
(265 KB, 593x333, Screen Shot 2022-01-27 at 7.34.36 PM.png)
anyone have this video by Alexa Balloon Girl?
it was only on pornhub and then it got affected by the purge.
title is "Wishing upon a blow"
Back to plebbit, troon
do yall ever get bored?
Just enough to point out the obvious. Also,
Gtfo nigger
>>48203 (OP)
If she ain't a girl she hides it well seriously I think she is though just simply off the voice alone sounds feminine enough to make me believe it's not fake. Could be wrong but fuck non of use are scientists or stalkers

Your ass only gonna get answers by asking her directly or stealing medical information and I don't know about you all but I ain't on that hard of a knowledge trip to pull that crazy stalker crime shit!..

So just drop the gender bullshit what are we blue bird bitch tards?
It's an established fact that this individual has desperately tried to erase from the internet, changing all of his profiles and such to where he makes no mention of even being a tranny. If you guys want this shit so badly, then cope, seethe, dialate, and fuck off back to plebbit or the other 99% of the Internet that tolerates such faggotry. You can't seem to wrap your mind around that nobody wants this shit here while you are persistently trying to add your turds to the pile.
Hey I was just pointing out I didn't see any particular facts. Maybe instead of just screaming gay gay homosexual at the top of your lungs provide some facts like it's a fucking courtroom or some shit. Calling something gay or tranny is like 4chan pleb go to number 1..

At the end of the day it don't really matter I mean there's people into guys and stuff and your right at the very least you should know what your fapping too so I appreciate you pointed out a factual statement like they've deleted past profiles and such.

All I was saying is I could pull out a birth certificate and a photo and the internet would still call it trans. At least if your gonna make an argument point out the facts brother the facts is all someone needs

Then fapping comes down to the choice of the dick holder. And their preferences..

Now with that out the way let's go back to posting content or some shit. Give this fucker his lost media so we can move on lol
>>48203 (OP)
I believe most of the individual’s content out there is for the most part scattered across various porn sites, I did not see any kemono or coomerparty unlocked content. I do believe he/she/it is revitalizing the stream content and will collab with Balloona, but your guess is as good as mine as far as when that will occur.

You could also try the report my post server although I’ve found it as well as Balloona’s to be complete shit just like any other server; full of favoritism, people shelling out cash for roles, and thin-skinned moderators.
Imagine being so insecure with your sexuality that you go on a fetish board, full of videos and pictures where women pretend to inflate their tiddies, just to shout homophobic and transphobic slurs at people. Truly pathetic stuff.
Seriously, you have to be delusional to think people being trans is degenerate activity while youre on an inflation fetish board
Here's someone who thinks they speak for everyone on here. Get the fuck off your fucking throne.
Thing is, if this guy is faking being a woman for clicks you had a point. There's a difference between someone openly trans doing inflation stuff and someone trying to trick gullible cumbrains into giving away money. But you're on a forum for niche fetish content, troons are allowed. But only the honest ones.
Another man in disguise

It's not degenerate in the sense of a lack of will, they are legitimately sick people that need help, not to be taken advantage of by the medicinal industrial complex for sake of profit and being egged on by pants on head retarded coolers. like yourself.

No, and you can't make me, nigger


>honest ones
The entire ideal that "They are women" is dishonest bold faced lie. Not to mention, this one tries to hide it and from what I see, doesn't claim to be transgender on their social media. Also, jfc the guy has a mustache and five o clock shadow in some of his posts, give me a fucking break.
This dude definitely cums to futa porn on the daily and is overcompensating by being a transphobic dickhole. Just admit you like being pegged, move out of your mom's basement, find a job, then log off 4chan forever. Or kill yourself, either way is a net gain for humanity. For your sake I hope you pick the first option.
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>muh transphobia
>muh basement
>log off 4chan
>log off
I didn't think someone could possibly be such a monstrous display of reckless faggotry, yet here you are. Fucking plebbitniggers, I swear

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