
(115 KB, 350x326, Screenshot_20220426-085549.png)
Since some bitch mentioned she inflates when she farts I figured I'd take this show and tell to heart myself and share my weird ability..

Hi I'm Sasha and the more I'm scared the bigger I balloon..weird I know but probably not as much as gas attacks..

Ask me anything Just don't send me dick pics. I'm tired of getting cock pics! (Reason I left Tinder)
What the hell is going on here? Is this a really ugly woman or is it a man?
>>48376 I will like to add that this thread doesn't have enough gay. This thread needs more gay.
What the shit? Weird Fucks like you is why I left Tinder gtfo of here with your lolli shit!
I could go kiss a girl if that helps I guess? Not that I know Where I'd begin to look?
First off fuck you! and even though you can't see me though the mask, thought that was obvious dipshit. But I never said this was a photo of me to begin so that's just your opinion lol with that said I thought it was obvious I'm a chick shit lips
That's not even trap, that is full-on "18yo transvestite from the hood". They killed livejasmin with their faggotry. First came the ghettos with their tattoos as I recall, then came the uglies. I never go there anymore. It is but one of those things about life and there will always be more ugly females than gorgeous ones, unfortunately. On livejasmin they became like an infestation of killer bees. Go ahead and steal my idea if you want and make a low-quality manga that nobody in their right mind would ever want to read.
>>48381 My shit lips is one of my most functioning body parts darling. And if that's so then where are your boobs? Thus far you are but a humanoid without proof of a proper working vagene
To be fair I'd probably read. But like I said before I never said the photo was specifically me just some bitch in a ghost face hood because personally just felt fitting

Ghost face
Screaming face
Inflating from fear

Just made sense. Although as a bonus note I do own a ghost face mask lol
Maybe so but your a coomer pleb with a small penis unless you wanna prove us wrong in a little show and tell?
On second thought nevermind I've seen enough dicks in my lifetime I don't need to see another tree trunk stump
>>48385 Fair enough then let's forgive and forget so we can both be ugly but apart from one another, out of reach from the line of sight.
Now if we're done fighting like I said to all you small cocks just like that one can't I have a weird superpower as well but unlike some fucking fart fetish my dumb ass probably got it just as bad if not worse!

I inflate.. by fear!

What do I mean by that you ask? Well I'm happy to fucking indulge! My fat ass when stimulated by any form of legit fucking jump scare stare to rapidly blow up like a god damn party balloon. Giving fear is a part of natural life it's a real fucking drag!

Anyways ask away questions and all I guess I don't fucking care.
>>48388 You clearly don't understand just how little I give a fuck. I have seen the future. The only one scared is you. However if that is indeed your vagina then good on you and congratulations. Pink vagina is pretty good
Thanks I guess bitch ya know your not the worst fucker in these threads. I mean you can't beat jailbait tard up here >>48376 he's probably the king of retard for this fucking thread dumb Loli con cunt
Bitch I'll log out when I fucking wanna lol don't Marge grunt my ass!
jailbait? I thought jailbait.com went bankrupt since like 2012? What's the address?
Do I look like someone that keeps up with that shit but sediment and feeling is kind of the same like why the fuck would you post that shit in this thread of all places? I swear my energy must just attract the dumbest of fuckers and lord knows how or fucking why? Like what do you believe me if I told you this wasn't even the craziest shitI've ever seen happen? I've heard worse from dumber bitches!

I swear some motherfuckers always trying to skate uphill! Some people be dumber than Ugandan knuckles.
>>48396 Yup....... some of us sure are stupid alright
Nice opinion but how bout you suck the cum out my pussy
>>48402 I am not entirely sure where that hostility came from but let me asure you that my feet smell better than yours.

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