
Anyone know the original source of the first image?
Faridae had an old Instagram that was left up for years after their departure from the community; that was one of the works that was left up before the page was inevitably shut down a while back
I kinda meant the original image before being morphed but thanks for the info anyway
(52 KB, 640x480, faridae_and_violetalice_collab___part_seven_by_faridae-dcktb5c.jpg) (105 KB, 612x816, faridae_and_violetalice_collab___part_six_by_faridae-dcktb2h.jpg) (656 KB, 1080x816, screenshot_2018_08_20_00_09_10_1_by_violetsalice-dckrxg8.png) (1.2 MB, 1080x1440, screenshot_2018_08_20_00_09_19_1_by_violetsalice-dckrxqi.png) (606 KB, 1080x799, screenshot_2018_08_21_13_37_13_1_by_violetsalice-dckrwys.png) (663 KB, 1080x810, screenshot_2018_08_21_13_37_35_1_by_violetsalice-dckrx8z.png)
(818 KB, 592x1280, trim2A350882-1587-4F12-AD30-CB27.mp4)
Hey Faridae if you’re out there seeing this and happen to care here’s a recent seemingly very self aware Violet with morph potential.

For those busy moralizing save me the platitudes for the following statement. I still peruse these videos for my own reasons but regardless of that I’ve made an interesting observation that I find worth sharing.

I’ve noticed that particularly ever since COVID went down and stagings have popped up again in the last year that.

From my observation regarding high quality stagings with high quality video to boot well over half of the actresses playing Violet seem to be. Very self aware. And they definitely milk it in their own ways but the common thread is the obvious wink wink found in most of these performances.

I think it’s safe to say the character as a whole has been permanently changed in the general consciousness and most people have silently become exposed to well, everything.

It’s hard to imagine the minefield this character is when pretty much every girl that plays her from now on from Hollywood to the smallest local production is seemingly.. self aware for lack of a better term.

I find that it seems to be getting silently accepted more than anything. I wouldn’t doubt if by 20, 10, maybe even 5 years from now the dynamic of what this character is, the unintentional barriers she will break, and what society deems acceptable is radically different in a way that we possibly can’t comprehend at the moment.
anon what the actual fuck are you talking about
Sounds like you've overanalysed this one clip, let Faridae do their own thang in peace
Why did they edit a bunch of minors though...
No idea personally I think they were weirdly trying to do edits of every piece of physical play or musical media out there or something. At least that's my hot take
>At least that's my hot take
A very hot to take indeed. my theory is that she what she was doing was wrong which its why she converted to christianity.

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