
I'm serious guys I need a quick fix or I'm worried the next can of beans I eat may Just be my end!
Can't exactly lie, guys. We say we wouldn't, but if someone could actually do this we'd be all over it.
Oh God I'm going through another bloating fit again tonight. My belly keeps bloating yet everytime I let out a fart to relieve the pressure the smell causes me to inflate twice as much!

I'm in a loosing battle and I don't know what to do! Any advice?
Can be fixed in three easy steps. First you're gonna want to order 1 of everything from Taco Bell. Now i know that might sound extreme, but trust me I'm a doctor.
>>46237 (OP) This is the funniest thread I have ever seen
Damn bruh you tryin to make this bitch shit her brains out? You might as well make her take an
elephant laxative šŸ’€
I'm trying to prevent myself from exploding not suicidally induce it!
Elephant laxative would probably cause me to take an entire city block with me not gonna like lmao
Try sticking a cork up your butt, or better yet a hose hooked up to an air compressor, and make sure it's on
(2.3 MB, 4160x3120, hand.jpg)
I'm not gonna get myself doxxed lol I know there's some good people here who'd just want to fap to me. (Which I don't mind) but I'm sure theirs probably one idiot or two who would most definitely break into my house and try to pop me lol. The risk is too great so best you'll get is a hand. So Hello šŸ‘‹šŸ¤—
Ok so I ended up surviving the night in case anyone is wondering.

Anyways for a little context in my life..


My name is Marcine but you can call me Marcy.

I've had this issue for a hot minute now and I have no idea what started or caused it? All I know is depending on the variables if I sniff a fart a part of me starts to blow up! This can be anything from my belly, to my boobs, even obscure things like my thighs, arms, fingers and yes even at one point my whole hand swelled up. But it's quite sporadic and random.

But the thing that gets me afraid is with each expansion I start feeling more bloated and what once stook to just a body part or two has started getting worse. Luckily I haven't burst yet!

But I worry that some day I'm just going to set off a chain reaction and I'll just expand and expand til I become a big ball and explode and I don't know what to do..

I'm kinda scared lol. But I've started this thread because I figured maybe (god knows how) I'll find the answers here or at the very least I can document some of the process in case that dreaded day does happen and I become nothing more than human rubber on the floor.

So feel free to ask me anything you please! I'll try my best to answer questions when I can.
Maybe.. I mean a vacuum in reverse might work? But then again I'd probably just end up sucking the organs straight out my butthole til I'm a cartoon pancake. And even then the smell of my farts would probably leak through the chamber so my bathmat butt probably just end up rapidly inflating like a parade balloon until I'll filled the room and exploded.

I mean wouldn't matter at that point if all that was left of me was skin I might as well go out with a bang then..

So vacuum cleaner probably not a good idea
Another quick way to a "bad end" death

Although I'm sure all of you would probably enjoy seeing me burst like a bubble lol
On the subject of gas, I have always enjoyed the idea of a magic whoopee cushion causing a gassy butt inflation
Why is this thread still up
I get the feeling maybe Eric from Internet Comment Etiquette might be fucking around with this.

If that's the case, I'm bringing more popcorn.
As I said I don't really mind if my predicament turns a few people on when they grab their balls and cough
Will you marry me? I'm 6'4", 240 pounds, 5% body fat with a net worth over $150M USD. I will take care of you for life.

If you don't feel comfortable marrying someone you just met, how about we go on a Zoom date first? Or I can fly you to my private island for the weekend. Let me know.

I'll have my assistant leave a phone number and email that you can use to get in touch with me.

Please let me know. I think you're perfect as is and I want you to see it too.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that I have a 8.5 inch long/6.5 inch girth cock... and I know how to use it!
I'm squirtin for a hurtin baby pop me
Wow I'm flattered I really am but with my predicament the way it is right now I'd hate for someone like me to settle down, move in with you. And then randomly just spawn a swelling attack that doesn't stop and violently spray your walls like a crime scene without warning.

Like I'd really hate if a wonderful person like you with such a big member ended up someone's prison bitch because of the local pd thinking you carved me up or something out of Texas chainsaw massacre because of little old me and my gassy inflating ass not being able to hold it in anymore and exploding on you.

It's best if I remain single for the moment.. until I feel less like a violent explosive grape tomato that could blow at any time.
More like a just a friendly chat because I'm scared and documentation of my existence so at least someone knows in case my body finally goes KABOOM! But if you wanna concider this some roleplay or arg feel free to be my guest. Never been the best at dirty talk but I could try to appease your horny sides to the best of my abilities while I'm still around to do so
Anyways guys I'm feeling a little bloated so I'll answer some more questions tomorrow.

Til then
To be 100% honest, I have a sexual fantasy that you do burst and spray all over the walls.

However, I'm sure we can find some sort of medical treatment to release the swelling. At the very least, we can get medical documentation of your condition. I have cams set up everywhere, so there would be evidence that you exploded for medical reasons.

Jesus fucking Christ, I just came myself. Usually I can last and last and last, but this just fucking pushed me over the edge. I didn't touch my cock at all. The crazy thing is I'm still rock hard. If you don't want to settle down, maybe we can just meet for fun?
That's kinda terrifying ngl
I'm glad the thought of me exploding like and overfilled slutty balloon while I moan and beg for mercy and release really makes your cock go nuclear! Hehe.

But sadly I'd feel awful if one of your family members took their life's or something thinking about your Hannibal lector fursona massacre and all the victims you've taken or tortured.

I'd never find spiritual peace in the explosive aftermath of it all
But hopefully tonight the thought of me invades your dreams as I fill the room around your parents bedroom (my bad basement) as I rest my hole upon your 8 inch tip until my overinflated face squeezes your face tight before I explode in a mist of your cum over the old smelling walls.

Meanwhile I'm going to get some sleep myself and dream of universe where I didn't have this condition and can eat all the spicy gassy foods to my heart's content poolside on an inflatable pool floaties.

Sadly reality would probably see me become somebody's pool floaty šŸ™„
Lol stop it your subtle strawman kinkshaming is only making me hornier
Itā€™s probably for the best weā€™d never meet in person. Iā€™m a slut for spicy food, none of which agrees with my poor tummy, so Iā€™m constantly leaking ass gas.

Now Iā€™m imagining how itā€™d feel to straddle you, to force you to watch as I force more and more unhealthy junk into my groaning, gurgling belly, to feel you push my thighs further and further apart as I struggle and fail to hold it all in.
Just filling up someone with gas is my kink and Ive had several roleplays with said kink~
what about sharts
Ok I'm back guys..

Last night I kinda had another close call. I tried some stomach relievers for the bloating and it didn't work. Tried some home remedies too and that also just upset it some more. So I nodded off to bed in my T-shirt top (no pants or panties in case you horny toads out there we're wondering)

Things were fine for the first hour but after my belly got a little too tight it started releasing gas. And that gas set off another chain reaction again.

After the first whiff in the air I instantly awoke to my belly and thighs rapidly expanding like balloons,(my breasts also followed suit). So I did my best to waddle to the bathroom, open the air vents and sit my fat butt near them as my body continued to inflate. Everything felt so taut and tight.. I felt like I was gonna explode!.

Luckily everything started to calm down and I started to deflate again over the next few hours but it felt like a pretty close call guys and this problem really scares the crap out of me! I don't wanna pop. I don't wanna become nothing but a stain on the ceiling. And I don't know what to do..
Sadly for me it's everyday life
Oddly no effect really. Not that I've really had too much diarrhea experiences lately to even know for sure. Also not willing to tempt fate by trying to induce such an episode
>>46435y bad thought you'd might be attracted to such a thing like I said I'm bad at roleplay lol
Sorry stomach cramp hit me. I meant to say

sorry my bad I just thought
Need a volunteer to gulp it down for you?
Bounced on my boyā€™s fart inflated hand for hours to this thread
Nice wattpad story bud
What the biggest size youā€™ve ever reached? How tight did you feel?
Does the strength of the smell or length of a fart affect how much you inflate?
I don't know much myself but the effects have their different strengths on my body depending on the strength of the fart, it's smell and god knows what else in it!

I'm not a scientist so I can't explain the details on it much and I don't exactly have it down to a key. But let's say I sniff a small fart it'll have a small bloating effect on my body compared to a large one. And smell doesn't matter either because Ive had silent farts expand me too before. But I can't rule out smell can irritate and set it off either cuz it has.. but that's as much as I know on the fart aspect right now.
(2.9 MB, 602x544, hopper-ball-jumping.gif) (2.7 MB, 360x202, 3k36r5.gif)
I don't know how to even respond to this one but I keep imagining somehow using
a overinflated hand like a bouncy ball
Donā€™t care didnā€™t ask + wasnā€™t talkin to you + ratio
I kinda wish that myself. I've recently asked doctors. Well the ones that didn't laugh me off a zoom call and to this day have no answers. All I know is whatever it is it seems obscure and possibly rare
I'll take that L I was just stating an observation I probably could do that fyi but I'd be too afraid I'd pop my hand.
(177 KB, 244x244, 1641465336653.gif)
interesting, your general practitioner at least should be serious about this. i sorta envy you because i have some clothes i wanna pop off of.
Does it at least feel good when you expand?
Sometimes... I mean when you have air flowing into your pussy how else are you supposed to feel
Have you ever purposefully let yourself expand a little to enjoy it?
Well.. even if I wanted to like your saying I try to hold back as I can't control it because I don't mind a horny experience as long as it don't kill me lol
Weird LARP but okay
Speaking of which I'm feeling a bit bloated today fyi (sure that probably makes some of you horny at the thought)
A hands all you get. I can't help it I'm probably one of those girls that suffer from manhand syndrome. But I never said you had to fap to it although I'm sure some of you probably get off to the thought of nutting in my hair

But I just wanted to prove I was a real person lol
>>46945 yeah we know you're a real person the question is are you actually a chick
(165 KB, 487x494, please don't cum in my eye.png)
Yes lol here's another pic but an eyes all your gonna get from my fart filled bum. Don't wanna give y'all too much lol I know at least one of you would probably kidnap me to induce a popping or something with my weird condition lol
>you probably get off to the thought of nutting in my hair
I only ask for a pic with your hair in it so you don't have to show your face. the hair with the id written on your hand will be enough to convince me your not a dude
>>46947 you could've easily gotten that off Google write your id number on it
I'm not drawing code on my hand lol all I have is a permanent marker.

I don't need someone looking at me weird next time I'm out and about like some crazy writing down matrix entery points to wormholes or something as I go about my day
>>46952 ok well write it on a piece a paper you have paper right?
(1.5 MB, 3120x4160, fingie marcy.jpg)
Tried my best to write it on my finger. Had to turn on flash to even get a good shot. My camera is so blurry lol

But that's the best I can do hopefully it's good enough for you
71cba6 is what I wrote
My og code

I'm watching you Wazowski
Off topic, but you have pretty eyes.
This all looks like something ripped straight from /b/ minus all the casual racism and antisemitism
How is this thread still going
YES. Like a grape in a MICROWAVE. I do love MICROWAVING GRAPES.
See I'm not wrong lol
The whole block probably gonna get more roasted by my farts more than the beans
God don't mention 4chan lol thought about hitting my problem up with them first only but my responses I would get would probably be errected dick pics lol
Why do i imagine this all becoming a report my post thing or something, not that im complaining, probably would be cool.
Why can i imagine this becoming a report my post thing, it sounds cool.
I can imagine just people talking in other social media about this, just like inflating from farts sounds strange but fun
Update I'm fine haven't popped yet lol but I'm still feeling bloated at times. I think I'm getting a better control over it though.

Only time will tell..

At least I'm alive another day and that's all that matters
Kinda a mix of both pleasure and discomfort from what I've felt on my end
Definitely an.. interesting thread on this site lol
as much as people are roasting this thread, it's clearly a hit, and fun to see how it progressed into its own thing lol
Hey Weird Chick, has your head ever inflated? Just curious!
A little once I sure if i pushed it I could End up in an air heads commercial
(841 KB, 856x640, ddvhiq4-4100ee21-5424-4a55-8d38-f3a3072894ba.png)
Lol reminds me of that one johnny bravo episode

I'm sure someone here would probably love to make a smut video with me for the interwebs

We could call it 2 girls 1 air pump
Even better and hear me out. Two Pumps, One Girl
This thread so needs to be more active, like its so amazing the idea of growing from flatulence.
To be fair this thread will only be active as people want it to be. At the end of the day still more than willing to answer questions if people bring them up.

Sorry I'm not more personally active but like I've said before when I'm in one of my gas attacks I'm not usually in the particular mood to do anything really.

I'm either fighting with pain or horny from these experiences. Still ask away and I'll answer while I can, if I can.
It's still really intriguing to me that my inflation troubles seam to be such an interest to you all lol. In more ways than one.
I mean it in a way like it could be its own thread in so many places and it would be a great thing to talk about, like its not something you ever see
Eh I'm just an artist trying to keep busy after all. So I'm looking around for new art ideas to keep busy until I get commissions
Im the same, it would be cool to be able to talk with other artists easier to throw ideas around
hey chick, is your skin stretchy or anything? curious if it is or not considering your expansions
It gets more malleable over time with each bloat up
Well I'm glad I'm helping some artists with inspiration for there works! At least my inflating predicament is helpful in some way lol so by all means feel free to use my likeness as you please guys for whatever fanart you wish to create
I'd ask of there is another spot to talk to you about art ideas but I don't wanna be intrusive
Well currently I don't have any other accounts for this kinda thing lol. Mostly private ones that I use in conjunction with family or friends. But feel free to draw whatever you like of me, really I don't mind lol! Do whatever you like! Same goes with any artist that wants to fantasize about me.

All I ask is share with the rest of the class once your done lol, or don't I'm not your boss.

Whatever you do I won't find it intuitive at all. This whole blowing up like a balloon thing is new to me too, but I'm getting use to it as I go about my day to day life!
If you want, or need to ask me something to help your drawings or drawing ideas, feel free to go about it right here! out in the open.

I'll try to answer to the best of my ability

I don't care.
I'm still alive although bloating been getting worse again. I swear some days I feel I'm one step back to zero
Although side note I have been taking your guys advice and exploring the more sensual sensitive nature of it all and I gotta say it feels quite nice? A little weird though. But I've even come close to climaxing once or twice! So at least that's something of note.

Anyways my laptops kinda on the fritz as of late, so sorry I can't get in touch as much. But I'm actually taking it in for diagnostic and repair later today actually. Guy on the phone said it could take awhile though. So you might not hear from me for a bit.
What's happening in this thread Joe Biden? Does this chick farts while she masturbates to her fart smells? Interesting.
Oh God guys! Tonight I'm feeling so BLOATED.. I just don't know how much more my body can take of this? My inside's feel like they want to rip apart, yet my skin keeps growing tighter! I swear I've never felt more orb like in my inflating experiences than I do tonight!
As pleasurable as it usually was now it's just starting to hurt. I fear for my life once again tonight! I'll reply tomorrow as a sign of life if I make it through tonight's bloating disaster intact... Just know if this is my end I truly appreciate all of you being apart of this journey with me!. Trolling and all aside, at least it's been good to have people to talk to throughout all of this! Marcy signing out, til sun rise.
What led you to this point? Did you notice notice the bloating until it was too late. Did you get distracted by the sensations, or carried away enjoying yourself until you could barely get to the vent in time?
We need more updates, surely theres more people with this...sudden affliction
Damn, feel kinda guilty how hot that sounds... Dunno if this has been real or a super elaborate rp, but this thread's been surprisingly enjoyable.
Here's hoping you make it though. Fingers crossed
Pretty much that and more really

Update: I survived the night.

But the gasses have been getting worse! Things have been going off the charts lately with no idea why? I was fine for awhile but the last week or so the expansions have been getting more ramped and erratic? I literally feel like a human balloon cushion! But that's not All it's evolving! The last two times I haven't even needed to sniff gas's to inflate, the gas build up was set on autopilot and I started getting bloating attacks out of nowhere! It's like at least with the farts I have a monitoring system and can measure the details to an extent so that way I know how to stop it. But with this new spontaneous change things are getting more difficult to control.

It doesn't help that on top of that I'm still leaking gas out when I inflate, which in turn just causes more bloating. Last night was pretty bad not gonna lie.

I felt as close as ever to true tightness as my body practically orbed out like a beach ball. My hands and feet just wiggling about as I wobbled around and cried! I felt like I was gonna rip apart but luckily it settled down and the only thing I ended up ripping was the clothes off my body.

And entire clothes bursted to shreads due to my fat whale balloon butt! Sad to because I really loved outfit..

Lucky I decided to kick off my shoes and go the barefoot route around the house before hand otherwise my swollen toes would have probably bursted though them too.. so luckily I saved my good kicks from damage!
Seems this thread is slowly evolving more and more, strange to think what you can find on the internet nowadays
Oh it's real believe me I'm living this ruff bubble butt road with all of you guys along for this hot air balloon ride (me being the balloon your riding of course)

But don't feel bad, like I said before if my predicament makes your horny feel free to bust one to me as you please! I'm not the type of girl who cares about such things. Although I can't help but get embarrassed when I think about all the strange fantasies you people put me though šŸ˜³.

And yet a part of me lately can't help but get aroused myself at the thought of someone squeezing and touching my swollen form or what they would do to me šŸ„ŗ.

I came into this with a disease and fear but I've now come into the mindset where I can even derive pleasure from the madness of it all!.

Although with the exception of last night probably being both the scariest and most painful experience I've had with this gift.. or cursed of mine to date. My skin being stretched out to those limits didn't feel very fun anymore. But I notice the first big stretches are always the most painful at first. So hopefully maybe next time I can get some pleasure out of it if it happens Again? But I gotta say it's Weird fluctuating in and out between this weird grey area of pleasure and pain, as with each blow up my brain becomes more numb to the pain aspect and becomes more accustomed to the pleasures of this stretchy flesh of mine.

I almost wonder if my body's molecular changes are also changing the structure of my nerve endings as well? I mean I've heard that your body drowns out the painful process of digestion so you don't have to feel agony every time you eat something..

maybe this works in a similar way?
I do have a fantasy where whoopee cushion being sat on results in a gassy butt inflation, and every time you fart, your butt inflated more as well as increased arousal
What does everyone think of that?
This has definitely become an interesting thread to witness
This would make an amazing server to be in if people wanted to make one on something like Amino or Dlscord, just being full of people with this strange yet...interesting condition, id even help take it off your back if you needed someone to share with
That's something that sounds like an interesting idea
Indeed, it would make posting a lot easier as well, although i feel the host should be our friendly bloating farter.
I keep seeing this thread on the main page for a while now, and each time it appears I notice it has many more messages than before. I wondered what could be causing so much activity, and after reading through the thread I think I get it.

So yeah, I'll go along with this.

I don't know how long you have been dealing with this, but do you think this condition could be conditioning you to get bigger? You've had a couple major swelling events so far, and every time you get really big you get close to bursting, but you never actually end up doing so. Whatever this is, it feels like it's stretching you out so you get bigger each time.

I'm not saying to overload yourself and get as big as possible, but I imagine if this keeps happening you're going to be huge a year from now.
I really want to have this too
Same, sounds fun and mysterious, definitely keeps you guessing.
I wonder how our queen is doing.
I've been stuffing my fat farm girls with Taco Bell because it's the cheapest easy food per calorie you can get. Now, as a group, they're farting more than the entire US cattle industry combined. If I believed the global warming shills, I'd be concerned with the amount of methane we're pushing into the atmosphere.

How is this relevant, you ask? Maybe the giant fart cloud reached her and she finally popped. I hope not, or I at least hope it was filmed. I'm not giving up my fat farm, though. The Taco Bell has been working. Some of my skinniest girls were around UdderlyAdorable's size. They're now beyond Carol Yager's alleged peak. My girls that were her size have ballooned even faster. That's how I've stayed sane without updates from our inflationary queen.
Damn, remind me to visit your farm for a...staycation next time.
It's nice to know your so cool about how arousing people find your situation, kinda makes it hotter if you ask me.

All cards on the table, it would be pretty damn perfect to meet someone with your condition. Be able to tease them and watch them swell up. Stroking and squeezing them as they bloat out getting tighter and tighter. Guess it'd be less fun from the other side worrying you'd pop?

Shame that your not up for sharing pics or vids... Though I do get it.

Would be nice to hear if you do manage to block out the pain. Hearing that you'd been sniffing farts to make yourself inflate purely for the pleasure of it would be the hottest shit.

Anyhow, good luck. Hope you haven't popped.
Do you think itā€™s contagious? Iā€™m wondering if itā€™s the gas itself multiplying or your body itself producing and becoming aroused by its presence.
At the moment no. I'm unsure though. I'm not sure if things like blood transfusion or long time exposure could trigger a Gene or something to be deposited in ones body. But I'm pretty sure it's not airborne unless it can lie dormant?
Oh don't worry as of late I've been able to get quite big actually. As of last time I was almost at full orb status and my biggest to day as of today has me achieving full beach ball form. But personally I think I've achieved the max I'd ever want to push it. I feel any tighter than that sets me into those danger flags. But it's almost unbelievable how what started as some mild body bloats has turned into an almost inhuman like stretch ability! I sometimes find myself starstruck in orb form just realizing the physical impossibly of it all, yet whatever this illness has done to my body has given every part of it elasticity!. I can't stretch my limbs that much sadly but I feel if I was more the gymnastics type I could really take this ability to Mr. Fantastic levels of crazy body manipulation now. I'm practically a rubber gal!

But still the biggest downside is as fun and yes arousing as the stretching has now become the uncomfortable nature of the expansion process is still my biggest Achilles heel. And popping still feels like a real dangerous possibility. Especially now that I've achieved orb form there's no possible other possible way but to expand my skin thinner.

And as I said before yes the pain is a downside but it gets better each expansion. I find I expand to orb with nothing but just arousal at my side. Only feeling pain when pushing past those limit's heck it's a farcry from last time where orb felt as painful as child birth.

So the bigger downside (outside of popping) for me it's breaking past those limits for the first time always comes at a painful price, outside of that it's a weird tingle with arousal like I've never felt before in my life lol. Still I feel like I shouldn't tempt it more than I have to.. the pain I'm getting now from expanding my limit feels more worry some. It actually feel more so like my body's trying to actually warn me of something this time. So if I can help it im gonna try to prevent further growth other than orb from her. I mean maybe when I'm orbed I'll try a few parlor tricks lol. I here some people like inflated hands and feet so I'll experiment with different things like those next ex poo expansion around!

Hope that quells some of your questions at least for ya, Always happy to answer more when I'm around too.
As for the gas part I'm unsure I do know when testing ways to control it I've found methods to induce it. But lately as bad as my farts have been I find myself not able to achieve orb with them so I've relied on more traditional routes from my research of your fetish methods
i.e. I've just simply got out a hose attached to my airbed pump and plugged it into my fat mouth.

I find even though farts inflate me ironically burping has zero effect? Maybe it's something particular with each strain of the virus, I couldn't tell ya. But since I was blessed with expansion-free burps, it's a method of deflation I relied on. It's not as powerful as a fart would be but it gets me back down to size slow and steady!.

So self induced hose via mouth cavity has been my induced method of choice.
I need this gene, would make life a little more interesting than it is right now
Is there something you did before having this condition that may have causated you having this?
I personally have no idea whatsoever?

I highly doubt I did anything usual upon the week leading up to all of this? But maybe it's just something I did that slipped my mind. Kinda just spawned randomly one day like a video game sprite proofing into existence.
On an unrelated note last night I went orb again last night! Word to the wise Yes hand and feet inflation is possible too in orb. But it felt kinda funny doing so. Gave me some weird new tingles lol, not to mention I felt like a big clown goof doing so.. it's not a personal cosmetic preference I prefer so I doubt I'll do it too much again in future but it still gave me some good new bubbly inflated feelings.

Tried a new method of inflation too! Shoved the hose down somewhere more lewd for a change of pace and we'll.. I gotta say probably the most orgasmic experience I've had with this whole thing so far! Feeling the air flood into my pussycat was absolutely great! But man was it a bummer when I rapidly farted it all out in a orgasmic let's just say.. frontal fart. Yeah I guess pussycat farts are something new I learned. Not only do they exist, but just like burps has zero inflation effects on me.

I guess if it don't come out the backdoor I don't have a bloat attack. Must be some chemical byproduct specifically from my spleen or something? Again maybe each form of the disease is different for each person?. (I can't test limits on someone that isn't myself)

But all that's just speculation.
I wonder what a Dutch oven from you would do to me. Would it make me inflate as well?
Were you wearing any rings, socks, or anything on your hands and feet when they bloated? Just wondering if it'd be enough force to pop them off
Doubt.. probably not. But not something I've really tried with anyone. Although giving I've farted in a room full of people once or twice (thankfully walking out before any noticable expansion happened) the crop dust never caused any chain reaction of randomly inflating people.

So for that fact I would say.. nope.
I mean sometimes. I was barefoot this time I tend not to wear socks around my pad lol. But the one time I ever had they kinda either stayed in place or slid off me.

I'm sure if I tried hard enough I probably could just distribute air into a particular part of my body, like my feet. Until my clothes bursted off?

I mean I've bursted a belt or two before. But lately I go with something elastic. I swear you haven't felt comfort until you inflated in some soft stretchy pajamas! They swell nicely and feel so good when they huge against tight skin. Feels like I'm almost naked sometimes!

Only thing I try to avoid wearing is Sharpe objects. So no spiked bracelets for this gal!
This chat is interesting
Any updates on the mistress?
Well update wise I'm good inflating as usual. I actually just began to deflate myself from quite the large blowup session and besides a few squeaks still in my belly I'm almost back to normal.

Gotta say this time around found myself with another fart attack so deflation was a little more difficult than usual but I'm back to normal and still in one piece for now at least
Been getting into more self induced inflation's as of late due to some unexpected horny streak I've been on so alot of late night self indulgence blow up sessions to get the juices flowing if you know what I mean.

Damn it I think I'm starting to gain an addiction to this because of all you horny frogs.
this is cringe as fuck
Can someone please perma ban me from this thread plz
Lol kinda a weird request but bipity bopity boo you shall never see this balloon again! Forget all You've seen here and become uncringed
But in all seriousness if you don't wanna be here why click on me? I don't know if your under some mind control spell where you can't look away from things you fear or something but sadly there's nothing I can do to help you. Outside of recommending a good therapist as a bonus she likes balloons so..

(She's a personal friend, yes she knows about my condition as of now and I'm.. I'm scared to be alone with her as I fear what she might do to me. She has self control issues and um.. into popping so yeah much scared šŸ˜Ø)
Could we get in contact somehow?
I'd like to get your lips around my ass and fart until you pop.
Um not sure like I said I mostly stay anonymous just to keep any form of harassment away. Like I said they'res alot of you at this point in time who would probably wanna burst me like a bubble
Sounds like a pleasant way to die or at least a horror villains beastly fantasy brought to life.

But your probably spot on. A consistent chugging of farts would probably inevitably end me. Not before sending my body through new highs of expansion first. I'd probably Uber and out swell the entire apartment complex before I explode into a rubbery (possibly blood soaked) mess.

Unless you kidnapped and brought me to your house then you'd be the one with the structural damage. Are your sure your houses destruction and insurance bills is worth me swelling every crevasse around you and squeezing you with my flesh until I blow?

Not to mention the smell from the farts stored inside me would leave behind would be ungodly to stand smell when finally free.
(Like a skunk filled atom bomb.)
Then again if you think you know handle a constant stream of your own fart juice blown at you all at once who am I to complain

But only you know the strength of your own farts
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>Are your sure your houses destruction and insurance bills is worth me swelling every crevasse around you and squeezing you with my flesh until I blow?
Not really into bursting/popping.. "^^ Just up for casual chatter I guess ^^ You don't really come across people willing to talk abiut this stuff so casually 1 on 1 I suppose.. But I can respect the anonymity "^^
I mean when have you ever come across a girl like me who has a condition like I do? I have to say probably pretty rare giving this is the first time I've personally ever come across an illness like this that bloats someone at will let alone turn them into a rubber band person.

Overall I find all this just as weird as most here but like I said before I'm happy to document my progress to hopefully protect the next person who gets it better. Maybe it's my casual nature in general or this new super fart power of mine I don't know but all I can tell you is I feel pretty chill talking with all you guys maybe that's why I'm so calm about it?.

I just feel like documenting and having some fun in the process of it all I guess.
The anonymous nature is just a safety precaution as like I said as fun as it would be to maybe chill with some of you in person and experiment with all of you I don't wanna die in the process lol.

I literally told my therapist looner friend and now she can't drooling over me Everytime she mets (which is fine) but the interest in me isn't the problem, it's my power. I feel if I was completely helpless at her mercy she wouldn't hesitate to blow me til I burst! And if she's willing too how many others would? Can you honestly say face to face with me your urges wouldn't get you carried away and cause my demise at the hands of your pump? (Or farts)

So for my safety it's the reason I remain this way.
Tbh..Probably yes I would be able to restrain myself. Im rather shy and tame so I would most likely die of embarassment before I would try anything lol. But I rather meant just online chatting "^^
Honestly as tempting as the idea is. Popping isn't something that I'd like to do. I'd have other things in mind but popping isn't one.
well this thread sure is... something
Well, its probably best that you are far from me because someone with your condition would satisfy my twisted and sadistic fantasies.

For starters I'd make sure you could only cum if you were bigger than last time, or maybe only if you were holding a fart in your blown up cheeks. Of course I would praise you all the while, but really you would just be a dirty fart filled blimp. I'd make you beg for my gas to fill you up until I let you get down and start rimming me.

We'd have a lot of fun riding, cudding and fucking you, and you'd get blown up and used...a lot. but you are a filthy fart blimp afterall, like most good balloons you'd pop eventually. I'd like to play with your rubbery scraps afterwards, but you popping would just be too gross and smelly so I'd probably just leave you in an alley or even better, a public toilet somewhere.
Id love to just chat with someone that had the condition, its nice to get to know people and id love to be able to help them deflate safely.
Honestly I can picture my rubber scraps shedding a tear in the alleyway as you fart off into you own mist.

I beg you not to leave me like this but alas your already consumed by your fart cloud
Well chat with me here I'm happy to answer anything you like any time. It's all anonymous so no worries spill your secrets to your hearts content
Oh? And what other things is that? Making me your personal advertising blimp? Perhaps a inflatable sex toy all beached out the size of a ball in your personal living quarters..

Pray tell I'm intrigued!
Something round and inflated for sure šŸ˜ƒ
If a fart sets off your expansion, and farting is the only way to relieve the pressure, I wonder what would happen if someone was to fuck you from behind. Would they be able to cum in time before your blimp of a body overwhelmed them, maybe? Your swelling ass cheeks pinning them in place if they take too long, securing their hips and plugging the gasā€™ only escape route.
Hmm definitely keep you as a personal inflatable plaything or take you out and make you bloat in public
did any other weird parts of your body (like your lips) ever get inflated? if so, how big did they get?
Okay this thread seriously needs to die itā€™s autistic idiocy. OP youā€™re literally autistic as shit you mustā€™ve spent at least two hours real time typing the massive amounts of text you have in this thread. Youā€™re so autistic you donā€™t realize that commuting to the ā€˜jokeā€™ this hard just makes you the clown completely with no ironic back up. Youā€™re just pathetic.

And DarkOne you are too. You both are. OP I donā€™t think you realize a huge subset of degenerates including DarkOne over here think farting inflation is the toppers tiers of coomer but turn on. OP you think itā€™s an elaborate joke but some idiots are taking you seriously.

This shit needs to be cleared away already.
Well I have as of now found other ways to deflate like I said as long as it's not a fart I don't think I can inflate from it chaotic wise. Can't say whether it triggered like an allergic reaction or just something biological to this virus of mine inside me. I have no idea if it's exclusive to me or a variation I just particularly caught. Someone else could get an allergy of a different form. Like something more cursed I could think of is water absorption. Like image inflated when getting wet, or sucking down oxygen. Im thankful I didn't get those variations as I'd probably be dead in a matter of a short time!

But just because I haven't had fart attacks doesn't mean I still can't inflate something about my biology over time has changed my skins kinda like rubber now and it's as simple as plugging a hose in and I'm good to blow.

As long as I don't get any severe fart attacks I'm pretty much good
Actually yeah I've even experimented like I said before blowing up things like my hand, feet, tounge even once for giggles.

Currently the other day I tried head inflation because it seams like a few particular cultured pervs favorites and well yeah it somewhat worked. Sadly no shrunken face it swelled like a pathern on a balloon and not too big of bulging out eyes outside of the frighted look on my face.

Probably not something I'd entertain too much as it feel too weird and I got very worried I was gonna burst my fat melon

But I can control a handful of body parts now even to everyone's fave some decent sized sweater puppies. Ngl sometimes before I go out not I pull out the pump and bump my hooters up a few notches. As sometimes for pranks I'll inflate my boobs in front of my therapist friend. I just love the flustered expression on her face as she watched them grow. Even let her recently cop a squeeze or two but that's the gist of what's been going on with me lately hopefully the info helped answer that question for you.
Interesting so it's a choice between personal sex toy or personal balloon on a sting taking a stroll through the park like your personal advertising blimp. Doesn't sound that bad actually. Would you put a sign on me as you parade me though town? And what would it read?

I'm betting someone like "5 dollars to blow a kiss into my blimp. 10 to fart. 20 to get funky."
Nigga shut your goof ass up
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Na I'm actually a pretty fast typer. Also I answer peoples questions with great detail sometimes also adding in event of my day to day to keep it interesting. It's not autistic as all when you think about it.

And who says I'm joking? I've never once said this was fake. For all you know maybe it is all just a troll but to me it's my life. And without half of you balloons I probably would have accidentally popped myself by now.

Believe me or don't that's up for personal preference but I do inflate and now because of your inflated pervs I get horny because of it lol.

I'm simply just documenting my life. And if you don't like that nobody said you'd have to click on it. There's like 20 other thread's choose something to your mind liking.

And darkones not pathetic, neither are any of this fart lovers, and neither are you.

If they happen to like my fart filled ass inflating from what I sniff that's up to each of them. Not you. Don't kink shame these kinkers!

And for a bonus like I said farts aren't the only thing that inflates me anymore this disease, this power of mine has opened up a whirlpool of possibilities! My biology is permanently changed! I'm literally a rubber girl now!

I can try so many different inflation's from farts to who knows what! It just depends on whatever mischief I want to get myself into on a day to day.

So let them take things at whatever face value they please. It doesn't matter to me.

I sniff farts. I inflate, in many ways!

So who cares what you think
Mr. Witer? What are you doing here? Are you here to force me to sniff your farts again. I told you last time what if your wife finds out?
This whole thread is so obviously one autist talking to themselves pretending to be multiple anons with the occasional jester joking in

The time stamps make that obvious. They also make it obvious you sunk at least like half an hour of your life into this this afternoon. Holy crap I canā€™t imagine that level of no life.
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jester reportin in, i check this thread once a few days for the funny
(2.0 MB, 467x348, b9a57e4f-589f-4a71-8404-6cbe9405d4e8.gif)
>this thread is one of the most consistently active on this board
>more active than the writing thread
>more active than the berry thread
>more active than the rant thread
>more active than the fuckin TMC thread at times
what the fuck
Let the retards be
Lol i 100% assure you I always tag any reply with my thread header name. If the username isn't "thatoneweirdchick" it's not my reply and your delusional if you think is go through all that effort just for attention. But I do admire the effort in your conspiracy theories keep popping them out their entering.

I wonder when someone is gonna drop that I'm a secret deity whos farts can destroy worlds!
Yes let the farts inflate us all!
Ah you were being sarcastic my bad stuff like that's hard to tell if it's playful or not in text form vs. Audible
This is why i like telegram more, less people like that and its easier to chat with people
And by people like that i mean people dissing stuff they hate because nothing better to do
I have a question, how is the relation with the clothes. I mean, how much shirts have you lost and how much money you spend on them?
Teleh grahm is trash

I've lost count. But full body means at some point I'm bound to pop something off if that gives you an indication
I agree. Telegram keeps messing up
sooo, what's the biggest that you have ever gotten since your body became more rubbery? did you ever start going into uber territory?
Like I said before about full orb maybe a bit bigger ever see one of those large beach balls about that big.
since you can inflate yourself in pretty much any way now, have you ever tried helium inflation?
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No not really lol I mean the thoughts crossed my mind but I doubt it would bring anything interesting to the table. It wouldn't just be a tank of gas. Even though my body does feel pretty rubbery it still feels decently thick and heavy like a very soft silicone or one of those realistic soft horror masks that use like actual skin. Like that! but with a little memory foam kickback to it!

So as soft as it is it still feels heavy like a shirt soaked in water. Giving that factor It takes a lot to actually float a human.

So to do me justice you'd probably have to fill me like a giant Macy's balloon until my skin is transparent as tissue paper condom thin before I'd launch off the ground.

Actually it would probably look alot like one of those helium wubble ball things.
Best case I'd soar high through the sky! At worst I'd probably just float slightly and bounce off the ground.

Helium's a tricky subject like that.
(3.8 MB, 498x211, explode-terminator.gif)
Actually now that I think about it you could fill me up with hydrogen. It's lighter and I'd float up fast as crap!

But then I'd be extremely flammable and highly unstable I'd be like a ticking reminder of the lhindenburg disaster waiting to happen. Not to mention it would be a unnatural catastrophe when I did go off.. the lives that would be lost..

Like I said if ever do detonate I hope I take as little to zero life's if possible with me. If I gotta pop so be it. But nobody should have to bury their loved one hell they're family pet even as a result of my atomic ass fumes
Whereā€™s our gassy mamma been?
Nothing much been doing things as of late. Keeping my glasses at non popping limits. But outside of that just experimenting with different inflation methods to bloat and blow up this small body of mine like a big fat beach ball

I haven't done anything in particular but I'm always up for trying out new ideas and giving you all my opinion how it reacts with my weird stretchy body to maybe give more depth on this inflation condition of mine. As well as maybe understanding how a real human body like mine actually inflates and ways it could possibly stretch.

But gassy mamas just been doing the usual as of late to answer your question
what inflation methods have you been experimenting with?
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All of them have been kinda listed above in depth. Not too sure exactly on all the ones I've tried but mostly full orb and individual body part expansion. Some of the weirder ones being hands and feet which give off a bit of a tingle when blown up. Almost ticklish! Also my hands ended up looking like inflated hospital gloves so that bits kind of accurate.

But outside of that head inflation probably felt the weirdest. Not bad, but I felt like I was closer to loosing my life trying that than anything else before it. Don't recommend it without risk to those who can inflate like me.
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All of them have been kinda listed above in depth. Not too sure exactly on all the ones I've tried but mostly full orb and individual body part expansion. Some of the weirder ones being hands and feet which give off a bit of a tingle when blown up. Almost ticklish! Also my hands ended up looking like inflated hospital gloves so that bits kind of accurate.

But outside of that head inflation probably felt the weirdest. Not bad, but I felt like I was closer to loosing my life trying that than anything else before it. Don't recommend it without risk to those who can inflate like me.
Have you considered trying to inflate every last inch of you, body, face, limbs, everything. Could even get your therapist friend to help you if you're willing to risk it.
Have you tried experimenting with your body, maybe make it regenerate after popping?
Is it bad that I want you to sit on my face and fart until weā€™re both swollen blimps?
Oh god the unfunny autist has returned and has brought along šŸ¤® inducing hands and feet inflation to the mix. I see theyā€™ve summoned their squeaker autist followers asking equally stupid questions. Touch grass, get a positive life, and self actualization instead of validation from mouth breathers and garbage tier outdated 2007 type troll threads ā€œweird chickā€
Get this fucking shit out of here already
This thread is wild, cant believe a rp thread lasted this long
Who says I talk to you all for validation? I have friends and family lol as well as a life. Don't come off with assumptions just because I've decided to document my weird inflation disease with you all. It's not like I asked to be a party balloon but I guess that's my life now lol.

And who says I don't touch grass when I can?Even in my inflated state I sometimes go barefoot just so I can feel it between my toes! I'm a genuine certified grass toucher so miss me with that deflated balloon you call an insult. Actually all your insults are deflating balloons so why bother trying? At the end of the day you couldn't hope to inflate as big as I have!

If your the deflating virgin I'm the ballooning puffed up gigachad girl.

And this will probably mark the final insult/ troll I answer because if anyone is looking for validation it's clearly you lol.

Now back to ballooning Business as per usual
Not gonna lie if I wasn't afraid of one of you popping me I would totally dress up in Spiderman cosplay and stick a hose in my butt for you all lol just to keep the joke alive and become a spider thread
How would you be inflating in this scenario? Wait! Do you have weird abilities too?
God be too scared to risk it. I mean your right theres a chance something weird like regeneration could be possible but the alternative is literal death! So I'm not in a rush to find out.
You mean like Uber? I mean I guess I could but I'd probably refrain from using said therapist friend as much as possible. Like I said she gets to weirdly into it. I can tell she clearly gets off to the idea of blowing me up like a big fat bubble Everytime I see her! Ever since I told and showed her this ability she's become the clean cut example for why I don't feel like sharing it with anyone else I publicly know.

So to answer that question not if I could help it.
Last time I went over to her home office girl jump surprised me, pinned me down, and stuck a bike pump in my mouth! She got a decent amount of puffs into me while she had me pinned between her thighs. She nearly got me fully orbed lucky I stopped her just in time before she immobilized me.

She was clearly enjoying every minute. Even got handsey and tried to hump and makeout with me blowing into me with her lungs at one point like I was her personal blow up doll!

Safe to say haven't spoke to her since and I've been scared to even think what would happen if she got me alone again! Probably be something like a weird porno.

"Therapist makes out with balloon til she pops"

I can only imagine what some pervert would title it lol!
Anyways as usual think I'm gonna dip til the next question arises don't have much plans for tonight so probably gonna Netflix and chill with a hose at my side. See how things go.

Maybe I'll try to push my limits again take that one dudes suggestion and try to Uber a bit? Who knows!
Have you ever considered becoming a clown?
No but now that you mention it I'll consider putting on a clown suit nose and all next time I get the chance to hit up party city to inflate in.

Clown inflation has bound to be someone's fetish in this channel! So might as well give it a shot for giggles.
What happened to this thread? Ngl o enjoyed it
sooo, have you tried uber yet?
I've been sitting on this for a hot minute now and questioning whether I should even say anything at all because of the nature of this thread but giving from the looks of how much my sister seemed to care for all of you from not only the message history here but personal notes I've stumbled upon in her diary entries I feel I should say it's with heavy heart I bring sad news to you all that my sister passed away some weeks back..

I've been sitting and pondering the way to bring this up. Or even if I should? For a hot moment now. But I feel giving all of you notice would probably be something she would have wanted you all to know. I'm still dealing with the stress of it all from burial plans costs etc. But after some time to process it all I've decided it would be in her interest and wishes to let you all know.

I won't say much about her cause of death noir do I really feel like answering any questions on the subject matter giving the emotions of it all but I just thought you should all know from what she noted about all of you guys or gals here that she deeply appreciated all your comments and love helping her through her "condition" in the end.

And I appreciate you all showing her the time of day in her final months. But that's all I have to say about all of this. I just figured you all deserved to know she appreciated that you all cared and the time you did give her so many of her diary entries are filled with the fun she had talking with you all through her troubled times.

I apologize for not dropping this sooner and appreciate everything you did for her. Thanks for listening and goodbye.
this is another u/ReligionOfPeace situation isn't it? I mean my condolences if it is true, but this gives me Deja vu
Literally the dumbest fucking ending to the dumbest fucking thread. Please never post again.
Can we please use this as a lesson to not let bull crap like this fester on the board. We got nothing but a fake drama situation that literally no one cares about ironically but itā€™s still too much
Just bleh
Can we please use this as a lesson to not let bull crap like this fester on the board. We got nothing but a fake drama situation that literally no one cares about ironically but itā€™s still too much
Just bleh
Itā€™s not itā€™s just some overly lonely person that needs therapy to cope with the crazy amounts of bad news weā€™re all getting. Keep your head in check yā€™all
I hope she went out with one hell of a Bang!
Ass gases and all.

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