
How about we actually post good artists instead of low quality trash?
Why is united nations inflation a thing...
I don't think we should take part in this. I've been a member of the inflation community since 04 or 05 since I built my first PC on got my horny ass on the internet.
In that time I've seen countless DA artits come and go, but they are all improved their work. Some of them to legendary status. That's the cool part about lurking and having a 15 year old DA gallery, I can see what OKOK or ImmortalTom's art was like back then and is like now.

So take that negativity somewhere else. Unless you create content for the community you have no right to shit on other people. Go on the forums, on the comment sectons and leave tips and helpful criticism.
"Oh your line work is getting better" or, "Try to get the thumbs on the right side of the hands next time"
That goes a long way to artists staying around vs leaving after a year or 2.
>the inflation community
Peak autism, get help porn addict
That's a pretty huge leap in logic. The benefit of doubt would be that the dude just likes rubbing one out sometimes but always does so to inflation.
Yes, inflation is technically a community since it's about a niche subject and has many prominent things and people that can be discussed with everyone knowing what you're talking about. It's a small, confined subject.
Cool story, too bad it's fake as shit.
Also, Unitednations-fetish is one of the laziest 'artists' of all time. Even though he's only been in the community for a year, he's nothing more than a plague in it. No matter what he makes, there's always some stolen image in it. Not to mention he's a complete beggar. He's always requesting from artists and it always sucks to see this guy take advantage of genuinely talented people. Not to mention the fact that on the posts that he requested he'll go "K. Now do [insert request here]". He doesn't improve at art, he probably never will, he's a constant beggar, honestly that retard Torbincrow1987 should've bullied him off the platform
>>52368 (OP)
Though a very interesting thread idea, I think all it's gonna do is attract whiny manchildren who have beef with certain people and just create drama. Just use the drama thread or go on kiwifarms bruh
Some people will never improve and will always take shortcuts. It's more than fair to point out bad artists. And bro don't pretend you're an altruistic defender of the weak, all you want is more people to draw more of what makes you hard lmao
>>52372 I kind of appreciate the sentiment, but really there's always going to be people like Mistystuffer who draw questionable content and cry when people point out that Bonnie from Pokemon is like, fucking 6 years old, when they've taken no effort to even age her up. There's always going to be people who are in it solely for the money, and not that there's anything inherently wrong with that. People like money. But, if you're going to take people's money, you should do it professionally. Not take commissions and run off never to be heard from again. Not to take 5 years to get one commission out. If you're putting your art out on display, it's going to be a challenge of not getting anal everytime someone gives you constructive criticism. Not to straight up scam people out of hundreds of dollars for Crayola crayon MLP smut. Yes, there's always a human side, but there's also so often room for criticism. There's always going to be assholes, scumbags and liars, and it's absolutely fine to call them out.
>>52428 hey DipShit McGee, if you're supposed not addicted to porn then why are you even here?
Great point. By far the worst artists are commission scammers and outright pedos
That's what, like, 90% of the other threads are for
Did you really just reply to your own comment? There are ids on this chan you know
Oops, so I did. Don't generally use Chan boards. Given the context, i thinks it's obvious who i was addressing.
I wondered for years if anything would ever cure me of the affliction of this fetish and I think you may have done it
>>52368 (OP)
Darkburster, without a doubt.
The guy draws the same Mortal Kombat Kiss of Death picture over and over and over and over again and commissions artists to do the exact same picture with the same details and everything.
He's not improving, he's not branching out, this guy has been doing this for just about as long as the Kiss of Death has existed, it's like he's a bot, or in a timeloop or something, but no.

More of a general complaint, any of those ultra-popular artists that make bad/okay quality art, but are so well-known that they get some up-and-coming artists to ride on their coattails and start picking up their bad art habits. I wont name names on this one, but the furry artist I'm thinking of is pretty decent from the neck-down (if a bit simple), but only draws the same generic face and expression for 99% of his characters, OC or commissioned. The same face, even if they're a totally different species. I've seen loads of his art and the only difference between the faces is whether or not their mouth is open or closed; even the angle the mouth is opened doesn't seem to vary much.

Containment thread, plus laughs.
That's actually... a great post. people can definitely criticize constructively but going out of your way to shit on people just because their art is meh is exactly the type of posting of shit that fucks up the content production on niche sectors.

I haven't heard of 90% of these amateur dudes but if they certainly want to improve then I think they are fine welcome to do so.

Unless it's really illegal shit, those can definitely stop.
Not my proudest, but hey-ho.
>>52368 (OP)
There's LovestarOfTheStars, he's not unbearable like some of the other artists, but man, dude posts the drawing of his 21:9 ultrawide ratio OCs +10 times
Why would he repost that? Is there any changes in the image? alternate version and all that ?
No. the only thing that changes is the description, where he basically copy pastes every single powers from a list of super power
Jonwii and that's all I need to say
On a similar note to Jonwii, 95damian or 95DArts is similarly a copypasta artist who does nothing but make a template using stencil tools or w/e and then make 100+ variations of that with different characters. The only difference is that Damian's art looks less ugly.

The only thing he has going for him is that sometimes he goes for actually (IMO) underrated forms of inflation like ball inflation or black magic but again he even half asses these. Certain characters have only 95damian shit for the most part in terms of inflation art which is pretty saddening. Again, very similar to jonwii.
If we are talking bad tisms artists one of them that particularly annoys me is Kristina Katswell or whatever the hell she goes by now? Not necessary because I don't like her content although there was a bit there where she was trying to pretend the whole berry inflation thing wasn't a fetish which was dumb. It's just that she's a fucking Tsunami of content, it's like Jesus Christ girl do you need to post 100 pieces everyday? Although to be fair, based on her "Art Style" bitch clearly has to be on the spectrum right? So can't be too mad...
I was an inflation artist. When I saw that mona lisa morph from SassyViper I cringed so hard I quit inflation art.
Sassy is a really decent person so I don’t want to rag on him too hard but that being said that Squid Lizzo morph made me question everything for the worst reasons
Eh there's probably worse things in the world but it's kinda ironic I'm surprised more idiots haven't Inflated the Mona Lisa more by now.

But maybe your right. Maybe theirs lines fetishes shouldn't cross.. but that won't stop the internet either way.
T. seething unitednationfag
Tbh she gives me Chris Chan vibes. I just feel like she's the female version of him.💀
tbh she's a weirdo but nowhere near as bad as cwc

helps that she isn't a genuinely bad person afaik unlike him lol
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its just the worst of all

His artstyle look like a ugly modern faggot cartoonnetwork show

And their "inflation" draws are just ugly ass bbwshit and fucking slob

The worst of all is that is shameful famous, and the sad thing is that they are absolutely better artists out there (for example one on deviantart called "alphaprime12" that guy its fantastic)that they absolutely good but nobody care and instead they watch that shit like RIDICULOUSCAKE
My biggest beef with them is that their VB reanimation video permanently ruined the community. For well over a year the top hit when you searched VB on YouTube was that video. We haven’t and will never recover from the various ways that the general public has been exposed to this fetish.

That lack of self awareness amongst other things is my beef with them. And like you said their “inflation” art is just fat girl bullshit I want balloons not whales
>i want ballons not whales

Iper fucking based
Isn't cake a pedo? I remember hearing a big thing about him stalking a kid because she reminded him of a six-year old pony he likes drawing fat. Entirely heresay and don't have any proof of this, though.
Yeah she seems pretty genuine from the few interactions I've had with her. Although I can't seem to gauge whether or not blueberry inflation is an actual fetish for her, or if it's just a really specific hyperfixation that autistic people get. Either way she should not be doing the kind of content she does given her mental state
Yeah you can blame her handlers for that. It’s pretty clear via her media that her caretakers whoever they are just don’t give a shit and are indulging her so I guess I’m a situation like that that’s that cringe as it is and all
Learn the difference between WG art and inflation art before screaming like a goddamn four year-old, kid.
Still doesn't distract from the fact that, when the guy draws either, there's hardly a difference. Plus, the dude only knows how to draw like, one face and three bodytype

All his art blends together into a constant stream of low-effort bullshit and his constant dicklessness seriously calls for a tire iron to the molar

He's such a faggot he can't even draw his bullshit and stand by it. On Twitter he'll go on and on about how he's not even into the shit he draws like, even though it's the only thing he does??? Starfish have more of a spine

He just comes across as a massive bitch-ass and for all his talk about being above all the retards on Twitter, he sure does spend a lot of fucking time on it lol

Anyone who likes his art should get some actual fucking taste
Idk to what extent you guys would consider morphers to be actual artists, but there are two that come to mind, Kagekira101 and Jinglevellrock, partially because they’ve opened up patreon pages for their work, which is barely their own to begin with given the nature of morphs. Jinglevellrock especially is atrocious about it, his DA page is almost axel rosered levels of patreon preview shilling.
(19 KB, 242x242, Screenshot_20220420-220347.png)
Said this before in a different thread but this nigga has some of the most creative and amazing concepts for inflation I've seen. Too bad he only draws furries and the most buttfuck ugly "men" you'll ever see. It's saddening really.
He also straight up admitted to following children and he's just a borderline pedophile lmao
Not gonna comment on the ridiculous cake thing outside of this guy >>52633 damn if that shit true sad to here. Although it could be the case some idiot kids just following him I mean there's no really way to filter that shit. Like recently had out of all bizzare fucking things some random hit me up on dis corb of all places. Starts randomly taking inflation and stuff says he's 17 and I had to take a step back. No lewd shit or ro anything weird for any of you fuckers thinking I'm SUS lol if that's what your wondering.

dude just had questions about shit and all that pretty mundane talk shit dude did go on a tangent about depression and shit asked me for life advice of all things lol! Like bitch I barely know my own day to day. But outside of that dude's always asking for drawing artists recommendations and shit and I really don't know what to do there I just try to ignore it when I can.

But the case in point is you get random like that hitting you up in this community. It all depends how you handle that shit. You can be like me handle that shit in the most British non sexual way possible giving advice and helping in the most safe ways or be like edp sending shit pictures thinking that someone weirdly gonna go googoogaga over your fact fucking logs like a weirdo cunt

In my opinion as long as ridiculous cake isn't grooming or like being ya know fatherless behavior then I don't see the harm if somebody like that follows you

But if that's the case and he is a pedo that's sad as shit
Reface morphs on Violet are the laziest shit on the planet. They look terrible, stop using it.
The guy on DA making the god awful Emma Watson photoshops.

>its just the worst of all
Just say you don't like that he made MAGA-flavored shitposts a few years back. There's objectively worse artists out there.

Didn't he say he did it was when he was a minor as well? Like yeah it's weird with all the context (that he had the autistic balls to admit to) but it's still just minors lusting after other minors, who gives a fuck.
Well if they were both minors than it would still be SUS but it would be more a call me Carson thing. Just stupid fucking kids doing stupid fucking shit. Humans are dumb as shit when they're younger and do some retarded as shit. Reason why we have such laws in place. Like can you imagine some 13 yr Old Fortnite gamer being able to drive a car, drink booze, or Lord have mercy become of power like fucking president or something.

This world would fucking crumble like the Fortnite apocalypse!
You’re British so why the hell is someone being 17 so weird to you? Y’all got weird hang ups.
And yeah Cake is a weirdo regardless
So many morphers are shitty, and it pisses me off. So many of them just headswap people onto Violet Beauregard (worth noting that the actress playing her was *11* in the original, *12* in the remake, so all those faceswaps are technically child porn), and then Jinglevellrock made it popular for morphers to basically just steal drawings, copying them almost exactly and making them into morphs.

Also yeah, Patreon for morphing is ridiculous. You're taking someone else's selfies and editing them overtop someone else's drawings, and then you're gonna charge money for that? What a load of shit.
Also, Jingle started stealing faces from random cosplayers on Insta a while ago, threw a massive shit fit when he got in trouble for it, and is now doing them again, but patreon-exclusive this time. Imagine someone else charging to put your face over traced doodles of blueberry bodies. Absolutely ridiculous.
Why wouldn't you feel weird if somebody underage like that in this hobby hits you up out of the blue? I mean your right 17 is almost of age hench why I let it slide and didn't like ban him or block him or anything but still that shit makes me feel SUS even if I'm not doing anything sus.

Like SUS by association ya know

But maybe that's just me. If so at least it takes some of the weight of it all off my shoulders.
Well morphs are basically drawings at the end of the day the reason though I don't give it much shit as like tracing is I feel your still putting effort into it. Your not just drawing you finding real world textures to add and manipulate into the mix and believe me transforming that shits a puzzle on it's damn own
They used her real body for the start of the inflation, then CGI with an animatronic face for when she reaches full size.
>Your not just drawing you finding real world textures to add and manipulate into the mix and believe me transforming that shits a puzzle on it's damn own
>So many morphers are shitty, and it pisses me off. So many of them just headswap people onto Violet Beauregard (worth noting that the actress playing her was *11* in the original, *12* in the remake, so all those faceswaps are technically child porn),
I hate that shit too. It's so lazy
No you dip 17 is already a year beyond age in Britain. You guys don’t even know the laws you’re talking about

Still that shit feels sus to me
He wasn't a minor. He was 19, following around a 12 year old girl because she reminded him of his My Little Pony oc

The guy isn't just a pedophile, he's retarded too
Iirc Kage specifically was taking unreleased shit from both other artists’ patreon and the onlyfans accounts of some influencers/models he morphs. I may be blowing shit outta my ass though, I’ll have to doublecheck.
This is new Info to me
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I find it hilarious how dude makes FETISH content, retweets/reblogs FETISH stuff, but pretends that its totally not sexual guiz!!!
i dont necessarily think hes a shit artist, but god is he a fuckin dumbass
I want RC to look me dead in the eye and tell me that all of the scenes that he did for the Violet Beauregarde animation collaboration video that SPECIFICALLY included Violet in it are not based in fetish fuel.
If she's doing what she likes, and is aware of the consequences of her actions, what's the problem with her being in the spectrum? She enjoys the idea of inflating. Cool. She's still a human being, totally able to decide what she wants to do. It's a fallacy that being autistic makes one's preferences less genuine.

Once again you have no idea what you are talking about, anon. It's not a scientific discussion about what is or isn't genuine. It is a discussion of authority seeking power, and fundemantally it stems from money greedy men and women.
oh god if we're talking about that, i love how most of the people involved in that MAKE FETISH BERRY CONTENT, but nah bro, its just an interest and because they wearing clothes its not porn
like come on man

Anon continues enlightening, illuminating the darkest of crevices with his humongous giant shinning fallice. We can thank Scientology for the men in black, organizing in the depths, the real Illuminati. Anonymous hackers warriors against the forces of evil. True heroes
(48 KB, 310x326, confusedtgt.jpg)
whu huh????
im talkin bout RC bein a weirdo when it comes to fetish shit, and u havin a schizo moment on a shitty artists thread on a board dedicated to inflation, on a imageboard site dedicated to fat bitches
get help dawg
(67 KB, 1002x574, cringe.PNG)
Anyone else find it super creepy and gross when morphers make "OCs" using real-world photomanips? There's already an aspect of weirdness to taking other peoples' pictures and creating inflation content of it without consent, but then I've seen a bunch of people "create characters" just by doing inflation content of people.

Also, not crediting the model whose pictures he fucking stole.

What did he say?
some shit about the illuminati
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Tbh whenever I hear of morphers I'm just reminded of that one guy who would photoshop pictures of his sister-in-law giving birth to him.

Same weirdo energy tbh.
Seconding this, but for another artist entirely. Mitsi1991. Specifically Mitsi19911 on Twitter. His concepts and his overall art is really good from not just a blueberry inflation standpoint, but from an art perspective as a whole. But my GODDDDDDDD those concepts and those art pieces are absolutely WASTED on furry shit. For the love of God, throw some humans in that mix
I... oh my god

it really says something about society that I can't tell if that post is supposed to be a joke or not
If it makes you feel marginally better, he drew Chun-Li once.
Must've slipped my radar. Got a pic of it?
I’m on mobile rn so I can’t attach the image, but if you go to his DA page it’s literally the first thing under the “berry stuff” folder
I'm surprised no one has mentioned mariothewolfdog on DA or mariowolf-dog FA, they literally traced and recolored the same images over and over. Copy pasting the same shitty MS paint drawings. They've gone through 2 furaffinity accounts now but their DA is still active.
Am I the only one that thinks TNW just looks like a knock-off RidiculousCake, complete with drawing minors?
Do any of the artist's on here get a guy who does ms Paint fan art of you're version of Violet Beauregarde as a blueberry if you're art is only the deflated version?
I don't want to turn this thread into just shitting on RC (even though he is a cunt), but something that always left a bad taste in my mouth about him was that Violet collab he did.

At the end of it he had the gall to say this was in tribute to Violet's original actor and...man. The fucking cheek of him to do that. Just a lazy ass pull to make him not look insane.

Alright, nuff of that. Onto someone else.

I have a love/hate thing with Hellresident. I feel like they've grown stagnant and I wished they'd stop using cosplayers shit for their morphs.
fuckin right? you can really tell by the way they draw the mouths imo. i s2g they're just a shitty version of RC
OH RIGHT HE DID DO THAT. i think he also did a violet beauregarde funko pop giveaway where it was signed by denise as well. i swear to god people into berry stuff who bring up denise are unhinged as shit
Makes me wonder how Annasophia copes with unhinged individuals who are obsessed with blueberry analysis videos
Speaking of shitty morphers; Interrorgum. His work just comes off as weirdly misogynistic with how much he'll insult and slut shame women, plus he's used photos of actual irl children for some of his crappy recolors.
He's incredibly obsessed with the gross/violent/disturbing stuff, which wouldn't be a big deal if he didn't use real people for his shit. Being into that kinda stuff is one thing, but roping real people into it without consent is another. Some people are just so self-centered that they don't realize other people ain't their personal fap content

Not an inflation artist, but there's a vore artist named something like "HMD" who does the same shit - focuses so much on the pain and suffering of vore, but does all his shit with pics of actual people.
I think that she's aware of it, but pays no attention to it.
Some morphers captions have a very threatening aura to them

Fucking hell man... What in the fuck compels someone to do this? I've done some morphs but NEVER have I seen this line and decided to cross it. I have never morphed anyone I've known personally except an old D-Bag ex that had multiple side girls and boys. No shame for that one.

Also, I have created some truly terrible crap. I'm putting myself on the list of shame before the one or two people who've seen them get to it first.
thanks for mentioning me, I'm glad you open my works, ah I'm alphaprime12
after a while I figured out how to chat here on bbw-chan XD
Goddamit, I've been fapping to Freddy this whole time!
shoutout to virus-20, who despite doing expansion/inflation art for a decade has shown no real improvement in technique.
Probably that fucking creep "Adrians3dcreations", that dude is a pedo. Makes all those weird Violet models or whatever on his DA.
I honestly don't think his shapes are awful, but the fucking character choices are immensely eyebrow raising
What's with half of the inflation content creators and making art of minors/underaged cartoon characters. like a bunch of them exist why
I actually got into a conversation with dude about it one point for some weird reason. He asked me something along the lines on thoughts. Gave him the best advice I could. Doing your own universe of Violet in concept is fine because everyone trys they're own rendition of an adult violet but best thing I would recommend is making her look more in her 20s.

In which they took said advice to heart for the most part. I don't know the scenario going on now but I hope that gives some sort of insight that they may just not know what they're doing. But figured it was Worth mentioning in they're defense
Valid point. I checked out his account just now and he's using adult models so i didn't really see the issue
Robot001, semi-decent at best, fucking dogshit at worst
It's like he doesn't try sometimes, why do people commission him again?
Because he's dirt cheap to comm
He's not that bad of a guy. At least he's positive.
>>53588 Are you kidding me? He's fantastic!
He tried to sell a dead artist's OCs, how is that NOT fucked up?
>>53702 Last I checked, he kept them and apologized.
His Violet obsession is worring TBH nearly all of his work is of different versions of her.
Most of the violets he chooses are from artists who don't have the fetish, he's done it too me twice.
WB stfu and stop sending bots into our community to falsely change shit. Violet is the OG and poggers stfu and seethe WB
>versions of her.
Most of the violets he chooses are from artists who don't have the fetish, he's done it too me twice.
What do you post?
>>52368 (OP)
How do we know this Unitednations-fetish guy isn't just the most brilliant satirist in the inflation community?

I mean, the logo for the fucking United Nations? I don't care who you talk to on DA, *nobody* is autistic enough to want to see THAT inflated.
I genuinely believe it’s all a psy op of some sort idc how crazy you paint me you can’t explain this shit otherwise
ShineOfRain is a terrible artist. Over 15 years and still no improvement.
>>54663 I call bull on that.
(1.6 MB, 640x360, chad.gif)
yes it's better, keep seething
One of the rare instances where the phrase "you're just jealous" actually applies.
It's a pointless endeavor, because it simply isn't sexy to 99% of the community or fetishists in general. Which is already a small percentage in the grand scheme of things.

I feel like this sort of stuff is made by literal twelve year olds trying to cut their teeth in being an artist and applying fetishes to the free cartoons they can watch on Youtube, but it's not actually like they even jerk off to it- They just do it because they like it.
Do you mind elaborating on that
(772 KB, 1754x1241, Page08.jpg)
Mary Popping
If you recognize this name, you are old. Most of her art was absolutely terrible, but at some point that was the best us popperfags could get. Kinda regret not saving more of her stuff when it was still possible; however terrible it was, it was still unique and it has a special place in my heart as my introduction into this weird fetish.
If ya got more post in the lost media weird I've been around a minute or two and I've never heard of them
I've posted this sequence there: >>54835 (Cross-thread)
There are also some links to other works by her there, but this is nowhere near a complete collection
>>52368 (OP)

Man if you wanna talk being an active artist for over some many years with little to no improvement, you should take a look at WakaMiyafuji.

I'll give credit that he *did* improve, but he's severely plateaued. Like how do you do this shit for 18 years and NOT get better?
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I might be biased because his Inflatality video was the first thing I ever jacked off to, but I personally see nothing wrong with his work (aside from the choppiness of his animations). He's simply fulfilling a niche in the community.
And no, he does not draw the Kiss of Death pic over and over. Sometimes it's slime, sometimes air, sometimes cum. Plus, Kiss of Death gives way for some nice puffkissing and blowback opportunities, like in the aforementioned Inflatality video.
>his Inflatality video was the first thing I ever jacked off to
I'm sorry to hear that.

Banter aside, even as a teenager I couldn't stand this dude's crap. I'd click on one of his YouTube videos, hear these horrible gagging noises, and then immediately shut it off.
Does anyone have any actual logs of this or is it literally just high-school gossip?
wow the picture you posted does not help his case holy shit that looks ugly
its all really badly photoshopped shit mashed together, and the pieces arent even in the same resolution
fuck man this shit sucks
Somebody once described them as, "Grandma Moses inflation fetish art," and that will stick with me forever.
They haven't done much inflation art as of late
It's generic, but at least it's done well.
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among the worst examples are: people who just draw a circle and put different heads on it....people who take two seconds to color a trashy looking nude shot blue and call it inflation....people who crudely and artlessly add a different head to the 2005 inflation scene, usually much larger than it should be and with very little attempt made to harmonize it with the screenshot. people who post this sort of trash can't even be called artists because they are not even trying to do anything but the bare minimum. and this sort of shit is usually accompanied by many different variations of the same thing.....whenver I see someone posting this kind of trash I immediately block them so it's one less shitposter to sort through.
(33 KB, 428x642, 12265-0.jpg)
Paste a head you didn't make on top of a body you didn't make and then charge money for it.
>>56943 This thread is for inflaatuon artists. I understand some people are only capable of doing everything wrong, but I wanted to let you know incase you didn't know. Nice pic thou. Cool guy he reminds me of the MJ memes. Micheal Jackson
....are your parents brother and sister?
It's called a reaction image.
(311 KB, 600x578, inflating your mom.png)
For a second I read this as some dude pissed off another dude and they blew his mom.. LITERALLY! If that s*** were true that would be the best kind of own you could ever put on somebody's head.
*cough cough* KAGEKIRA *inconspicuous cough*
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Does anyone know what happened to BalloonToes? Apparently he said some stupid shit on Twitter and outed himself as a pedo or something because he DFE but I missed all the drama that happened.
>Well, yes, and she didn't really like it... :(
Aw sweet we got our own Chris-chan!
She. BT was a girl who posted her own selfies.
I didn't see anything on twitter, either the drama or the ones making accusations. I just assumed that the usual spergs got together on report my post to whine about some old inflation sequence of hers that did feature a girl that looked underage.
>got together on report my post
Okay fine
Since when was that a censored word?
BT's gone? Damn. Good thing I saved some of her art. Maybe I'll post what i have in the morning.
First off I thought it was a girl and second dammmmn. Why the fuck nowadays everyone deciding to go the route of SUS behavior. People can't be that fucking horny can they?

Sad state of today's day and age
Eh it's possible you got to wonder with all these pedo accusations just how many of them are actually real

Like legit someone tried cancelling pyrocynical
Awhile back for some inflation rp dms with a underage kid or something

But fact of the matter is report my post dms are basically just like anonymous chats god knows who your talking too you can't help it even if you ask for proof of age fact is humans lie

For all you know as I am right now I could be underage myself and none of you would ever know.

Case in point majority of weird fetish chats are basically anonymous because we don't want our embarrassing shit getting out like some people still frown on getting hard ones for human balloons sml when there's much worse out there

So whether it was joking like pyro claimed or even a serious sexual rp it's one of those scenarios you just don't know. At the end of the day rp is just basically sexting you'll find the same dirty shit in smut novelas and fanfictions all the time

I get it we should try our best as a community to make sure kids aren't exposed to that stuff but shit happens we can't control and let's face it with the existence of Google half this shits a search away if these kids really wanted to see something depraved chances are they already have . Way I see it some things in certain scenarios like call me Carson or pyro gets overblown you make one mistake in your life (hell in Carson's case he was still somewhat a kid himself) and your entire life is over in the eyes of the world

You wanna Speedrun life? Just say the n word or something stupid on live TV and I guarantee
You'll have a lifelong Target. What we do when younger doesn't mean that's who we are now and the internet is truly anonymous so sometimes you never know who your talking to

In these case scenarios I believe we should be open to forgiveness of course every case is different but we should ask ourselves is this worth a lifelong hate grudge?

If the person is better has gotten therapy and help maybe we should revaluate a scenario to see who they are now from who they were
I agree with you. The last half decade in these regards has leaned into hard punitive justice which doesn’t surprise when you consider the zeitgeist of the time. Punitive justice is rarely ever true justice. If it was we wouldn’t be sending men to literal rape pens over stealing something.

People change and therapy helps. Branding someone for life is a social death sentence and society needs to start considering the seriousness of that instead of just herding maybes into the pen. Great write up. Like you said it’s case by case but the majority of what I’ve seen is ironically enough literal anon teens (like you allude to) on shit cord with no concept of time unleashing lifelong extrajudicial punishment on others led by the 2% of dudes in their early 20s in the community with Narcissistic Personality Disorder who lead their bRigade with toxiC regard. There’s a few of those.

It’s been like this ever since the 05 demographic shift and it’s sad. There’s a reason why people 25*+ age out of this community. It’s not worth losing your whole life over people who want to permanently ruin you based on something that could’ve happened while you were also a literal teen. Or worse yet people who will literally ruin your life for clout. I’m really glad society is finally starting to get away from this shit it can’t happen soon enough. Thanks for your views
I just read up on Carson I wasn’t aware. Holy shit no wonder ‘drama’ incidents like that haven’t happened again in the grand scheme of things. That was deplorable all around. Dude made a mistake at 19 and blam. The worst part is it sounds like it only came out because he told his friends in confidence after the fact to basically repent and move on and instead they take his whole life away. I’m glad karma exists. People that cancel others like this have horrid things in store for them and it’s justified.

It’s beyond the pale that people like this exist. To hold things over someone’s head and ‘haunt’ them because you’re a sad pathetic no life with nothing positive going on. Because they’ve moved on and you’re literally the vessel of the devil on this Earth and you’re so evil you don’t even see it. People whom this pertains to know who they are. This is your sign. It’s never too late to stop. 🕊
Thats why the way I see it deny deny deny even if it's something stupid and minor because once it's proven true the mobs will make SURE your life is OVER

There's no amount of therapy that can help the damage these blue birds do to people..

This day and age they're is no such thing as forgiving and forget only anger and a need to pin people to a cross
Exactly one hundred percent. Even the rich, famous, and powerful have fallen due to not denying regardless of facts. The necessity to do so is strong. The moment you give them the notion that you’re acquiescing they smell blood and it’s game over. It doesn’t matter what the facts are what the nuance is how long it’s been. Deny because the people coming at you are already doing it with bad intentions not to heal you.

No Way Home did an amazing job getting that aspect of mental health out to the public. I hate to say this but I’ve noticed a very high correlation between people online who exhibit this lack of empathy crossed with let’s just say some other facts about them that stunt their social understanding.

I find it devastating that the people who fit that un empathetic bill literally have have the same power and ammunition as everyone else. The effects are disastrous as you’ve noted. No amount of therapy can undo the pain and misery one single individual like that can unleash. And it’s sad because until they stop they’re literally evil so the whole point is that they don’t give two shits.

It’s increasingly important that people in general continue this trend of taking a second look on how we treat these things. The only thing saving mobbed individuals from the abyss is the general public essentially soft deplatforming these personalities by not engaging with this behavior anymore.

The positive thing is that’s essentially the case now. It’s not about revenge. We’re supposed to self-actualize.

If you believe your self-actualization requires the destruction of someone’s life then you’re no better than that person. You’re actually worse because you took the social contract and shat on it. People in general in 2022 don’t play that game anymore thank god
Kids on twitter feel that the only good they're capable of doing is going after artists who draw no-no things, so that's what they focus on instead of actual children getting sexually exploited.

It's honestly pretty retarded, cartoon lolis aren't real and will never be real. I dislike them but at least I can make that distinction.
>Maybe I'll post what i have in the morning
A decent attempt at preserving BT's stuff has been made already:
Ofc, if you have anything that's missing from this archive, do share please.
BT is a guy, I don't care about your troon pronoun shit. He outed himself as a pedo and he freaked out and wiped all his accounts because he was scared that someone would report him to the Police/FBI/CPS/Chris Hansen because of all the loli art in his gallery.
why does anyone care balloontoes shit got fucked
their art was shit lmao
Thanks for revealing the truth to everyone. It has nothing to do with “pedos”. You’re just a diarrhea eating shithead conservative who hates trans people. Thanks for putting it out there dumbass
Let's be honest now it's not only them. The editor's that oracle art are the same too. I don't blame em though. They spin various hours in Photoshop to make an image look realistic.
Cope and seethe faggot. You will never be a woman. Troons are always pedo's and groomers and BT only proved my point.
My friend you dont eat diarrhea, you drink it.

Bottoms up king.
Revealing the truth to who dumbass? You can't cancel anyone here
While true, you do have to take into account that it does take time to make a 2d image into a realistic image. But that's where making sure you give credit where credit is due too. because at the end f the day, the edits couldn't have been done without the image existing and the artist that created it
On the contrary I liked the style of it the whole pastel thing funny enough I was once gonna commission Mary Jane and white tiger from marvel as balloons from them. But they never got back to me on the idea or maybe I didn't get back to them? I can't remember.

But they did some decent shiny translucent looking balloons
I'll give you point on societies are fucked up but your no nerdrotic clownfish TV motherfucker people like you you actually do sprout hate bring people like that who actually at least try to bring out the truth ( to more or less success) of the world a bad fucking name with your bigotry

Uhhhhhhhhhh you’re on the same ip pretending to be different people dumbass talking to yourself.
>>57710 I don't see what you can do, da Vinci.
You missed the point of the entire thread, dumbass.
Although there's no consensus worst inflation artist, I think we can all stand to learn one thing from this thread: When it comes to the worst, there's always a bigger fish.
>good artist
Who the hell is this?

Who the fu - Who is - What - I should kick your fucking ass, who is this?
Who the fu - Who is - What - I should kick your fucking ass, who is this?
Bump to keep the cringe Alive
Just on behavior alone, CattyN, Andrew the Dobman himself.
(109 KB, 1500x1125, dogshit aura.jpg) (26 KB, 425x680, Dogshit design.jpg) (56 KB, 680x605, FcFMQqwXgAEPWj7.jpg)
god damn a fucking creepy man he draws like shit kek
the mona lisa for real?
>>52368 (OP)
i got a few artists
Aura Stones, the shapes are okay the coloring is trash
Rabbitgaming696 the faces don't change dammit and the designs are repetetive, and oh my god he doesn't stop complaining about his art being dogshit it's annoying as fuck.
and then we have Guff the dog, his art isn't bad but god his fucking fnf art is fucking cringe as hell, and who de fuck makes a fucking mod baout a mini drama on the inflation community it gaves me the same cringe vibe about the Jelly Bean Mod kek
Negativity and toxicity are proven good for your brain.
i think this thread has some more potential
Only if you choose a path of darkness. Shunning redemption is a losing strategy every time. This thread is just a vestibule of negative karma that at this point so it’s your choice.
Only if you choose a path of darkness. Shunning redemption is a losing strategy every time. This thread is just a vestibule of negative karma at this point so it’s your choice but I’m legitimately sick of the fighting.
(136 KB, 1280x1000, brazilain_blowout_by_pigsofdoom_dezco6c-fullview.jpg)
Songbird/Diamondback aka PigsofDoom, a 40+ year old absolute pest of a human being who has one way or another gotten himself doxxed or kicked out of every message board or social media he has ever visited for the sheer fact he is utterly incapable of controlling himself, and of course the 'community' (ie SwellReads) protects and coddles him despite him going around saying he wants to murder white people and Christians.
>>64523 Is that even true?
Yeah I’ve been around for ever and have zero clue wtf they’re talking about sounds like sperg conservative shit
>>64525 Or just making accusations.
True. Either way it’s rare that it’s worth taking stuff like this too seriously given the climate we’re in.
He's always been a hack artist and a self hating nigger.
Well there it is
Conservatives are the best at invalidating themselves
can confirm
honestly not surprising, twitter loves to circlejerk the minorities to death

cry about it queer
Oh sweetie that has jo effect here you really didn’t know what you were up against did you? Maybe don’t be a gigantic ass to someone from day one and think you can lord bigotry over people by default
>self hating nigger.
he's black!?
Hey j pro image board tip

Bigots and righties don’t use the word queer in chans because the concept of a queer doesn’t even exist in their lexicon; they default always just call them f**s.

How to spot a “progressive” moonlighting as a qanon type a mile away. Thanks for playing dumbass.
Can confrim pigsofdoom is a complete waste of art...not only that but he charges a shit ton of money for the equivalent of drawings kids can do.
> and of course the 'community' (ie SwellReads) protects and coddles him

lel does not surprise me in the least, like attracts like after all
I'm more amazed at the fact that this dude hasn't improved as an artist in the 20 years he's been online!
As if temporal soul manipulation isn’t impressive ;$
As if temporal soul manipulation isn’t impressive ;)
(409 KB, 512x768, yor_briar_inflation__8_by_vanica_the_inflator_dfheg69.png) (379 KB, 512x768, monika_inflation__9_by_vanica_the_inflator_dfhfw72.png) (440 KB, 512x768, shinomiya_kaguya_blueberry_inflation__10_by_vanica_the_inflator_dfhfzn9.png) (405 KB, 512x768, uraraka_ochako_blueberry_inflation__14_by_vanica_the_inflator_dfhfim2.png)
I think it's safe to say we are all fucking sick of the faggots spamming all the fetish sites with their "inflation" AI generated art. It's virtually the same fucking shit over and over again. Mostly because these niggers throw in a couple of keywords and the robot goes "beep boop beep" here ya go, I made your waifu pregnant and colored her face blue. Fucking brilliant!
Language aside…. I agree. It just doesn’t feel genuine. I want some artistic intent. These are too easy.
It’s hard to explain, but they make me do a hard u-turn on the back button when I see some good shit and the tag says AI
Yeah HGSwells she seems like such a hack.
I bet she’s some obese has-been that needs AI to be her friend in her lonely little apartment when the ice cream pint runs out. Seriously do you know how long that “art” takes to make? To think she’s taking that much time out of her life to make alternate universe versions of herself she wished exist. She probably can’t make the average man on the street cum on command anymore so she gets off getting men online off instead of 😂
If she has a bf he’s probably just a cuck she has on a leash because her mental state is so broken from mommy issues how else you explain a woman like HGSwells9000 🤣
(75 KB, 894x894, 96721A2A-ABB0-4B85-B973-FE35472C9C67.jpeg)
Take this shit for example. It’s obviously just some Mary Sue shit where she self-inserts herself as a literal pumpkin.
We did it Morty. Years of AI research for a fat redhead to turn herself into a literal pumpkin.
That’s not even inflation lmfaoo
Am I in the wrong for saying Virus-20's art has gotten genuinely worse over the years? I remembered liking his stuff from back in the day but nowadays it just feels like he isn't even trying anymore... worst part, I feel like an sjw for thinking his work has genuinely gotten shit
You can add Wakkafan or WakaMiyafuji or whatever the fuck he calls himself now to that list as his never seems to improve and he's been on DeviantArt for just as long.
No. It has become objectively worse over the years. He's trying fewer new techniques. His rendering has regressed. Just generally worse.
(425 KB, 591x1011, Epic Vaush Rant.png)
>I'm so sick of having to look at this thing that I actively searched for and repeatedly saved. All of these images (I saved) that were generated by the same person, with the same checkpoint, while presumably using the same prompts all look too similar! That's why AI is bad.
>Everyone agrees with me, right? Did I mention that I'm racist?

Yes. We all agree with you and now none of us will post AI generated images ever again. Thank you for enlightening us.

That's called "bias", anon. You're describing a personal bias.
And just like that they cause enough agitation to make you an autistic puppet.
Defeat for you
>Yes. We all agree with you and now none of us will post AI generated images ever again. Thank you for enlightening us.
Dipshit, The fact they found this shit means nothing. They probably found it to make the post. I don't even search for this shit yet it's still a good 25% of my DA feed. Back in October it was all I ever saw. It's fucking easy, and people who want attention can spam it to their heart's content. DA forcing people to go through thousands of pieces to check "Do not train ai" is fucking bullshit. There are so many people posting this shit my block list is already half full. I wasn't even looking for it, and it just randomly pops up in any damn subreddit that doesn't straight up ban it. AI bullshit is everywhere. In it's rawest form, it's not a creative endeavor, it's the lowest amount of effort someone could possibly put into producing an image. Typing in a prompt is not art. At the very least cut it out and put it on a background or some shit. Do something to alter it. The fact some people charge for this shit is embarrassing.

I must admit, I find a lot of this to be strange. It's not like low effort art is new. If we are all being honest, looking through any tag on dA will give you lots of low effort photoshops of celebrities faces on violet movie stills. They are everywhere.

Perhaps I am expressing my own bias, but I think the various ai art generations that are 'low effort' are no different. But I also think that once the novelty wears off, we've just altered one kind of low effort for another.

And once that has happened, people will gravitate back towards things that require more effort. I am old enough to remember when people claimed that photoshop was going to destroy art itself around twenty years ago, after all.

I also think that, having used plenty of ai art things, that actually getting good results requires a lot of effort. It requires knowledge of how to fine tune prompts, and what you see is likely one result out of hundreds; it's rather time consuming.

and while I respect artists who can pick up a pencil and do art, I also grasp that for someone like me, whose autism makes hand eye coordination very difficult, who will never be able to draw without extreme difficulty, the ability to make something based on my own imagination is very liberating.

I can grasp that people do not like spam, and I also don't think that people should spam art. But we already had people spamming other things, and we didn't sit here and say that the problem was photoshop existing. So let's not claim that the problem of spam is due to AI art. The problem of spam is people posting the most mundane, low effort things.

And in that regard, I think they should be encouraged to push themselves towards things that will make them stand out, not told to stop doing it entirely, as the point and desire of sharing things is because they want people to see them and engage with them. The best way to get engagement though, is to post things that are different and appealing, and low effort things rarely are.

Side note though: I do not think that dA's idea of training a model based on their own art is a good idea, simply because having trained models myself, there's far too much awful art on their site, which would skew the results, and if the art is not tagged appropriately in the model, you're basically using a smaller, worse version of Laion-B. Put it bluntly, garbage in, garbage out. There's good stuff on dA you could use for a model, but I would imagine that it's a minority of the dataset if you actually looked at it.
(194 KB, 1170x1435, FfRL-gKXwAElpsz.jpg)
>AI is 25% of my feed
Deviantart has a "watch" button on every page/deviation that allows you to manually add individual artists to your own curated list of people who don't suck. Meaning you can just browse .../notifications/watch/deviations to exclusively look at stuff from artists you're already following. Browsing any part of deviant art other than the watch feed and the popular tab is like sticking your head in a dumpster: and that's been the case long before stable diffusion or NovelAI ever took off.

>DA forcing people to go through thousands of pieces to check "do not train ai"
That's a "nah" from me, dawg. DeviantArt does not use your submissions to train AI by default, in order for your works to be used to train the algorithm you'd have to go into settings and click one checkbox to OPT-IN to the experiment like I did.
You sad sack a 4v1 is a bitch battle any day of the week.
That you can’t even keep your ship in order despite the lopsided odds says everything and proves who’s actually punching above their weight here.
That's not what your mom said last night.
(61 KB, 496x304, Screenshot_20221213-230532.png)
Retarded tranny forgets that they make inflation porn and that nobody cares about their opinion! Again!
(43 KB, 519x930, sdL1.png) (54 KB, 605x631, sdL2.png)


S/D is self-loathing but is also a boldfaced narcissist with nothing but a complete fixation on causing as much harm on other lifeforms as possible. He already tried to get Pokemon Go players killed. Who knows what he'll attempt next?
Surprised I haven't seen skullgeist crop up here. His art is good when he tries but damn is he lazy as fuck. Still hasn't finished his ongoing commissions in over a year.
>the left
>the side that has the most active politicians that want to eradicate gun rights
yeah keep that up, they won't be armed for much longer, retard
Really? I've never heard anything bad about him before
Nobody takes this tranny seriously since she is a fucking fetish artist.
(7 KB, 300x168, images (44).jpeg)
I'm not gonna say who I am but I know my art can be a Cross between somewhat decent to lazy as fuck! so I'm just gonna anonymously throw myself under the bus with some self hate so don't mind me!.

Nobody takes this tranny seriously since she is a fucking fetish autist.
AI art is slave driver art using AI for your pleasure and gain so you should in fact feel bad merry fuck you 🎄 🤶
>>72628 Is that a fact? Well, aren't you a cutie? Merry Christmas, bae. Sorry you had to be on your period, and I hope you get well soon. I do apologize if my hair is indeed thinning as there is nothing I can do, but hey atleast I'm not a nutter, right? Let's look at the brightside here.
Let people be trans you loser, but AI artists? Nah that’s trash throw it away in the artistic dump where it belongs with fifth grade level colored pencil shit
No one’s hair is thinning here though it’s fun to see what insecurities creep into this oddly specific schizo anons mind lmfao
Periods are periods and normal m’lady, they happen every month like the therapy appointments you should be having but don’t 🎄
>>72628 Oh shit. I thought you responded to me. Might as well! Because odds are that you need a boob job. A huge onez Come fuck this boy pussy. I will shit right on your dick.
>>72631 Don't call me bald!
Let people be trans you loser, but AI artists? Nah that’s trash throw it away in the artistic dump where it belongs with fifth grade level colored pencil shit
Who’s talking about hair thinning? Not an issue on this side but apparently it is for this oddly specific schizo anon lol
Periods are periods and normal m’lady, they happen every month like the therapy appointments you should be having but don’t 🎄
“Trans” and “people” don’t really go together…
Schizo time! You’re schizoposting so fast I didn’t even catch your replies, Messing with you is so much fun!
Also you’re really obsessed with hair loss apparently someone with luscious locks must’ve passed you up and you can’t move on with your basic Betty Spaghetti strand hair 😘

>luscious locks
I love women with beautiful hair. What are uou talking about? I'm not g like you what is up with those emojis?
I see you’re outdated which tracks with the hating (g)ay (you can’t even type it out because you’re rightly second guessing yourself lol) people and not understanding modern visual linguistics.
People like you are so easy to replace with younger newer talent when the time comes lmao :>
It's a troll, ignore it.
Lol you all think I'm that trans girl I'm not but feel free to take your anger out on me anyways I probably deserve it in some form or way.
he constantly bitches and moans about inane shit all the time, like his constant hate boner for marie from splatoon
I'd be fine with it if he consistently put out art, which he doesn't. He hasn't finished his commissions yet he still semi frequently does kofi offers
this community is repulsive
Depends on which part are you referring to, If you mean the chan-board side, well it's like a normal chan-board but with this fetish, If you refer to the twitter and disc=rd part of course is repulsive, even more with sites like DA
yeah, pretty much
(166 KB, 850x709, sample_456222d236ad9a513f927660038bd46b.jpg)
0pik-0ort, not because of his artwork but because of how fucking cringe he is. I had an interaction on his alt not fetish account (Mister Crowbar) with him and the guy is unbearable.
you wanna elaborate on that chief?
TheShadyAttic. Berryfuckers are repulsive enough in their own right but doubly so when they're narcissistic nigger zoomers obsessed with bitching about white people.
Berry art shouldn't be normalized. Honestly it should've been shunned years ago when you consider it's origin involves a fucking child.
Yeah, if you saw the enormous amount of double moral that is in there, it's incredibly amousing.
SJW and fetishes do not converge in any sense, since they just complain about stuff they actually do kek
>quote-tweeting a retarded troon that got absolutely BTFO in Congress just a week or so ago
also, definitely agree on the cultist aspect; pretending that the lgbt isn't a cult at this point is naive
>it's origin involves a fucking child.
That's the thing tho, as i got older i wanted adults in violets position. It's about the scenario in the end.
Mister Crowbar/0pik is an absolute libtard on social media and blocks people for disagreeing with him. Very quick to delete posts that make him look bad and often using his socials to whine about dumb shit.

Luckily none of that shit trickles through his comic and fetish stuff but i cant look at the dude the same way anymore after seeing him chimp out on social media so many times.
You know it's my belief that blueberry is inherently problematic due to being directly tied to a *child* actress.
at least her genitals aren’t inside out though
>blueberry is inherently problematic due to being directly tied to a *child* actress.
I could see that being the main issue, it has spawned numerous artist to make art of a kid stand in for violet or a violet herself. Then some editors would just headswap 70/05 violets head with a celeb (as if that made it better). Or a form of brain rot. Again for me I just like seeing *insert black celeb here* become a blue orb and that's all there is to it, again that's just me
(193 KB, 604x550, imagen_2022-12-27_180951631.png) (28 KB, 617x221, imagen_2022-12-27_181111231.png) (116 KB, 609x422, imagen_2022-12-27_181135881.png)
One thing is you liking someone becoming a blueberry, there is nothing wrong about that type of expansion, the issue (at least for me) is when someone uses Violet's outfit or drawing Violent herself, and it's more problematic when someone does that with characters that are underaged (not even hebes I mean Loli like shit) or in the worst cases real underages.

Take this artist for example this guy, It's a real underage yet many artists like pic related who are actually adults follow him.

it's disturbing to say at least.
The only thing I've got against L, G and B are the obsession with childish rainbows and the insistance on having 'pride month'. I mean, do you want to be treated like normal people or do you want your magical month of "I'm so special"? You can't have it both ways!

T on the other hand is just brainwashing. Despite what depraved hyprocrisy they teach, there is no gender, only sex. Men cannot become women, women cannot become men. That only happens in TF fetish material. Using female hormones to grow breast fat and having your genitals mutilated does not make you a woman any more than gluing a narwhal tusk to your head makes you a unicorn.
please keep your homophobia/transphobia off of my inflation fetish board
> homophobia/transphobia
get a load of this guy
No boobs no butthole most importantly no balls as they shrinked from radioactive cum
it's so sad to see this anon receive hate, he just has a severe case of dementia
>stop telling people the truth
lmao no
He has a point.
And it’s faaaaa- the fault of reasons!
What are you proud of?
They wonder why society has fallen apart

Abominations to our species.
And it’s faaaaa- the fault of reasons!
What are you proud of?
They wonder why society has fallen apart
Abominations to our species.
I wasn't responding to who you're talking to, you stupud fuck
Steer away from queers. I don’t condone beastiality.
I wasn't talking about queers in the first place. I was saying the guy who said blueberry art is inherently problematic has a good point.
It's creepy not gonna lie.
And I'm not denying anons point. Because he's right, i was saying that in my experience the kid aspect of the whole blueberry fetish is completely devoid from my mind. I just want to see an adult celeb to be edited into becoming a blueberry
sbbeauregarde got to top the drizzling shits list. Also his cringe blueberry podcast and the other one makes me ashamed to share the fetish with these cucks.
>Blueberry podcast
I won't imagine how extremely cringe will be that.
happaxgamma (Caffan Forever 2 on Discork). Where do I even fucking begin?
No, I don’t think I will.
Never heard of that guy, what do they did?
Kill yourself
Jesus Christ..
Anyway! I’m going out to the city to celebrate New Year’s for the rest of the night 🍻
Don’t do what the anon above said and have a blessed night everyone 🕊️
Toss yourself in front of a train and become red mist.
NavSaka. His art feels very samey, and it's all the exact same fucking shape and size with little to no variety. Also got an anonymous tip that he's underage.
What about micaloon?

go get skull fucked you pussy starved son of a skim-milk drinking junior-high football assistant coach who made all of the cheerleaders uncomfortable with his wandering hands and wretched body odor you most definitely inherited

his whole ass vibe is creepy as hell
His "morphs" are also ass. All he does is reuse tmc asset. And when on the rare occasion he makes his own they look like ass.
Well I mean she wears the most basic ass low tier drip tracksuit so personally I don't see a problem with that? Otherwise unless it's like a different adult interpretation like kdaycreams contest thing he did awhile to reinvent a completely new violet yeah I get the same vibe particularly when morphs just straight up copy pasta a head on her body. But there are exceptions like plays that used adult actors etc. But what do you expect she was probably the hell spawn that spawned not only a new fetish category but probably introduced half the inflation community to this fetishes existence that a digdug. It's not bold to assume someone would do they're own interpretation of the character and personally as long as it's 18+ I don't personally give a fuck.

That said can't wait for that Hollywood horror film it's gonna be fun
Because it's only a matter of time before someone gives Wonka the mean one Winnie the fuckboy treatment and gives us a adult violet exploding everywhere like some fucked twisted slither water balloon bitch shit.
So long as its 18+ and done well I'd see it. Wank to it on the other hand...ehh
(37 KB, 595x597, mediailliteracy.PNG)
>average twitter circlejerk thread about what you don't like about inflation
>uses your typical violet gif
>people actually get triggered over it and throw tantrums because oh no muh underage actress

give me a break with this shit
wondering when we'll get the "video games cause violence" arguments
Virtue signaling over the stereotypical inflation character.

Embarrassing, and I don't even like blueberries for the most part.

So random! XDD
People who post shit like Snovation did is a HUGE red flag for me. Lets me know to avoid them at all cost.
Yeah, but like I said I only have problems with people who actually don't separate fanstasy from reality
The circlejerks around Sno for me are the red flags
Literally what I said. Fuck the "underage characters bad" circlejerk.

It's performative. Everyone knows it, but how are you supposed to show people how much of a good person you are if you don't constantly remind them by hurdling the lowest bar possible?
I mean if we're talking horror movie where characters are collage age 18+ what's the harm in a wank expecially if the scene is good again as long as it's not under who cares if you want to it again depending on the scenario violet is just a ironic name for any ironic character that inflates into a blueberry doesn't have to be weird unless you make it like that like legit I can think of five things from my childhood someone's done with or had sexual thoughts about as long as it's aged up and its own universe take it's meh or fine to me
(1.6 MB, 1931x1855, 9D7F0AFB-0A93-4271-A885-091251BCD492.png)
Pretty fun how one only has to just mention being uncomfortable by people fetishising a child actress and some of y’alls will instantly write an essay on the Ills of Virtue Signaling and a dissertation psychoanalysing the OP in question as the True Pedophile™️

Come on man
sperg pissed his pants over a gif that's the first search result for inflation, where the fuck is the "fetishization" there you retard
Somebody should have legit committed or otherwise locked up S/D a long time ago. Dude is legit mentally ill and an active threat.
Seiga. It's a shame his art is so good. The dude has burned so many bridges, started so much shit, and generally acted so aggressive, edgy and confrontational over the years that I generally find him loathsome and can't separate art from artist.
Do you have any pics of this? I've never heard of anyone having an issue with him, would really suck if it turned out he was a bad person
No I didn't think to save any pics, I just clearly remember him being extremely thin skinned on Inflatechan, absolutely could not take even slight criticism and generally went around starting shit there in a few threads and I think on 4chan. Maybe he's changed since then. But I can only assume his arrogance has only increased with how much praise he gets now.
This is more a rant about a particular pet peeve I have with some artists' behavior in this community.

I hate when fetish artists, especially the ones in the weird fetish communities like ours, use their popularity as a platform for their politics.

Two examples I can think of off the top of my head is MaboCorescant believing in (and denouncing) fatphobia and Nyanilla on going full Antifa.

(I think Kip-Tei-Tei also likes to sneak their politics into their comics; I distinctly remember them modelling the CEO character from the No Lunch Break comic after Donald Trump)

Like, we make smut for our fellow pervy weirdos on the internet. All this soapbox talk does is make us look even more like neural divergents than we already are.
imagine if artists were people with their own views on the world... disgusting

Oh fuck off. I have better things to do than scroll through Twitter threads full of bullshit when I'm trying to get my rocks off. Their artpage isn't the place for it.
look, you draw women inflated, not some fucking beaux-arts type shit, you're not fit to talk about the current state of politics
imagine being at computers
(548 KB, 1410x454, imagen_2023-01-09_213829287.png)
I find funny that they think they wil be taken seriously buy nobody (even in the so called "Inflation community") takes then seriously because they draw fetish stuff it's like the thing from pic related
Oh no, they made a character based on a character trope. How could they do this to you?
Oh no, you saw an opinion. You poor baby.
(148 KB, 496x372, Screenshot_20230110-144647.png)
Once again, Zamo creates one of the craziest inflation panels ever created! Too bad it's the most disgusting male character ever conceived, again!
If they’re so disgusting why can’t you let the idea of them go 🤔
You guys ever notice when someone complains about politics, chuds like this come out of the woodwork to conflate politics with opinions?

My brother in Christ, did you read what I said? Do you have functioning eyeballs connected to a functioning brain? All I said was that people shouldn't clutter their page with off topic bullshit. I have a limited amount of free time and I want to spend it looking at hot pics of women inflating, not listening to someone whine about how much the world sucks. If they want to whine then they should do what other people do and make a second account for that shit.
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Ok see I partially agree with this, but in a certain way. I don't care if artists share their political beliefs, its their right, and if its on twitter or something, a social media site whos entire point is to talk about shit, go for it. I don't mind that shit. What I do mind is what this comic >>74543 talks about. When you put your political ideologies into the actual porn. Theres two examples I can think of, first being the ilikapie shit. Look, if he wanted to make a statement about crime stats or whatever, he shouldve kept it to a normal post or some shit, but making blueberry inflation art talking about it is fucking stupid. There's a reason people mocked the fuck out of that, and still do, its because its fucking embarassing. And then theres this fic I saw on DA, written by either SkeletalBookkeeper or Zumberge, i don't remember which, but they made this fic around the 2020 elections where some character is inflating due to arousal, said arousal being from the idea of someone voting. Again, it was super embarassing and dumb. I can think of more, like most vorefags doing the whole "eat the rich" thing which is just pure onejoke.jpg, or ilikapie again with a pregancy pic about political lies n shit, but I think the point is this: if you want to have fetish shit, have fetish shit, but don't try to use said fetish shit for politcal shit. And its not even a right or left thing, IDGAF what people's opinions are, as long as the arts good enough. My thing is, if you make a piece of art with fetish content, especially something as goofy as inflation, trying to make a politcal statement, its not gonna work. Political shit is too serious for you to put some inflated titties in the middle. It fucks up the message you were trying to convey. Its like back in high school when they'd invite some BMX team out to the school to perform some shit to get kids to join the military. I'm too focused on the BMX, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE MARINES. Its the same thing here, I'm focused on the porn, why the fuck should I care about your opinions on trump or biden?
TL;DR, its fine if artists want to talk about their political opinions, just don't make porn of them.
>>74682 I don't know but I've never written a post this long in my life
(97 KB, 799x478, LLM02_0145_Layer_147a.jpg)

Jesus... His art looks like a terrible porn game you would see spammed on some website.
and you are right about it. Just like you said the message they try to deliver is lost due to the fact that is a fucking fetish, and inflation artists are cringe under the point of view of normies.
Hi there, same guy who posted >>74498
I actually agree with you here. I think there's a time and place for that discussion. Maybe my issue was more that they post this stuff on their main art channel instead of an alt or something (I know a lot of artists on Twitter do that but I can understand not wanting to juggle more than one account). But I 100% agree that stuff like >>74543 is the absolute worst.

I think I opened Pandora's box bringing up this subject though. Hope this doesn't get the thread nuked by the mods. (Then again they don't really do much in /inf/)
>shitty porn game
it's because he's making one lmao
We are tachnically doing nothing by just complaining about seeing artists posting shit about politics instead of making porn, the thing think can could happen is a twitterfag lurking here and going to cry about it on twitter.
That dude in the pic looks like a young, inflation-obsessed Leisure Suit Larry
This reminds me of the time a few artist got together and made their ocs wear a "women's rights" shirt with humongous tits and called it activism. Like, nobody is going care about the message you're trying to put forward if you draw and post something like that. People will only give a shit about "OMG BIG TIDDIES!!!"
itt: people realizing that being on Twitter turns you into a terminally-online, mentally-ill individual
>>52368 (OP)
Addde, my god this guy acts like a teeneger on his rants, man you are an adult grow the fuck up
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Mondnar Yug I can't fucking stand this dramatic faggot, and neither it's fucking server full of underfags.
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So after some recent events I have an artist I wanna bring up, Ilikapie. And it’s not even like I can in any capacity say he was a bad artist, his Art was pretty consistently great in terms of his actual drawing skills, but it’s more so a personal grudge.

Most people here are very likely aware of his character “Preggnochio” which was a pregnancy/inflation fetish spin on the fairytale character Pinocchio. Every time she would lie, her belly would grow bigger as if she was becoming heavily hyper-pregnant. And for me personally, it was like the stars aligned with this character, the design was cute and appealing, the method behind the inflation was incredibly sexy, and the art was always of very high quality. But of course there was a catch.

Ilikapie pretty much only used the character in his art as a way to push his personal political opinions, and pretty much seemed to revel in the fact that most of his opinions were those that caused discourse. I think every single image of the character he made has the “lies” that she spouts be some right-wing, Q-Anon level conspiracy theory nonsense. (The images I have alongside this post were edited to remove any of the dialogue they originally included). The most egregious thing he did was he drew an image of her basically saying he supported the states who were trying to overthrow Roe vs Wade and implied that other Pregnancy/Inflation artists should do the same.

All in all, dude just seemed to be an asshole who couldn’t keep his personal garbage out of his art, and seemed to enjoy the outrage it would cause. As of about 2 weeks ago now, seemingly all of his social media accounts are completely gone with no prior warning or explanation beforehand. Highly doubt a character like Preggnochio will ever exist in the future due to the negative connotation it would have to the original, and I honestly just find that sad.
women who get abortions should all get thrown into a pit of hungry wolves
Funny, He spent all that time beefing with the resident preg schizo, and ended up looking like just as big a jackass.

If he'd kept his 'family first' shit out of his wank fodder, he would've gone out with some grace. Nobody (I hope) wants to see toddlers and MAGA hats when they beat off to pregnant chicks.
Not an artist but can someone please take all of Undertaker33's money so we can stop his shitty, boring waifu inflation fantasies from shitting up an already niche series fandom? I can't bare to see yet another Lilly Satou-in-a-Violet-suit picture that looks literally identical to all the others.
Your. Mom Is. A. Whore.
I honestly pitied Undertaker for the pretty shitty medical situation he's in but the guy has caused so many problems starting feuds with other fetishes and siccing his berryfag sycophants on fetishes he personally dislikes it makes it hard to feel bad for him.
happaxgamma is a minor
Kisame here. I vividly remember Ilikapie having a sexual fetish for my ninja OC Li Li and resented that she was popular than his OCs. I think I broke his tiny conservative mind when I implied that Li Li was always meant to be a working single mother and not a housewife.

Outside of the internet, I am a church going Protestant. I already voted for Hochul and kept Guliani's inbred son and Zeldin out of the Governor's mansion. Now I am exhausted with George Santos since his campaign sign was outside my workplace even though he represents Queens and Great Neck, Port Washington area. Our local Republican party is about to shank him. Let's just say that Nassau Republicans operate like the mob and they're about to kick Santos out of their racket
Go fuck your self f w o o m p h
You’re so cancer your name still triggers autoban and you had to change your moniker lmao
Nobody cares about community drama. Besides, SlickPen's is the the new Kisame now. Normies are now laughing at you when you shout Kisame on Twitter.
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Let's face it. You need Schizo's like Kisame to stop the Ron more than I need you. I can always go back to church. I can choose to ignore transgender people.
Who said I want to stop Ron?
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If you don't stop Ron, then you will get a group of fundamentalist who want to curtail civil liberties in Middle America and take down BBWchan for being porn. You can't run a porn site in a totalitarian government. All KiwiFarms and Kisame as an enemy does is prove the religious right, right.
>Being against killing babies is egregious
The only ones killing babies are African American women, and most of them who abort use the excuse of having to work to pay bills.
The only ones eating babies are Hollywood satanists.
Get your facts straight, atleast!
Welcome to the beginning of your ride with F!/“Kisame”
I’ll be just as happy as her and you if one day we can catch the fucker
Until then enjoy the seemingly lifelong ride as we apparently Captain America: Civil War ourselves into oblivion
Kisame here. I flat out don't care for Planned Parenthood. I maybe a protestant, but I am not those Ward Connelly of Larry Elder types. Millennials don't care for abortion. NY is already codifying abortion rights into the state constitution.
(4.2 MB, 3636x2729, wernher-von-braun.jpg)
Yeah no, I am not waging culture war against hyperpreg. Yeah, I reversed engineer Rain Mikamura's DG Cells to make her self gestate, but it's more out of amusement than politics. Humanitarian is for fags.
>>76792 This nutter self-censored the word loli as if it's a word that is banned on American public television. What a queen.
>censors loli
>draws underage characters
Why do these faggots always project?
Honestly makes me laugh that guys like Swell Reads look down their nose at loli but are utterly obsessed with gore and death, by his own logic if people who like loli are IRL pedos doesn't that make him a murderer?
god, I hate twitterfags
(83 KB, 594x756, swelldrawings.PNG)
def argue that throwing a bitchfest like this is just making it harder for blueberry fetishists to avoid the pedophilia label

eh, loli and shota are on the weird side IMO, but I do agree with him here that they're just drawings in the end, and to treat it on the same level as actual kids getting abused and basically just use it as an excuse to cancel people is being retarded
>don't draw loli/shota
>but graphic scenes of bloody gore and murder, including unborn children, are A-OK because they make my dicklet hard

Truly, Swell Reads is an intellect for the ages.
Even funnier that he says you can just honestly dislike someone when he has historically blown a fucking gasket when faced with even minor criticism, including telling someone to hang themselves.
Was only a matter of time until all the sanctimonious cunts on his server would turn on him. This is the company you chose, name.
nutters. You're all nutters
lmao the absolute pettiness

while these idiots eat themselves alive, i'm gonna simply keep drawing pokeblimps or whatever since it makes them seethe :]
nothing but a bunch of control-freaks who have nothing better to do than to yell at people over the internet like a pleb

>people fume over art of Miku now
zoomers were a mistake
I have zero sympathy for him, when he uses his report my post as basically a whisper network AND coddles literal deranged psychopaths like Songbird/Diamondback.
Miku is an AI. Their argument is invalid
I honestly hate the double standards of moralfags, they say lolicon is bad, pokégirls are bad, sonic characters are bad but yet they don't do a shit about real minors or actual groomers or they are the groomers themselves
that's the whole idea, it seems; make everyone bicker about morals concerning fake shit as they turn around and groom their d*scord server members. Twitter is pretty much nothing but predator projection left and right these days.
MIKU IS 16!? I thought she was like 18-20
performative faggotry
I am begging those twitter spazes to focus on actual kids for once instead of throwing tantrums over drawings

it SHOULD be simple: if it's not a real person don't treat it as such
meanwhile bbwdrawn can't stop turning every artist discussion thread into endless arguments over the same shit
An AI's "age" is not important
(351 KB, 403x428, Mad Chica Plush.png)
True, what I hate the most is actual big artists hating for example they point the fingers at retards like Jeetdoh because of a underage character drawn ages ago, but they don't do shit about people like sexyblimp which he actually harrased and groomed a REAL minor but
>hurr durr pokégirls bad
>muh underage character bad he is a pedo!1!1!
>muh dox this monster because this idiot didn't use They/Them prounons!

I don't get why normalfags are so retarded
>>77382 I'll give you 5 minutes to explain to me why this meme is here instead of in bhm
because that was the only rage image I had saved lmao
>>77393 Okay, butvthat's not what I meant.
This whole intercourse is why I only draw adult characters.
That just means you’re basic as shit.
For normalfags it is, even more than an actual minor, I have the feeling of these guys just showing that they hate pedophilia but just to say what people need to hear not to actually prove it.
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I don’t really know what to make of this. Like yeah it’s incredibly lazy but so fucking bizarre it seems like a decent shitpost but based on their other stuff idk it could also be some dom kink going on.
Never though I’d see the headline
‘Chinese Spy Balloon Reportedly Spotted in Canada’
What is this doing *here*? That's not inflstion, it's weight gain.
To be fair I'd much rather see Rosas fat twerking ass at the end of that pump
Maybe someone commissioned them to do it or they owe a friend? Who knows. But that would imply someone paid money for this! That said giving that paypigs are a thing I wouldn't be surprised like imagine someone's kink being low quality or shit post artwork? They can't get an erection unless the shit they be looking at looks Ms paint as hell!
I say it's kinda fun if people are gonna make ironic as jokes about inflation and other such a political bull then meme them hard by turning them into a fat balloon to get them to watch their wording next time
Have an angry internet Karen?
BOOM she's now immortalized as a cartoon balloon. If she argues again go bigger eventually she will stop fighting you.

It's basically that old internet comment etiquette saying. When in doubt. Shirtless old man picture! Shuts them right up.
Sickstar is deeply mentally ill and I doubt he knows what ratio actually means.
This right here is why no one takes leftists on Twitter seriously. What better way is there to "own the conservitards" than to be a shining example of what they say is wrong with society?
I swear obnoxious virtue-signalling fetish artists do it as a form of mental cope. You draw cartoons & people turning into balloons or lard the heck would anyone care.

Least types like Okok keep focused on content.
Dennis Prager is one of those old school liberal Jewish Americans like David Horowitz who became right because of the oppression they felt in Soviet Russia. He's right of center to Bernie Sanders, who is a New Deal FDR Democrat. It's like how Ben Shapiro would be left of center if he wasn't a teen genius who work for Brietbart like Steve Bannon.
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Kisame here. I hate the left because they want to be edge lords, but the left doesn't want to make something edgy like Danzig or Depeche Mode, or Soundgarden. It's no surprise that fetish artists who cancel Harry Potter for promoting witchcraft are the same people who would cancel Pokemon cause Kadabra, Hypno, and Houndoom promoted pedophilia. Lefties are slowly one more preaching from becoming Kirk Cameron or Pure Flix. I guess I am saying that lefties aren't cool, fetish art lefties are John Hagee and Jimmy Swaggart. They're prosperity gospel preachers.
"KiSAme hERe"
Shit the fuck up.
(35 KB, 500x500, avatars-000182086510-rn5fm8-t500x500.jpg)
Cranky that you have been outed as a fundie, incel. You the one who instigated the culture war. I am just sitting back and watching you gatekeepers accuse each other of being glowies
Isn't sickstar a bit too old for that kind of crap? Dude has to be at least in his mid 40s if not older.
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>>7879 (Cross-thread)
He's one of those fetish artists who complain about characters being passive. Bugs Bunny is a passive and defensive character and it works because his enemies are belligerents. Sick star doesn't work because his characters are dated, like that 90s comic style where the woman just gets into an accident and her breasts or body expand while the guy just stands their getting erect. It's like how Bust Artist's writes his female characters as boring Mary sues.

Nope. I saw what you did there, and it was a joke. I had a dream with Tupac and Kobe Bryant having gay sex and they wanted me to tell Snoop to join them. Oh... Huge belly button.
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Like I said, I don't care about your conspiracy. You just got fat, old, and jaded.
>god, I hate twitterfags
This is why we still need DA. DA has many flaws, including the shitty UI overhaul, but at least on DA most artists mind their own business most of the time.

Twitter's stupid format and general atmosphere just encourages people to bitch about each other and virtue signal. It's very "look at me, look at what I'm doing, aren't I a wonderful person?".

>TL;DR, its fine if artists want to talk about their political opinions, just don't make porn of them.
This too. Though really I don't think DA is a sensible place to discuss politics. I'm not saying people shouldn't be allowed to discuss it there, just that there are more effective places to discuss politics than there.

>both of these were apparently spurred on by khyle's latest edgy art piece
Lol. Writing someone off because they have a few opinions you don't agree with is just pathetic.

I'm pro-abortion, but I'd neither write off an anti-abortionist for being anti-abortion, nor would I go around waving a banner with a cringey slogan like "my body my choice". Screw that activism bullshit, what happened to proper, reasoned debate? And not that weedy "it's baby murder" shit. Explain in plain terms why you believe it's sufficient to be classed as murder, or on the opposite side why you believe it's not valid to class it as murder.

Best TED talk I ever saw was a black man telling the story of how he befriended a KKK grand wizard. Long story short, the grand wizard realised the black dude was a good guy and he was in the wrong, so he stood down and gave the black guy his robes as a symbol of his renouncing the KKK. That is how you win someone over - you don't block them, you don't destroy them; you understand them, you befriend them.

(Yes, I realise the irony of saying DA isn't a good place to talk politics and then getting political here. I'm sure there's better places than this chan board too. Difference is I'm not actually trying to sway anyone, I'm just venting my opinion. If people disagree - fair dos, that's up to them.)
(82 KB, 1300x585, malcolm-x.jpg)
That's not usual. The KKK liked Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, and Louis Farrakhan while opposing the socialist NAACP and Nazis. The last known head of the KKK think that David Duke, Tucker Carlson, and Fox News are just grifters. The last known head of the KKK just managed the hotel full of Black People.

You must not know what a hotel means.
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Racist are not angry white men. Racists are often wealthy cops who bully poor people for their amusement. What, you thought Tyre Nicholas was an accident? Those black city cops were part of an elite team by the city and operated on broken windows policing as perfected by Guliani.
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I wish I was joking, but left of center people under Biden have been complaining about the right controlling the internet. The thing is, Elon Musk is the left of center technocrat that nerds idolized like Bill Gates. Now Joe Biden is shooting down Chinese air balloons cause left of center liberals think a virus is in it. I have not really seen anything unusual despite being a left of center suburbanite. I even ignore the slap fight between moderates and socialists because Hochul wants to improve housing stock with electric stoves. Now Eric Adams is whining that socialist are scaring away the Chinese food guy. The left of center and right forget that Uncle Charlie from Nam and North Korea are gun owners and we have gun stores in NY. You take away rice farmers land, rice farmer guns down your wife and children.
What has this thread become?
I admit that I don't know what is going on with fetish artists and politics either. I had been very detached and aloof since I was banned by pregnancy community for being Kisame17. I am just guessing that like most gated community, inflation descend into paranoia and fear of the the outside world. It's that horribly outdated 90s anarchism against the federal government. The sad thing is that the Unabomber was a coomer who wanted big butt black women.

Racists are everywhere. Evil people seek more than anything else to be in governments, police forces, and other positions of authority or power because of wealth. If most politicians in this country were "racists" the country wouldn't have survived past the 80s without a civil war. In hindsight it would ultimately lead to some beneficial changes since there would now be more whites in this country and less "minorities" literally fucking up everything they touch.

Whites have the KKK. Everybody else had cartels, mafias, street gangs, and literally every organized crime that you can think of is the PRIMARY reason for this country being such a fucking joke.

The further away you are from africans, latinos, and the other minorities, the safer and cleaner the neighborhoods are. When you move your family and try to get away from the crime and the low quality living they literally find out where you moved to and follow you there in droves of large numbers because they literally feel that you are part of their species so through society they are entitled to your property because we are all equal, right? We are all the same so give me your shit and let me suck your dick.

Then you threaten them that you will move again and they call you a "racist" just because you don't want your children growing up in a shithole (no offense to anal sex with beautiful women and beautiful women's shit). They're literal retards. They love evil and call bad good.

Then they pick on cute little white girls calling them ugly and shit.
I doubt it. Despite my alias as Kisame, I currently reside in a suburb governed by the Bloods, MS-13, and the Hells Angels. Organize crime has been on the decline since 9/11. That just leaves militias like the Oath keepers and Proud Boys, but those are for law enforcement and government. African Americans like me just want to make art without some middle man telling us to make them look competent. You want respectability, ask the Christ Jackson types that draw inflation.
The guy I was talking about was Daryl Davis.
I've never even heard of Louis and Farrakhan.
Not the sort of stuff they teach where I live.

While I don't disagree that American cops have a habit of being disgracefully over-forceful, I'm not convinced it's a racism thing, I think they're just thugs in general. I think they do the same thing to blacks, whites, and hispanics. Not all cops of course, but a significant enough number to bring the whole organisation into disrepute. Maybe some cops are racist, but far more are just thugs who love the thrill of the hunt and the power they have over people.

I think a far more effective way to bring them into line would be to disarm them rather than defund them. Not all of course, but have the gun squad be a specialised unit that needs to be called out. Though really America would need to make a better attempt to fix the national gun problem for that to be truly effective.

>What has this thread become?
Politics: The bored fetishists story.

>I am just guessing that like most gated community, inflation descend into paranoia and fear of the the outside world.
One day the world will be ready for inflationists to come out of the closet.

That day is not today. If it happened today, the hardcore conservatives would start screaming "perverted sinful horrors" and offering conversion therapy, and the liberal left would start forming some awful "inflationists rights" movement with vomit-enducing slogans and some stupid coloured flag. It's better we hide down here in the sewers so we can avoid the real shit show.
(331 KB, 631x473, 5b687f44e361c03c008b4a5e.png)
I knew I forgot something, hardcore conservatives already know about inflation artists because of Tucker Carlson and Fox News. I didn't think Tucker Carlson was a Mastasia or a Farang Ding Ding guy due to his knowledge of breast prosthetics via troons. Then again he gets his info from Alex Jones who doesn't believe in Minka or Chelsea Charms, think the government is making women's breasts bigger with chemicals and bovine hormones.

>Organize crime has been on the decline
Your post literally asserted what I wrote while also disagreeing with it, you fucking dimwit.

"Crime" is not down. It went down after the 90s then in the past 10 YEARZ IT LITERALLY CLIMBED BACK TO WHERE IT WAS AND THEN GOT WORSE. You don't give a fuck because you're only concerned about certain parts of the country.

The only thing that has changed is social technologies, and access to transportation. While crime went down in some areas it sharply increased in others where before there was virtually no crime. This happened all because of social media and smartphones. Most of those who moved during that time moved from certain types of places, and they are now in their 40s and 50s, btw. Literallt all they did "of benefit" was to drive the price of condos up to record levels. Condos that they weren't ever able to afford in the first place. These are social groups from places like California, New York, South Carolina, Arizona, and so on. Places with not the best reputation, and places that you probably don't want to move to if you're trying to raise a family.

"Organized crime" I would imagine is down, only because now they do their crimes in secret. "Organized crime" is down while "Criminal Organizations" are up, up, up! Ever heard of Domestic Terrorists? Yeah, that was unheard of back then, and yes, IT'S REAL. Fucking idiot.
Crime is up because of a lack of manpower in police, low morale among veterans, and a shift from broken windows theory to community based policing. There's also no counter terrorism unit to go after fundies. I am saying this as someone who got locked in a 7-11 cause a homeless man stole food, or watch our county's police ambush a shoplifter by the hedges of the mall in an unmarked cat.
> think the government is making women's breasts bigger with chemicals and bovine hormones.
I don't believe for a minute that they are, but if they were I certainly wouldn't disapprove of that use of taxes.

I vaguely remember reading some research on which substances are believed to affect breast size. Oestrogen (which 'the pill' contains, or at least did at some point in history) unsurprisingly increases breast size, whereas coffee is believed to reduce breast size.

But if there were a breast growth trend, it's more likely to be related to genes, food, and nutrition. After all, breasts are mainly fat.

Oh yeah? Where the fuck are all these breasts then? Because I don't see them.

>community based policing
Is that what nutters are calling Domestic Terrorism now?
(790 KB, 1400x787, gutfeldgreg_072822_invision-ap_cnn-gutfeld.jpg)
They aren't. One of the many criticisms I get from the left is that right wingers like Gutfield, or Tucker Carlson are number one while their gay Grammy Awards is flopping. African Americans merely think that Lizzo or Nicki Minaj is just copying Lil Kim and stealing her look to sell pop.

I am convinced that Merrick Garland, the boomer who caught Timothy McVeigh is going to run out of right wing nuts to prosecute and go after the radical left. The sad thing is that Joe Biden is messing with his reputation as the guy who caught the Oklahoma City Bomber. The last thing the guy needs is cheerleaders for the Justice Department.
Professional artists don't do inflation cause it's cartoons. I know cause it's was exhausting getting Ed Benes to commission art because of the restrictions
A) Think "compared to X years ago".
B) The coffee and oestrogen thing was likely a miniscule effect, not an "all girls magically have double Ds" affair.

>Grammy Awards is flopping
In my experience people hate the Grammies because it's literally just rich people patting each other on the back and rubbing our noses in it. It's one thing being rich, deserved or not, but it's an entirely different thing rubbing it in everyone else's faces with a televised event. And to add insult to injury, they make sure to signal all the topical virtues they can fit into their speech. Great way to upset both the left and the right.
The closest thing we have to old money is Trump and the Koch. (I think two of them died already) Old money families don't buy into television or entertainment as a business.
Who said 'old money'? You think Lizzo and Minaj aren't cashing it in?
Musicians are nouveau riche.
I don't know. I am getting bored of artists like DocGyara and Riddle August talking about politics. I am going back to harvesting the largest breasts I can find on the internet to make characters.
Being virgin is great. You will love living in the USA.
That's the thing, Gen Z tend to hate cartoon like proportions. They see millennials like big dad and Cross Crescent as mid 30s boomer who can't let go of the past. I am not sure how much of it is due to populists destroying the school with COVID-19 lockdown, or this is just baby boomers ignoring their child's need for mental health.

I was using sarcasm. Being kissless virgin isn't fun at all it was hyperbolic
When I stopped being Kisame17, sarcasm was ripped from me because jokes hurt people's feelings. Funny is subversive nowadays

Sucks to b u, nutter. I have a 31 yo nephew that looks to me as his last hope in ever getting married, and I'm going to change this country if it's the last thing I do. For Sakura.

This is for Pink Sakura. My beloved. Whatever it takes I will stop virgin. Or I will move out of this country and have massive amounts of sex.
Yeah, I also stopped being nutty since I stopped being Kisame17. I gave SlickPen's picture to KiwiFarms just so she can be Kisame the IRS agent since she made it up.

Did you stop being corny? Did you start being cool?
I didn't say they weren't. I didn't say anything about 'old money' or 'nouveau riche'. I said 'rich people'.

Either way I win.

>IRS agent
All too often that means Domestic Terrorist around these parts.
I don't know. Gnarly Otaku accused me of being Howard Stern or Tom Green. I flat out don't know who those people are. I tend to dress more grungy with flannel and dark colors.
(28 KB, 448x680, Fbn5JH_X0AIel16.jpeg)
Not really. Joe Biden is on autopilot at this point. He learned from Trump that autistic screeching about jobs works.
(213 KB, 448x680, Joe balloonden.png)

I said I fucking would now enjoy your balloons president also congrats your political bull locked the thread!

Tell ya what! Once this thread dies I'm gonna create a thread called stupid political shit. Using Balloon Biden as a header!

If you want to talk about the politics ONLY TALK ABOUT THEM THERE! no where else

Basically make it rant thread 2.0

Also it would be appreciated if you fuckers ARE gonna talk politics.

Please. Pick up a pencil. And draw some hot politician balloons at least so we get some fucking entertainment from useless irl drama!

Not being mean. Giving you a legit outlet (unless mods delete it or some shit then your screwed.

But it alt least keeps shit out of general threads for other shit.

Enjoy the joe Biden balloon and if your not gonna contribute like I am please piss off!

This is ironic to me since I very recently was amazed by the prices of milk, eggs, and gas, some of my most favorite of things.
Exactly my point at least make it fun and interesting even if your art looks like crappy Ms paint draw some sorta shit post and make sure it's inflation related
Boy am i glad this thread got bump locked
Me too
Dude the Angel Purrverton is actually an adult man !
Maybe he doesn't realised that the artist he follow is a minor
Wait are you going to tell bad Angel Purrverton too ?

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