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I am absolutely obsessed with AI writing when it comes to inflation. Just wanted to share my story in case there are others interested.

Back in early 2020, I found AI Dungeon. Pretty quickly, I turned to making fetish content with it. Subscribing to their Dragon model, I was instantly blown away. The responses were perfect, descriptive, well paced, creative. It was like the AI knew exactly what I wanted.

Well, eventually AI Dungeon had some controversy, and they ended up practically lobotomizing their dragon model. Unfortunately its outputs became much worse, and I was looking for alternatives. (To this day I still look at AID from time to time, their new hydra model is something, but still seems 'meh' to me)

Along came NovelAI capitalizing on AID's failures. They quickly built a strong and dedicated community, and are constantly updating their AI.

However, NAI has a barrier to entry. There is a lot of setup and in depth settings you need to finetune in order to get the best responses from the AI. I have done countless settings and nothing ever feels quite right.

They added custom modules, and I spent the time to accumulate many of my favorite works and trained many modules, but still. The coherence of the ai didn't seem to improve for my niche fetish needs whatsoever. Even their newest model, Euterpe, does not come close to that original dragon feel.

Currently I'm exhausted with trying, but I still really want it to work, and believe it can. I've scoured the internet for others who have attempted, and come up short.

For those who have. What NAI settings do you use? Whats your custom module data like? Any other alternatives you have tried?

Thanks for reading.

Pic is first thing I saw from googling "ai inflation" lol
I also enjoyed old AID. Tried KoboldAI with NSFW model as a free alternative. Sadly, it's responses to any prompts are completely incoherent
Yeah I've been looking into Kobold ai again, once i trained a model on my data, it was pretty scuffed.

Want to try again now that they have this new soft prompts feature, which is basically custom modules. However training one was a bitch so i gave up.
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Having learned of the difference between male and female authors and writing styles, can algorithms convincingly write as if by a certain person?
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Yeah, novel ai especially has plenty of modules to imitate styles of specific authors, those are trained off of all the available writing and pretty easy to make.

I'm more worried about just having coherent outputs. Start blowing someone up and the ai always seems to change up how it interprets what is happening.

Even with my own custom trained module, i still found myself doing all the heavy lifting, and the ai not understanding.

Pic is raikovjaba on twitter
Sauce for this photo?
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No sense bumping. Seems pretty clear to me I'm the only one who has invested the time into playing with the various AI's available.
KoboldAI supports custom models
Maybe someone could train a model on inflation stories specifically?
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I spent a weekend looking into their custom modules (soft prompts), and promptly gave up.

The training they had was some google collab instance, and quite confusing to set up properly. Kept screwing it up and never getting it right. Figured it was more trouble than its worth.

Will happily try it again if it gets a little more user friendly to train their soft prompts.
How much work did you put into this? Honestly I'm a little impressed you went through all that effort with a ai and I would like to know more about it
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Well, when I first found kobold AI I found they had ways to easily train custom models. Specifically, they had a google collab notebook where you could fine tune your own gpt-neo-horni-2.7B model. Following the steps, it was pretty straight forward, I did it with my data and was able to export the model to use in KAI. Granted, it wasn't that great. It could come up with some good inflation responses if I tried using material that appeared in the sources I used, but otherwise sucked in the end with overall coherence.

Thankfully playing with KAI made me ready for novel AI custom modules. My data is 245 stories currently, sitting at 3.5mb. Generally, it takes about 1-10mb to make a decent fine tune for modules.

Funnily enough, I feel like novelAI modules still gave less coherent, or more boring outputs, than KAI modules did when directly relating to inflation...
am i misunderstanding this thread? did a computer draw these sketches? Lmao
I dont know what this is, all I know is that I cant find inflation content on it.
Griffin was pretty weak, I had to rewrite almost half of paragraphs. I doubt that it got better after censoring
It hasn't. I still try to use it sometimes but it tries to skip forward in time or go off on it's own 90% of the time.
"Over the next few months you see this girl several times a week. She is your favorite girl. You tell her that you would like to inflate her and she gets excited. You tell her that you love her and she tells you that she loves you too. You end up marrying her and having a couple of kids."

That escalated fast
Best possible ending.
>>46300 (OP)
I've used all the big name services, paid and unpaid, and I definitely have to say that NovelAI is the best one of the bunch.
HoloAI is getting there too, but it's going to be a while.
Novel and Holo both have things where you can train your own model, I've used the service for both and NovelAI's is 10x better.
AI Dungeon is complete ass overall and doesn't have its own model training thing, but it's free, I guess.

I exclusively use NovelAI right now and I've trained a model on a bunch of inflation stories, I think some time around the end of the month I'll pay for some model steps and overdo it.
Even with only 500 steps, the model I've built so far is already working pretty well, I definitely need to track down more inflation stories that come with more anatomical writing, though.
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NovelAi was better for me as well. Its very enjoyable since you're writing a story that interacts with you. Also since you have no idea where the story will go. This will satiate my unbearable lust and crippling loneliness until the bladerunner gfs are released

Any chance you can upload your module here and share your settings when you do? I'd love to try it out, considering my modules have never seemed to have much of the desired impact.

Hell, if you give me the data I can train a module for you with my extra steps.
I would also love it if you could upload your module. While my module has the idea of getting bigger and providing somewhat graphic images, it always seems so linear and repetitive.

I'm curious about your module, how did you format your data for training? How big of a data size do you have? Also how many steps did you use?

Because mine is just ass, feel like it doesn't even get the "general idea of getting bigger" right and I'm just constantly correcting it. Like I get better results just running Krake with no module lmao
Honestly, mine isn’t that great. It’s only around 480-490ish steps with .txt formatting (however, I’m soon going to have another 500 to play with). There’s a lot of times where I need to write my own lines or repeatedly clicked the retry button. I’m not that experienced with the program, but whenever I make a story, I make sure to flesh out the memory, notes, and characters. Scene is a bit tricky for me, especially when the scene is changing based on size of character.

One of the things that I tend to do to ensure that it does follow a path of inflation is to actively define “inflation” as a concept in the Lorebook. Include things such as what it is, how it’s pleasurable or not, methods of inflating, the body parts and what order, various emotions such as tightness, how it ends, and other components. I still am trying to figure out if tags are better or just to keep it always on, but just including “inflation” helps wonders. Also within the character’s lore book, include their reactions to said process and include things such as how they enjoy it or limits of size. Making these details allows the bot to understand that inflation changes the body of the character and how the character reacts to it.

Once the inflation is progressing, it will most likely continue to progress. However, sometimes, the story decides to end the story too early or can’t maintain correct sizes. These issues I’m still trying to figure out.

I’m still relatively new, so I can’t help you much, but I hope this puts your story a bit more on track.

Guess I'll try being extra detailed about it in the lorebook. I'll let you know how it goes.

Also only 500 steps? That seems very small. I'm guessing your data is a small set? If you want I can train modules for you, I have way too many leftover steps.

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