
(27 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg)
I'm not a mod and I have no idea why but this has been going on for a hot minute on here

From the "report my post" texts everytime you mention its name to legitimately now a person getting banned for it..

I don't know why the hate for it but personally it's non of my business

All I'm hear to relay is probably not best to mention cord in any way shape or form or even show your profile info as it could put you at risk of ban.

This is something too big now to ignore so I figured I'd properly inform you all.

You have all been warned.
>>45275 (OP)
traditionally, telling people to leave/communicate outside of a chat site is a bannable offence.
hurts the forum by not keeping users on it.
other chans used to ban people for even mentioning external sites.
I get that but the guy in question didn't have a Twitter or anything outside of that for personal reasons he tends to keep his inflation art bbwchan exclusive but with the way purges and thread locks happen it's good to have an alternative way of contacting someone. Plus not everyone wants to talk about things publicly either.

At the end of the day if anything seamed off limits to that rule it would be something like cord

Especially since bbwchan has an exclusive cord. Although I'm not even sure about that anymore given every time I end up clicking on invite link invites me to nowhere.. so what's probably disbanded with probably means that mods have some reason in particular but God knows it must last on yourselves.

At the very least people end up knowing what's been going on lately as cords have been a common talking subject thing lately
>>45275 (OP)
Pisscord is a shithole full of trannies and child groomers. I agree with the jannies not wanting shitheels coming here
Child groomers I understand, but what's the problem with trans people?
How much time do you have?

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