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Decided to finally make a thread for all the drama and stuff I see here in bbwchan..

So y'all can let out your arguments when they really get heated here instead of letting them consume another thread..

Feel free to leave a backstory or screenshot of whatever topic for the other thread you argument started in for context here or don't for all I care just go into it all confusingly idk.

Anyways this is just for when small arguments grow too big for their respective channels and need more space to balloon and sort themselves out.

Memes as well as other inflation pictures allowed for funny context or whatever pretty much anything goes in this one chains off

Only rule is try to be kind ish and no sever stuff like hate speech directed towards other's or anything serious like that..

Anyways blow yourselfs up and off to your heart's content guys and gals

Go crazy, go cell!
Sometimes I feel like half the people with an inflation fetish are either braindead or just fucking stupid with no idea of social cues, like the ones in the edit thread requesting edits after edits after edits and then when they get what they want they don’t even acknowledge the work put in and ask for more, it just pisses me off for no good reason, maybe it’s because I make similar art and recognise the work put in but I just don’t understand why these people have not even a shred of decency to say thank you or think maybe that asking for several edits at once is greedy and brings down the willingness of artists to contribute.
Then you have the people trying to push this fetish to become something mainstream when all they are doing is making people uncomfortable and ostracising this community from the public even more, fetishes aren’t meant to be mainstream because they’re extremely weird to anyone other than someone with that fetish and I don’t get how people can’t realise this.
I hear ya that's why personally I lve been trying my best to tackle a request or 2 myself just to give back. Problem is for me and my hand steadyness it takes me like almost 7 to 24 hours per drawing. Kinda brings me some heavy fatigue sometimes..
As far as the mainstream factor I m on both sides. I believe we all shouldn't be simping but at the same time when people think inflation art they tend to go to things like Sonic weight gain with slob and stuff like that's not even sonic inflation yo...

Anyways at the very least we should try to make this fetish known for what it is which is pretty tame.. many different types and forms of inflation yet people always look at the worst most disturbing ones as .. yup this is # DeviantArt general when majority of it's not..

Theres hardcore and softcore stuff.. so many different things
Something else I have a problem with is the massive inclusion of underage characters or characters that very obviously look young in inflation art, I understand to a certain point if the character is 16/17 and looks older etc but seeing characters that are very obviously children just disgusts me and at the end of the day it’s pedophillia whether they’re real or not
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Same at the end of the day it's all fictional drawings but yeah I feel the same. In my personal opinion though I've always felt for a majority (the very few not actually pedos) that it's less about the characters age and more about there designs and traits. I've kinda nicknamed this theory the green Tennyson effect giving even though she was a kid alot of people prefer the kitty shirt and short hair with her design rather than her redesign.

Legit turned her from a quirky Barbra Gordon Gwen Stacy into a Mary Jane Watson. (Not a bad design choice but legit feels like a different person entirely

Proof is literally in the pudding since originally and I believe it's only an episode in the first season/series her adult design looked like this and felt like the natural way to go.

But theirs some proof to this theory of mine
I share this sentiment, Im an artist, was asked to draw a pokemon character who is clearly underage and got spammed on my dms to do it when i refused.

Most people aren't willing to get their hands on this (thankfully) even if we were paid for it.

Extra: Goes for anything but if you want a certain thing custom made for you, comission it or do it yourself. Requests may or may not open but even then we won't be doing everything for free.
True be we also gotta do something some of the time so these threads don't get bumplocked by idiots or go dry.

But your right breaks and patience is key on anything you draw
Also most pokemon characters being underage probably stems from the whole legal age to hunt being 10 years of age that in itself is also kinda fucked in my opinion at least wait until you kids 15 plus and more experienced to throw them out into the world to hunt wild animals!

Like legit 10yr olds legit fighting grizzly bears armed with nothing but baseballs how does that end well?
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Shit, since we got this thread, imma use it. Look, I'm gonna be honest, a good 60-70% of the people into blueberry inflation have got to be some of the most socially inept mfs on the planet. Inflation in general has its weirdos, but berry stuff is the WORST with it. I'm sayin' all this as someone who like berry stuff, but goddamn, some of the people into this are fucking insane. First off, most morphers are absolute dogshit. I can think of 3, MAYBE 4, morphers that make somewhat good morphs that don't look like absolute nightmare fuel, or look like some dumbass who barely knows how to use photoshop. Shoutouts to SBBeauregarde for somehow doing this for years, and still just slapping women wrestlers heads onto the fuckin 05 scene, and calling it a "morph". Oh, and then trying to be some figurehead of the "blueberry community". Dude, its a fucking kink. Its not feederism, which you could AT LEAST, call body posittivity, its not BDSM, its not something actually important, its a fuckin fetish based off a remake of a childrens movie, based off a childrens book.
Speaking of morphers, remember MagicKristina, or whatever her name was on DA? Some OBVIOUSLY AUTISTIC (and im not saying that as a derogatory thing, I mean she obviously had some form of autism) GIRL, who was getting morphs from people of her as a berry? Yeah, that entire deal was fucked, because look, call me a moralfag if you want, but helping some girl with her berry morph comic and posting it publicly when you KNOW mfs are gonna blast rope to it is kinda fucked up. And she's still doing that, last I seen. She probably has no idea its a kink thing, and is just interested in the violet scene, yet people are helping and encouraging her, just so they can get off to it. Actually fucked.
OH, speaking of interest in the violet scene, so fucking many people are SO FUCKING OBSESSED with the factory scenario, and/pr the violet scene, to the point where they're getting comms, or drawing their characters in the goddamn tracksuit or the dress with the belt. Some people even have a fuckin kink for singing the oompa loompa songs, which im sorry, but thats fuckin weird as shit. Theres so many creators who almost have all their work be based off of this exact thing (Frankie Loompa, Bakaberri, Weeb-Lord, etc.) and I s2g, it is the most boring, uncreative shit ever. Going back to the morpher shit, people who somehow get off to blue spots on girls noses are fuckin weird too, same thing for people who get off to girls just being blue. At this point, just watch the original scene.
Berry fuckers are so socially inept at times too, like I swear to god, how the hell are there so many berryfag replyguys. The fuckin MOMENT anyone mentions the blueberry scene, wears a costume, etc., every single berry fetishist crawls out the woodworks, and starts slobbering and cooming over themselves, and they cant HELP but to let them know. They drop a weird reply or comment about how "hot" or if they wanna got for that extra skeeve, "cute". They can't fuckin help it man, swear to god.
And then theres the TMC replyguys, holy shit. There are no beings more ABSOLUTELY BRAINDEAD than mfs in TMC replies. Heres a fun game: go sign up or log in to the tmc forums and take a shot every time someone says "any new berry clips?" you will DIE, dude. Same thing goes for their twitter, the people there are just as coombrained to hell. ESPECIALLY joseph barnes. that guy is a MASSIVE SPERG and an encapsulation of all the fuckery of those into this kink. Generally creepy, socially inept, etc. He ended up getting blocked by ziva or somethin, and regularly talks about wanting to buy a berrysuit, and would spam squeaklatex's replies begging for one. dude even claimed he was getting free clips from tmc when hed report some one for pirating. you want a tldr version of all the problems with people into berry stuff? there you go.
and obviously not everyone's like that, duh. but like i said: its a good 60-70% of people that are unfortunately.
I’m actually tired of our prudish society and making it more difficult on finding inflation content online.
Another thing is, just not enough new types of content like animating inflation comic or turning stories into comic or animations.
Finally, no one to give new ideas a chance, like more transformation via overinflation, or butt inflation caused by a magic whoopee cushion.
And don’t get me started or male inflation haters how freak out at the mention of it.
I'm not gonna go full on loli defender here but there's a weird irony that we're talking about a fetish that is all about creating impossible dimensions of the human body, but fictional kids are the limit. Sometimes people just like character designs, I have zero problem if they're aged up for the purpose of expansion art. If we're talking about just generic cartoon kids in the buff I'd be more inclined to agree but we're talking fictional characters undergoing impossible transformations. It's two layers away from anything actually nefarious.
The whole lazy morph shit made me stop liking blueberry inflation.

In the end, it's just water inflation with extra steps.
I've been looking up berry stuff since I discovered it was a fetish in the late 90s. A sudden WTF type moment for me when I realized I wasn't the only person. I've been around the block and seen it all since then from the alt: newsgroup stories to adventures of berry girl to freakinweirdo's "please kill me now" creepiness to the current 3D stuff. There is good content and lots of shit as well but there's more than there ever was back when I started. I hate people like sbbeauregarde, riddlercorps and some others that have appointed themselves spoke persons of the "berry community." When you need to host a 3 hour long podcast about this you know you're fucked in the head.
idk if we have a janitor or what but so many of these threads serve no purpose and shouldn't have been allowed in the first place.

Like the thread that has a bunch of replies from just one dude begging for the Mystic Magna Maidens comics. Some people are making these threads as a personal stash of porn just for them. There's the guy who opened the Big Hero 6 inflation thread but said no pics of dudes were allowed.

Just let people save what they want from the existing threads and set a cutoff time for these dead and useless threads to be deleted
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Ok first off with how depraved people can be as well as straight forward I highly doubt she doesn't have a clue people be fapping too it! Like autism or not. Nobody is that clueless outside of maybe Goku's dumb ass..

Maybe she is but come on.. your telling me not 1 dumbass made a sexual remark about it in her DMS..

Somehow I think and hope to God she knows and just doesn't care ( maybe she low-key likes it or something freaky)

But your right on that if she has no clue that's fucked!.. but I highly doubt it only because you sir there and tell me some internet idiot (if not 5) haven't dmed something like dick pics, erotica, or something to give that away?.. high doubt. This world's not that sfw

If it was carebears would exist and shit

I read this and I think YouTube..

Like it could be a teedy bear inflating like a balloon and popping and YouTube would flag it as sexual content, strike the channel if not straight up Purge it!..

I'm afraid to do inflation animations and stuff because of this! Like do I really wanna loose goggle as a resource for something like that nobody does!

Like you think I'm kidding guy who ran a clip account that reposted every inflation scene in cartoon media got purged..

These are scenes out of kids shows legit made to be safe!.. yet YouTube sees sexual content.

Totally spies can get away with this crap yet we can't?

No fetish content they say.. well I have news! Technically.. if somebody BUSTS A NUT TO IT.. it's fetish content..

And Lord knows some idiots will nut to a watermelon or a banana or some shit.

Case in point the age restriction button is their for a reason..


for fucking real lol..

Anyways that's how I feel on youcunt
If I were to go solely by your writing abilities I would think that it wouldn't end well for you at all. For many other young people, on the other hand, they would do just fine. I wouldn't be so quick to open my mouth next time if I were you.
True it is.. only time I'm ok with 05 Violet edits is reface.. but that's it. Most suck plus girls legit underage.. draw yourself some of age bitches lol and fuck outta here with dat shit

Like cartoons are one thing but irl people.. another
Quadroverse does some amazing 3d stuff especially since they've been editing the model faces out for real people.. $100 bucks but if your down he'd probably inflate your favorite celebrity!.. and he'd does animation's too!

"Insert celebrity inflating like a parade balloon here"
I agree only on the beg threads.. if we start asking mods to delete random ass threads they'll start purging shit randomly so yeah we'd clear shit but loose out on good shit too. Personally way I see it one it gets bump locked and stuff is archived from it. Then purge it.

With the exception no beg threads particularly of paid content. Unless it's like kitten owned or lost media and shit

Personally some of the random ass threads are some of my favorites.. like legit click on something. Someone brings to light something from obscurity. Ya learn something new.

Those are my favorite types lol
Wtf is that threat shit for lol. I make a joke about how pokemon trainers probably getting shipped home in body bags like it's a call of duty Pokemon WWE crossover event with game freak and you come at me like will Smith bout to wind up the backhand
Bitch you thought I meant hunt CHILDREN what in the edp cupcake fuck! I meant hunting pokemon you can't become a trainer til age ten. It's like canonly in the first episode with ash and shit. That's why it dawned on me. Of course a character is gonna be underage if ya literally sending kids out in the world to hunt like their davy Crockett.
I figured giving Pokemon is like up there with Spider-Man, Goku, Superman, Batman, and shit as the most popular media giant in the world as well as the content that people probably watched the pilot like trillions of times shit like that was implied and not needed info..

Shit lol.

Anyways next topic please!
I’m all for an auto delete after necro. There’s no reason to host so much crap after awhile. Some people rant about “archiving.” I just see it for what it really is.
The excuse they use to justify their public hoarding obsession and trying to project it out onto the rest of us in the “community” in their image.

Nobody cares what weird college kids jack off to just handle your own archives.
You're out of your mind, appearantly. I don't know you or care to know you. Even if you were will smith, I wouldn't suck him off like you would, but that's your perogative. I stated a simple fact. What you stated was obley-gook or perhaps bb-talk.

The fact that you immidiately thought of threats, generic FPS video games, fantasized violence, and the like has more to do with your personal life choices than with me. I would like to note that unlike they I am not a figment of your mind. I am as real as the devil you serve. Only difference is that I am better. Which brings us again to your original comment.
I'm all for an auto delete after necro. There's no reason
to host so much crap after awhile. Some people rant
about archiving. I just see it as the excuse they use to justify their public hoarding
Nobody cares what weird college kids jack off to just
handle your own archives.
Well I thought more or less like watch your tone or something like that. Not like you were gonna kick my ass or find my ip address lol

Yeah your right my word phrasing is a bit off

Wtf with that last part figment of my imagination?, "I am as real as the devil you serve. Only difference is that I am better. "

Like tf
Well I mean some threads like lost media and request channels have original content. Shit like that particularly lost media stuff don't you think that should be preserved somewhere or givin a deletion waiting period of let's say maybe a week or less give or take how long it would take to archive
Like depending on it it's just a little content or like over 1,000 images!
If I was capable of that feat (through use of technology) the CIA would kick my ass because it would make me a foreign spy agent. Not
I meant that I am better than the devil in every way imaginable. That's all. He knows it too.
Damn for a minute I thought I had written this and forgot somehow. Yeah I've been following this kink since 2005 after discovering it while starting puberty. We went from like 3 good artists to now hundreds and just an influx of constant content. But yeah I hate that these dudes like sbbeauregarde and especially riddlercorps fucking act like they're titans that have existed in this community forever when both are relatively recent and post the most basic shit. And riddlercorps has scammed people multiple times with projects requiring money only for them to do nothing, claim it is happening, posts photos of him and wife traveling and out constantly, and then rinse/repeat with a different project that involves money. Also him being the head of that Vice article written about the kink. Fuck that guy.
Plus I don't understand why people would want to be proudly having clout in a weird fetish. Like I made some crappy content on DA back in the day but now I have people every once in a while when I reach out to them to compliment their work say that I was one of their earliest inspirations when they discovered the kink, which is crazy to me since I have 0 artistic talent.
Still we gained 100s of artists but I feel we also lost tons of good content mostly suit stuff
Unironically the best bread on this board right now.

I'm glad I'm not alone in those sentiments about SBBeauregarde, riddlercorps, and various other shitbirds that fly in that circle of massive faggots. Textbook narcissists, the lot of them, high on huffing their own exhaust in the midst of their echo chamber pisscord servers full of simps and coomers that just feed into their egos as well as bank accounts. It's how you can talk for three hours about a "fetish community" and being self proclaimed leader of it without having a moment of self awareness.

I'm kinda with you on this one. Yes, she is clearly autistic, as shown by her other content and style of writing, however, I find it highly presumptuous by some that she is oblivious to the nature of the average persons infatuation and even a bit demeaning that even though she is autistic, isn't functional enough to grasp even the slightest nuances regarding sexuality. That being said though, if berryduke resorts to writing a long winded speech about how he felt bad about doing morphs of her because of her innocence, it may be worth something second guessing.

This may be the most retarded comment in the thread. "Prudish society?" We live in a society that mirrors the Weimar Republic of Germany in the 1930s almost exactly, where homosexuals can perform sexual acts in the middle of city streets in broad daylight, ranging from drinking each others urine to shoving an entire forearm up a man's ass and nobody bats an eye. Hell, they're being praised as "stunning", "brave", and " powerful" and put on a parade for it sponsored by every billion dollar megacorp in the country while simultaneously being so "oppressed", you can shove that one right back up your blown out asshole. Secondly, "male inflation haters?" Let me give you a clue: nobody gives a fuck about your sexuality on the internet, have as much of male content as you want. Even I, as a heterosexual male, like male content (especiallly when it shows a female along with it, inflated or not) because it gives me a reference for inserting myself into the fantasy. What people don't want is for it to be lumped in with the rest of the female content, simply because the majority of us are heterosexual and don't find it attractive. I'd be willing to bet though, you're that same douche nozzle that was in the imbapov thread that couldn't get it through his egg shaped skull that some people arent interested in making male content because they don't find it appealing to them. TOO. FUCKING. BAD.

This is one of the reasons why so many people have grown distaste for the whole LGBTQOMFGBBQLMNOP community, your whole fucking personality revolves around who you fuck when nobody besides the religious people gave a fuck to begin with as long as you kept it in private, yet you screech like the faggots you are for special dispensation at every turn. Go suck a dick with your butthole and fuck off.

It's strange, isn't it? I feel to a point that these people have more than an unhealthy obsession with this fetish when they are adamant about archiving their porn. I'd understand if maybe it was some amateur stuff you made with your wife, husband, whatever, but just some drawings or videos you want to preserve because it really helps you bust a nut? Simply fascinating while being mildly disturbing.

Such as? Most of the suit content is still available in one form or another, if you're talking about females wearing suits. As per males in suits, there's more of that lying around for free than anything.

Notice the reddit-spacing as well. Coincidence? I think not.
>Shoutouts to SBBeauregarde for somehow doing this for years, and still just slapping women wrestlers heads onto the fuckin 05 scene, and calling it a "morph"
I fucking HATE those morphs. mainly because it's lazy, and using a base of the original/05 movie is weird
I hate popping. i don't understand the appeal that burstfags see. like why does seeing someone die a horrible gruesome death so hot to them. i don't understand
I think it's build up and arousal upon bursting you burst emotionally.

That's how I've always saw it
Oh fuck off your high horse. I'm just trying to stir up conversation cuz I'm bored and offer counter arguments.

You don't have to agree on what I say 100 percent we're all people with free opinions.

I wasn't even talking about you here yet you obviously feel the need to bring yourself into it to get that clout lol..

But you know what fair enough. I'll shut my yap for a bit. Have fun fighting amongst yourselvesi don't care. Peace out I'll pop back in in a week or something maybe say hi or something.
Thanks for the defense man appreciate it.

On the archiving thing I don't know I just feel with YouTube being well.. itself and everything there's no permanent place to put things and people always purging lately.

Is there particular things I find help me nut.. not really but everyone has nostalgic favorites ya know.

Like asking someone to eat 1 food once in your life and never go back to it again lol

But people put so much work into these arts and animations it's always sad to see that work blood and tears be for nothing but a trash can
Anyways bye y'all I'll officially check back like a week or something have fun
if you think that guy was defending you, then you really are socially inept
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Well you know what I mean

This part thing. I don't fucking know lol I'm tired And bad at para phrasing shit sue me I'm human.

I guess I should has said I agree as well or some shit
Ok maybe a little I'll at least give you

1,5, and 7.

The rest fuck you!
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Fuckin forgot the photo anyways goodnight night stupid bitch making my ass overthink this stupid shit
Also who the fuck hates ordering food.. like who the fuck has a door dash phobia?
Considering most Door Dash/Grubhub drivers are niggers, pajeets, or spics, I wouldn't trust them with my food.
Maybe people purge because they want privacy and not have obsessive weirdos jacking off to and posting their shit years later?
And like other anon said they’re attacking you not defending you you fucking idiot

You’re proving that people that think like you are fucking brain damaged.
Hey speaking as a progressive leftie I’m sure you’d hate I have to say that besides the bigoted shitty color commentary you’ve been completely correct this entire thread. Tbh there’s only one sperg on here desperately trying to justify their shitty 2018-mindset on this whole “community”. Let it go. We all moved on already besides you.

There’s never going to be a “mainstream”. People don’t give a shit about what you’re jacking off to. No one wants to archive shit because every site that could even do that is slowly disappearing/fading away and for good reason. No one’s rewarding you for hoarding media you’re compiling in public collections without consent. It’s 2022. A new decade. Stop living in the 2010’s social media “influencer” zeitgeist and get with the times.
Maybe people purge because they want privacy and to not have obsessive weirdos like you jacking off to and posting their shit years later?

And like other anon said they’re attacking you not defending you. You clarified but still
You’re proving that people that think like you are a few quarters short of a buck. Also stop trying the erase the scene, even just the concepts, from this whole thing. It’s literally the entire origin of this. It’s garbage when people like you try to force their own personal view of what this should be on all of us just because you personally can live without an aspect of it. Fuck off

Besides the bigoted shitty color commentary you’ve been completely correct this entire thread. Tbh there’s only one sperg on here desperately trying to justify their shitty 2018-mindset on this whole “community”. Let it go. We all moved on already besides you.

There’s never going to be a “mainstream”. People don’t give a shit about what you’re jacking off to. No one wants to archive shit because every site that could even do that is slowly disappearing/fading away and for good reason. No one’s lauding you for hoarding media you’re compiling in public collections without consent anymore. It’s 2022. A new decade. Stop living in the 2010’s social media “influencer” zeitgeist and get with the times.
Maybe people purge because they want privacy and to not have obsessive weirdos like you jacking off to and posting their shit years later?

And like other anon said they’re attacking you not defending you. You clarified but still
You’re proving that people that think like you are a few quarters short of a buck. Also stop trying the erase the scene, even just the concepts, from this whole thing. It’s literally the entire origin of this. It’s garbage when people like you try to force their own personal view of what this should be on all of us just because you personally can live without an aspect of it. Fuck off

Besides the bigoted shitty color commentary you’ve been completely correct this entire thread. Tbh there’s only one sperg on here desperately trying to justify their shitty 2018-mindset on this whole “community”. Let it go. We all moved on already besides you.

There’s never going to be a “mainstream”. People don’t give a shit about what you’re jacking off to. No one wants to archive shit because every site that could even do that is slowly disappearing/fading away and for good reason. No one’s lauding you for hoarding media you’re compiling in public collections without consent anymore. It’s 2022. A new decade. Stop living in the 2010’s social media “influencer” zeitgeist and get with the times.
Holy fuck op this thread is so much worse than expected. I'm not sure if I've ever seen so much outright bigotry condensed into one place.
I get it. I've purged art in the past too because I've gotten a weirdo or too. That said how much you jerk it to something doesn't matter to me when I draw something. Fuck to it as much as you like for all I care. If I'm gonna purge it's more from an idiot comment or threat or ya know. So I need to explain weirdos..

But I haven't come across many.

Personally Im not say I treat old works like religious artifacts I nut upon sunday mass too
just that same to see good artists with good works go.. they work hard. It should be appreciated.
I like archiving people's work because they're for new bases for my morphs, and if they nuke their account odds are you won't see them again. Sometimes you will, sometimes you won't. It's a toss up really
Dang.. maybe your right on that. Like legit personally never got that vibe or mindset from this "community. But I look around.. I see cords are deadish and inactive as much..

Maybe it's true people are just numb to it all.. I mean you see enough crazy crap in this world and it's bound to happen someday. Maybe I just preserve for the sake this kink doesn't get lost into obscurity. I've even been finding myself archiving less and less each day just. Not giving a fuck outside a few small medias.

I wasn't even originally gonna comment today I mean that. But I just wanna feel and get to an understanding of it all and when I see an interesting view point I just feel the urge, even if what might come out it's just dumb dribble that doesn't help much. But if it helps a little it's all that matters.

You right on that personally I don't think Inflation will ever become mainstream. The death of ridiculouscakes YouTube channel and the like 3 or 4 hate videos by shitty cumtubers prove this to me. If a member like him can't get meme status this fetish has no chance. Outside of a vtuber comment or two that will bring their kinks to the light that will probably get dmed by horny weirdos to oblivion and all it will take is one tard with something extreme to have them all crawl back into their shells and say fuck it.

I'm drowning on but ya get the point I don't think it will be mainstream in any way but if it does in a few years ( in a good way) and hits us all like bricks.. feel free to have some idiot here make whatever post on it.

Besides with all this work crape mainstream isn't really the best idea anyways. Yup probably be worse in ways I can't even see. But I know would happen.

Anyways Where the fuck was I?.. I don't even know I'm just too tired to type.

I guess like you said people don't give a fuck bout what you jack it to and the end of the day that's all inflation is.. something to jack it too
Also a comedic interesting television cartoon trope. Which was it's original intended purpose before horny was ever involved
I’m annoyed that more and more sites add a sign in wall. New grounds recently added one and I wanted to listen to inflation audio. I am getting worried about our community, especially for those who hav limited internet access.
I was admittedly angry earlier I apologize on the tone and some words but I appreciate your response. Your reflection seems to have hit a lot of it on the head. It feels like the internet overall has completely changed since the pandemic started but the Pornhub crackdown really seems like a huge inflection point for the NSFW part of the web. I really think the levers of society are moving towards keeping things like this out of the public eye to protect private citizens from potential blackmail from foreign actors in the future

That’s my read on it it’s a whole thing
>Besides the bigoted shitty color commentary
Why do you type like a quivering faggot?
Lol the thread got too nice for you so you had to try and incite. Imagine being so lame lol
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I often wonder whether indulging in this fetish is bad for me or not.
And I don't mean this in a /pol/tard "hurr durr it's degenerate" type of way. I'm thinking about it mainly in the stoic/Epicurean sense:
>No pleasure is in itself evil, but the things which produce certain pleasures entail annoyances many times greater than the pleasures themselves
When I'm sitting here wanking to impossible, imaginary scenarios, I feel like one of the rats used in experiments with electrodes delivering pure pleasure straight to their brains. Those rats pressed the button that delivered a momentary hit of ecstasy instead of drinking water or eating food.
Addiction to any shortcut to pleasure will be problematic, so that's not unique to the inflation fetish. There is something unusual about inflation is that it's entirely imaginary; acting it out IRL often does not come close to the level of eroticism reached with a few visual aids. I don't even find actual sex to be as pleasurable.
There's definitely a level below which indulging in inflation/wanking creates no problems. Maybe I'm over that limit, maybe I'm using it in place of something else I need more but don't have. An unhealthy overindulgence in wanking doesn't make itself obvious physically the way overindulgence in food or drugs would. You have to pay attention to yourself mentally and be honest with yourself about why you're doing it and how you feel about it.
It's also a perverse situation in which you get more pleasure from pixels on a screen than you do from a flesh-and-blood person.
All of this points to the likely solution being to step back from it for a time. Then maybe the missing thing, whatever all of this is a substitute for, becomes more obvious.
Of course this is all highly individual to me but WTF is a rant thread for otherwise. Just posting in case any of this is helpful to anyone else.
Good take . Still if it's a celeb thing or something don't get why what famous people do with their misters and mistresses behind closed doors should have any effect on us regular bunch lol

If you don't want a famous person to get into trouble and hurt their careers police them instead not the public lol
Maybe but it's better than doing heroin or hard drugs to get the same type of kick. So at least feel better in that sense you could have always found worser addictions to get those feelings
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Literally exactly what you said. Can't think of anything other than the blue suit and factory. That's it.

I always wonder how these people have gotten this far
>belle delphine
lol even.
idk how they got that far either, but then again, people have shit taste when it comes to berry stuff unfortunately, especially when we have actually pretty good creators and stuff nowadays.
This is a weird fetish, it's fine to indulge in it but I'm glad people in this thread are bringing up to the issue of autistic kids online posting themselves with no awareness.

I've seen too many autistic individuals using real names, faces and other private details on accounts they use for Inflation shit. It genuinely bothers me. Like we need some sort of intervention to push these people off the face of the internet for their own good.
Or at least bring awareness to their eyes on the subject matter so their not taken advantage of. Part of me feels we shouldn't just kick em out because they're brains wired differently lol. But yeah I agree to some degree they need awareness of what the fuck their doing at least because creeps will take advantage of them
I keep thinking of that cold ones video now where she found out about the dj bapho bathtub inflation or some blueberry morph of her and made a joke about it
Thank you for the rant. Very cathartic hearing someone else describe these garbage morphs as nightmare fuel.
I kinda hate the blueberry bullshit as a whole. The more super-specific a fetish is, the more I'm convinced there's some unhealthy obsessive element to it. Normally people need to generalize their fetish to some extent in order to actually find content that satisfies them, but because of how widespread the blueberry obsession is, they have more than enough """content""" to last them a lifetime without ever leaving their childhood comfort bubble. It's very insular and disturbing. If you can't progress past your first fetish, I'm sorry but something's wrong with you.

Also one of the only times I've been ghosted by a commissioner after I finished their piece was by this one little weirdo who's DA is a gigantic collection of hundreds of commissioned art pieces featuring his (very childlike) self-insert character literally inserted into the cleavage of women riding motorcycles. I managed to convince him to let me try something different with his concept, but he ghosted me when I said I had finished it.
Now I just don't respond to people with super-specific shit tier fetishes.

I'm not sure how many of these people are ESL or just deranged lol
It's time to ask yourself what exactly it is about the fetish that gets you off. Try to reverse engineer it. Is it the feeling of getting a girl in a situation where they're helpless? Or do you yourself desire that helplessness? Does inflation represent overindulgence? Or does it invoke an image of pregnancy? Once you've pared down your fetish, you can try to re-evaluate what you find attractive so that you can actually interact with people in the real world.
>It's also a perverse situation in which you get more pleasure from pixels on a screen than you do from a flesh-and-blood person.
You have to realize that all the pixels on the screen came from the mind of a flesh-and-blood person. You can reduce the act of jacking it to your fetish down to having your sexual desires fulfilled no matter how absurd. The content itself doesn't matter, it's more the fact that you have another person being attentive to your needs. Effectively we're all jacking off to the feeling of being understood. So find someone that understands you, and who you can satisfy as well.
I can’t imagine writing such overlong cathartic crap just because I’m that insecure about my sexuality and want everyone else to be too.
FYI you’re a loser. You contribute nothing of value.
I also have a completely unsubstantiated yet plausible conspiracy theory that Warner Bros./Netflix have a vested monied interest in ruining this community and have definitely infiltrated it now in some capacity to muck things up.

Such as saying mentally insane shit like the blueberry aspect shouldn’t exist. I’m wary of any anons that do anything to mess with the community as a result now. To the dumb useful idiots like yourself I say stfu and visit a therapist. If you already do find a new one.
My interpretation of inflation:

Bondage, but w/ your own (or someone else’s) body as the restraint, more or less.
If someone was being paid to ruin a super niche fetish community, why would they need to seek therapy? Not only is this some serious paranoia, but your story is inconsistent. Just because there are people in the general inflation community that think blueberry stuff is weird doesn't mean there's a high profile psyop being carried out. Get real.
Spend your childhood on /int/ and you get a knack to tell a-part the underage, autistic, and non-Anglophone.
I absolutely agree with pretty much 90% of what you put down. The only thing I will disagree with is the whole "Loompa Song" thing. The only people I know who had this as a part of their kink are pretty much in it for the "humiliation" aspect rather than a desire to completely emulate Wonka. Which leads me to a rant of my own where the worst berryfags are those who absolutely have a hardon for humiliation. I've never seen a spergy blueberry artist who drew their blueberries enjoying themselves. It's all "Oh my oh my this kink that you enjoy I dislike so much!" and it gets grating. But I concede you're on the money that shoving Anime McProtagonist in a Violet suit is so fucking unoriginal to the point it's just annoying. "Undertaker33" has spent thousands of actual dollars to see his anime waifu turned into a blueberry, specifically in the Violet suit. It's become such a problem that if you search for fanart of said waifu innocently, you're likely to step onto a minefield of terrible commissions he's had done of unoriginal blue suit 'n' belt combo berries. Also the dude straight up calls it "fanart" despite the fact he paid for it because no one cares about his stories. He's managed to ruin two communities with his hardon for an anime Violet.
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>artists you follow rarely, never, or hate to draw infl
It hurts.
Yeah, true. (: /

I’m an enjoyer of BB myself and such, among the other categories for years now, but even I’m aware to keep that shit to yourself and to not be weird about it.

It’s not damn rocket science people.
>the worst berryfags are those who absolutely have a hardon for humiliation
fucking true, its ALWAYS the ones who love the humilation shit who tend to be the more faggy about it, like goddamn clockwork. best example is that one guy on /d/ berry threads that would intentionally start shit by talking about berry stuff involving the berry liking it or whatever was "soft shit" and berry stuff should be rapey or whatever. idk if he was a troll or what, point it he was a fag for continously doin it
You both sound brain damaged and astroturfed as hell go to sleep
>brain damaged and astroturfed
tf how is this astroturfed? look, idk if youre a berryfag and some of this hit too close to home, but im a berryfag too, and yeah, a good chunk of em act like goddamn spergs. people agreeing about something isnt astroturfing or whatever
I don’t understand how you don’t realize talking like this makes you sound outdated and stuck in 2017. No one hates berry people here try harder DWB
Lol this thread still exists. Thought it got berried 🤡
I DEADASS SAID >im a berryfag too, SHIT, I EVEN SAID IT IN MY ORIGINAL POST (>I'm sayin' all this as someone who like berry stuff)
god, reading comprehension has fuckin TANKED hasn't it. These aren't 2017 opinions, whatever the fuck that means, and it ain't outdated either. Fuckers are still bein weirdos about their kink, fuckers are still makin dog shit berry morphs, shit hasnt changed since the dawn of DA. People are fuckin weird when it comes to berry stuff, simple as. And seeing as multiple people in this thread agreed with my initial post, maybe, JUST MAYBE, its because people have the same opinion, and not some fuckin gay-op to change how people feel about blueberry inflation. Its a fuckin bbw-chan inflation board rant thread, you think this is gonna change anyones fuckin mind about anything? if you legit get your belief systems from imageboards, you need help. Like I said, if this shit hit too close to home, or whatever, im sorry, but deal with it: 60-70% of berry fans act fuckin weird on the internet. dont get pissy at me because youre in the percentile.
Thanks for proving my brain damaged point.
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I don't like joyshit. It does nothing for me. It's an outright turn off. There are images which I have edited a few pixels in a smile to make it look like she's not smiling, that's how particular I am about it. I tried making joyshit-free threads in the past, but people came in and ruined them every time so I gave up.
I can't speak for anyone else but in my case I don't even like rape or overt humilation. I only like humiliation if it feels natural in the contest like being rolled, getting stuck, clothes popping off.
>durr ur brain damaged
literally no real point to make, so ur just fallin back on buzzwords huh
someone over in the bbwdraw rant thread brought up how the current obsession with trans talk in the community is comparable to bronies turning everything into ponies, and that's been living rent free in my head lately

I'm just here to blow ladies up into balloons, it's not some Kubrikian analysis of my sexuality you fucking lunatics
(168 KB, 1280x1506, blutaba_by_nuumatic_df5p9qe-fullview.jpg)
Same for me. Nearly all of my expansion stories do involve non-consensual scenarios, so of course the victim should experience humiliation while she witnesses her body undergoing some drastic changes. Even if it was a consensual scenario, her also feeling regret would make it much better than simply enjoying it.

Though, I also love it if the girl experiences both humiliation and still being a bit aroused during the process. This sort of contrast really works pretty well.

I will never understand the appeal of those morphs and movie edits.
Thank you for this you’re so correct. Especially in saying berries don’t need to literally be raped or have ten tour guest characters unrealistically teasing, poking, and mocking them. It’s excessive and stupid. That being said exactly. Within the context of the story it isn’t even ‘humiliation’ it’s just part of the vibe.

It’s obvious you’re some self hating teen with the idiocy you spew and way you type. Hop offline and let the adults talk

Yeah whoever it is obsessively ranting about berries here is just some self hating socially unconscious loser who would come after any other ‘inappropriate’ fetish. Sorry you can only fuck missionary and have the balloons THEY want. Clown 🤡

Using the movie as a base for inspiration is alright as long as you’re being cognizant about it. That being said making the brain dead shit those idiots have been making for nearly a decade is an abomination
I'm going to step in and at least say that even though you're right humiliation is personal preference I believe some interaction with the guests isn't bad as if you remember the guests getting curious about her expansion is a part of the original scene. But how that gets interpreted I guess is up to the artist.

But at least expect one verulca type
Definitely a giving masochist

Going by everything else, wouldn't Selfish Masochist be inflating yourself?
I think there's a more fundamental problem that I have chosen the wrong axes. I don't know what other dichotomies there are though
>you get inflated vs someone else inflates
>sadist vs masochist
The problem with the above is that you can't masochistically inflate someone else, so there's no square for that.
So there's some other factor/spectrum I've left out that makes more sense.
Inflate them so that you get crushed underneath them?
Or maybe somebody being inflated to proportions way bigger and more imposing than you, and the helplessness turns you on.
Dang girl with the guitar would make a fun balloon! Or maybe just her alone with the berry in a little intimate makeout session turned overinflation popping attempt via blowkiss.

If the juice isn't working fast you can always add a little air to blow her faster
bro I'm gonna be honest how is there not a boss in a video game that's blueberry inflation related?
Damn I'm that entire right side lol
Blue flavored gummy bears stuffed with berry goo by playable character.

Did I mention the bear has gummy titties?
>gf so into noncon (euphemism) that she had to record the consent in case the neighbours called
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>Draws amazing and creative art that only kinky retards like me would ever dream of seeing

>Draws only furries and the most disgusting looking males you'll ever see

Kill me now
What is with people writing stories that are like 8 pages long? Who the fuck enjoys that when fapping?
What is with people writing stories that are like 8 chapters long? Who the fuck enjoys that when fapping?
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I can easily go for a solid hour before I decide to cum
Hey, one of the editors from those threads. I decided to learn to make my own drawings after being a requesthog or reqfag for way too long. I've been there but I decided to want to learn to develop my skill but I had to stop taking request when I went to other sites like DA because I kept getting request bombed everywhere. Doesn't help that like you said, instead of saying THANK YOU, they go on to ask for more without so much as a thanks, shit hurts. At least If i do request I like I get a picture of a thing I like as a bonus and a thank you if Im lucky. A few kind words go a long way.

I can see why artist stop doing request or choose to randomly do them if they see one they like.

As long as the FICTIONAL character isn't literally in diapers (Rugratz), its fair game imo. Another reason to learn to draw if you want to get it yourself if your that desperate. Seriously, get a pencil or pen and just sketch and practice, it'll get you farther than begging and you learn a skill at the very least.

The thing I never understood with Pokemon characters is people are fine with drawing some of them and Gwen for example but Bonnie for example or Misty are no go's (Most of the main cast is 10-11 except for Hilda, Rosa, and Bianca who were canonically 16 according to the game manual. The reason they get so much more now is because they're the oldest pair of main playable characters. Not sure why Nintendo decided to make them older but fun fact.
Some people think you should cum for the the fetish fuel but stay for the enrichment of a fulfilling yet tragic story
Well for all those who haven't said it thank you if you are who I think you've done some amazing shit in said thread. But even if they don't say it I like to think usually thank yous are implied and people are just idiots and it slips their mind to say it at the time. Personally I wouldn't get mad at it too much only time I've from a personal place made it a reason to get pissed with someone I've made stuff for is if they be an extreme Karen over it which is extremely rare. But over time I've learned that to you want it draw it yourself bitch part for me though is drawing isn't fluid or natural as it is for most with me. Means I could be spending hours on the most Mundane shit some can pop out like butter.

Like you said practice makes perfect though so I'm sure at some point whatever mental block I have will break Free harder than a anime protagonist beating his fetishes into they're enemies!

Most important thing I always say is pace yourself even if somebody requests like 5 things it's your choice what you wanna do. And even if you wanna be a Chad and do all of them just take your time fatigue is a mother's butt that will consume the fun out of anyone! So make sure you never loose that spark like so many have.

Art can be difficult and like you I think over time drawing shit myself I've realized that. Here's something for the requester cumloads here. Be patient. Believe me if it cums it comes.

You'll know the same feeling once you try to draw something yourself and you get a better understanding for where artists come from and I understand patience if I can recommend any advice for somebody who hasn't drawn only begged. Do so. Draw something. Anything complex. If anything less just for the simple sake of understanding an artist's patience and maybe it will give you a new perspective on them growing the relationship between picky commissioner and artist
No it’s just painfully obvious SB is a fucking loser who can’t read the room and thinks tormenting people for fame and clout is okay. We all know this is you trying to justify your bullshit stop being literal cancer.
Also Joseph Barnes literally had like high levels of debilitating autism and other obvious mental issues. The fact that SB thinks psychologically torturing a mentally challenged person is okay proves how mentally challenged and lacking of empathy he in fact is.
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>literally had like high levels of debilitating autism and other obvious mental issues
you know that doesnt excuse shit right? like, being shitty to people cant be excused with mental disabilities, you know this right? even if SB is tryna clout chase (which is entirely possible knowing him), they arent wrong, joseph is a known creep. also trying to use this excuse, and in the SAME FUCKING POST, you say >proves how mentally challenged and lacking of empathy he in fact is
shows me that all this shit is just some wack ass virtue signaling. its not fine when sb shittalks a mentally ill person but when you do it, oh its fine, fuck it? get real dumbass, as much as a douche SB is, hes right. joseph is a fucking creep, and deserves to get shittalked, simple as. of all the shit heads in the world to defend, u chose joseph? fuckin wild bro
SB shut the fuck up we all know this is you.
This is harassment and defamation. Milkmerz account got banned for a reason.
You’re completely in the wrong and horrible. Stop publicly harassing and stalking people. It’s not 2017 anymore slandering people isn’t society’s jam anymore get with the times.

Get better at art or talk about positive things. What you’re doing is wrong you’re harassing an individual in the name of “stopping harassment.”

You’re wrong period.
You’re literally picking on and publicly bullying/shaming someone with mental disabilities.
They’re literally pleading for their life to you in that thread and you continue to harass and publicly humiliate and slander them.

You are an unempathetic monster.
And that’s not “virtue signaling.”

Virtue signaling is just the excuse you use because you lack empathy like normal human beings and want to lie to yourself that everyone else is faking caring about others.

No it’s just you you’re unempathetic and need to stop and self reflect about the pain you are bashing all because you want to humiliate some guy that doesn’t even have a coherent state of mind.
Also this “shittalking” isn’t some internet game. These are real people with real lives and you’re deciding to be the Judge Dredd of their lives all because you think you can abuse the power.

No one deserves to get “shit talked”
That’s literally the whole point of stoping harassment please stop using all of this as a flimsy excuse to harass people.

Seriously you need to be a good person and let this go because it’s wrong. This isn’t about “history” or “helping people”. It’s all about you, getting revenge, and hurting people who have been moved on with their lives. You have to be a good man and grow SB
>SB shut the fuck up we all know this is you
literally not but ok
>You’re literally picking on and publicly bullying/shaming someone with mental disabilities
>called SB mentally disabled in their second post
dude, im not SB, but look, joseph barnes is a fuckin creep. i showed proof as well, him in multiple peoples replies with unsolicited and creepy shit about his fetish. it doesnt matter if you have autism or not, going in peoples replies and comments talking about your sexual fetish is fucked up and not ok, simple as. and like i said, SB is def doin this for clout, i mean shit, he made the original iceberg post because a much more popular creator did it, and thought "hey, if they retweet it, easy clout". but all they did initially was put the dudes name on there. didnt elaborate on what he did, just put his fuckin name on the post. and the only person who responded to that shit was JB. not to mention, that tweet was made fuckin 3 days ago, and only has 6 likes and no retweets. so what harassment campaign is happening? shit, barely anyone into this kink know about JB, i only know because of this board lmao. so again, WHAT HARASSMENT CAMPAIGN. you're spazzing tf out, making multiple posts over a tweet made 3 days ago, claiming that a literal who is harassing another literal who, to literally nobody. and again, in case you havent gotten it yet JUST BECAUSE JB IS AUTISTIC OR WHATEVER DOESNT MEAN HES NOT A FUCKING CREEP, NOR DOES IT MEAN HES EXEMPT FROM BEING TOLD TO STOP BEING A CREEP
You’re obviously SB that’s why you’re so invested, have all those screenshots, and are waking up and posting in European hours.

Dude get help. This is wrong on all levels seriously you need to get help. This is wrong and you’re doxxing on top of all this other shit. You seriously need to stop.
This is literal harassment. You’re the bad guy here. This man is literally unwell what part don’t you understand. You seriously need to get help and stop harassing this poor individual he’s literally pleading with you and under duress. That’s textbook harassment SB. If his caretakers find out you can be in literal deep defamation legal shit.
>You’re obviously SB that’s why you’re so invested, have all those screenshots, and are waking up and posting in European hours
>people dont stay up late
>people dont like looking at weirdos online
>people dont show other people peoplle being weirdos online
>you’re doxxing on top of all this other shit
literally how lmao, cuz im posting screenshots of his public twitter???
also i love how you havent acknowledged any of JBs shitty actions at all, but you equate just talking about him as harassment
“You’re spazzing tf our”

Says the guy typing in all bold red letters.

Dude seriously self reflect for just a bit and realize you’re the one spazzing out, projecting, and in the wrong here. Get help and stop hurting people.
His actions are mute SB are you the law? No so why the fuck do you get to harass someone? You’re harassing them period.
It’s harassment because you’re a private individual causing stress and duress to another who has already told you to stop. This individual I won’t name has the grounds to get a restraining order on you at this point and worse.

Person this is about if you’re reading this talk to someone you trust about what’s going on and show them. Don’t be ashamed. SB is harassing you and it’s wrong.

SB if you’re reading this fucking stop this and change your ways.
Also it’s common practice even on image boards nowadays to cover all names and photos of people. It’s standard practice now regardless as long as they’re not public figures which practically none of the people you want to talk about qualify as such.

You live in the EU you should know about right to forget and other similar things. Point is in the year 2022 not blurring details, even public ones, of non-public figures is tantamount to doxxing/harassment.

You really want to share the same behavior and vibe as that asshat Dream?
>are you the law
>saying someone has the rights to sue for defamation and saying someone is wrong
>His actions are mute
ok and just like that i know you dont actually give a shit about harassment because JB literally harassed multiple tmc actresses, one of which blocked him. actual hypocrite
well look, idk if youre some dickrider, or maybe youre JB since we're pretending im SB, but have fun defending a coombrained reply guy who keeps harassing porn actresses
btw im insulted you think im european lmao
imagine unironically living in ireland, much less britain
SB you’re just wrong. You don’t harass others period. Stop this nonsense pretending to be an American isn’t changing the obvious.

What that person did was wrong but you don’t fucking counteract with harassment. Person this is about talk to someone you know seriously.

SB this is textbook legal harassment I would stop while you’re still ahead. Stop.
At the rate he’s going and the bad evil devil influenced karma he’s brewing up SB will die from a karmic brain aneurysm sooner rather than later.
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not on bbw chan but still upsetting to me
>new inflation artist on twitter
>draws some nice stuff, a bit scuffed but has potential
>someone calls them out as a tracer and post an image of the original one
>it's not traced, it's clearly a referenced image
>new artist fucks off because everyone thinks that he's a tracer
(297 KB, 1000x900, Buttko.png)
*fucks off because he thinks that everyone sees him as a tracer
Sorry you guys got harassed by a couple of retards who think that some other retard is just allowed to say whatever they want and nobody can say anything about it.

Who was the artist?
I usually don't get involved in these threads but I wanted to clear a few things up. I know that I'm going to get the usual insults and phrases thrown at me which I'm fine with but I figured, I'll go ahead with this.

Firstly, the guy who mentioned the thing about Joseph was not me. As I'm writing this, this is the first time that I've read the post. In regards to thing with Joseph, the piece was simply an iceberg that is usually done in most communities. When making the iceberg, I included his name in one of the darker sides due to his public comments towards some of the models. Obviously, he replied and I can admit, I took the comments further than it should have. I was in the wrong in that case. After it was over, I felt shit and took the time to give him some advice on how to better express himself towards models and just women in general. I messaged him privately and talked to him before giving him an apology. Since then, I took down the piece and the comments as I felt that it wasn't right to keep them up.

Secondly, the other guy was not me. I'm not using a VPN and our ID's are different. If you want to give me hate, that's perfectly fine but don't like give this guy hate just for his opinion on this.

Thirdly, if you feel like my content whether its morphs or podcasts is shit, that's fine. That's your opinion and you are entitled to it. I'm not going to rebut it or say that you aren't wrong but I make my content for fun and for the people that enjoy it. I know that its not everyone's tastes and that's fine. I just enjoy talking about this stuff and talking with people within this community.

Lastly, in regards to the messages saying that people like myself and Riddlercorps are in this for fame and money or that we want to be the heads of this community, you couldn't be further from the truth. I'm not trying to be a leader of a figurehead in this community. I'm just a guy in this community trying to make something enjoyable for people in this community whilst trying to help out others whilst also trying to help out those who feel uncomfortable and ashamed to enjoy this fetish. I'm not the best morpher or content creator, I never will be and I'm far from it given all of the talented people in this community. In regards to money, I've never asked for money unless it was in relation to commissions. I've kept all of my content free for the public. This includes the podcast which even when it was posted on Patreon for a week or so, was left there for free. I don't care for fame or fortune, I enjoy living a simple life and being around people that I like.

Yes, I'm expecting the whole nobody cares comments or nobody is going to read about your life and shit. You're all here to jerk it and get content which is fine. I just want to clear up some things before this gets too out of hand.

I care and I accept their apology and change of heart. That’s a huge thing and I have a huge increase in respect in reputation for SB now

I thank them greatly for proving they have more heart and sense than most people.
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Any time I think of berryfags I immediately think of the anon who told Gene Wilder about his fetish. They really are the most socially inept motherfuckers alive.
Oh that's me, basically what happened was that I posted a drawing where I referenced from a FFL drawing cause I love his stuff, then I got called out by Venya as a tracer, getting blocked before I could explain that I didn't trace shit. Shit sent me into a frenzy lol
well you didnt trace, ill give you that
you did basically copy the whole damn picture tho, like goddamn, these are basically the same pose holy shit. you do understand how these pictures look extremely similar right? you do understand how someone would think youre a tracer right?
yeah I know lmao
I should've mentioned that, it's just that I'm pretty much new to fetish art so I wanted to play it ultra safe
your art's great dude, don't quit because of some fucking morons that don't know what they're talking about
yeah, now with a calmer mind, i'll probably just keep drawing. I posted my newest drawing in the art thread too
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aight then i guess. look, im no picasso or some shit, but tip for the future: don't just copy other peoples art like that. like, referencing a pose is one thing, you straight up copied the proportions and even the way the skirt rode up. now if you wanna do your own stuff, make sure to study other peoples art. best advice i can give is if you wanna get better, you need to study other peoples art and stuff. get books (or just look up pdf downloads) for art, the morpho books are really good for this. but yeah, dont just outright copy other peoples art, take inspiration, but dont just copy
this is a good video about the topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THgHFFDbiiw
yeah I know, I'm already doing more original stuff lol
Thick skin and emotional skill are synonymous.
Does anyone know what happened to Alex Beauregard? that kid was everywhere a few years back, he was so obsessed with 05 violet that he wanted to become a male version of her, going so far to dye his hair blonde and getting an tracksuit closes to hers. he's basically ruined his future job prospects
Why does no one fulfill requests in the caption thread or the edit thread except for the three people who actually do? Everyone else just requests.
4 technically. Edit requests are fine I feel edits can be a tad hard because the goal is to draw something in show accurate style to match the original image. Not only that you have limited pose options available as poses are kinda set in stone depending on the pose in each image

Personally I'm more wondering why the fuck nobody's doing jack in drawing request. Like shits been dead for months

Say what you want about edit but at least the artists post there with some sort of consistency every few weeks or maybe month or months.

It's been like 5 to 6 months and nobody's done much in drawing outside of a few things. It's mostly just requests piling up..

Also a bonus answer to edit is artists are given time to work on things as they please to not feel overwhelmed most draw threads are set this way technically it's all requests at days end so the artists choice what to do at what time.
Personally who cares if he or she is doing it for free and they use a reference body or parts of one it's all meh. As long as they don't get preachy or smug about it no skin off my back

Hell edit requests sometimes require tracing over the old body to rehydrate it so to speak. If you like a pose us it as inspiration for your work. Like I said just don't act all high and mighty about it. At the end of the day most things in this world aren't original anyo
More. Some idea comes from somewhere that just how it be after years of saturated media
idk, edits take time and are hard but there are lots of artists around
And caps are stupidly easy to do and take a lot less time, its just that no one wants to do them
There was a rule that went, if you fulfill a request, you get to make a request, but those requests aren't being fulfilled
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>MagicKristina probably has no idea that inflation is a kink thing.
I agree she's not the brightest bulb but come on, let's not delude ourselves.
Anon is a gigachad and people should sexually harass actors more often.
>>45696 I've spoken to her a few times, and she tells me she understands its a fetish, I've met another girl similar to Kristina, Machine Queen, she isn't interested in blueberry but fascinated body inflation but in formal office suits, the only thing crazy thing she's done is photo shopped her family on inflated cartoony body's, like Kristina she doesn't like nudity.
>Most of the main cast is 10-11 except for Hilda, Rosa, and Bianca who were canonically 16 according to the game manual. The reason they get so much more now is because they're the oldest pair of main playable characters. Not sure why Nintendo decided to make them older but fun fact.
Hilda and Bianca are 14-15 according to Junichi Masuda (not that it matters because they're fictitious characters), Rosa's age is never confirmed. Hilbert and Hilda were made older per Masuda's request. And only a few of the protags have confirmed ages (Akari doesn't count because an NPC guessing the player's age doesn't mean shit.)
(30 KB, 779x776, tobias.jpg)
I finally did it, lads.
I painted myself blue so I could jack off and fantasize while gazing upon my blue body & blue cock.
Later, in the shower, I could feel my dignity going down the drain with the blue body paint.
(3 KB, 225x225, download (8).jpeg)
I'm blue da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
I don't tag because personally wherever it ends it it ends up I could like Purge one day so who knows but I don't really watermark and I don't really strike down my works if they get stolen or edited as well

Maybe so part of me doesn't care who knows why but this is how I do it and how I continue to do it

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