
(76 KB, 1234x788, Sister.JPG.jpg)
figured I make this since the Babe scene has it's own thread too

feel free to post any works based/inspired by Aunt Marge's inflation
Thanks for sharing. I love how the one design is like "we can use a skirt so you don't see her underwear" and the other one is like "let's see all her underwear and pop a few buttons so you can see her tits."

Somebody at the production company is going "god damnit. Who let jerry draw his fetish shit as concept art again?"
(39 KB, 640x302, EtZ1nHQXcAUrGOL.mp4)
Nobody ever saw this on Berrychicka's twitter?
Glad to see this finally getting some love!
I recall there being a segment in a behind the scenes type thing where they were showing shots of the dursleys backyard and talking about the equipment they used.

Anyone got that by chance?
(1.2 MB, 1253x603, 000.png)
Morph I made recently
Do you have a DeviantArt page?
Nope, this Is the first morph I've tried doing
well for a first morph it looks pretty good
keep up the good work
I have a two deepfake gifs of emma watson as aunt marge but it won't me post it
Probably been posted before and that's not what I meant I meant with specifically hellresident you have to convert them to MP4 but yeah they work to a degree. Sometimes you have to zoom in you get the face then merge the close-up image with the original photo because sometimes it doesn't identify far away objects to well but yeah with some editing you can get some decent stuff!
(92 KB, 596x824, Screenshot_20220530_020205.jpg)
Mind you with any celebrity of your liking. It can be a finicky process but definitely one that's worth wild I assure you I mean look at this

Again remember to get as high res as possible and that you're going to have to do some adjustments probably cutting images apart and then realigning them back to the original photo etc. But can be pretty decent
Also remember they're a no nudity policy so case in point close ups gonna be your best friend with reface
What celebrities are these?
She looks so familiar she also looks hella fucking hawt
Merula Snyde, she's from the Hogwarts Mystery Game
(507 KB, 910x412, Temp.jpg) (507 KB, 910x412, Temp-1.jpg) (483 KB, 910x412, Temp-2.jpg)
Anyone got Hellresident's Aunt Marge sequence?
(1.0 MB, 900x600, shsh.png)
Another morph i've made
No, it's from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
that asian chick having a scottish accent still blows my mind like some kind of uncanny valley shit.
please tell there's something like this but with Hermione
The artist said maybe in the future. Earlier in the thread there is the image that was used as a base for the morph, which depicts Hermione blowing up
Needs more wizardesses other than Hermione.
I know there's a pic out there out there of Luna
Love the expression on that one
Someone edit Hermione into a soccer ball.

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