
(30 KB, 385x780, 51yRaIwV3TL._AC_UX385_.jpg)
(picture unrelated)I kinda got this idea 💡

What if we or one of us as a community buy a inflatable suit then what we do is we play a game of pass the blunt with it and other content creators

So basically the idea is whoever buys it Includes a return address then trusts one creator with that address they in turn use they're address as return address for the final drop off to get the suit back.

The goal: to give this suit for a limited time to random creators and lewd only fans like models who are down for inflation stuff or maybe just want to try something new.

They in turn take that time to record whatever inflation scenarios possible within a the frame them pass the suit to the next person to inflate in.

The reason: because these suits can be pricey and not everyone has that kind of money 💰. This way we can give creators a chance to do something fun with a suit and maybe get some cool content at the end of the day.

So basically a game of inflatable suit hot potato in which creators can create inflation content for so whether they're a inflation based creator or maybe a wanna try everything type who's never touched the fetish a day in there life. Anyone can be a part of this if they want.

The cons: outside of buying the suit and keeping it clean damage free the biggest downside would be shipping prices. Hence why I think giving the length between saving up to ship the suit out another place (or waiting for next check etc.) Should give creator's plenty of time anywhere from a week to a month to do or make something with them. Keep in mind if they need extra time don't push them expecially if they're popping out something spicy 🔥

Anyways what do you guys think of my fetish fueled take on flat Stanley
As a side note if one of us was to do this what suits would you like to see creator's inflate in?
>>54609 (OP)

The only thing I want to do less than post my home address on this board is share clothing with people who post here
Well of course dumbass that stuff would be private between said person and model or models po box's and such could even be used I'm taking about general discussion on the rest of it.

Like what suits or the transport system things that don't involve public info l
Plus keep in mind I mentioned about having a model as a middle man if nessasary that way only 1 person has personal contact while the other ships it back and forth

Or like flat Stanley I goes from one model to the next never reaching back to its final destination until the end of cycle
>a game of pass the blunt
You must've been playing that when you came up with this awful idea. Just commission a fetish model like a 'normal' person instead of thinking up the worst community project since the Bionicle fanbase.
this is such a fucking dumb idea holy shit. you do know that not everyone has the same body type right? like, someone whos 6'2" can't wear the same shit as someone fuckin 5'7". a thread died for this stupid shit, jesus. we need way better mods to just get rid of shitty threads like these, goddamn

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