
(577 KB, 1950x1415, CynthiaPiñata.jpg) (1.2 MB, 2000x1493, SabrinaCPR.png) (122 KB, 820x467, ThumbnailPolls3.jpg)
Last one just saged. Latest poll is all Pokegirls with Cynthia, Melony, and Lusamine as the choices.

Hoping that regardless who wins, all the choices are good and have some inflation.

Also if Comical did another poll where the choices are all from the same series, what series would you want?

I'd go with Persona, Resident Evil, My Hero Academia, One Punch Man, and Kill la Kill
I'd personally wanna see some Lobotomy Corporation gals make it into a poll one of these days, but even if they did they'd for sure lose because they ain't popular
Also, anyone happen to have the new Royal slam page?
dammit I what genie poll win
>>53433 whats winning?
They said Sea Goddess, also anyone got the follow up to the Harley one?
It's in the old thread
>>53454 It’s Sea Goddess
(2.5 MB, 2000x3102, Princess Mania- Page6-Notext.jpg)
I think CW forgot what Pauline said in this panel. Very disappointed with the direction he's taking after how there hasn't been any weight gain options in the last several polls.
>>53528 send your complaints to CW cuz posting them here isn't gonna change anything cry baby
>Very disappointed with the direction he's taking after how there hasn't been any weight gain options in the last several polls.
Dude just go read the Sumo Princess comic if you want weight gain.
No no, the emergency bikini one
anyone happen to have that one bowsette sequence, i think it was called “failed invasion” or something like that.
>>53641 check the kemono
(2.6 MB, 2500x2058, Tongueswimsuit-HQ.jpg)
They need to stop being a pussy and just do nudity already
Ikr, show us adult content. But it's his decision.
If he allowed or not allowed to adult content.
Hasn't he done all these characters before though?
He did Cynthia before the recent sequence she got, so that point of your's doesn't matter.
>>53991 Seriously tho like why take character suggestions if you're just gonna reuse the ones you've already done before. Totally Spies shouldn't even be on the poll they had a whole comic.
Some characters are just more inherently popular and more commonly requested than others, I'm pretty sure everyone on BBWchan knows that at this point, are you surprised he'd give some of those characters more of a bone than more obscure niche choices.
Plus to an average patron (not here, basically) would it matter if "they've been done before" when you're dealing with an artist that does many kinds of weight gain, expansion and slapstick/transformation shapes and forms? You could get a lot of mileage out of the same few characters with an artist with that much kink variety.
>are you surprised he'd give some of those characters more of a bone than more obscure niche choices.

No I'm not surprised but that doesn't make it any less annoying. There's no way they've ran out of popular characters to do unless maybe the patrons are suggesting trash characters or CW doesn't pay attention to what's popular
>or CW doesn't pay attention to what's popular

Seriously tho I haven't seen them do any Fortnite characters or put one on the polls and I'd imagine they'd look pretty good in their art style
someone could suggest them to him
>>54156 I did when I was subbed
They've done something with Lady D but she didn't get 1st place why not reuse her? She's getting popular again cuz of the DLC coming out.
guess we have to wait cause i suggested some characters for him to draw and only around 1/6 was used
>>54163 And yet they're over here reusing characters that already have a 30 page comic but it doesn't look like they'll be winning so atleast there's that.

Are the characters you suggested popular?
Nope cause one of them ended up in fourth place
Can already see where this is going, the coaches are gonna out do Peach n' Daisy
Isn't that what happened in the other comic? Rosalina couldn't break up Peach and Daisy's fighting as referee so her and Pauline decided they needed to become bigger then them to stop them.

Back to this comic though, good to see Daisy and Peach growing properly this time.
Hey, thanks

Everyone got so preoccupied about new / old characters they forgot to complain about end-of-the-month TF time lmao
>>54231 I'm not gonna complain about it this time cuz I don't give a shit about any of the character choices
There was only 50 minutes separating the scenario poll post and your post afterward. And because you asked: "God damn it, no weight gain options again, ugh". But in all seriousness, I feel the same as >>54232. Not interested in the characters this time. Never understood why Raven was so popular for fetish art.
I mean, it's always gonna happen but can't really do much about it
What crap choices for a good combo of characters
Ikr. Like why not a Furry TF or mood switch TF starfire has Gothic mood and raven has joyful mood until bodies are transformed into bimbos
I'll be down for sOme catra or cat girl stuff but yeah furry is its own thing
No shit this is why I say comical should re release scenarios with characters until one of each category is fulfilled

Instead of getting some dope inflation scenario like let's say a flattening and blowkiss where raven gets pancaked flat Stanley style then Starfire gets it in her head to fix her like a beach ball shenanigans insue things go too far raven ubers (transparent then explodes into confetti)

Flattening, full body normal to transparent Uber tf.

Maybe beachwear slightly inflated feet when ubered..

But instead we're gonna get.. paper dolls?
Let's face it Starfire is the type to pop a bitch
>comical should re release scenarios with characters until one of each category is fulfilled
Do you honestly expect them to keep track of EVERY character and EVERY scenario? You're asking for too much dude and since you're in this thread and you haven't posted any content I'm assuming you're getting shit for free so please check yourself.
not to metion he gets like a thousand suggestion every 2 or 3 months
At least the fan favorites
Or at least like I said my second suggestion would be a bonus pin up image

If it's tf related then a inflation weight gain pin up

If it's the lather then transformation pin up
>At least the fan favorites

ok and how the fuck is he supposed to determine what characters are fan favorites?

>>54370 dude they already draw alot shit as is
I don't know anymore it's whatever I'm dropping the topic I'm not looking for a fight over it
Do these even qualify as inflation? They're more like squash and stretch.
>>54633 it doesn't matter
The new Royal Slam page and poll choices are up on Kemono already, but can anyone please tell us who's winning?
Thanks. I was hoping for Junko, but I suspected this was going to go to her.
>Is it really going to be a repeat of the last comic where they surpassed them both?

Wouldn't be surprised but so far I'm enjoying this comic more than the sumo one
So all weight gain?
FINALLY. Holy crap.
He's back on his dogshit, great
>>54907 atleast its not TF/toon
The first one seems fine, just wish wildtake wasn't there
Results being drawn in stream, Choice B won for Aqua.
It's got muscle AND fat, so I guess people wanted to get the most out of their vote and they chose based on the number of kinks. Understandable

I just hope A and C both get decent two-image sequences; those were good premises
The hands by now be like: “Yep. Same shit as always. No one listens.”

BTBH I really like the hand characters. They’re like a fun bit of ‘continuity’ between the art pieces. As well as being a sort of, kink universe version of Cosmo and Wanda in a weird sense.
They should use the evil hands more often
>>55368 Black Canary is the only good option
With how popular DC is, I do wish we got all DC girls polls.
I'm still salty about Erza.
Anyone got the new Royal Slam page?
Mermaid raft is the only one I don't like
Which one is winning?
Just tell us when one is winning by alot
Do Karin and Junko get art too, or is it only certain polls where the losers still get something? Melony and Lusamine got art when they lost, so I was wondering.
As I understand it, he usually uses the downtime where everyone's voting on the character/scenario polls to work on the runner-up images
>>55644 yeah they should get something some time this week
he's streaming right now, scenario B won
Speaking of, anyone got the pics?
I love the evil hands
hell yeah!
Don't care about any these characters
I'm interested in his Kobayashi, honestly
Fag. Being interested in the least womanly of the 3. Vote either Tatsumaki or Lucina.
>>56029 you're just mad cuz both of your characters are losing
I personally like Lucina and Kobayashi so either is a win.
Now I just hope Kobayashi has good options.
I would've called them a fag regardless of the standings. Kobayashi lacks any type of sex appeal and isn't womanly at all.
(28 KB, 574x534, FQzVb0VXwAkGU-T.jpg)
>Kobayashi lacks any type of sex appeal and isn't womanly at all
Lol acting like you know anything about women.
Buddy if I was able to vote in these polls what would I be doing in this thread

>There's a theme here.

Yeah they're all basic
New Royal Slam page is out
>>56182 You don't gotta apologize. Thanks for sharing
Great, shitty options and a shtty character
Gift shop would've been fine if it weren't for the turning into bobble head part.
>Tatsuya supposed to win

That's a good thing though. Get the garbage done with so something better happens next time.
hourglass yes
Shortstack yes
Bobblehead no
An artist who's been drawing TF for years even before he became popular is drawing more TF? Oh, the horror! Get me out of this ride!

The complaining shtick's getting a bit old at this point, if you're not even paying you're not losing anything anyway. It's not always gonna go your way when the artist enjoys drawing so many kinks and at this point, has an audience too diverse for his own good.
>>56260 this thread is in the inflation board dumbass of course we're gonna complain when something isn't inflation if you don't like it stay the fuck out
It's the funniest thing about it, they're not even paying but they keep crying because he didn't draw what they wanted.
Personally, I like Tf, is funny
Maybe you should try fixating on actual Inflation artists rather than kink variety grab bag artists, you'll do your blood pressure a favor.
>>56316 Maybe we should just stop posting their TF stuff here it doesn't belong in this board. TF cringe belongs in /ee/.
I get you all hate tf but I'm fine. I would've preferred if Beachbody Mishap was in C but I'm fine with it being in first.
The fact both these girls got inflated is a win
Is she getting second place like the gravity rush girl if that's the case I assume she's getting gift shopped
Whose the mermaid?
>>56379 sometimes CW will switch the 2nd and 3rd place character/scenarios if one fits the other better
Would've loved to see this have happened to Lucina but seeing Kobayashi in this scenario is fine. I did always prefer her over Lucoa
Sakura and Ino are the only characters are familiar with but Im not familiar with the Boruto versions
They are about the same but milfs now.
Good character choices, let's just hope the scenarios for them don't suck ass.
Please be another HG or bbw giant scenario
it's gonna be all TF shit as usual lol
>>56671 that's next week I think
Royal Slam - Page 19 is out
No I'm not voting this boring scenarios
>>56764 Castle Fire sounds good which one is winning?
Got these options out so fast they weren't even edited or proofread, goddamn

Agreed on Castle Fire, but they're all a little flattening-heavy for third poll of the month; maybe he's trying to make it up for that crowd
It's karma scenario
Wish CW would say what type of fetish he'd be doing when sharing the character poll, because learning later that he's going with a fetish you don't care for after your vote wins sucks. The only thing out of all the scenarios I care for is Castle Fire's Water Inflation.
>Wish CW would say what type of fetish he'd be doing when sharing the character poll
They probably don't know what fetish they're gonna do until a character wins.
That's bad for any patron of his who doesn't like every type of fetish he does. Unless you like everything he does, then the chances of having both the character(s) you want win and also get a scenario you like is very low. It's discouraging.
>That's bad for any patron of his who doesn't like every type of fetish he does.
Yeah it is irritating but they can't please everyone plus you're in this thread so I'm assuming you're not paying for this stuff anyways. The flattening makes sense for a giantess character IMO even tho I'm not into it. Also the scenario polls usually don't focus on one fetish except for the all TF/Toon one at the end of month.
Does anyone if ComicalWeapon has done any recent or is planning on doing any more drawings of his characters Jess and Luna? I'm just wondering because I would like to see more of them. After all, they're both funny and cool the way they stuff themselves and then get into all sorts of crazy messes/situations because of their appetites.
(796 KB, 1950x1455, BB-ButtCrash.jpg)
>>57011 honestly it'd be cool if CW took a break from the polls and did more with their OCs I'd personally love to see more of BodyBag
he's streaming now, scenario A won
This isn't that bad atleast its not TF
Making four? That's not a good sign; he's going to be limiting his runner-up drawings this week, especially with the comic ongoing
>>57095 you don't know that
I'm guessing he'll limit the number of PAGES they get, not the number of pieces themselves
(137 KB, 820x467, ThumbnailPollsJul2.jpg)
Here's the choices for last week. Unpopular opinion but I'm not really into them. Would gladly swap them out for last week's choices (Midnight and Mt. Lady, Sakura and Ino, Pyra and Mythra) or the week before (Lucina, Kobayashi, Tatsumaki).
It's for the TF/Toon scenario anyway, so this poll doesn't matter me. Glad that bad character options got used this time.
I hope Daphne Blake from Scooby-Doo wins.
Inflation and weight gain scenarios are much better
Royal Slam - Page 20 is out
This is not gonna end well
Are they going to overtrain them or do something with them?

I’m really hoping that they just continue to get bigger, but can still move around. I liar to the sumo comic, but simple bigger>>57411
In other words, you want Peach to not reach immobility so it's an easy win for Daisy.
More shitty options
Why are you surprised when people including myself said that the scenario for the last week of the month is always guaranteed to be TF/Toon? Can you not read?
This dude makes wacky TF stuff, he has comical in his name, you can't get pissed at this, especially when you aren't paying.
>you can't get pissed at this, especially when you aren't paying.
Yes we can and we will continue to do so

Stuck to be you then lmao

You can't always get what you want in life tbh
This image itself is fine, but there should've made another version where their roles are reversed: Pyra getting inflated and Mythra becoming the giant. Maybe there's a talented editor around?
It would have to be a total redraw at that point
I don't even give a shit about the characters i just like the scenario
Which scenario you loved
(182 KB, 820x467, ThumbnailPolls-August1.jpg)
New poll is out, choices are

* Rias Gremory (High School DxD)

* Yoko Littner (Gurren Lagann)

* Jack-O' Valentine (Guilty Gear)

Yoko is winning so far, I just hope the choices are good.
CW needs to stop doing so many anime characters
Praying for good scenarios.
Royal Slam - Page 21 is out
>>58011 I know that last comic, the previous disaster was definitely Peach and Daisy's fault. But as far as this story goes, Pauline and Rosalina are going to be the ones to be blamed. At least I get to see Peach becoming more bigger and fatter.
All these scenarios sound really fun. I’m really a big fan of the Uber inflation in sushi allergy, but the tropical slime 2 and deep breath sound really fun.
All of these sound good except tropical slime
Great page at long last. Daisy was lifting Peach too easily before, so this is the catch up she needs to do. Want to see her fat belly finally snap that suit.

Scenarios A and B are good. Scenario C, not so much.
What’s wining write now?
Which one is wining?
c. Tropical Slime 2

Exactly What It Says In The Tin.
The Patrons themselves are going to ruin it this time? What shitty luck.
Stretchy Volleyball- Hello Nurse please.
>>58271 Darn it! I was hoping Sushi Allergy would win.
Damn, was hoping Deep Breath would win. Will likely take another two to three months until another water inflation scenario comes up.
Whats up with the tranny princesses???
>>58313 read the comic and you'll find out dumbass

God I hate his faggot followers, it's always the shitty ideas that win
It is pretty funny because before he formatted all the polls to all be based around one kink the TF/Slapstick ones always had a hard time winning, but now that every week is based around a kink it seems like these more goofy, Slapstick-adjecent scenarios win more often.

I guess most of his paying followers just have it as a side thing at this point and end up being happy to see it in expansion.
What are they based on for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd weeks of the month? I know the 4th week of the month is always TF/Toon, and vanilla Weight Gain isn't part of the rotation.
(1.8 MB, 2500x2508, JK-Yoko1.jpg) (1.7 MB, 2500x2219, JK-Yoko2.jpg) (1.9 MB, 2500x2936, JK-Yoko3.jpg)
Here's the Yoko pics. Makes me wonder what would be going on in the heads of Yoko's friends if they were present to see this.
Man, these really do suck. Fucking patreon voters ruining things.

Let's go after those fucking Patreons, shall we?
How dare the people who support CW financially get to influence the content that is produced. Obviously the people on this shitty site who only leech and complain should get to decide instead.
It usually goes Weight Gain, Inflation and then the 3rd one is generally a mixed bag that usually still involves expansion in some way. Last Month's with Mt. Lady and Midnight was probably more of an exception being Giantess-themed, with the winning idea having Squashing on top of it..

A lil' on the nose but you're right. Money ultimately talks in Patreon and a lot of the paying crowd just likes having a bit of his TF/Toon work on the side. With the amount of complaints these Comical threads have had though, I'd imagine you could all skew the votes if you chipped in $5 a month.
(It won't happen)
mfs be like "this artist sucks"
my brother in christ, you followed the thread
Lots of cry in the thread
>It usually goes Weight Gain, Inflation and then the 3rd one is generally a mixed bag that usually still involves expansion in some way.
Keyword being "usually", because it was Inflation first this time.

>With the amount of complaints these Comical threads have had though, I'd imagine you could all skew the votes if you chipped in $5 a month.
Aren't the final tallies usually not close though? Doubt there's enough people here to swing the results, and in my case, the things I like from him (Weight Gain and the more standard Water Inflation) don't happen frequently enough to justify joining him.
Honestly I don’t mind Comic doing TF stuff because

A) He’s his own artist and he can do what he wants.

B) He’s already drawing a longer overarching comic with a large WG focus.

It’s really no big deal in the long run.
>the things I like from him (Weight Gain and the more standard Water Inflation) don't happen frequently enough to justify joining him.

This is exactly how I feel

>He’s already drawing a longer overarching comic with a large WG focus.

Honestly getting the pages one by one kills the excitement for me. Id prefer if they released all the pages at once when they're finished but thats just me.
Anyone have the new poll?
Go figure the worst option is winning, and the other 2 aren't that bad.
I really like the choice of characters this round. Hope the choices have more inflation/weight gain scenarios for these characters.
Could someone post that new Jessie pic, please?
Who won?
Royal Slam - Page 22 is out
Very good options. And I don't mind the choice at all; given CW's art style, Demona and Lana would've ended up looking like Whatshername anyway.
>>58961 again this will not end well
I can tell that Peach and Daisy will had enough of Rosalina and Pauline for pushing them to the extreme and will use their much bigger bodies to squish them as payback.
basically a reversal of the first comic
What are these dogshit weight fag options
God this dude fell off. Should've stuck to expansion/inflation cause there is so much dogshit
Inflation was last week, and next week will be a mixed bag week if what >>58469 says is true.
Yes they are, especially that first one. Patrons were full retard for that poll.
He's streaming now, scenario B won
Let's hope it's not too butt focused.
Good, it wasn't too butt focused and turned out fine.
Someone should update kemono
I don't know the connections between these duos other than the Squid Sisters. Fitting for the toss up week.
I know Charlie and Vaggie are a couple, the batgirl and supergirl one I'm stumped on
I think it's like how people pair up Gwen and Raven
It's all butt expansion this time, after last week's winning scenario was butt focused. Pretty lame. Is Royal Slam Page 23 up yet?
Anyone got the latest page for Royal Slam?
>squid sisters win
Yes, Royal Slam page 23 is up!
You got the page? If so, send it
scenario B won
Does anyone have access to the poll and the new Royal Slam?
>So big that she can't get to the arena so she needs to be downsized.
RIP Peach's chances. Mini Mushroom will do more then shrink her, she'll lose most of the fat she's gained from this feeding.
I imagine pretty much the same thing will happen with Daisy. Good thing their trainers are in fighting shape and eager to scrap
Anyone got the Charlie/Vaggie pic or Batgirl/Supergirl
Anyone got the new poll?
(118 KB, 820x467, 1.jpg)
It seems that here are the participants of the new stage. I'm betting on Chelsea.
Anyone got the latest royal slam pic?
Poll options just got posted, too
What are they? Inflation, weight gain, TF?
Probably TF given that it's the end of the month
The only choice that I was able to see was called Fizzy discovery that mentions eating a lot of food and probably some inflation based on soda. Also, they already did tf with the last poll.
These look more Inflation based. Though he could cheat and say it's Toon Weight Gain.
I like B mostly cause it's a reference to his very old work
Anyone have the new chel images?
So it was Stuffing turned Inflation with more emphasis on Inflation, which means this upcoming week SHOULD be Weight Gain.
>>61236 very nice 👌
Why does the majority never pick the underrepresented? Nijima is the best character of this batch, so the poster has the right idea at least. Franziska isn't good, but she's better then Lucifer who gets a shit ton of art compared to the other options.
Lucifer won the poll, and the theme for this week is Inflation for the 2nd week in a row. Can't post what the options are exactly as I saw them through Kemono Party, but the Weight Gain crowd got fucked.
>but the Weight Gain crowd got fucked.
>>61604 you belong in bbwdrawn not inflation
Even though I like Weight Gain the most, there are types of Inflation I do like, namely Water Inflation and Slime Inflation. I'm the OP of the Water Inflation thread that's currently up on this board.
>>61631 I was talking to the person that said "kys" if you didn't know
Whoops, I didn't notice that part.
Did anyone have Explosive Lunch - Korra and Underground Infiltration - Sombra?
Anyone got the latest royal slam pic?
Inflation 3 weeks in a row? Christ.
That's something a lot of these artists do i tend to have a problem with. They always include one choice that will always get picked. Can't tell you how annoying it is when a poll can include two characters who have little art and then Elastigirl is a third choice and ends up winning anyway.
>complaining about inflation in the inflation board
You don't belong here
I'm complaining that we're getting the same thing for the 3rd week in a row, not the fact that it's Inflation. CW usually has a theme set for each for week of the month, but this month had the other usual themes playing second fiddle to Inflation for this week and the 1st week, while the 2nd week was the Inflation theme.
>>62047 cry harder faggot lol
What were the other two characters, out of curiosity?
Oh, no, I meant in the poll, but thanks for those
he's streaming now, Scenario B won
Do you happen to have the images?
Could someone please post Macro Panty, in light of the Royal Slam delay this week?
Who’s winning?
He released it and Battle of the weights won
slighty disappointed that cw didnt keep the wing, would have been nice to see them inflate as well
>>62918 Finally! some good character choices
nevermind its the last week of the month
Could someone upload the new page for Royal Slam?
Usually the case with the last poll of the month
Does anyone have the new page of Royal Slam?
(509 KB, 795x870, PollComical.png)
New poll is out. We have some amazing choices. Let's hope Yor gets some good scenarios as well.

Hoping we get some Castevania girls this month as well. They'd go well with the spooky theme.
personal i would like cw to do some little witch academia or overlord or jujutsu kaisen
Anyone happen to have the next pages for Royal Slam?
Did Peach not get her own entrance panel/page like Daisy did?
Another week of a good character getting shitty scenarios.
What's winning so far?
cross your fingers that the oni girl gets goood choices
>>64570 Like either Yamato gains a lot of weight while dressing up as a sumo wrestlers or inflated into a balloon as big as Onigashima.
Been noticing Toadette cycling through all the flying power-ups in these latest panels, does that mean in the future she's gonna be p-ballooned up?
I hope so. Because i’ve seen her p-ballooned in the latest Mario Maker 2 update.
Where’s Royal Slam - Page 30?
Figures it would be Yamato for the weight gain week, goddamn it. "What the fuck are you talking about?" you might be wondering? In One Piece, Yamato looks up to some kind of Oni character who is male, to the point where she wants everyone to use male pronouns for her despite her very feminine body. In other words, she's a wannabe, which is why CW uses they/them for Yamato.
Your reaction is probably why he's using They/Them in the first place.
Comic's drawn a lot of male kink stuff in his streams before so he's obviously into that stuff, but he's deliberately kept it all off his Patreon feed probably just to avoid pissing people off..
>Comic's drawn a lot of male kink stuff in his streams before so he's obviously into that stuff, but he's deliberately kept it all off his Patreon feed probably just to avoid pissing people off.
That's something many other artists who have a stronger following for female kink art should've done too, so I can at least respect CW for that. Yamato is such a mess.
Damn I do want to see his male content though-
I am an enjoyer of both.
>>64893 I also would like to see him do male but the only a male would win is if they do an all male poll.
>>64899 ay, fack you! Moobs are based!
Do pics of his stream stuff exist anywhere? Like, either him posting it or someone screencapping it?

Except Yamato is a female. No amount of cucks white knighting will change Oda confirming that
Do we look like Tobacco to you?
Agreed. Maybe put them in the male thread to keep people here from freaking out from a dick.
>Maybe put them in the male thread to keep people here from freaking out from a dick.
Fuck em post it here
>Do we look like Tobacco to you?
Just the ones who want males here. Leave some nasty stains.

>Fuck em post it here
Fuck you, let's not post them here.
Y'all fighting about Yamato and pronouns and blue bird crap meanwhile no offense I'm just over here like seriously I'd rather have had inflation in some sort rather than birthday cake person I mean yes I already know those cheeks would taste delicious with some frosting.. but i can legit order a cake for dairy queen I'd much rather have a fantastic party balloon
You'll likely get your Inflation poll this week. This month was a loss for me as soon as it was revealed that Yamato would be getting Weight Gain. The cake TF didn't even bother me because I didn't care for Yamato.
His male stuff is pretty cute tbh. Honestly wouldn’t mind if Comical did more male stuff.
>>65334 I'd love to see more of Lucas and Clancy
Christ, there's more of you faggots. At least this thread is getting bumplocked soon.
>>65353 Don't worry, I'll repost those pics in the new thread just for you and if I find more I'll post it there too.
Where is the new thread?
I need the new link too
The clawthron sisters scenarios deserves better.
C poll is better
So which choice won?
What were the other characters that were on the poll with these two characters anyways?
nothing beats the classics
Anyone got the poll options?
Daisy's muscles are like SpongeBob's fake muscles. Huge, but are only for show. No real punch to them.
Could we please make a new thread. This one is already bump locked

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