the tube out.

After that we gave eachother our report my posts to have more regular chats. She bought a new compressor recently and inflated for me yesterday. We exchanged some dirty talk while she sent me pics of her chubby belly rounding out, and boy howdy does she get big.

Don't know if we'll ever take it far enough to meet eachother irl, but she says she'd love for me to be there to rub and kiss her belly, so there's that

Only downside to this relationship is that I feel pathetic that she's my only reason I haven't offed myself yet, given the fact that she might be a dude inching his way towards asking for my credit card details, but this is probably the best I can do with an ugly mug and small penis
>report my posts
im a bit of a newbie here, is that what happens when we say the name of a certain messaging and group chat website or did i somehow fuck up that big when typing?
Who is this person from DA, if you are comfortable with sharing their profile?

We love stories like that, where you meet people who are hella into inflation.
Those seem to be fat things
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Bruh keep striving forward through the dawn no matter what happens life is an enigma like a Balloon it can burst but at least theirs always confetti at the end of every rainbow
Feabie was deffo more inflation friendly, back in the day. No idea if it is a good place to meet inflators/inflatees nowadays. I am sure others might have had different or more successful experiences than I...
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Site-wide rule against advertising said groups it seems
Good call. Imagine meeting a person who was into inflation, without the internet?

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